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<tykling> intrac: success \o/ if you fail just throw more hardware at the issue lol
<tykling> I finally have my crosshair running smoothly as an overlay on top of the cameras native resolution as rawvideo
<tykling> very little delay, 30 fps, works great
<tykling> it did take the cpu on my new laptop, Ryzen 9 7940HS which runs at 4ghz (up to 5.2) but it works!!! <3
<intrac> tykling: ah interesting.
<intrac> fyi, I have an old (2012) i7-3770k (decent desktop CPU for its time)
<intrac> and that manages with low CPU usage
<intrac> seems odd that it needs so much resources
<intrac> tykling: there are some options for changing the colour format. maybe doing so might help the performance.
<intrac> it wasn't clear to me what format ffmpeg is receiving from the camera
<tykling> intrac: is it with raw or compressed video_input from the camera?
<intrac> tykling: well, it's MJPEG/h264 but really it shouldn't make a difference once ffmpeg decodes it
<intrac> it should be raw uncompressed pixels
<tykling> because if I use a camera which does mjpeg or h264 it works great even on an old computer, the issue seems to be when it is rawvideo
<intrac> maybe it's the specific type of raw video
<intrac> as there are many
<tykling> ffmpeg says this about the format from the camera:
<intrac> does the camera debayer or is ffmpeg somehow doing that?
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<tykling> "yuyv422 : YUYV 4:2:2" is the default one but I also tried "bayer_grbg8 : 8-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG"
<tykling> I am not sure what debayer is
<tykling> intrac: but as you said the resolution also matters a lot, 2592x1944 in raw is well over a gigabit
<tykling> maybe if your local tests have been at a lower res that could explain why it runs better for you
<intrac> but as long as the USB interface can handle it, then it shouldn't matter if that 2592x1944 frame is raw or compressed as far as ffmpeg processing is concerned
<intrac> in fact, raw would skip the overheads of a complex codec like h264
<intrac> although there's still various pixel formats that could cause a slowdown, if they need converting internally
<tykling> I see! the usb interface can absolutely handle it, since the video runs great with ffplay even on old hw
<intrac> eg from RGB to YUV 4:2:2, etc
<intrac> or yuv420p
<intrac> etc
<intrac> I wonder if inserting some filter to convert this raw stream from the camera before the overlay filters might improve the performance
<intrac> something to look into another day
<intrac> but it's 5am here and I should sleep :)
<intrac> glad to hear it's mostly working for you
<tykling> right, well the input is YUYV 4:2:2 and I use -pix_fmt yuv422p in the output end and output to yuv4mpegpipe like you suggested
<tykling> damn it is 6am here but I just got up :) sleep well!
<intrac> "bayer_grbg8 : 8-bit Bayer GRGR/BGBG" - I could imagine this would cause a slowdown as it seems ffmpeg would have to debayer that (rather than have the camera do it within its own HW)
<intrac> night!
<tykling> yes switching to the 8bit didn't do anything good at all, it was way worse
<tykling> so that makes sense
<tykling> nn! :)
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<matthias1232> Hi ffmpeg, i applied this patch and it works, but i have a Problem which i cannot solve with dash Streams:
<matthias1232> [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0xaaaadc2ee960] Failed to seek for auxiliary info, will only parse senc atoms for encryption info
<matthias1232> command /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -f dash -cenc_decryption_keys b9931924531e5d22967a749ab110xxxx=5763de9f8d969yxxx ca57f6527f5e6e41 -i .....
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