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<kmikita> How can I control interleave alignment in AVI-muxer? "-chunk_duration" and "-audio_preload" produce small changes in output file, but mediainfo still report "Alignment : Aligned on interleaves" and "Interleave, duration : 32 ms (0.77 video frame)".
<kmikita> I want get accurate frame-based alignment.
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<travisghansen> This is a bit crazy and I am an ffmpeg noob thanks in advance for the patience :) I want to overlay a webpage on top of a ‘main’ video. To do so I am looking into using puppeteer to drive a chrome browser and turn a screencast into a video feed. There are tools to do this already (
<travisghansen> however it seems they use ffmpeg internally to output encoded data in a format of your choosing. I am however wondering if its possible to output directly to a named pipe or unix socket and ‘bypass’ a second instance of ffmpeg running (along with all the extra encoding/decoding involved) by taking the jpeg (or png) frames writing them directly
<travisghansen> to the socket? If so what’s the ‘best’ format to convert the image frames and convert them to before writing it out? Am I overthinking this and should just let the 2nd ffmpeg process go and not bother?
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<DHE> it can probably be done with one ffmpeg command. check what they are running as their own ffmpeg command, then see if you can stitch together what you want... for linux it might be using x11grab or such for the screen capture.
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<travisghansen> I’m sure I can get the command it ultimately uses, I guess I am trying to determine if it makes more sense to simply decode the jpeg data in my code directly and write some sort of ‘raw’ format to a socket/pipe
<travisghansen> it is not using x11 or anything of that nature, chrome runs in headless mode and has native features to tap into the render/frame data:
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<travisghansen> So the above lib takes the jpeg data and send it to ffmpeg to translate to mp4 for example, I am just thinking it may be easier to write the jpeg data (or some uncompressed variant) right to a socket for consumption by my main ffmpeg process
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<iconoclasthero> what is the difference between [ ] ffmpeg-snapshot-git.tar.bz2 2024-09-09 19:26 296M
<iconoclasthero> [ ] ffmpeg-snapshot.tar.bz2 2024-09-09 19:26 13M
<iconoclasthero> besides 283M ?
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<JEEB> iconoclasthero: I would guesstimate the git one contains the whole history since it probably contains the repository including the .git directory
<iconoclasthero> oh, otherwise they're the same source, same version?
<JEEB> I would expect that?
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<iconoclasthero> well, "If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest version from Git." which i just did, from github.
<iconoclasthero> because ERROR: libzmq >= 4.2.1 not found using pkg-config
<JEEB> the check error is going to be logged in ffbuild/config.log
<iconoclasthero> yeah, i tried to use and it's too big
<JEEB> the pkg-config check should be towards the end of the file
<iconoclasthero> thing is:
<iconoclasthero> pkg-config --modversion libzmq
<iconoclasthero> 4.3.5
<JEEB> yea but there can be issues trying to link against it :P
<JEEB> it is not just about checking for pkg-config version
<JEEB> or well, the version of the library
<JEEB> yup, I recall noticing comments about libprotokit earlier on this channel, so seems like a common issue :P
<iconoclasthero> is there a common solution?
<JEEB> `pkg-config --static --libs libzmq` will probably output protokit
<JEEB> yet the package you have installed does not contain the static libprotokit
<JEEB> since you are asking for --static you will have to thus install the package that contains static protokit
<JEEB> it would have most likely worked if you had not required static
<iconoclasthero> well, i used to compile dynamic, but then something broke and i went to #ffmpeg and the suggestion was to make static builds.
<iconoclasthero> though i was not compiling libzmq at that time.
<JEEB> and now you found a -dev package that does not depend on the static libraries its pkg-config file points towards
<JEEB> pretty sure there is a way to check what package provides libprotokit.a
<JEEB> I expected so, but just made sure that there are zero references to protokit in FFmpeg itself, so yes - it indeed comes out of zmq's pkg-config output
<iconoclasthero> ok, i think that i avoided this problem all together on my other machine JUST by compiling libzmq from source.
<iconoclasthero> i thought that libzmq3-dev meant that it was 3.x so i got the source and compiled it.
<iconoclasthero> then i checked the version in apt and realized that was not the case.
<iconoclasthero> i must admit that i've gotten a bit lost with all of this. it doesn't seem like installing libnorm-dev is an issue, but compiling libzmq solved the problem so i'm really not sure which is the best way.
<iconoclasthero> in any event, hopefully i'll be able to retain something useful if i run into this again, but probably not....
<iconoclasthero> so as always, thanks for the able assistance.
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<iconoclasthero> i just tried it on a 3rd machine and when apt installed my normal list of dependencies it pulled in libnorm-dev automatically and it compiled without having to do anything with libzmq so that's weird.
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<simbaclaws> hi there, can I ask a question about the usage of ffmpeg on a video device that is causing issues for me?
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<simbaclaws> I'm trying to render ascii using asciicam from my video device by inputting -dev=/dev/video0, now what I want to do is copy this output and send it to a fake video device so that I can use it within other applications as my webcam
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<simbaclaws> but when I try to access /dev/video0 it says device or resource busy
<simbaclaws> and I understand that is because I'm running a asciicam command on it, but I don't think that should be an issue, since I'm sending it as input to my ffmpeg command
<simbaclaws> my command looks like this:
<simbaclaws> ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt yu420p -threads 0 -f v4l2 /dev/video2
<simbaclaws> where video0 is my asciicam input and video2 is my v4l2loopback video cam
<simbaclaws> am I being stupid and horribly mistaken?
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<simbaclaws> dipsee
<simbaclaws> lala
<simbaclaws> po
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