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<echelon> how do you get ffmpeg to rotate .ts filenames for hls
<echelon> so that the filenames don't get too big
<furq> too big for what
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<echelon> the fs? i don't know
<echelon> i know you can set -hls_segment_filename but how do you do YYYYMMddHHmmss
<echelon> never mind.. -strftime
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<aruns> OK, so I've got an existing .mkv video and two .srt files (for the same film). How can I add the two .srt files to the .mkv video?
<aruns> Using FFMPEG 6.
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<echelon> hi, is there anything in this debug output that would indicate this .ts file is corrupt?
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<furq> Video: h264 (High 4:4:4 Intra)
<furq> most stuff doesn't support hi444p
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<furq> if you're creating these files then -vf format=yuv420p if you want it to work everywhere
<furq> aruns: -i foo.mkv -i -i -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 -c:v copy -c:a copy -c:s srt out.mkv
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<echelon> furq: yes, i'm having ffmpeg produce an hls stream
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<echelon> oh, not divisible by 2?
<echelon> it works!
<echelon> thanks you!
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