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<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Yes.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: How comes that western movie trailers always use the exact same background music?
<remiliascarlet> At least, the Pedowood ones.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Probably because a lot of them use Immediate Music and Globus
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Jews are the ones starting a new world war, again. Confirmed by Slovak PM.
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<zorz> bonjour
<remiliascarlet> Sieg Heil!
<zorz> remiliascarlet: how is the weather in Japan?
<remiliascarlet> Very windy today.
<remiliascarlet> Sunny, but also windy.
<zorz> i hate when is windy.
<SiFuh> Bonfire
<remiliascarlet> I hate winds coming out of a vegan's ass, they're extremely frequent.
<SiFuh> I enjoy a good fart
<zorz> chalots
<SiFuh> Squirrels will be chemically castrated and deer will be culled, cooked and served to prisoners under net zero plans to protect England’s trees.
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> I'll paint UK politician's faces pale white, give them a round, red nose, paint their hair in a rainbow color, and give them 20 times larger shoes than they can fit in to save the trees.
<SiFuh> :-P
<SiFuh> Jeff Berwick was saying "If this was actually a horror movie. No one would watch it because it is just too stupid"
serpente has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> serpente: Shogun already released
<serpente> and what have you to say about it? binged it?
<serpente> worth it?
<SiFuh> Started only 3 minutes in
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: All these shewee's are expensive. 5,000 to 15,000 yen for just a bit of plastic.
<SiFuh> Never bought one
<SiFuh> US sells them for as cheap as 10 bucks.
<SiFuh> UK 4.99 pounds direct from their shop
<SiFuh> Seems China makes their own version as well and selling on Ebay and Alibaba
<SiFuh> You could probably make one my cutting the top off a plastic bottle and smoothing out the edges
<SiFuh> Or use the top of a hot water bottle ;-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I make a lot of things out of other things mostly because of price. For example, a BMX race number plate they want anywhere between 150 MYR to 500 MYR. It's just a piece of plastic. So I bought a cheap plastic container for 10MYR and cut it up.
<remiliascarlet> "China makes their own version" Of course they do!
<SiFuh> To be honest, the entire idea should even be copyright or patented
<SiFuh> serpente: Pretty good so far
<remiliascarlet> But I didn't want to buy it to carry around urine, I did so so I don't need to sit on dirty toilets on those rare days I'm away from home.
<SiFuh> They are not designed for carrying around urine
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of public toilets:
<SiFuh> In one place in China there was this tiled place where you stand over a sunken trough. You do your business in their. There are no partitions. So there can be a guy behind you and a guy in front of your and it since your facing his arse it is freaking disgusting. You have to turn your head sideways not to see. But you also have to make sure their floating logs don't hit your willy as they float by.
<SiFuh> stand/squat*
<remiliascarlet> Those toilets exist over here as well.
<SiFuh> Like this but without the partitions
<remiliascarlet> Oh, you mean that.
<remiliascarlet> I heard India didn't have toilets until recently.
<farkuhar> According to the latest thread on the crux mailing list, old flyspray tickets will be converted to gitea issues. I guess they want to enable continuity of discussions, rather than adopting SiFuh's suggestion of a massive SQL export that would make the old Flyspray tickets accessible but read-only.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: horrible, because your face is only a few inches from some guys arse while he is dropping a big shit in front of you.
<remiliascarlet> OK, what the fuck am I looking at?
<SiFuh> Three cucks that don't know how to use a urinal?
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