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<[twisti]> i have a video in .h264 format (no container, i guess ? its some weird buggy export) and the seek bar in media players shows a length of 0:00, but the video plays fine. any way to fix that ? i tried `-fps_mode drop -map 0:v -vcodec copy` but it didnt help
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<Curid> post the output of ffprobe
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<[twisti]> i also tried a simple `-c copy out.mp4` but that messed it all up, multi hour video went to a few frames and 38 seconds
<[twisti]> spit out the presumably relevant warning of `[mp4 @ 0x5639e3512500] Timestamps are unset in a packet for stream 0. This is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Fix your code to set the timestamps properly`
<[twisti]> but we only have the video file, cant do anything about the missing data
<[twisti]> its fine if i have to reencode, the quality is terrible anyways, the video was recording relevant data, but it is poor resolution anyways, which isnt a problem
<JEEB> there's a bsf for adding timestamps to raw stuff
<JEEB> for H.264
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -h bsf=dts2pts`
<JEEB> this can then be utilized together with codec copy to put it into a container like mp4
<[twisti]> would that go in my copy line or as part of another operation ?
<[twisti]> ah, thanks
<JEEB> the command I noted is a way of querying the parameters etc for the BSF
<JEEB> `-bsf:v dts2pts` would be the way to utilize it in a flow
<JEEB> if the help command returns an error, your FFmpeg build doesn't have the bsf
<JEEB> you can grab a master one from the automated builds @ , extract into a directory and call it with its full path or so :)
<[twisti]> thanks, i was about to ask - not really an ffmpeg user usually, just trying to rescue the data. i use the latest docker image to run the latest ffmpeg, so `ffmpeg -i in.h264 -c copy -bsf:v dts2pts out.mp4`, right ?
<JEEB> yup, that will utilize the time base info in the raw annex b H.264 as a frame rate and attempt to generate timestamps accordingly
<Curid> how did you get a buggy export of raw h264?
<[twisti]> who even knows ? colleague asked for a partner at a firm we are working with who got it from a now defunct third firm who just went bankrupt. no way to trace it back, but the data is worth a few hours of work time which wouldnt be trivial to repeat, so it would be good if we could recover it, but its not worth hiring a professional over
<[twisti]> no errors, but resulting video is only 8 seconds instead of ~10 hours
<Curid> does it have al l the frames?
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<[twisti]> im not sure, how would i tell ? its the same file size
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -v verbose -i INPUT -f null pipe:` should output the amount of frames decoded
<JEEB> read, decoded etc (verbose is the last log level which is not spammy)
<[twisti]> oops, i just overwrote the output from the last try by running another attempt (reencode), ill redo the above once its done and then report back with its output, but probably going to be a few minutes
<JEEB> adding `-v verbose` to one's commands I generally find useful, as it will log more, but should not spam
<JEEB> it will output stuff like more stats as well as logging output for the filter chain
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<[twisti]> its taking very long, ill report back when it finishes
<[twisti]> JEEB: it finished, what am i looking for ? its all way above my head, it does say `6281239 frames decoded`
<[twisti]> there also seems to be a single corrupt frame
<JEEB> [twisti]: yea the decoded amount tells you how many it received from the decoder
<JEEB> so yes, the input does contain quite a few frames :)
<[twisti]> any way to use them to fix my timestamp issue ?
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<iconoclasthero> hi, i'm trying to relay a signal from mpd to pulse on another machine (over a VPN connection).
<iconoclasthero> the signal directly over pulse TCP was too choppy (and was s16le/44100 Hz, so uncompressed) so I decided to compress it.
<iconoclasthero> serverside: ffmpeg -f pulse -i default -acodec libopus -b:a 96k -f ogg udp://
<iconoclasthero> clientside: ffmpeg -i udp:// -af "volume=40" -f pulse default
<iconoclasthero> even with -af "volume=40" it's still very quiet and it sounds like my waterproof BT speaker is under 2 inches of mud.
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<LunaLovegood> have you tried with other codecs just in case? Something like this should work also (serverside): ... -c:a mp2 -b:a 256k -f mpegts udp://
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<LunaLovegood> Also, for streaming between different instances of ffmpeg on a network, I found that zmq works best for me, way better than trying to multicast with udp (compile ffmpeg with --enable-libzmq). serverside uses an url like "zmq:tcp://*:12345", while clientside is like "zmq:tcp://".
<LunaLovegood> Your original issue of choppy playback over pulse TCP could probably be solved if you can increase the delay (buffer size).
<LunaLovegood> Unless you're really limited in bandwidth. Uncompressed audio is only like 1.5 mbps total (44k/stereo/16bit).
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<iconoclasthero> @lunalovegood - opus is my go to for compression as i think it's the bees knees and I have not tried anything else...i'd tried a couple things before I stopped here to ask instead of floundering about.
<iconoclasthero> I could give mp2(?) a go. Server bandwidth: 21.32 Mbps upload / client bandwidth 490.71 Mbps download.
<iconoclasthero> i usually compile my own ffmpeg and i don't remember that flag.
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<iconoclasthero> i'll have to recompile to give that a try.
<iconoclasthero> as for buffer size...i changed these
<iconoclasthero> default-fragments = 4 > 10
<iconoclasthero> default-fragment-size-msec = 25 > 50
<iconoclasthero> it got better but not listenable so i moved onto compression to see if that would be a solution. opus over icecast comes in just fine, it's just got a ten second delay
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<another|> have you considered using pipewire with any of the integrated streaming protocols?