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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: In 2020 the globalists took over the world while everyone was looking for toilet paper <-- HAHAHAHA
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I have a washlet, so toiler paper hasn't even been a problem for me.
<remiliascarlet> Although the good thing it caused was that toilet paper manifacturing got moved from China to Japan back in 2020, and toilet paper never got out of stock anywhere ever since.
<SiFuh> You mean you have a Joe Bidet?
<remiliascarlet> Bidet, yes. Joe, no.
<SiFuh> Hehe
<SiFuh> We have these in South East Asia
<remiliascarlet> They have those in the Arab countries as well.
<remiliascarlet> Saw that in Dubai.
<SiFuh> Yes and In Kyrgyzstan, I used a plastic 3 litre beer bottle. My friend used a Coke can and when I went to the village, I used a teapot. Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> So there really is 1 difference between Democrat and Republican parties after all!
<SiFuh> My friend from China was telling me it is very nice that Thai toilets have that hose for washing their feet. Should have seen the look on her face when I told her it was for your butt
<SiFuh> We used these out in the villages that have only a tap. Also used for flushing the toilet
<remiliascarlet> Each model has different features, although stop, shower (or actually "butt" in the Japanese text), and bidet exists on all of them.
<remiliascarlet> Mine doesn't have 温水準備 (prepare warm water), but instead 3 adjustable water temperature levels.
<SiFuh> Some hotels have too much pressure and you end up spraying balls off
<SiFuh> These are super common. Squat and Drop, I call them
<SiFuh> Race For Glory Audi vs Lancia (2024) De ja vu? I remember seeing this a few years back. How is it possible since it was released in January 2024?
<remiliascarlet> Damn the OpenBSD communities (whether official or not) are useless!
<SiFuh> What did you do?
<remiliascarlet> On the mailing list, you'll be cut in a million pieces and roasted before they finally give you the answer to your question, and on IRC they will ignore your question altogether.
<SiFuh> I've never had an issue
<remiliascarlet> Guess the FAQ really is the only useful resource.
<SiFuh> Most of us read the FAQ and the manual first unlike zorz
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes you will want to have someone to ask to, like about why statically compiling something with OpenGL libraries returns about 100 linking errors.
<remiliascarlet> Even though OpenBSD ships with statically linked OpenGL libraries.
<remiliascarlet> Well, something came up in my mind: I can check the ports tree for an answer!
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<lavaball> ...
<lavaball> the 644 /etc/netstart
<lavaball> seriously, what is this? multiball?
<SiFuh> It's a script to launch network
<SiFuh> I find it has a bit of difficulty when modifying the Wi-Fi interfaces and trunk0 so I have a script that does everything I need first before relaunching netstart
<lavaball> don't be fucking GAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<lavaball> the last snapshot un x ed it.
<SiFuh> Doesn't need to be
<lavaball> what doesn't need to be?
<SiFuh> x'd
<lavaball> if it's not +x it's not executed at the start and your route table is empty.
<SiFuh> -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 11827 Oct 10 22:41 netstart
<SiFuh> A shell script doesn't need to be executable to be launched
<SiFuh> If you look in /etc/rc it launches the script using sh
<SiFuh> sh /etc/netstart
<SiFuh> sh /etc/netstart pfsync0
<SiFuh> sh is the executable now.
<SiFuh> Which is also how I launch netstart in my script
<SiFuh> doas /bin/sh /etc/netstart "${T}"
<lavaball> well, i excuted it and now network works again.
<lavaball> before it didn't.
<SiFuh> Did /etc/rc get modified?
<SiFuh> With the updates
<lavaball> i wouldn't know.
<lavaball> i thought netstart was, but apparently not.
<lavaball> restarted twice.
<lavaball> had to run netstart my own self to get it working
<lavaball> i'm not mused.
<SiFuh> Your user isn't receiving emails of the updates and changes to your system?
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<SiFuh> lavaball: rc hasn't been touched in 5 months and netstart hasn't been touched in 2 years.
<SiFuh> I am assuming that when you manually run netstart the networks comes up but when you boot up the system it doesnt
<lavaball> well, i'm backup-ing my shit. next stupid thing and i'm on stabe!
<lavaball> also i called everyone who wants moeny from me
<SiFuh> Good plan
<lavaball> a, only takes monthly.
<lavaball> b, would take a year, but same price.
<lavaball> c, i'm waiting for response.
<lavaball> you wanna save a few bucks ... nobody lets you.
<zorz> SiFuh: bonjour.... how we can stop this fukin fan. i think maybe has to do with the drm. and openbsd by default works on the gpu. not the intergrated graphics. Btw i did syaupgrade -s ... and it was fast. Next upgrade of openbsd will be fast. But unfortunatelly i had no dns service.
<SiFuh> zorz: sysupgrade -s? You can talk to lavaball now
<zorz> haha
<zorz> goodmorning guys. now i am reading lavaball texts
<zorz> on my machine.... openbsd i changed to current, works fast like my linux. my opinion but no dns service. wifi works properly scans everything all around. connects but no dns service.
<zorz> tried everything, dhcpclient... changed inet to unwind... everything.
<SiFuh> Why is a newbie using current?
<zorz> so as i made a custom bootable install74.img with iwx in it.... i mess arround.
<lavaball> why wouldn't he?
<lavaball> how would it be faster than stable though?
<lavaball> what are you on?
<zorz> lavaball: i do not know... maybe permissions i dont know.
<lavaball> that's not how any of this works.
<zorz> i entered startx in openbsd and it was on click
<zorz> faster than crux.
<SiFuh> zorz: How about the error message for DRM?
<zorz> probably the devs of openbsd have a surpise for us.
<zorz> SiFuh: this i think is the fan working all the time.
<zorz> by default it uses the main gpu. laptop has hybrid graphics.
<zorz> what i really liked in openbsd, i install pip and i do pip list. no python installed program with openbsd. all linux distros depend on python.
<zorz> i like python i use python, but i want to know what is and where.
<zorz> openbsd with installation is not depend on any python code.
<zorz> SiFuh: if i will fix the fan.... i will mkfs.a6 /dev/nvme0n1
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh> snapshots are mostly for those who develop
<zorz> yes... that is why i told you they have a surprise for us.... the snapshot i installed yesterday is so fast with startx.
<zorz> let the linux people, try to package rust programs of the fukin idiot... connecting libraries.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: By the way, Rust is cooming to FreeBSD too it seems.
<SiFuh> snapshots are where they test and modify new shit all the time. Systems are easily broken. It is considered unstable because of this
<remiliascarlet> That sparked a controversy so huge, the entire FreeBSD mailing list exploded with both Rust lovers and Rust haters giving their opinions.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: one moment please
<zorz> remiliascarlet: As Wikipedia says, Rust is a multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language designed for performance and safety, especially safe concurrency. Rust is syntactically similar to C++, but can guarantee memory safety by using a borrow checker to validate references. Rust achieves memory safety without garbage collection, and reference counting is optional.
<zorz> so ... somebody cooks food but does not throw the garbage?
<remiliascarlet> That's like saying that if you put a loaf a bread in the fridge instead of leaving it on the kitchen sink, that bread will never rot without the need to use chemicals.
<zorz> SiFuh: europe... starts getting used of being poor.
<SiFuh> Europe died when the EU was created
<remiliascarlet> GNU/Europe.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: its only C. C is the King. Rust is like having java, or go. It is only C, perl & python.
<remiliascarlet> I wouldn't even count on Perl and Python.
<zorz> and linux.. they cannot make everybody happy in the kernel. linux for servers, linux for desktop, linux for gaming. they need to deside.
<SiFuh> deside?
<remiliascarlet> And yet OpenBSD works great on both laptops and servers.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Unless zorz installs it
<zorz> remiliascarlet: ofcourse works great. never gets overheated.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Or a Linux kernel maintainer.
<zorz> SiFuh: love you
<zorz> or... linux should say kernel 6.5 server. kernel 6.8 desktop. kernel 6.8 multimedia.
<remiliascarlet> Linux kernel 2.6.
<remiliascarlet> That was peak Linux desktop.
<zorz> and why you need rust on theserver? ok if it is a tpu with ai working you need to bind python with rust. other than that ?
<SiFuh> AI is fake
<remiliascarlet> This is a rather long talk frm Theo de Raadt on pledge(), one of the questions was about "memory safe" languages, I think he gives the best explanation to why he doesn't believe in "memory safe" languages (timestamp from 35:10).
<SiFuh> I have seen it
<SiFuh> I like how if a program doesn't do what it is suppose to do "BAM!" you're killed
<zorz> the same people talkin saving the planet, the same people talkin about ai. the same people talkin for green energy but the same people seems not to know basic maths like the rule of three
<SiFuh> And the planet is a pizza
<zorz> exactly!
<zorz> the only words they know is bonus bonus... i will get the bonus. take the fukin bonus in your grave.
<SiFuh> zorz: I paid the mechanics that worked with me on my truck free bottles of home made vodka.
<zorz> SiFuh: shall i give you my address?
<zorz> send me some.
<zorz> btw, yes openbsd is the most secure of all systems. yesterday typing to change something on the class staff. they even check the geometry of the terminal.
<SiFuh> zorz: try this doas sysctl hw.perfpolicy=auto
<zorz> and in linux... alacritty... no alacritty kitty. no learn first the dial up line... and then go to isdn
<zorz> you want and dsl
<zorz> SiFuh: let me write it down later i will boot with openbsd.
<SiFuh> For your fun fan ;-)
<zorz> what dsl adsl'
<zorz> SiFuh: it is a pleasure fun fan
<SiFuh> You can't post alcohol without a licence and custom approval papers for both import and export
<zorz> i did a custom install74.img with vnconfig having the iwx driver and now i play with it. i reformat and install the partition in 10 min.
<zorz> SiFuh: correct i forgot.
<SiFuh> I just boot into install and insert a flashdrive with the firmwares and copy them over
<zorz> SiFuh: use dark net :) mushroom vodka!!!
<SiFuh> But, I must admit, I don't use the USB to install OpenBSD on a machine already running OpenBSD
<lavaball> what's with duplicate working path for possibly different file: from openrsync?
<zorz> SiFuh: i do not even how to mount a usb in openbsd.
<zorz> lavaball: ask arxiv or MIT
<zorz> :Pp
<SiFuh> download the latest bsd.rd and when you boot tell it to boot bsd.rd :-P then once booted go to shell and cd /dev and sh ./MAKEDEV sd(what ever number)
<SiFuh> lavaball: I don't use openrsync. Never figured it out
<zorz> SiFuh: what happen to Elon... lets dedicate to him a song
<SiFuh> zorz: virus?
<zorz> the fairytail gone bad..... in the civilized western world they say detox. in my world is called bullshit
<SiFuh> The third day of the landmark fluoride trial included tense exchanges between scientists and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the agency sought to discredit statements made by a key witness for the plaintiffs and the plaintiffs called one of the EPA’s own experts to testify.
<zorz> U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and all the agencies of USA, i want to knowthe radiation levels of the first motorolla phone and later the first iphoe.
<SiFuh> zorz: They are available for your perusal
<SiFuh> zorz: Were you born in the 90's?
<zorz> 78
<zorz> they tell you dont smoke, bad for the sperm. do not drink alcohol bad for the sperm.... 1000 years never was that a problem. Never talk about radiation levels of gadgets in our enviroment.
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<zorz> speaking of rust, i need rust i have to install fd. what is fd? is a fast find!....omg.
<zorz> this is the archlinux philosophy just doing pacman -Syu without knowing what they do bu iam hacker.
<SiFuh> My wife is silly sometimes. Maybe all the time. I put my Ghillie suit downstairs to see the if it absorbs IR or reflects it. She comes into my room and starts screaming there is a cat on the floor downstairs.
<zorz> hahaha
<lavaball> the slowness of openbsd is unbelievble. in a gigabit network i upload with precious 5mb/s
<SiFuh> It's just a Ghillie suit in a bag, but the bag opened slightly to show the suit
<SiFuh> lavaball: Yes, it is probably slower than windows
<lavaball> serioulsy, who ever thought htis would be great for servers must be insane.
<lavaball> openbsd is the best desktop system. bu tthat's it.
<SiFuh> Actually there was a time, not sure if they still use it when OpenBSD could have the data throttled into the mailserver you are hosting so that it was so slow, spammers wouldn't use it.
<lavaball> not servers, not rounter, not nothing.
<SiFuh> I found it worked fine as a server
<lavaball> i'll allow it.
<lavaball> but i won't recommend it.
<zorz> lavaball: for your information.... there is a trend in freebsd servers.
<lavaball> what is the point of this freebsd?
<SiFuh> I remember when it was discovered that MSN Messenger was being hosted on FreeBSD servers!
<SiFuh> That was a classic time
<zorz> SiFuh: yes
<lavaball> it can't do everyting linux can, and it's not as secure as openbsd.
<lavaball> and it also has pf.
<SiFuh> People were saying Windows sucks so bad Microsoft won't even use them as servers.
<lavaball> anyway.
<lavaball> that's all content for my unix video.
<lavaball> now it's cooking time.
<SiFuh> Then Microsoft switched most to Windows and they kept on crashing. MSN Messenger users were getting upset and then everything magically started working again and Microsoft had returned the FreeBSD servers but tried masking the OS
<zorz> lavaball: is how you use it. you can make it secure. linux you can make it secure. the point is not to fight with being secure everyday.
<zorz> its like i have this car and drive with melted tires. (melted in greek, old) no secure car.
<SiFuh> zorz: You can't even install OpenBSD wtf
<zorz> SiFuh: its up and running
<zorz> only a minor issue
<SiFuh> With a fan on Meth
<zorz> fan on steroids!
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> by the way if you create a /root/.forward file and put your user name in it. You will receive all emails locally about any changes to your system nightly
<SiFuh> But you'd know that if you installed OpenBSD correctly :-P
<zorz> sifuh, i never realized the difference of steroids with asteroids.... both of them mention stars no? :Ppp
<SiFuh> funny
<zorz> i will go to rest now. and then setup my openbsd to run electron programs :P
<zorz> there is this nice terminal in electron only 100MB :-)
<zorz> compressed :P
<lavaball> you can't make linux secure. it's always a hack above a hack. only openbsd has unveil and pledge in the kernel.
<lavaball> linux is great for children and games.
<lavaball> openbsd is great for daily desktop use.
<zorz> lavaball: you cant secure your home... a thief can always enter. what you talking to me ?
<lavaball> windows is great if you want people to know that you are retarded.
<SiFuh> unveil is annoying but I accept it for what it is
<SiFuh> pledge is fantastic
<zorz> what you try to do... is stick with νοοτροπια mentality. do not go with the masses. firefox has wholes too but they exploit chrome because everyone is using chrome.
<zorz> and believe me linux kernel security wise is the worst right now.
<zorz> they only introduce new things.
<zorz> fix the existing kernel... and then move to rust. not put rust on top of a problematic one
<zorz> which rust has its one problems.
<zorz> sickness
<zorz> :Pp
<lavaball> rust is just there to cater to the woke crowd.
<lavaball> they need a lower bar of entry and rust is it.
<lavaball> linux is infected like mar sara in starcraft.
<lavaball> question is, would rsync openbsd > linux be faster?
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<zorz> guys for me to know for you to find out. pypi is full of mallware. this is another reason that i say i respect openbsd no python programs in default installation. you do not know what you run nowdays.
<lavaball> is that he python repository?
<lavaball> how does that work?
<lavaball> does it contain libraries?
<zorz> people going installin the openai python library to have open ai in terminal and openai has full access of your desktop.
<lavaball> or full python programs?
<lavaball> the stable fusion also phones to amazon servers.
<lavaball> never let any system go outside unfiltered.
<lavaball> not even openbsd.
<lavaball> i had this box here phone to china via udp. and i checked the destination. it was listening.
<zorz> its a mess.. and in python you can easily read and review the code ( it is human readable) and you decide what to do. go and rust follow the philosophy of python but they are compiled.
<lavaball> there linux is better. ss is way faster than netstat, so you can see what application goes where.
<zorz> lsof
<zorz> lsof catches everything in linux
<SiFuh> Fucking hell
<lavaball> i went with ss - ... well, 5 letters i don't remember.
<SiFuh> Try netstat -n instead of just netstat
<lavaball> doesn't tell me what's sending out.
<zorz> lavaball write lsof -i
<lavaball> openbsd doesn't seem to have lsof.
<SiFuh> lavaball: systat uses your left arrow key 14 times
<SiFuh> Or your right arrow key 6 times
<zorz> SiFuh: systat is a porche man! Iam talking for zastava
<SiFuh> We don't have lsof we use fuser
<lavaball> doesn't name applications either.
<zorz> SiFuh: i like the vis in openbsd is something like less
<zorz> i use the vis editor and as i installed it in openbsd it tells me executable vise beacause of conflict. so i tried the vis.
<lavaball> ... openbsd has ed.
<lavaball> like yeah, another thing i never thought i had to learn.
<SiFuh> Toby Keith is dead!
<SiFuh> ed sucks shit
<SiFuh> I don't ever want to learn it
<zorz> ed is like neaderdal
<zorz> now we live to the moon :P
<SiFuh> Toby Keith probably died of stomach cancer from drinking from red SOLO cups
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<lavaball> by the way, mpv works agian.
<lavaball> 15 x 4 video.
<zorz> bsd time
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<lavaball> haha
<lavaball> openbsd to linux is fast.
<lavaball> not full powah, but 85mb/s.
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<zorz_> SiFuh: mision fan over.
<zorz_> :-)
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