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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Very recently there was some priest in Canada who made a worthless cryptocurrency for the sole purpose of scamming Christians. When he got caught, he shifted the blame on God.
<remiliascarlet> So basically, God made him scam.
<remiliascarlet> According to him.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: HAHAHA
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> Bourbon!
<zorz> ονλυ σψοτψη only scotch :P
<SiFuh> Beer!
<SiFuh> I need a shower. I spent all day at two different automotive shops working on my truck. Covered in oil and dirt and grease
<zorz> and you talk to me while dirty??? go wash yourself :PPpp
<zorz> haha
<zorz> travoltas
<SiFuh> Zack from Babylon 5 is singing!
<zorz> life was good those days man. now they go to a bar holding & watching the mobile device, why you go then? they do not even know the purpose of a bar/
<SiFuh> zorz: Yep, hate that about people today.
<zorz> SiFuh: and then when the patrons in a bar are on the second third drink and the music changes to disco... time to get laid :)
<zorz> SiFuh: europeans are stupid, 50 billion financial aid to ukraine.
<SiFuh> Ukraine is stupid
<SiFuh> There was a lady when I was living in Central Asia back in 2015 who handed me a love letter and ran away. When I started looking into her family history and discovered she was of Ukrainian decent, I decided I ain't going to pursue the matter anymore. No date!
<zorz> SiFuh: if I only had pussy I would be a millionaire :-)
<SiFuh> A millionaire with Syphilis and Gonorrhea
<zorz> this i do not like why you do this 'kill $(pgrep -f 'uvicorn main:app')' and you do not do 'pkill uvicorn' ?
<SiFuh> zap -s9 -y uvicorn
<SiFuh> killall -s 9 uvicorn
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<zorz> SiFuh: pussy crawls boat, if she is lucky can be tankers :)
<SiFuh> Don't get it
<zorz> SiFuh: thanx for zap i did not know it.
<zorz> its a saying when a boat reach a port usually money goes for the pussy. so pussy crawls a boat.
<SiFuh> zap is for OpenBSD
<zorz> python too
<SiFuh> Oh yeah, I told remiliascarlet that I alias in favor of OpenBSD. Zap is the only one I don't. I alias it to killall. So I follow Linux on this one because it is more common across *nix than zap. alias killall="zap -y "
<zorz> SiFuh: we talkin for different zap.
<zorz> haha
<zorz> iam talkin about OWASP ZAP Zed Attack Proxy
<SiFuh> zap – interactive process killer
<SiFuh> You going coo coo again?
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> 'kill $(pgrep -f 'uvicorn main:app')' <-- this is python?
<zorz> no man this bash
<SiFuh> So what is an OWASP ZAP Zed Attack Proxy
<zorz> A commandline tool that wraps the OWASP ZAP API for controlling ZAP and executing quick, targeted attacks.
<zorz> uvicorn is a python server
<zorz> it goes like this fastapi --> uvicorn --> nginx.
<zorz> nginx runs acts as proxy server for uvicorn
<SiFuh> So nothing to do with anything that we were actually discussing.
<SiFuh> I don't even know what an nginx is
<zorz> exactly, but this coocoo owasp zap, does not work,, needs api keys.. fuck it.
<zorz> nginx bakes the pie :)
<zorz> for you SiFuh nginx, can make bread. :-)
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> /usr/local/bin/lp -d Brother_DCP-J105 -P 315-319 Downloads/PDF/Toyota/1992\ LJ70_RJ70_chassis_body\ manual\ CC.pdf
<SiFuh> Never going to forget the -P flag now
<zorz> heh
<zorz> openbsd i see uses /usr/local.
<zorz> SiFuh: openbsd on my msi delta,, does not work properly. it is set, but i am waiting next release to upgrade.. maybe then will work.
<lavaball> SiFuh, i just didn't notice. sound was always bad on bitchute.
<SiFuh> zorz: OpenBSD sends all core OS to / secondary stuff to /usr, Xenocara to /usr/X11R6 and any contributed OpenBSD stuff so the packages goes to /usr/local
<SiFuh> lavaball: I rarely touch bitchute because it is insanely slow
<SiFuh> I make partitions exactly the same way. So if I was do format /dev/sd3g which is /usr/local my system would run fine without it.
<zorz> SiFuh: got it... ofcourse openbsd correctness
<zorz> SiFuh: cool! for what you use nfs ?
<zorz> hahaa
<zorz> its remote mounted.
<SiFuh> That is the server. It has both nfs, samba, cups, Sonarr, qBittorrent (Web version) and Jackett. It auto searches for TV series when they are released, downloads them, renames them, moves them to the correct location. Then any computer in the house either by samba or nfs can watch the series. It has no Xenocara so everything is either web based or through shell. And of course cups because it is the
<SiFuh> print server.
<SiFuh> It pretty much does all the tasks automatically or even cooler automagically ;-) I basically do nothing
<zorz> SiFuh: amazing, bravo!
<SiFuh> Once every few months, I will connect a 8TB SSD and move most of the stuff watched to the SSD to clear space.
<SiFuh> Oh and it also converts every video from any format to mp4 compression to save space. It also pulls the subtitles out of the mkv files as well.
<zorz> man, this you can easily use it to make a page... a dot tk page :P
<SiFuh> What is a dot tk page?
<zorz> .tk
<zorz> like u say .ly
<SiFuh> There is a third computer sitting beside it now. That I can also convert into a server of soughts. I haven't decided yet. Maybe move the CRUX repo? I will compare the nfs server with the other. If the other is better, I will move nfs to that hardware.
<SiFuh> My wife works as an accountant and she is in contact with a lot of businesses. When ever other businesses upgrade their ancient machines they contact her and ask her if her husband (me) wants the old hardware. I always say yes and gut them
<SiFuh> One business removed their giant LED sign. I think maybe 15 metres long. They didn't know how to use it. I took all their 5 volt 60 amp power supplies
<SiFuh> 60 amp!!!!!
<SiFuh> Wish it was 12 volt 60 amp. :-P But still
<SiFuh> What am I looking at?
<zorz> secure http server settings
<SiFuh> Not really interested in the slightest about this.
<SiFuh> So nginx is a secure webserver?
<SiFuh> Or you made it a little secure?
<zorz> nginx is secure
<zorz> SiFuh: before blocking location ~ /\.(git|env)/ and location ~* \.(php|cgi|js|env|asp|jsa|jhtml|shtml|aspx|jsp)$ it was unbeliavable for what they are scanning, especially for php servers.
<SiFuh> OpenBSD secure or everyone bragging but no evidence it is secure?
<SiFuh> If it is secure, why do you need to secure it?
<zorz> SiFuh: that is truth about openbsd.
<SiFuh> If you don’t want to configure nginx manually, you can use a free online visual configuration tool made available by DigitalOcean. You can find this tool here.
<zorz> it depends with your settings, you need to properly set nginx. let me read this article
<zorz> SiFuh: my nginx.conf it is configured now i am doing minor adjustemnts for improvement.
<SiFuh> I was quoting the article paragraph 12
<SiFuh> Step 12*
<SiFuh> I don't know why you send me this
<SiFuh> That's like me sending you an ancient Egyptian alcohol recipe in heiroglyphs
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> did ancient egyptians used to drink alcohol ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> So did Mohammad. I followed a recipe using dates the same he use to drink. Well I was missing a couple of spices though
<SiFuh> I think it was called Nabidh or something
<SiFuh> They'd bury containers underground but leave a small opening in the lid to release the CO2. Shhh, don't tell Bill Gates. If drank to early then you wouldn't get drunk on it. But if left longer than 10 days, it would become like a flat beer.
<SiFuh> Common practice to leave it longer. Not bad by the way. I carbonated one to be just like beer as well.
<SiFuh> Actually I think beer was first created in the Middle East
<SiFuh> Beer is one of the oldest human-produced drinks. The first chemically confirmed barley-beer – from the area of Mesopotamia, part of modern-day Iraq – dates back to the 5th millennium BCE. The written history of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia records the use of beer, and the drink has spread throughout the world; a 3,900-year-old Sumerian poem honouring Ninkasi, the patron goddess of brewing,
<SiFuh> contains the oldest surviving beer-recipe, describing the production of beer from barley bread, and in China, residue on pottery dating from around 5,000 years ago shows that beer was brewed using barley and other grains.
<zorz> SiFuh: at configuration add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src self http: https: data: blob: unsafe-inline always;"; the part blob: unsafe-inline always, it is not a safe way... allows inline scripts.
<zorz> SiFuh: no muslims that time in mesopotamia.
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> That's all Greek to me dude
<SiFuh> zorz: Well duh!
<zorz> actually, this is a nice topic for discassion,, before islam, before christians,,, how civilization lived?
<SiFuh> zorz: Many times here, I have heard Malays say the first Muslims were Adam and Eve. HAHAHA
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> It was either after Mohammads life or near the end of his life that alcohol was eventually banned
<zorz> SiFuh: you know at the end, greeks used to believe in the one unknown god, and around the area of Olympus Theodosios from Byzantine Empire slaugter around 3 million people because did not believe in jesus christe
<SiFuh> zorz: In Central Asia, all the way to Mongolia. There is a drink I use to drink every morning before work. Kumis. It is fermented from horse milk. It contains about 2% alcohol. Pretty much everyone drinks it.
<SiFuh> zorz: Religion is the enemy of God
<zorz> SiFuh: you told me again about kumis. i recall it
<SiFuh> It is an infectious mental disease that enslaves billions, murders millions and divides people
<zorz> funny part, all the worst people for humanity cheurch named them Great or Megas... if someone was not fun of christianism was paravatis.
<SiFuh> God never created religion. All he wanted was to be recognized. Man created religion without the permission of God to be his middle man between the people and God
<SiFuh> And we all know Jesus was never a Christian. Christianity created by the Romans.
<zorz> SiFuh: check for example julian the emperor man religion is created for power.
<SiFuh> Jesus turned up and said "Y'all be doing it wrong. You should be doing it this way and love everyone like they are your family"
<SiFuh> Look at King James. It was a homosexual who beleived that his royalty is absolute and he has the right to rule over everyone. Yet, this is the guy that had the bible retranscribed and many Christians use it now.
<SiFuh> It? he*
<zorz> it is a mess.. humans are by nature weak, need to believe somewhere... and the strongest ones get advantage of it.
<SiFuh> I think humans want understanding and they need answers, unfortunately there are no obviously direct answers so they just grab at whatever they think answers those questions they have. Sometimes they flip-flop between them or sometimes they realise they were wrong and move on.
<SiFuh> Other times they bind themselves to whatever and they turn out to be extremists. Really Obsessed. Or just think "I've no idea" and just float around
<SiFuh> Look at my brother. He is so convinced the Earth is flat because of a video he saw from the US military (I think in the 60's) about how gyroscopes work that he has actually convinced himself to look no further than what he believes.
<SiFuh> Every time I counter his argument he yells and screams at me like I am a moron. It is getting so ridiculous you can't even ask him anything about the bible. Like the other day. I asked him what his opinion is about the Scarlet Whore in the bible. He replies "The one from Revelations?" and I replied "Is their more than one?" and his next reply was "Do you still believe that we live on a spinning ball in
<SiFuh> space?"
<SiFuh> Like WTF has that got to so with anything?
<SiFuh> so/do*
<SiFuh> Ecclesiastes in the bible says the sun rises and sets. But the flat-headers thing the sun rotates along the plane. Well if that is true then it must move super fast in the southern hemisphere compared to the northern hemisphere. And then sun would never set. It would get smaller and smaller and smaller and be heading to the right until it vanishes
<SiFuh> And if you looked East in the morning, the sun should appear as a tiny spot to your left and get bigger and bigger and bigger until it passes you on the right
<zorz> there is no redemption, sometimes i say Kim press the buttom :)
<zorz> SiFuh: i see the farmers all over europe protest. major supplier of aggriculture products is ukraine. and europeans send 50 billion euros to support the war. something is wrong.
<zorz> they speak for green energy but solar panels, are not going to produce food for people.
<SiFuh> I remember that day my brother says "Do you know that Science means knowledge? Whenever they say 'science' says 'science' proves. It just means knowledge. How dumb is that?" I looked at him like 'wtf' "How did you get that?" He said "I looked up the history of the word". I replied "You took one word out a fucking history of that word and said that is what it means? You can't do it that way. Go look up
<SiFuh> the meaning through etymology and see how it progresses" Then he starts screaming at me. I majored in Linguistics and he is arguing with me about the etymological meaning of a word? That's just fucked....
<zorz> tell him... Kim press the buttom
<SiFuh> I like Kim
<zorz> going to update mesa, brb
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<SiFuh> Here's zorz!
<zorz> yes with updated mesa, then i had to update protobuf.
<SiFuh> What I messaged to my mother
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> My brother is trying to convince her and I trying to make her see logically
<zorz> SiFuh: clever people dont botther and do not argueing
<SiFuh> I know, that is why I am telling my mother and not talking to my brother about it
<zorz> myself, i cannot understand that people in 2024 still believe the earth is flat.
<SiFuh> I can't beleive in 202{0,1,2,3,4} people think Christopher Colombus thought the world was round and was out to prove it wasn't flat. They knew it was round. He was just trying to find an alternative way to the East Indies.
<zorz> money money money... steal all the gold.
<SiFuh> Nope
<SiFuh> They want your body to be their property
<zorz> nowdays the brain, this fucked up Elon, with the chip.
<SiFuh> The most valuable product on this planet has always been humans
<SiFuh> Not fake paper printed fiat. Not gold, not land or assets or anything material. It has always been ownership of human beings.
<zorz> u say humans, i recall communism, communism = atheist, they are correct.
<SiFuh> Slavery
<zorz> SiFuh: you are correct.
<zorz> anyway, just had breakfast-lunch-dinner combo meal, time to siesta.. later tonight is gimp night,
<SiFuh> I own a human and that human owns nothing. That human is my property to do what I desire. Human trafficking, working, eating, breeding, the list is huge
<SiFuh> I didn't know what a 'gimp' was until it was pointed out to me.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz> first time i will use it man. need to create as simple logo.
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> After you are done. Send to me xcf formate (GIMP original) and highest quality
<SiFuh> I want to see what you are trying to do, and when I have time, I might mess around with it.
<SiFuh> And if it is for a webpage, screen shot your website where the logo will be. Want to see the comparisson between the site and the logo.
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