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<drew> I want to encode a video with a target filesize, so I am doing 2 pass encoding, but I don't want to re-encode the audio. I did `ffmpeg -i infile.mp4 -map 0:a:0 -c copy -f null -` to get the size of the audio stream of my source, then I calculated what filesize and then bitrate I needed for the video, but even with -c:a copy, the filesize of the audio changed when I checked the output file with that
<drew> null mux command again
<drew> shouldn't the null mux give the same size for both streams if I am using -c:a copy?
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<JEEB> null mux would just get the size of the packets without any container overhead since it has nothing of its own.
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<znf> you know, it always bugged me that ffmpeg --help writes it's help to stderr instead of stdout and I can't | grep for stuff
<EmberCrest> I've got problems realtime streaming over RTSP with the VP9 + Libopus codecs. The input is H.264, 960x720, 24fps, aac @ 48kHz, but the audio is rather choppy. Using FFMPEG 7.
<EmberCrest> video is fine but audio is "botty" if you know what I mean.. looking for tips on what to check. compression_level and cpu-used have been tinkered with little impact. I know these files are OK because RTMP works just fine
<vlt> znf: Maybe that’s the only way the developers found to keep stdout clean for passing through any data. I alwys use `ffmpeg --help 2>&1 | grep ...` or `... | less` if I need to search.
<znf> yeah, that's what I do too, it's just something extra I have to remember all the time
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<ephilalethes> I'm running a command using `-pattern_type glob -i '*4k.jpg'`, but I get: `[image2 @ 0x5714d68b7640] Could not open file : *4k.jpg`
<ephilalethes> so I assume something is going wrong with that
<ephilalethes> anyone know what?
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<BtbN> znf: any modern shell supports |& instead of just |
<znf> oh, I didn't know that
<BtbN> not sure if Ubuntus minimal thing they use does, but bash and zsh definitely do
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<ephilalethes> nvm the above, I'm just stupid again
<ephilalethes> running it in the wrong folder ;D
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<naught> Is there any example code using libavdeivce? Could I use it as a portable way to get input from the webcam?
<znf> another ffmpeg cli question, why does it complain about this, even if it exists?
<znf> ie: -cues_to_front exists, but if you call ffmpeg -cues_to_front says unrecognized option
<znf> and I do understand the option doesn't make sense without a context (ie: writing MKV files), but is it just me that the message is ambigous?
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<vlt> znf: Is the message still there when you provide the required <boolean>?
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<znf> well, kinda, it changes to "Trailing option(s) found in the command: may be ignored." :)
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<Curid> has anyone ever seen a h264 video with irregular keyframes?
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<nemo_magneet> how to keep the stream to twitch open for 24/7, after 47h59m58s it closed the pipe
<nemo_magneet> Curid: i did,... i called it rubberslib... avg between 5fps and 60fps to make something as 32fps
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<another|> The maximum broadcast length is 48 hours.
<nemo_magneet> while true; do
<nemo_magneet> for f in *.mp4
<nemo_magneet> do
<nemo_magneet> ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i "$f" -c copy -f flv
<nemo_magneet> using this now
<nemo_magneet> hoping that it restarts when it canceld
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<DHE> Curid: H264 doesn't suffer image quality degradation from long periods without keyframes, so several different keyframe schemes are available... cutting only on a scene change is viable, if awful for seeking.
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<linext> why does this stream play continuously using ffplay but stops saving when the episode changes?
<linext> ffplay works to play the next episode when it switches, however ffmpeg fails to save
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<nemo_magneet> do you save sessions?
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<linext> how does that work?
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