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<slobodan> Hi guys how can I set constant bit rate for my MPEG video I tried -b:v 624k -maxrate 624k -bufsize 624k but Im getting cpb: bitrate max/min/avg: 9000000/0/0
<slobodan> MPEG2 video *
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<King_DuckZ> hey all, any devs around? I'm trying to fix a playback problem and I'd like to ask some questions, it's about libavformat/udp.c
<JEEB> for internals, possibly -devel is better
<znf> Can I rely on "Main (10)" to _always_ be present in a HEVC encoded file, when it's 10 bit?
<King_DuckZ> JEEB: thanks!
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<JEEB> znf: there are other profiles that allow 10bit
<znf> I know there's different pixel formats, so I can't always look for that
<znf> aw damn
<JEEB> it will not be main of course since that doesn't support 10bit, but you can just look at the list of profiles in H.265
<znf> then how can I figure out if a video is 10bit from ffprobe's json output?
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<JEEB> also main 10 allows for example for both 8 and 10 bit coding, but of course most utilize that profile to actually code 10 bits
<JEEB> in the worst case show -show_frames and limit to 1 decoded frame or so?
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<NoImNotNineVolt> BtbN: if there are such errors, then it can't decode that portion of the file, but eventually there's a keyframe, and it works fine from that point. but that's in the context of playback.
<NoImNotNineVolt> but presumably seeking is another matter, unless ffmpeg can still compute time deltas for delta frames
<NoImNotNineVolt> in which case that'd be the same as slow seeking, right?
<JEEB> znf: and thus the pixel format is the least bad way of figuring it out. in API there is a mapping to a structure that then gives you the details of a specific identifier, but I don't think that's available as a cli thing (see libavutil/pixdesc.c where you can find it by name and then it will have the bit depth for each of the three planes [10, 10, 10])
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<furq> ffmpeg -pix_fmts
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<znf> not directly related - but is there any way of swapping IDs of video cards (cuda devices)?
<znf> specifically: I want to add a 2nd GPU to a system, but when I do that, the *new* device added gets seen as cuda:0, and I would really prefer it to be cuda:1
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<CounterPillow> Ask nvidia's support, device numbering is usually handled by the kernel module
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<BtbN> pretty sure that's just physical device numbering
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<johnjaye> i'm trying to increase the relative volume of an audio file and then use it in an output along with the video of another file. but i don't think i'm doing it right
<johnjaye> actually i just realized it's because the audio splicing itself failed before
<johnjaye> nevermind
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<johnjaye> i'm still fumbling a bit with the filter_complex syntax.
<vlt> johnjaye: It was quite straightforward for me once I had seen a worling example :D
<johnjaye> what am i doing wrong here? ffmpeg -i x.mp3 -i y.mp3 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=longest;[1:a]volume=1.2 output.mp3
<johnjaye> the intention is to mix the 2 files but boost the volume of the 2nd one
<vlt> johnjaye: Then do that first.
<vlt> Before mixing.
<johnjaye> vlt: the wiki had some examples but I didn't see how to select the inputs and combine them correctly
<johnjaye> ok. i thought filter complex could do it
<vlt> johnjaye: Move the volume part to the front and assign output labels that you pick up later in the chain.
<johnjaye> ah i thought variables was a more advanced feature. do you have a good tutorial for filter_complex?
<DHE> it's not that complex.... just as sequence of [input1][input2] filtername=options [output1][output2]; repeat
<DHE> where filtername comes from the usual -vf and -af filters... inputs are either things like [0:v], [1:2] etc, or you can set your own names where an input matches an output to make a connection.
<DHE> and finally, outputs not used are available for output files with -map [output3] etc to pull the resulting data
<johnjaye> 0:v meaning the same as with -map I take it?
<DHE> yes
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<johnjaye> what happens if send the audio from the first file, then again from the second file? does it overwrite or displace the first one?
<johnjaye> meaning, i need to send both files to the amix filter and send that to the output
<DHE> ..? if you mean -map 0:a -map 1:a it means ffmpeg will try to make an output file with 2 discrete audio streams
<DHE> (not to be confused with left and right channels in a single audio stream)
<vlt> johnjaye: You can take the first audio, increase the volume and assign a label to be used later: "[0:a]volume=1.2[louder_one];" Then mix both streams: "[louder_one][1:a]amix=duration=longest". You could add a final "[ao]" and use that in "-map" but in my experience you can omit the last one.
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<johnjaye> yes i ultimately did that. i'll have to study the filter_complex syntax a little more, it seems to be the standard
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<intrac> before I try this; does anyone know if I can calculate the stabilisation data using vidstab on a lower resolution proxy, then apply the result to the full res video?
<intrac> is the vidstab transform data stored as some normalised coordinates, or is it locked/referenced to the frame resolution?
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* intrac will try anyway
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<intrac> ok, that didn't work unfortunately
<intrac> is there any way to 'scale' the transforms.trf up, if it was calculated with a reduced-size video?
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