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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That illust you shared the other day ( ), something I noticed here.
<remiliascarlet> Philippines looks like Marge Simpson yelling at Malaysia as she's running away.
<remiliascarlet> Many people often see Norway and Sweden together as a penis, Finland as its testicles, and Denmark as the liquid coming out of that cock. But that's a different map.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That's how I see South East Asia
<remiliascarlet> So you see South East Asia as "Enabled JavaScript and cookies to continue"? I see.
<remiliascarlet> Luckily we have sanitizers for images:
<remiliascarlet> Looks like they forgot to include the "dead people" demographic, which voted overwhelmingly for Democrat.
<remiliascarlet> Or the "illigal alien" demographic, yet another massive Democrat voter base.
<remiliascarlet> Another observation I see here is that most states seem to have very few white women, but white men are abundant, but there are even more white people than the previous 2.
<SiFuh> It was from 2016 not 2020
<remiliascarlet> I know.
<SiFuh> They didn't summon the dead until 2020
<remiliascarlet> They probably did at least since a few selections ago, but nobody called them out on it yet.
<remiliascarlet> What is new are the mail-in ballots at 4 am.
<SiFuh> They were using the voting machines to get Hilliary in but didn't realise how many votes Trump actually got
<remiliascarlet> Oh, the other observation is that non-college-edicated whites tend to be much more intelligent than the college educated whites.
<SiFuh> I have another that shows DC will always be blue
<remiliascarlet> Still, pretty strange to see both mostly red, considering how colleges are primarily women and POC these days.
<remiliascarlet> Of course it will.
<SiFuh> People of contrast :-P
<remiliascarlet> Looks like the term "left coast" has been coined since 1992.
<remiliascarlet> Even though on the political axis, there's barely any left-right difference and no authoritarian-libertarian difference at all between the 2 parties.
<remiliascarlet> Niggers are very dark blue.
<remiliascarlet> Because feminism, retarded policies, and soybeans have taken over Asia.
<SiFuh> It won't let me place New Zealand
<remiliascarlet> That website is completely broken, I mean "modern web development", I mean "use a CDN for literally everything".
<SiFuh> A turtle called out to the police "Six snails just stole my shell" The officer asks. "Did you see what they looked like?" The turtle replies "No, it happened so fast"
zorz_ has joined #crux-social
<zorz_> bonjour
<SiFuh> Brucellosis
<remiliascarlet> Rust people hate me.
<remiliascarlet> They: "So you hate trans people?" Me: "Yes."
* remiliascarlet got banned
<SiFuh> They need a bit of rust proofing
<SiFuh> I hate chicken. *banned*
<SiFuh> Stupid reason to ban someone
<remiliascarlet> Unless it's some KFC community filled with American niggers.
<SiFuh> Isn't that racism?
<remiliascarlet> It's not me who came up with that idea though.
<SiFuh> Trans people have a mental disease
<remiliascarlet> I learned about that back in 2020 during the Burn Loot Murder riots that there's apparently a stereotype of niggers really loving fried chicken.
<zorz_> we should make a channel #antirust :Pp
<remiliascarlet> Or #antimoderndevelopment, considering that most of the toxic Rust devs were previously just as toxic Javascript devs.
<remiliascarlet> And as soon as the next language gains that "shiny hip" status, they'll infect that language as well.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: mozilla (netscape) mentality.
<remiliascarlet> With Java they discovered Starbucks, with Javascript they got too much estrogen, with Python they put their so-called "programmer socks" on, and with Rust they're full trannies.
<remiliascarlet> So with the next language they'll probably have done their chopadictomy.
<SiFuh> Hahaha chopadictomy
<zorz_> ahhaha
<zorz_> SiFuh: doas rcctl set apmd flags -H <-- good stuff, the only thing i needed.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Why not? apmd flags -Hmmm
<zorz_> :Pp
<zorz_> man it increases usage of ram at the levels of linux... its almost the same.
<zorz_> with the usual staff that i work... its identical.
<SiFuh> Japan loses crown as world’s third-biggest economy. The Asian nation fell below Germany after an unexpected slip into recession
<SiFuh> How is that possible?
<SiFuh> Germany is in the dirt
<zorz_> ?
<zorz_> wtf?
<zorz_> this is no good, having germany with problematic economy, now japan... it cant be good.
<SiFuh> zorz_: You shouldn'e have messed with the Japanese economy.
<zorz_> i dont know things are not good.
<zorz_> ooo my god...Niva in action.
<SiFuh> If I saw one for sale here in Malaysia, I am selling the wife's car and getting one. It's my dream 4x4 haha
<SiFuh> My favorite is the Willys jeep but they are too old to register in Malaysia
<zorz_> parenthesis doas newfs_msdos -F 32 /dev/rsd1c -- if you get used to it is easy.
<zorz_> hahaha
<zorz_> SiFuh: do not do that
<zorz_> just buy it.
<SiFuh> Why?
<zorz_> because then your wife will drive it.
<SiFuh> It's fine
<zorz_> in Europe they are many of them.
<SiFuh> What's the default paramaters for newfs_msdos /dev/rsd1c
<zorz_> a friend of mine had a good one 15 years back... and he sold it because he was smelling gas when he was turning the heating on. He regreted it.
<zorz_> SiFuh: i do not know
<SiFuh> Selling what?
<zorz_> f 32?
<SiFuh> Niva or Whilly's?
<zorz_> the niva
<SiFuh> Probably the manifold
<SiFuh> Easy fix
<zorz_> it was nice, brand new from the official seller in greece. hunters green the color.
<zorz_> zubr
<SiFuh> Охотники за привидениями
<zorz_> you are already dead :)
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<SiFuh> Sapientia omnia vincit
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "How is that possible?" To put it that way, the boomers were extremely productive, which enabled the economic boom. Then a combination of those boomers passing down knowledge and skills to the younger generations the wrong way, having a bigger focus on education than before, younger people lacking the "work to death" mentality the older people had or still have, government passing more
<remiliascarlet> and more anti-economic regulations just to benefit the mega corporations in the short term, and elderly people still working and refusing to make room for younger employees, I can see why economy here does to shit.
<SiFuh> It has been said often that the old foggies in the government need to fsck off and let the new generations take over since it is going to be their world soon
<serpente> hahaha
<serpente> Sapientia semper vincit
<serpente> e lo SER PENTia
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: ^
zorz_ has joined #crux-social
<lavaball> we're fucke.d
<zorz_> ?
<lavaball> klaus schwab is right.
<lavaball> i went through his first book.
<lavaball> we're fuck.
<lavaball> eating the bugs, owning nothing.
<lavaball> well, except for sifuh, who will live in the jungle doing his animal fighting.
<zorz_> lavaball: eventually this is what it will happen.
<lavaball> we are closer than you think.
<zorz_> not everybody. but average people in metropolitan cities will be soon.
<lavaball> well, definitely not his sponsors.
<lavaball> but for the rest of us who aren't able to live off the land.
<lavaball> i don't see this end well at all.
<lavaball> i'll try and stop it, but i would have to pull the greatest serbian jew double bluff in the history of ex nazi germany.
<zorz_> lavaball: is something happenning like the perfect storm. Over population, production of food in shortage, having a war in a rich land like Ukraine... etc etc... no good.
<zorz_> germany is fucked... stupid politicians now days in Germany.
<lavaball> but all of these are man made.
<lavaball> germany is one of the last bastions who could stop this train.
<lavaball> trump is the other.
<lavaball> with trump i can't help, but germany i could get there.
<zorz_> lavaball: 2 years ago, the Dutch farmers were on protest for shutting down the Cow farms... you remember that?
<lavaball> the right wing is gaining steadily by the hour.
<lavaball> all part of the plan.
<lavaball> not the protest, but disinfranchising the farmers.
<lavaball> take their means of transportation, take their means of feeding themselves, take their means to fight back.
<lavaball> the information has been going on for years as well.
<zorz_> fuckin stupid politicians, the Dutch is major supplier of meat in europe.
<lavaball> they aren't stupid.
<lavaball> the wef has their fingers in every pie.
<lavaball> they have realized it's us or them.
<lavaball> they rather go with them.
<lavaball> though their moves are perfectly logical.
<lavaball> why do you think the schwab's klausi has all those awards?
<lavaball> from honorary doctors to actual knight hoods.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, gave him the rising sun award even.
<lavaball> and i can't even hold it against them.
<lavaball> they just did the math, and when it comes down to us or them, ... well, i just showed my calculations.
<lavaball> the question is who is standing against these monkeys?
<zorz_> you cant do anything... only save yourself.
<lavaball> nah, i'm probably the only one who can.
<lavaball> i mean who else is there? the other side is all high on jesus.
<lavaball> those clowns aren't of any use.
<lavaball> and even if, then we have the same problem just going into the other direction.
<lavaball> the dark ages are thing for a reason.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Wow, TC Shorts are actually good compared to YT Shorts. Not something rushed into just 1 minute, and recorded in the proper orientation (landscape) instead of the retard orientation (portrait).
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<remiliascarlet> serpente: I saw that princess resque comic years ago, wondering why they didn't put C++ or Python there too.
<remiliascarlet> As for Klaus Analschwab, just tell him to go eat his bugs.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: bonjour
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Oh fuck!
<remiliascarlet> I mean, hello.
<zorz_> :-)
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Train stations are very clean throughout East Asia as well. And perhaps any other homogenous country too.
<remiliascarlet> I've seen clean stations just about everywhere in Eastern Europe. Then you go to Western Europe, and there's trash on the floor, graffiti on walls, and other bullshit.
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<serpente> remiliascarlet, i tought the same, why python is not there... i've found that comic when i was reading an article about the parentheses in lisp
<serpente> here the stations are pretty clean too
<remiliascarlet> I wonder, does Cucker even realize that what he experienced at a Russian mall and grossories store is really just standard in most countries around the world?
<serpente> yeah, i tought the same... those videos mean nothing but stupidity
<remiliascarlet> I agree, voting in (western) selections is no different from China, except that China doesn't hide behind layers of abstraction.