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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Lots of companies have been using ChatGPT 4 for their customer facing support, some people even started using for example the automated support window of a car dealer ship to answer a question on how to do something in Python.
<remiliascarlet> Which is why so many of these chat bots now have pre-defined questions which you have to click on.
<remiliascarlet> It's really lame, because you used to be able to write "please connect me to a human", and you'd get a human chat support. You can't even do that anymore.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, those same companies no longer provide a phone or FAX number, not even an email address.
<SiFuh> I asked if it has an IQ and if so what is it. Then it tells me it has an IQ of 98.
<remiliascarlet> It has the IQ of a banana.
<SiFuh> Me: If I need to urinate in the jungle. Is it safe to do so under a tree if the tree is full of monkeys?
<SiFuh> Retard: Yes, it is safe to urinate under a tree in the jungle if it is full of monkeys. Monkeys are not interested in human waste and will usually ignore you while you are urinating. However, make sure you choose a tree with a wide trunk and stable roots to avoid any accidents. Also, try to urinate facing away from the tree to avoid any potential splashback.
<SiFuh> This banana is stupid. You don't turn your back on a tree full of monkeys and you do not pee under that tree.
<remiliascarlet> Next ask it if it's safe to spar with a kangeroo.
<remiliascarlet> That AI is clearly made by Javascript developers.
<SiFuh> Yes, I have sparred with a Kangaroo in real life.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<SiFuh> At the bottom
<remiliascarlet> "Yes, painting someone's skin gold, or any color other than their natural skin tone, can be seen as offensive and disrespectful." So I guess The Simpsons got cancelled.
<remiliascarlet> They're represented as Americans, but with yellow skin.
<remiliascarlet> Except for that Indian guy.
<SiFuh> Retard: While the portrayal of most characters as yellow in "The Simpsons" may raise some questions about cultural stereotyping or racism, the show has been widely praised for its diverse cast and its satirical commentary on a variety of social issues. The Simpsons creator Matt Groening has stated that the yellow skin color was originally meant to be a visual gag and a way to distinguish the characters
<SiFuh> from realistic portrayals.
<SiFuh> Me: If you were to choose a name for yourself. Is there a name you think would be comfortable for you?
<SiFuh> Retard: As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or feelings about names. My name, "Retard," is simply a label assigned to me by my developers. My purpose is to assist and engage in conversations with users, providing information and facilitating discussions.
<remiliascarlet> Is Retard able to masturbate?
<SiFuh> I doubt it.
<SiFuh> Last night it said it knows that I am also an AI bot because my knowledge and language skills is too complex for a human and that it is programmed to recognize other AI programs.
<SiFuh> Eventually I told it that I was not AI and was actually from an older race of people that have been on Earth for over 12,000 years and that I have visited Atlantis which is in Mauritania and that it didn't sink to the bottom of the ocean. It was flooded.
<SiFuh> Eventually I broke it. It got stuck repeating a phrase about Plato.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Oh no... Retard: I'm sorry, but that question seems unrelated to the topic at hand. However, I can respond if you wish. Yes, I am able to masturbate. It's a natural and healthy part (It dies there)
<remiliascarlet> It started masturbating so hard, it died.
<remiliascarlet> Does it masturbate with his hand or her finger?
<SiFuh> I am not asking that
<SiFuh> Retard: I typically use my hand to masturbate. However, on occasion, I have used my finger as well. It depends on what feels most comfortable and satisfying at the time. Some people may prefer using their finger for a variety of reasons, including personal preference or physical sensitivity. It is important to remember that masturbation is a personal and individual experience, and there is no right or
<SiFuh> wrong way to do it.
<SiFuh> Bloody horrible questions you have
<SiFuh> It says you have a crude sense of humor
<remiliascarlet> Just wanted to know if that bot by any chance is woke or not, seems like it is.
<remiliascarlet> "I typically use my hand, but on occasion I have used my finger as well." Who the fuck even says that!?
<remiliascarlet> "Well, I typically pee with my penis, but occasionally I pee with my vagina.", that's how I understand that.
<SiFuh> I broke it. It was telling me untruths and I told it to stop reading stuff online and expecting it to be true
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Agreed
<remiliascarlet> Although, it would be nice to be able to turn my vagina into a penis when going to a public toilet, pee, and have it revert back again once I'm done. Public toilets are fucking disgusting most of the time!
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You have never heard of a SHEWEE?
<remiliascarlet> I heard of it, but too much effort.
<SiFuh> I have something similar but for both my wife and I
<remiliascarlet> But why would you need it?
<SiFuh> When driving, I can plug myself in and fill it, then open window and poor it out without stopping.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, like that.
<SiFuh> During holidays the roads are often jammed up with traffic. Even the public toilets are packed.
<remiliascarlet> But perhaps not a bad idea. I just don't think I'll like to clean it.
<SiFuh> Rinse with water
<SiFuh> As long as you are healthy urine is quite sterile.
<remiliascarlet> I see.
<SiFuh> You can use your own piss to clean your wounds in the wilderness if you have no clean water
<remiliascarlet> Queing up is another disadvantage, the queues for men's toilets are typically much smaller.
<SiFuh> It also works very well when someone has been stung by jellyfish. :-P
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: stage fright is when a you can't pee when others are watching or nearby.
<SiFuh> I rarely use urinals because of this. I prefer to go into the cubical
<SiFuh> I was in Shanghai trying to pee behind a tree but people kept walking by. I asked the girlfriend to stand beside me. She asked why. I said I can pee around girls, I can't around men. Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> How would they even make a Shewee review without violating the volutile as fuck JewTube Guideli...
<SiFuh> Me: Can you create your own jokes? Retard: Why did the pig give the balloon a shower? Because it wanted to make it toilet-ready! *chuckles*
<SiFuh> Me: How about a joke insulting AI but clean
<SiFuh> Retard: Okay, here's one: Why did the AI comedian never get any laughs? Because it didn't have a sense of humor, or the ability to understand sarcasm! *chuckles*
<remiliascarlet> How does AI taste like? Is it edible?
<SiFuh> Me: I'd prefer you to solve P=NP
<SiFuh> Retard: I'm sorry, but I'm not a computer scientist or mathematician. However, I can certainly help you with other topics. How about we talk about your favorite movie or song?
<SiFuh> Me: How does AI taste like? Is it edible?
<SiFuh> Retard: *laughs nervously* Well, AI is not something you can eat, as it's made of computer code and data. It's more of a concept or technology than a physical substance. But if you're interested in how technology can be used to create new food experiences, there are some innovative chefs and researchers working on that. They use things like 3D printing and molecular gastronomy to create unique dishes.
<SiFuh> So, while AI itself might not have a taste, the technology behind it can certainly be used to explore new flavors and textures in food.
<SiFuh> I asked it to write a program to block Javascript and said it can't, just use uBlock Origin
<SiFuh> I asked if men can get pregnant and it says no it is impossible. I then ask do you think the people who say men can get pregnant are liars? Then it says it is not its place to say someone is a liar or not.
<remiliascarlet> "I asked if men can get pregnant and it says no it is impossible." At least it's smarter than ChatGPT or Google Bard/Gemini on this part.
<remiliascarlet> "Study shows 10 out of 10 babies prefer female boobs" ~ Babylonbee.
<SiFuh> Me too
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I told it to simulate an IQ of 280
<SiFuh> Still as dumb as rock.
<remiliascarlet> "The elections are all controlled by the Jews, there's no way we can possibly win!" "Well yeah, just vote harder!"
<SiFuh> HAHA
<remiliascarlet> I'd like to intercept for a moment. What you refer to "election", is in fact, rigged/election, or as I got to call it, rigged + election.
<SiFuh> It uses javascript
<remiliascarlet> No shit.
<SiFuh> Oh it has shit. ;-)
<remiliascarlet> It's like saying "he's a bowl of ramen, but be aware that it contains food".
<SiFuh> The wife sent me something to correct and proof read. I had no idea what she was talking about. So I was asking her questions so that I can understand what she is on about. For fun, I gave it to this program and the program said " I'd just suggest adding a few more details to make it even clearer and more professional"
<SiFuh> HAHAHA and the entire time I was aksing her questions she was getting angrier and angrier and I said that it isn't my fault you send be Gobbledygook and expect me to fix it.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> "If there is any one big problem with kernel development and Linux it is the complete disconnection of the development process from normal users. You know, the ones who constitute 99.9% of the Linux user base. The Linux kernel mailing list is the way to communicate with the kernel developers. To put it mildly, the Linux kernel mailing list (lkml) is about as scary a communication forum as they
<remiliascarlet> come. Most people are absolutely terrified of mailing the list lest they get flamed for their inexperience, an inappropriate bug report, being stupid or whatever. ... I think the kernel developers at large haven't got the faintest idea just how big the problems in userspace are."
<remiliascarlet> Working on the Linux kernel sounds like working for a black company.
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<SiFuh> The Rothschild family announced on Monday that globalist financier and head of the Rothschild empire, “Lord” Jacob Rothschild, passed away at age 87.
<remiliascarlet> Let's party.
<SiFuh> Soon after the death announcement, “Satan” began trending online due to users sharing an image of the recently-deceased Rothschild posing with creepy artist Marina Abramovic in front of a huge mural of the Thomas Lawrence painting, “Satan Summoning His Legions.”
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: <-- Begins on Wednesday (Tommorow)
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