BtbN changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.0 is released
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<iconoclasthero> on an apt-based system (i.e., ubuntu-like) i installed libzmq3-dev v. 4.3.5 and the configure file is saying, "ERROR: libzmq >= 4.2.1 not found using pkg-config"
<iconoclasthero> what am i missing?
<BtbN> check the config.log
<iconoclasthero> where's that ffmpeg_build/?
<BtbN> ffbuild
<iconoclasthero> 19000 lines.
<iconoclasthero> gcc: warning: libprotokit.a: linker input file unused because linking not done
<iconoclasthero> gcc: error: libprotokit.a: linker input file not found: No such file or directory
<iconoclasthero> ERROR: libzmq >= 4.2.1 not found using pkg-config
<iconoclasthero> is it failing to find libprotokit.a and that causes libzmq to fail?
<JEEB> you will probably see the flags that the pkg-config check returns
<JEEB> that probably includes -lprotokit or so
<iconoclasthero> this appears to be something going back years. zmq wouldn't work and i'm just pulling it from this build.
<iconoclasthero> thanks.
<iconoclasthero> same dude, same issue.
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<BtbN> Sounds like whoever packaged it, did not do it correctly
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<BtbN> Like, looks like it forgot to install the shared library, so it picks the static one, which then fails cause of the private deps not being pulled by default
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