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<tm512> this isn't extensive testing, but with the x264 thing, at least as far as I can tell, that also occurs on the release/7.0 branch but not release/6.1
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<tm512> with release/7.0 I was able to get it dropping tons of frames within just a few minutes by recording locally with x264 as an encoder, but trying to strip the command down (instead of having to test from my screen capture script), I'm having trouble reproducing the issue
<tm512> so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with how my full screen capture script has ffmpeg handling audio streams and has filter chains
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<tm512> got audio recording, and added the scale filter that I normally use for videos, and it's still not manifesting
<tm512> one other variable with the case where it was showing up, is that I was recording a game, which definitely added significant CPU load, but frame drops would persist even after closing the game
<tm512> but perhaps the CPU load initiated things
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<tm512> if I'm going to end up bisecting, I might still file a bug report ticket in advance, just in case someone more knowledgable about ffmpeg's internals has an idea of what changed between 6.1 and 7.0 that could cause this
<tm512> I suspect bisecting is going to take me at least a couple weeks. guess it depends on just how many commits I have to go through
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<BtbN> x264 never "drops frames". That's just not something it is even capable of doing.
<BtbN> It might slow down if the CPU can't keep up, but that's all.
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<noobaroo> Is there a picture container format that supports h264 codec?
<noobaroo> AV1 has avif and h265 has heic.
<noobaroo> I'm asking because I want to save screenshots of a 4K video and using codec copy and frames:v 1, I get a 474kb perfect 4K file that is frame accurate
<noobaroo> And doing lossless encoding to avif image gives 1.5mb file, and jxl is 1.8mb, and heic is 2.1mb .
<another|> I don't think there's a still image variant for h264
<noobaroo> another|> cool thanks! I tried renaming the raw h264 stream to .heic already and it wouldn't work. What program should I use to put it into a heif container?
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<another|> something that supports heif i guess
<noobaroo> ffmpeg doesn't support :(
<another|> renaming files does not change the content
<another|> that is correct
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<BtbN> Isn't that pretty much jpeg?
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<another|> wut? What do you think is jpeg? heif?
<another|> h264?
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<noobaroo> I'm still stuck trying to figure out how to put 1 frame of raw h264 into a heif container
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<noobaroo> My best idea so far is finding an existing h264 heif file and dissecting it in a hex editor to see if I can create one manually
<noobaroo> But that could range anywhere from moderately labourous (basically im saying easy) to impossible
<noobaroo> I know nothing about x264 standalone executable, not sure if there even is one. Is ffmpeg required to do stream copy or can x264 standalone also do that?
<noobaroo> I think I can pass x264 params to the libheif encoder. I think.
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<furq> just save it as .h264
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<furq> it'll be about as well supported
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<another|> good point. where do you want to consume those images? what does the consumer support?
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<BtbN> h264 iframes are pretty much jpeg, are they not?
<JEEB> isn't the arithmetic coding and intra prediction stuff better?
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<Rena> I don't understand this check. it wants there to be exactly one slice, spanning the entire picture? does that not defeat the purpose of slicing and prevent the use of more than one thread?
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<feye> Since opus always resample 44100 input to 48000, what resampler ffmpeg use to encode opus?
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<furq> the swscale one
<furq> swresample
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<feye> Ah the default one?
<furq> yeah
<furq> -v verbose shows any autoinserted filters
<feye> Is it same quality like opusenc resampler use?
<furq> no idea but you'd hope so
<furq> i assume the opusenc resampler is just part of opusenc and not part of libopus
<feye> Yes it is
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<feye> furq do you know channel I can talk about replaygain?
<feye> Or is it fine in here?
<furq> you can ask in here
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<feye> So what different sample peak and true peak?
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<noobaroo> furq Well I want to open in feh because every mpv window uses ~100MB of RAM.... and I often have 20+ images open
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<feye> I mean, I've tried this different peak, it is have different peak in same file, but same gain -8.84 dB, why?
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<feye> true peak: 1.211038, sample peak: 0.999939
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<kepstin> feye: it's really simple. "true peak" is measured by resampling the audio to a higher sampling rate, and then measuring the peak value there.
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<kepstin> resampling to a higher sample rate does not add or remove any information from the signal, it just lets you get more samples along the waveform, so you can have samples closer to the "true" peak of the signal when it might have been inbetween samples before.
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<feye> So if my audio all in 48000 sample rate and my audio playback 48000 (no resample), I just can use sample peak instead?
<feye> Because true peak is 3-4 times longer when scanning file
<feye> Sorry for slow response kepstin
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<kepstin> depends what your use case is.
<feye> What do you mean?
<kepstin> if you have issues with distortion due to audio clipping when playing some files, then doing true peak calculation (and setting your player to reduce gain if needed based on true peak) could be helpful
<kepstin> otherwise, it doesn't really make a big difference.
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<feye> I think I'm not hear distortion
<feye> What do you use btw?
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<Rena> I keep getting a segfault in parse_nal_units after seeking
<Rena> at libavcodec/h264_parser.c:277
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