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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I learned to drive safely by playing GTA San Andreas.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "A GAY monkey's anus????" So they put chemicals in the bananas too?
<SiFuh> Hahaha
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<SiFuh> That's funny
<zorz> SiFuh: :_))))
<SiFuh> Damn lost my uptime
<SiFuh> Turned the server off by accident (Carelessly) instead of the printer
<ppetrov^> you setting an updtime record?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I just updated the server anyway
<SiFuh> * A new component "systemd-bsod" has been added, which can show logged
<SiFuh> error messages full screen, if they have a log level of LOG_EMERG log
<SiFuh> level. This component is experimental and its public interface is
<SiFuh> subject to change.
<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: It's for a reason systemd is considered broken by design for almost 10 years now:
<remiliascarlet> Also proves all the UNIX greybeards of systemd turning Linux gay, I mean turning Linux into Windows were right all along.
<ppetrov^> i really have no opinion, i neither like it or hate it
<ppetrov^> however, all major Linux distros adopted it
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That was my actual thought. Why turn Linux into Windows when Windows sucks and steals everything from Linux and says it is their own
<remiliascarlet> I used to have no opinion on systemd before, until it started getting in the way a bit too often.
<SiFuh> BSD! BSD! BSD!
<ppetrov^> OpenBSD?
<SiFuh> Sure, why not.
<remiliascarlet> Also, the only major distro that isn't strictly systemd is Gentoo.
<ppetrov^> also Slackware
<remiliascarlet> I think a lot of people would regard Slackware as a niche distro nowadays.
<SiFuh> I remember an article about it on Slackware saying they don't care about the topic and if it happens it will happen (Paraphrasing)
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, it's still one of the major ones, imo
<remiliascarlet> Neither Void cares, the only reason they chose not to adopt systemd is because it doesn't play nicely with musl.
<SiFuh> I consider it to be for sure ppetrov^
<remiliascarlet> The most hardcore systemd/Linux distro's are all RHEL-based ones, which makes sense because systemd is a Red Hat product.
<remiliascarlet> And perhaps Arch too, considering the amount of packages having systemd as a dependency for no good reason.
<ppetrov^> Arch adopting systemd made many users scratch their heads
<SiFuh> Does Android use systemd?
<remiliascarlet> I actually like the CRUX way the best, it's not even an init system, it's very much like the BSD's.
<remiliascarlet> Android uses busybox I believe.
<remiliascarlet> Well, technically CRUX does have an init system, just not one with a very fancy name.
<SiFuh> I'd like to see a new one named Shit-init and I will laugh everytime I hear someone say it.
<remiliascarlet> I configured a FreeBSD init, and it was OK-ish.
<remiliascarlet> I configured an OpenBSD init, and it was god like.
<remiliascarlet> I configured a CRUX init, and I felt like it was a more verbose version of OpenBSD.
<ppetrov^> and after Shit-init, the leading Linux distros will hire a young developer to create "shitsemd"
<remiliascarlet> Can't speak for NetBSD and Dragonfly BSD, because I barely even touched NetBSD, and never touched Dragonfly BSD at all.
<SiFuh> I use the init system from the Linux Distro called Bucket, shit-init.
<remiliascarlet> Configuring a runit init script is like, "how the fuck does this shit even work?".
<SiFuh> Android init system
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, I forgot.
<remiliascarlet> Android is just running in a JVM.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Easy, it is like dropping a torrent file in a folder that qBittorrent sees and loads
<remiliascarlet> I know, but I mean more on a much lower level.
<SiFuh> Limbo
<remiliascarlet> Just got an idea: let's make an "illegal" fork of RHEL, make it open source again, and replace systemd with sinit. That will piss them off twice!
<SiFuh> Let's call it NRHEL
<remiliascarlet> And replace Gnome with DWM to add wood to the fire.
<remiliascarlet> I thought more of RHNL (Red Hat's Not Linux).
<SiFuh> No, Not Red Hat Enterpirse Linux
<SiFuh> Not Red Hat's linux
<SiFuh> Ho about Red Hat Sucks
<remiliascarlet> Then somebody else makes a fork that undoes all of that (except for making code open source), and calls it TNNRHEL (Totally Not Not Red Het Enterprise Linux).
<remiliascarlet> s/Het/Hat
<remiliascarlet> And that somebody else goes by the name Pennard Loettering.
<SiFuh> SystemD's nutz
<remiliascarlet> And he's totally not a Microsoft employee.
<SiFuh> 43 minutes!
<remiliascarlet> Even though that particular video isn't his own, he always uploads videos that drag on and on.
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<zorz> :)
<zorz> i found my humour
<SiFuh> Where was it?
<zorz> fuckin mkdir bullshit thing
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