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<aaabbb> question about the internal aac encoder. the -aac_coder flag default is twoloop, but the coding method "fast" says it uses a faster version of the twoloop algorithm which is worse at bitrates lower than 64kbps but is better at higher bitrates
<aaabbb> is the documentation saying that "fast" is simply particularly bad <64kbps and not too bad >64kbps, or is it saying that "fast" is better than "twoloop" at >64kbps?
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<snoriman> Hey! I'm looking into IntelVPL for video decoding and curious if I'm lucky and that there is interop with OpenGL? My guts tell me that there is still no (cross platform) interop, but maybe someone knows more about this?
<JEEB> if you want decoding utilize vaapi on linux and d3d11va on windows, instead of the intel-specific API. since it then utilizes underneath those two.
<JEEB> this also allows supporting AMD with the same.
<JEEB> and nvidia on windows since *all* vendors implement d3d11va
<snoriman> I was thinking about using onevpl as it works both on Win/Linux; so I only have to focus on one API... or can I maybe simply use ffmpeg lib for that?
<JEEB> yes you utilize the hwaccel selection based on pix_fmt when initializing the decoder
<JEEB> either VAAPI or D3D11 one, specifically
<snoriman> ah I see, thanks! so I (luckily don't have to worry about VAAPI)
<JEEB> d3d11va is windows only, so if you want intel (and amd) on linux it's needed
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<JEEB> but yea, I know there is non-copy hwaccel for vaapi in mpv with opengl rendering, so I expect there is a way to import a vaapi picture into GL
<snoriman> ah ok thanks! I'll check mpv
<JEEB> also I think libplacebo's FFmpeg helper stuff implements VAAPI import as well
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<cousin_luigi> Greetings.
<cousin_luigi> Can I use ffplay with hwdecode?
<haasn> michaelni: what name do you prefer, SwsContext2 or SwsScaleContext or maybe even something like SwsGraph (alluding to the fact that it internelly implements a more sophisticated operations graph)
<haasn> I'm leaning towards SwsContext2, if not AVScaleContext
<haasn> not only is it shorter but it also makes it clear that it's an upgrade with slightly different semantics
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<haasn> maybe prefixing all functions by sws2_ is overkill
<haasn> but I'm worried about API confusion between v1 and v2 functions
<haasn> well, I well keep the code as written for now (avscale prefix) until a discussion/vote can happen on the ML
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<michaelni> haasn, if its intended to primarly represent a graph then SwsGraph is a good choice. I dont think anything can be confused, parts of the current API should either become deprecated and removed or updated and continued to be used
<haasn> It's meant to replace sws_scale_frame
<haasn> The problem mainly stems from functions like avscale_test_format which may be confused with sws_supportedOutput
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<haasn> if we rename it to sws_test_format
<haasn> I can see format support diverging between the two
<haasn> if we add support for more things to the new impl before the old is fully removed
<snoriman> When I create a AVFormatContext/AVCodecContext, etc.. and initialize a hardware accel, is there a way to verify that it is actually using the hardware based decoder (e.g. when receiving frames) ?
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<DeHackEd> assuming you select a specific codec (as opposed to auto-detection) make sure you select one for hardware. I'm pretty sure no codec supports software fallback. if the necessary hardware is missing or unsupported, it will fail.
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<JEEB> DeHackEd: proper hwaccel based things are the usual decoder + HW pix_fmt hwaccel setupp
<JEEB> snoriman: I would not be surprised if it would somehow fail when trying to init the decoder if the format is not supported
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<snoriman> JEEB: yeah I was looking at the hwaccel example and pixel format selection seems like an important things; besides initializing the right hwaccel type and setting the `hw_device_ctx` on the `AVCodecContext` there's not much to it, it seems at least.
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