BtbN changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.0 is released
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<Curid> is there a recommended docker image with good hwaccel support?
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<BtbN> You can't (easily) have hardware acceleration in a container.
<BtbN> The userland has to match the kernel, and permissions are a mess in themselves.
<BtbN> Why even use a container at all? Seems like pointless complexity.
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<Curid> Some people demand docker image, 75% of the downloads are for it
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<BtbN> So far I only see you :D
<JEEB> at least nvidia apparently recommends some specific config for containers, but no idea how generic that is.
<JEEB> and basically I bet you have to bundle drivers etc
<JEEB> since the container would then just have access to the hardware
<BtbN> yes, nvidia has a whole set of tools for CUDA in docker, which copies a boatload of stuff from the host into each container on launch
<JEEB> lol
<JEEB> I guess that's one way to do it
<BtbN> It's the only way to do it, since the userland has to match the kernel module version
<JEEB> yea
<Curid> try to find one without a docker image
<JEEB> yea we know that generally for <random stuff> docker containers are often utilized for testing etc
<JEEB> it's just that for hardware interfacing specifically there are certain things that make it less simple
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<DeHackEd> yeah, nvenc almost certainly requires a match of kernel to userspace driver versions. all the opengl stuff definitely does...
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<olspookishmagus> hello, could anyone please share (explaining would be nice too) what's the equivalent of this: to ffmpeg's equalizer?
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<BtbN> That's not an equalizer
<BtbN> for pitch-changing, the most capable solution seems to be the rubberband filter
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