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<Mister_D> Greetings and Salutations! trying to reduce alpha channel overlay footprint. Goign from PRORES MOV to WEBM, seem to loose all transparencies when doing this: `ffmpeg -i -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -pix_fmt yuva420p -metadata:s:v:0 alpha_mode="1" ov.webm` the overlay is done using "-filter_complex movie=ov.webm:s=dv:loop=0...". Overlay works fine with Prores MOV. Any advice please?
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<Mister_D> Any method to specify decoder as libvpx-vp9 when using "movie" filter?
<aaabbb> the filtering is done after decoding, filter and decoder (and encoder) have nothing to do with each other
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<Mister_D> that is incorrect with alpha channel
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<aaabbb> oh i see
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<Rathann> Hi!
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<Rathann> I seem to have landed myself in trouble by building latest HandBrake (1.8.2) against FFmpeg 6.1.2 in spite of HandBrake upstream bundling a patched version of FFmpeg 7.0.x.
<Rathann> It turns out they started using AVFilter colorspace negotiation API, which is in 7.0 only (
<Rathann> now, I'm not familiar with either FFmpeg or HandBrake code and I'm wondering if there's an easy way to fix HandBrake to work correctly without that API
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<BtbN> not sure what kind of answer you expect
<BtbN> if an API it needs just isn't there, it simply won't work with that version
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<CounterPillow> But bigger version better except when better available version not bigger how can I make version bigger better without better bigger
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<zamba> does anyone know of a ffmpeg gui that can do simple cropping and segmenting?
<zamba> losslessly? i'm working on mpeg2 in a ts container
<zamba> Stream #0:0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video (Main), yuv420p(tv, top first), 720x576 [SAR 16:15 DAR 4:3], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc
<zamba> Stream #0:1[0x1c0]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, s16p, 224 kb/s
<BtbN> you can't crop losslessly
<BtbN> you can only cut, to a limited extend
<BtbN> avidemux is a common tool for that
<zamba> what is ffqueue?
<zamba> yes, of course. cropping will change the data
<BtbN> you can crop losslessly on playback, but not if you plan to produce a cropped file
<zamba> i'll do the cropping when i do the encoding to mp4
<BtbN> outside of cropping metadata embedded into the container
<BtbN> You can only crop when transcoding otherwise
<zamba> same with deinterlace, i guess
<BtbN> mp4 is a container, you don't encode to it
<zamba> yes, but i usually just give it .mp4 as output and it throws 264 at it, no?
<zamba> h264, that is
<BtbN> h264 is the default codec for mp4 in libavformat
<BtbN> But without further options, it'll just use pretty bad defaults
<zamba> what are better defaults?
<BtbN> -c copy
<BtbN> mp4 can contain mpeg2 I think
<BtbN> though if you want to deinterlace and crop, you need to transcode anyway, and might as well use a better moden codec
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<zamba> which codec?
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<BtbN> depends entirely on your preferences
<BtbN> h264 is the most compatible and fast to encode
<BtbN> even more modern ones can squeeze more quality per bitrate, but are slower at doing so and less well supported
<zamba> so h264 is a good choice?
<zamba> but you wrote earlier that it uses pretty bad defaults?
<BtbN> just plain "-c h264" without specifying any settings or an encoder
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<zamba> so what do you recommend?
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<Mister_D> Is there any pipe/udp formats that support alpha channel maybe?
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