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<Rathann> BtbN: another question is why the code compiles without errors against FFmpeg 6.1.x which doesn't have that API?
<JEEB> if so, then it contains backwards compat things?
<JEEB> #if stuff etc
<JEEB> having support for multiple versions is not really surprising
<JEEB> like mpv still builds with a surprisingly old version, but of course newer APIs aren't usable with that
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<BtbN> You're also asking in the wrong place for that. We don't know the code of Handbrake.
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<dostoyevsky2> If I want to reencode a video and send it to multiple destinations (e.g. a web client and a transcription service) -- is that a better use case for gstreamer than ffmpeg? I see these elaborate pipes being constructed for gstreamer and wonder what kind of use cases that would be better than ffmpeg
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<aaabbb> ffmpeg can easily split a video to multiple outputss
<aaabbb> "split" filter for video, "asplit" for audio
<BtbN> that forces you to encode multiple times though
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<BtbN> you want the tee muxer to just send the same stream multiple places
<BtbN> But it'll block the entire output if one of the outputs stalls for whatever reason
<aaabbb> BtbN: oops, yes good point
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