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<tomb^> Hi all, I'm getting an error when trying to ffprobe it, "index entry 879 + TemporalOffset 1 = 880, which is out of bounds", apparently avid is allergic to it and won't import the file, is there a way to fix that without transcoding the entire file with ffmpeg? I tried ffmpeg -c:v copy -c:a copy but with no luck
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<Schrostfutz> Hi, for reasons I have to parse a VP9 frame header. Is this something I can do using libavcodec? It looks like while the logic is present, it's not exposed and I can only use it to decode the whole frame.
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<frankplow> Schrostfutz: If this is just something you need as a one-off, you could maybe use the CLI and the trace_headers bitstream filter?
<Schrostfutz> frankplow: Unfortunately I need something I could link against
<Marth64> I think in theory you can modify the decoder in libavcodec to emit the frame level metadata you need then get it that way (I have no in depth knowledge of vp9)
<Marth64> just tossing an idea out there but it could work I think
<Marth64> i.e. emit the data you need from the header as frame level metadata
<Marth64> mpeg12 does this to indicate presence of closed captions as an example
<Marth64> which is frame level
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<Schrostfutz> Marth64: Thanks for the idea, I'll have a look at this!
<Marth64> good luck! might be cleanest tbh since I think you can read the frame level metadata with standard av_ apis. then your burden is just patching the decoder again
<Marth64> (when updating ffmpeg for example)
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<Marth64> a simple git format-patch should do for a patch file you can reuse later
<Marth64> or just diff
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<JEEB> Marth64: btw there is a framework specifically for parsing bistream specifics, which is also utilized by the trace_headers bsf
<JEEB> ah right, CBS is the framework
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<Marth64> good to know thx JEEB
<JEEB> also it's utilized to rewrite headers with the XYZ_metadata bit stream filters
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<JEEB> trace_headers actually could be utilized programmatically if it attached the analysis results to the AVPacket that got passed through it
<JEEB> right now it just logs the results in verbose mode
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -v verbose -i input -c copy -bsf:v trace_headers -f null pipe:`
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<Marth64> hmmm. does something similar exist for audio? like for ac3 header details?
<Marth64> til that bsf exists
<Marth64> trace_headers that ie
<Marth64> is*
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<JEEB> Marth64: for AC3 there's just the basic parser, but one could add a CBS parser for it to utilize with trace_headers
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<tomb^> Hi all, I'm getting an error when trying to ffprobe it, "index entry 879 + TemporalOffset 1 = 880, which is out of bounds", apparently avid is allergic to it and won't import the file, is there a way to fix that without transcoding the entire file with ffmpeg? I tried ffmpeg -c:v copy -c:a copy but with no luck
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