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<jemius> there is no h266 support yet it seems?
<galad> there is: a decoder, muxers and demuxers support, and encoding with vvenc
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<nemo_magneet> broh xD
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<uuuuu_> How come I ffmpeg doesn't find msrle as a encoder? I was able to convert a video using -c:v msvideo1 . Both are listed in enabled compile options
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<uuuuu_> plus I don't see mentions of encoder in msvideo1.c
<furq> it's in msrleenc.c
<furq> what error do you get
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<uuuuu_> furq: . with msrleenc I get same error but with msrleenc
<furq> that configure stanza doesn't have --enable-encoder=msrle
<furq> only the decoder
<furq> i'm guessing this is one of those paranoid rpm builds that doesn't have anything patented
<furq> but in this case it looks like they just forgot
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<another|> vi
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