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<zorz> bonjour
<ppetrov^> moro
<zorz> ppetrov^: mornin mornin
<zorz> ppetrov^: if i wanna try only vscodium from your ports is there a way not to download the whole ports list 400+ packages?
<ppetrov^> sure
<zorz> 400 packages is annoying with ports -u
<ppetrov^> you have this already written for you at for each single port
<zorz> but i need the pup file?
<ppetrov^> nope
<ppetrov^> just run this, it will get the port in your pwd
<zorz> afte?
<ppetrov^> navigate there and do pkgmk -d
<zorz> ok
<zorz> where is the pwd?
<ppetrov^> pwd man, the command to check your workd dir
<zorz> ahh ok
<zorz> kinda like git clone
<zorz> got it
<zorz> ppetrov^: where do you live? time now at your side?
<ppetrov^> i live in Finland
<ppetrov^> it's noon
<zorz> Finland is nice man.
<zorz> Finland is better than Malaysia :PPppp [log this :-)]
<ppetrov^> i don't think you can compare them
<zorz> jokin man... for SiFuh
<ppetrov^> for the record, I am not finnish (as evident from my name)
<ppetrov^> ye ye
<ppetrov^> once we were comparing tyres
<ppetrov^> mud tyres vs studded tyres
<ppetrov^> guess which ones are used in malaysia and which ones here
<zorz> russian? ukranian? bellaruse?
<ppetrov^> Bulgarian
<zorz> oo yes
<zorz> Katerini here! u know Thessaloniki
<SiFuh> I saw Slovenia on The Amazing Race and that place looked nice
<zorz> man... Slovenia is better than Switzerland.... and still everything there very cheap.
<ppetrov^> heh
<zorz> i know Switzerland very well and, i drove to Slovenia.
<ppetrov^> zorz, you Greek?
<zorz> ppetrov^: yes man.
<zorz> zorz=malakas
<ppetrov^> zorz, well greetings from your northern "Vulgar" neighbour
<ppetrov^> yes, malaka even I know
<zorz> Balkans are the best!
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> Croatians will get offended if you tell them they are from the Balkans
<ppetrov^> not to mention Slovenians
<ppetrov^> :P
<zorz> summer time Chalkidiki.... full of Vulgars... u know the ones that printing money
<ppetrov^> yes, I do
<zorz> Croatians are nationalists... iam not fond of nationalists.
<zorz> Croatians are modern nazi
<ppetrov^> jeez, I'm afraid to ask about Macedonians then
<ppetrov^> k, let's not go there
<zorz> yes ofcourse, they want to be called Macedonians, feel sorry for them... no history at all. no heritage.
<zorz> they sould name it someting like Slavomakedonijka
<zorz> they are Slavic tribes.
<zorz> ppetrov^: once in Chalkidiki a Bulgarian paid me with 500euro bill and I asked him: Homemade?
<zorz> lol
<zorz> he was loughing his us off
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<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: Didn't you say you lived in China?
<SiFuh> I lived in China but I am not ppetrov^
<remiliascarlet> Works nicely as a gag. "Where are you from?" "China." "How the fuck are you even online then?" "Sorry, I meant Finland. Damn you autocorrect!"
<SiFuh> I used an ssh tunnel to my server I built at my parents home.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I know, but I can remember he said he needs a VPN because he's in China last time.
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, that wasn't me
<SiFuh> The great firewall of China
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I thought it was you. I think I have mistook you for someone else then.
<ppetrov^> months ago, I did need openvpn, simply to be able to access my uni from home
<SiFuh> He mistook you for Xi Jinping
<ppetrov^> in this way, i get access to many papers, which otherwise i need to pay for
<remiliascarlet> I doubt that, he'd be called "winnie" if I would mistake him for Xi Jinping.
<SiFuh> Oh we are in big trouble now ;-)
<remiliascarlet> is Swedish, and so is CRUX, so I guess we're fine.
<remiliascarlet> Unless either of the 2 takes SDGs money.
<SiFuh> Those commies are everywhere
<SiFuh> Just ask McCarthy
<remiliascarlet> But if that were the case, we'd be all long banned from here for not being "diverse and inclusive enough"/
<remiliascarlet> I mean the SDGs part.
<SiFuh> But that is what they want, to destroy the very moral values and create a nation of cucks
<SiFuh> Seen this?
<remiliascarlet> At least I'm glad to see people finally putting their foot down on this whole globalist scam.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I used to watch Max Igan in the past, but I found his content to be way too repetitive, so much blackpilling, and so many predictions he made didn't come out, so I stopped watching.
<SiFuh> No, it is a reposted video not his
<remiliascarlet> I mean in general.
<SiFuh> I know the guy, but yeah, I don't watch his stuff mostly
<remiliascarlet> But at least he sometimes admits he's wrong on stuff, and then corrects it.
<SiFuh> I have corrected him many times and he doesn't seem to like that.
<remiliascarlet> Sometimes he does. For example when he said how advanced the Russian missle launchers were, showed a video of it, and turned out it was just video game footage.
<SiFuh> For example during the fake pandemic he was showing videos of UN vehicles in Australia. I emailed him to inform him that that is where they assemble and fit out the UN vehicles. It's been around for years and years. They then get shipped overseas. Nothing suspicious.
<SiFuh> So rather than acknowledging it and telling the world he was wrong, he just stopped talking about it.
<remiliascarlet> One guy who's pretty interesting is Computing Forever. He used to be a doom and gloomer political channel, but now he's all about the current destruction of entertainment. His latest 2 videos really made me change my mind on him, as he was telling you to just walk away from wokertainment, and concentrate on making your own instead.
<SiFuh> Cool, that is Jeff Berwick's site
<SiFuh> Heh, remiliascarlet that video I posted above is on that site you posted
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I prefer to watch on a PeerTube instance, Odysee is full of both Google and Cloudflare spyware.
<SiFuh> Yep, Ublock Origin has blocked them for me
<remiliascarlet> I was about to say it's not entirely blocked, but I just noticed that Odysee no longer seems to be using a Cloudflare SSL certificate.
<remiliascarlet> Cloudflare's certificate is used to decrypt your traffic between you and them.
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<remiliascarlet> They're using Let's Encrypt now, hence why there's a tracker.
<SiFuh> Cloudflare is a disease
<remiliascarlet> I heard from someone who once used it that as soon as they replaced Cloudflare's SSL certificate for a Let's Encrypt one, Cloudflare injects a piece of Javascript into your pages without your consent.
<remiliascarlet> So he stopped using that service completely.
<remiliascarlet> I understand that DDoS is scary, but there are always 3 reasons somebody wants to DDoS you. 1) They have a grudge against you. 2) Your website uses over the top bloated Javascript on the frontend and/or over the top server side CMS/forum/ecommerce/whatever, which got so heavy that it took your entire server down, and don't understand why. 3) A conspiracy by Big Webhost to trick you into
<remiliascarlet> signing up for Cloudflare or some other CDN provider by having them DDoS you all the time.
<remiliascarlet> s/over the top server side/over the top bloated server side
<SiFuh> I can't understand why anyone would write a mug like that
<SiFuh> How is a this thing?
<SiFuh> Or How is this a thing?
<zorz> SiFuh: pkgrm npm nodejs | pkg add mariadb php php-mysql
<zorz> i just initialized mariadb
<SiFuh> I have only Lynx on CRUX
<zorz> SiFuh: i chose w3m
<SiFuh> w3m annoys me
<zorz> image rendering
<SiFuh> I know, but it still annoys me
<zorz> basically lynx is much faster than w3m, and links too but maybe links have image rendering.
<SiFuh> I liked elinks and dillo but these days, I don't bother
<zorz> i never unrstood what thiguy did with browsh, something like a firefox server
<SiFuh> I think there is a links+
<SiFuh> 1: links+-2.28
<SiFuh> 2: links+-2.28-no_x11
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Yeah, old cogs turning now. links -g
<zorz> SiFuh: tell me something that i need now, in openbsd you have rcctl sysvinit has service,, crux has no service. how can i restart mariadb daemon instead of rebooting,,, chaanging settings.
<SiFuh> Same as OpenBSD if you don't use rcctl in OpenBSD. /etc/rc.d/<name> restart
<zorz> SiFuh: :-)))))))))))))
<farkuhar> I remember some annoying aspects of browsing with w3m, but I haven't used it in years and cannot recall any specifics. I've recently been reminded about w3mman as a supposedly better way to read man-pages, so I might install w3m again to try it out.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: cursor position and movements
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: By the way, speaking of Chinese banning, they are furious about Alex Jones and his constant mocking them and the globalists. They are banning him outright everywhere in China
<farkuhar> the UI is still not very configurable? What a shame. mutt and nyxt (among others) give you the freedom to define an entirely new set of keybindings.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Not sure, haven't used it in years as well
<SiFuh> I just installed, tried and deleted it ;-)
<ppetrov^> zorz, you managed to install vscode?
<zorz> ppetrov^: u mean vscodium i was ready to ignore signatures in pkgmk.conf and install it but then i read this line -->
<zorz> chmod 0644 $PKG/usr/lib/vscodium/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/contrib/debug/node/telemetryApp.nls.js
<zorz> fuck telemetry.
<zorz> :-)
<ppetrov^> what is telemetryApp?
<ppetrov^> you want me to remove it?
<zorz> sends data
<SiFuh> 2putana maria:-)
<zorz> SiFuh: hahaha
<SiFuh> I have never learned how to do that
<ppetrov^> i may delete the whole debug folder and see how things go
<zorz> ppetrov^: if i want telemetry i run the ready to go vscode come in binary u download and u just run it
<SiFuh> Do you think it is only right if we ask #crux to be called #crux-antisocial ?
<ppetrov^> rename #crux to #crux-antisocial?
<zorz> #crux-anarchist
<zorz> ppetrov^: SiFuh: is anarchist - against authorities - goverment -religion etc etc
<ppetrov^> zorz, I removed the whole debigging folder, you can give vscodium a try
<SiFuh> Doesn't 'de' mean to remove/erase/clean?
<zorz> thx later i need to manage understand this putanaMaria
<SiFuh> zorz: against religion doesn't mean against religous ideas by the way
<SiFuh> I am against religous organizations where I must pay tax to an old guy interpreting stuff and saying that he is the middle man between God and me
<SiFuh> Peta Maria
<SiFuh> プタなマリア
<zorz> SiFuh: for example Microsoft withthe xbox keeps the kids stupid... the go out of the xbox and there is google to guide them.. even worst... george orwell is happening
<SiFuh> Nice to see people waking up
<SiFuh> Since 1988 I could see something was wrong.
<zorz> anyway my puta is calling me .... later
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<SiFuh> Reminds me of the French word Pute
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Browser support on both CRUX and OpenBSD sucks. But then again, browsers suck.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: 1 million % agree. I can't stand browsers
<remiliascarlet> Lynx is perhaps the only good browser, but since the web these days has a big "either you enable JS or GTFO" mentality, you're pretty much forced to use one of the 2 worst browsers.
<farkuhar> doesn't it depend on what sites you're trying to browse? If you stick with the smolweb protocols (e.g., gopher and gemini) then browsing doesn't have to be a painful experience.
<remiliascarlet> I stated it before, I love Gemini a lot as a protocol, but there's just so little to browse on it.
<SiFuh> Yes, in fact I prefer those over the modern
<SiFuh> Funny since they are considered modern as well
<remiliascarlet> Gopher isn't modern, Gemini is.
<SiFuh> Remember when the web was like reading a book? That's the way it should be
<farkuhar> as for renaming #crux to #crux-antisocial, that would leave #crux-devel in an awkward position. Better to keep the channels named as they are.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Hehehe :-) 'twas a joke
<SiFuh> Even Flash was fun but then not.
<SiFuh> Use to have to fsck around with flash just to watch
<remiliascarlet> I played around with the idea of setting up a Gopher page, but no unicode support, no workable webserver, and confusing navigation put me off.
<remiliascarlet> Gemini is very easy to host though.
<remiliascarlet> Also, what are you talking about? The web is still like reading a book! It's just that you need to install 200+ extensions to adjust all the retarded web designs, block all the stupid ads and other spyware, dox yourself or be seen as an "evil blackhatter", and have to wait 3 minutes for a page to load on a 10 Gbps fiber connection, but other than that's it's totally like reading a book. Trust
<remiliascarlet> me brah!
<remiliascarlet> Oh, and use a web archive to circumvent paywalls.
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I still remember Flash, and how it made the web literally inaccessible for those of us on a Linux PC.
<SiFuh> And OpenBSD
<remiliascarlet> Anything that's not Windows or Mac for that matter.
<zorz> static const char *poweroffcmd[] = { "sudo", "poweroff", NULL };
<zorz> { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Delete, spawn, {.v = poweroffcmd} },
<zorz> SiFuh: the best thing i did :-)))
<remiliascarlet> I prefer doas over sudo.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: crux doas has patch for wayland.. i drop
<SiFuh> No sudo here
<remiliascarlet> zorz: What do you mean?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You using doas or opendoas?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: check the pkgconfig
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: opendoas on CRUX, normal doas on OpenBSD.
<zorz> source=($version/$name-$version.tar.xz
<zorz> doas.pam better-wayland-support.patch)
<SiFuh> Good because in CRUX they were going to replace sudo with doas then found out doas was full of security issues like sudo so then they moved to opendoas
<zorz> SiFuh: come again!
<remiliascarlet> I don't even think regular doas is even available in any of the ports trees.
<zorz> opendoas
<SiFuh> Probably erased from the face of the earth
<remiliascarlet> Not even sure why the fuck doas would even require any display server/protocol in the first place.
<remiliascarlet> I think Suckless even made their own version.
<remiliascarlet> Found it!
<SiFuh> Heh
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<zorz> SiFuh: MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE namnam; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.000 sec);
<SiFuh> Heh, jue helped you
<SiFuh> He's also the reason this channel exists ;-)
<SiFuh> I reckon though jue was right. We can de-clutter #crux
<SiFuh> Makes it easier for people with issues to be noticed
<SiFuh> And if #crux doesn't help you can always join #crux-social and spam us with On-Topic talks from #CRUX
<remiliascarlet> As long as there's free speech, I'm fine with that.
<SiFuh> 99%
<remiliascarlet> Why not 100%?
<SiFuh> Floodbots might need to be banned
<remiliascarlet> Floodbots don't even care about free speech, they're not programmed to speak.
<SiFuh> Chances are I won't do shit and just ride them out.
<SiFuh> We'll see
<zorz> SiFuh: i unistalled everything.... i deleted all folders in var... and i reinstalled Jue way.
<zorz> works out of the box
<SiFuh> zorz: Is he the port maintainer?
<remiliascarlet> The only time I've seen floodbots was on I2P hosted IRC servers, one day all IRC servers hosted over I2P got attacked at the same time.
<zorz> now i face another problem... my life is miserable.... ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF' at line 1
<zorz> my fuckin greek... its all Greek to putaMaria
<zorz> hahaha
<remiliascarlet> What is the full MySQL command?
<remiliascarlet> Censor out any sensitive information though.
<zorz> mariadb -u xyz -p namnam < dump.sql
<zorz> the sql file is done from sqlite
<remiliascarlet> I mean, what is the full MySQL command? Not shell command.
<zorz> sqlite3 your_database.db .dump > dump.sql
<remiliascarlet> "the sql file is done from sqlite" There's your problem then.
<zorz> i tought show.... it was to easy to be truth
<remiliascarlet> SQLite is not MySQL, so what else did you expect?
<zorz> which sqlite file is made from pandas dataframe which are done from numpy arrays which arrays are done from beautifull soup.... and on top the cherry is that is greek encoding.
<zorz> let me see if from pandas i can go directlry to sql
<zorz> probably can
<remiliascarlet> I wonder if someone secretly made a Suckless-style database manager.
<remiliascarlet> s/manager/server
<zorz> remiliascarlet: u use suckless?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<zorz> do u use slstatus ?
<remiliascarlet> No, but I will probably give it a try.
<zorz> look
<zorz> i use slstatus... dont patch it for volume control... as the genius hackers say over there... just do /sbin/modprobe snd_mixer_oss
<zorz> and u get your /dev/mixer file
<zorz> slstatus.... its good
<zorz> if you like i can send u my config file.
<zorz> SiFuh: somebody has to put a bomb there. It changed the rotation of earth... climate changes
<SiFuh> zorz: NO!
<SiFuh> There are 5 coutnries that will be wiped out if you did such a thing
<zorz> it slows down the movement of earth.
<SiFuh> Good by Cambodia for sure
<zorz> i dont say its not good
<SiFuh> The damn should never have been built
<SiFuh> Dam*
<zorz> its good now..... its is not good in macro
<SiFuh> It was a disgustingly selfish construction
<zorz> it should be divided in smaller parts in different countries.
<SiFuh> Or you don't dam rivers
<SiFuh> How's that?
<SiFuh> Especially rivers that have water that traverses through other countries
<SiFuh> Actually if 3 gorges were to be bombed, Shanghai would be obliterated since maximum flow would head east rather than to the Maekong river.
<SiFuh> Yeah Shanghau
<SiFuh> Shanghai
<zorz> SiFuh: i care not about China.... the only thing i care over there is Macau :-)
<SiFuh> Poor remiliascarlet, the wave would push Japan into the west coast of the US or into the Marianna trench
<zorz> Vegas and bullshit.... only Macau
<zorz> SiFuh: lol
<SiFuh> By the way, I don't really believe the Earth Rotation slowed shit.
<SiFuh> I didn't adjust my watch or pocket watch
<SiFuh> zorz: Today I got a message from a friend saying there is a Tsunami warning here in Malaysia because there was an Earth Quake
<SiFuh> Unless it can ninja jump over the Philippines or even cooler ninja jump over South America and Africa. I doub't there is a tsunami
<zorz> SiFuh: how many meters above sea level do u live ?
<SiFuh> I think 53 it 59 according to the Sat phone
<SiFuh> Metres
<SiFuh> Young European voters flock to ‘far right’ – Guardian
<SiFuh> I wonder why
<SiFuh> And it pisses me off that they always add 'far' to everything that is right. Idiots.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: stay away from coastal areas. 1 metre tsunami inbound.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I live near the coast.
<remiliascarlet> The fuck? Can't open NHK's website at all without JS...
<SiFuh> Err I copy an spam
<SiFuh> Tsunami advisory issued for Japan's Pacific coast regions
<SiFuh> A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck near the Philippines' Mindanao Island on Saturday.
<SiFuh> 1 hour ago
<remiliascarlet> Looking at this thing:
<remiliascarlet> Looks like a non-issue to me.
<SiFuh> I think so
<remiliascarlet> Well, there is a tsunami warning.
<remiliascarlet> Good, it's not near my area.
<SiFuh> I think you should move east first then be worried
<remiliascarlet> So close, but my coastline isn't marked.
<remiliascarlet> What's the point? One day it'll hit one area, the next day it'll hit another area.
<SiFuh> We got a warning here
<SiFuh> And there are no coastlines marked
<remiliascarlet> There are, the yellow ones.
<SiFuh> We have a warning for Malaysia
<remiliascarlet> Ah, you mean that.
<SiFuh> And no coastline is marked
<SiFuh> And if you look at a fart in a bath tub, there is no coastline ever going to be hit here
<remiliascarlet> Funny how they marked the desputed islands, but not Okinawa proper.
<remiliascarlet> As if Yahoo wanted to piss off China.
<SiFuh> I noticed that
<zorz> SiFuh: concerning the article in guardian... French and England have huge problem with not exactly immigrants, they are not immigrants they are people from their ex colonies (remember the word boomerang). French has people from north africa(ex colonies) and England from India, Cyprus, wherever they had colonies. Germans, which are more serious they need immigrants to work at the factories so
<zorz> the pension theme can survive. If immigrants get kicked from Germany the pension theme will collapse [it is complicated]. At the same time immigrants they dont care... they only care for the unemployment benefits. Especially muslims its imposible to get instegrated in the west way of life.
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of piss, it's 3 am, so I'll be gone for now.
<SiFuh> zorz: They are getting more than a pension
<zorz> boomerang what goes around comes around....
<SiFuh> UN and NGOs are funding the, and guiding them and telling them where to go.
<zorz> thx god iam from a poor country and no immigrant stays here :-)
<SiFuh> It's an ivasion
<SiFuh> Invasion
<zorz> exactly
<SiFuh> I am anti NGO and anti GO
<SiFuh> :-)
<SiFuh> Add that to my list
<zorz> we cuts the ngo at the greek islands
<zorz> they are funded most of them by the soros foundatio
<SiFuh> Who do you think funds most NGO?
<zorz> they need to destroy the middle class of the societies in Europe and usa
<zorz> sors
<zorz> soros
<SiFuh> Got to kill them white folk dude
<SiFuh> No evidence or proof but what I see is the elites wish to erase all whites off the face of the earth. Some will be kept around as breeding and sex toy victims. The rest will be dead. Non-white will be slaves
<SiFuh> The whites with their bloodlines will be the ruling class
<SiFuh> The whites/The remaining Whites (Elites)
<zorz> u know what Kissinger told... the only way to win the Greeks is to hit their languages.... :-)
<zorz> and believe me the mother fuckin goverments... change a lot the education to serve their needs.
<SiFuh> They are doing that in the west
<zorz> take for example the british, colony honk kong... they gave opium to chineese they drove them back 3 generations.
<SiFuh> Honk Kong. Hahaha
<SiFuh> Wrong but right
<zorz> anyway... we communicate
<SiFuh> Had nothing to do with Hong Kong but actually all of China and the Boxer revolution
<SiFuh> Now China is doing that to the US with Fentanyl
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> Yeah, I got it
<SiFuh> Keep going bro
<zorz> yes spent time with putana
<zorz> putana=whore in greek
<SiFuh> Who is this Bitch Na?
<zorz> i will try to change the format to csv see whats happening
<SiFuh> With the whore?
<zorz> no true no virtual literally bitch
<zorz> the other guy that did the virtual gf / ai gf thing is in prison
<SiFuh> From the series Archer?
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> so stupid... he tried to burn his house
<zorz> so fucked up
<SiFuh> Ai doesn't exist
<zorz> SiFuh: now who is more stupid the guy that created carynai or the usholes that paid for the service?
<zorz> the egg makes the chicken or the chicken makes the egg ?
<SiFuh> Dinosaurs made chicken and retarded feathery stumpy beast with wings was born and laid and egg
<zorz> the rooster makes both of them :)
<SiFuh> Dinosaurs made eggs and a retarded feathery stumpy beast with wings was born and laid more eggs
<SiFuh> Bloody hell, what is wrong with my fingers
<zorz> ?
<farkuhar> Why don't you blame autocorrect?
<SiFuh> I am not that retarded to even use it
<farkuhar> But it makes a good joke, as remiliascarlet can attest to.
<SiFuh> Is that how you got your name?
<zorz> hahahaha
<farkuhar> ppetrov^ can tell you that the last two syllables translate to "cook" or "chef" in many Slavic languages.
<SiFuh> I always thought farkuhar was a misspelling of fsck you hard
<SiFuh> Damned autocorrect
<farkuhar> it's also partially inspired by the Farquaad character in The Princess Bride
<SiFuh> Excellent movie
<SiFuh> It is one of my favorites
<SiFuh> I put it in line with Kim
<SiFuh> Kim (1950)
<farkuhar> Kim, the movie adaptation of a Rudyard Kipling novel?
<SiFuh> The one with Errol FLynn
<SiFuh> That is the movie that changed my brain to see everything people say is a lie unless it is true
<SiFuh> Basically I was taught nothing is true unless you yourself can prove it to be true. So I question EVERYTHING
<SiFuh> That movie was the movie that did it
<SiFuh> The idea of being self sufficient and attempt to be truley independent was from the Princess Bride.
<SiFuh> So those two movies were like a bible that changed my life
<SiFuh> Hmm, 'bout to have a complex since I just realised that CIA manipualtes everything in movie and music to control your mind and two moves made me change my thinking. Oh no!
<SiFuh> moves/movies*
<farkuhar> Speaking of questioning the history as told by the victors ...
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I doubt China even built those walls
<SiFuh> zorz: ^ The video
<SiFuh> I have seen them and they just don't look like anything Chinese
<SiFuh> The Chinese repairs look like shit. But that is irrelevant
<zorz> wait... i was cripting python
<zorz> wait... i was scripting python
<SiFuh> I heard som horrifying stories about how those walls were built then I saw them and I was looking at themn, thinking of the stories, looking at them, looking at everything super ancient China and I was like... Nuh, can't see it. Hmm, what if they didn't build it?
<zorz> during covid it was first time that from New Delhi you could see Himmalayas with naked eye
<zorz> lol
<zorz> SiFuh: did i told u that from all the countries the most hated is Bangladesh... they sell young kids for organs.
<SiFuh> I was landing in Chengu in China and I saw a stupid looking mountain sticking out of the clouds. I asked the stewardess what it is and she said "Everest". Even today, I still don't beleive her
<SiFuh> zorz: They do that in the USA, Phillipines, Indian, Thailand, Malaysia.. oh wait they do that everywhere
<SiFuh> zorz: Which is worse, organs or trafficking?
<zorz> dear SiFuh: you will never see a movie from Hollywood about organ trafficking in Bangladesh because the organs go over there.
<SiFuh> dear zorz, I carry two scars over my kidneys so if I ever get kidnapped they will know they were already removed/replaced
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> Bagladesh is even worst, the parents sell the kid
<SiFuh> zorz: Did you watch Sound of freedom (2023) yet?
<zorz> anyway found a way around to load directly from python to mariadb... i need this finished so i can carry on with the webpage
<SiFuh> Not "The sound of freedom (2023)"
<zorz> i downloaded,,, but did not watch it yet
<zorz> i never understood why people pay for netflix
<SiFuh> This one is how I was thinking in 1988
<zorz> most probably they like to be money dry by the end of the month.
<SiFuh> Me too, I just download everything with risk of gaol time ;-)
<SiFuh> Sound of Freedom - Official Trailer (2023)
<zorz> hahaha you remind me the jew avi that manipulated the mango markets and he said what they gonna do they gonna arrest me... they arrested him in puerto rico
<zorz> vaya con dios - puerto rico mp3
<SiFuh> I have a lot more shit going on here than some pirated software
<zorz> SiFuh: yes man this is the one i downloaded
<zorz> ahhh sifuh in greece we have
<SiFuh> Boys in Navy would have a field day here.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> firefox has video download helper
<SiFuh> Here is mostly foreign movies from Asia.
<zorz> if you dont mind subtitles.... use them
<SiFuh> I use subtitles for everything even movies in languages I speak
<zorz> you need ublock aand videodownloadhelper
<zorz> it is straight forward
<SiFuh> I can hear a cat far on a mouse a block away but the characters in front of me through a speaker I cannot
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> Actually that is kind of a true story. I heard a squeak and walked to my window to see a mouse being beaten up by a cat about 4 houses down
<zorz> from sqlalchemy import create_engine and i thought alchemists are only the bartenders :)
<SiFuh> You know they say some people are short and others are long sighted?
<SiFuh> I reckon it is the same with hearing
<SiFuh> I can hear shit so far away but close by I need to volume up
<zorz> with the word reckon i recalled conair(movie) & face off(movie)
<SiFuh> I did like con air
<SiFuh> Actually I think no one disliked it
<SiFuh> Face off was weird but new
<zorz> it was ok, not godfather, not deerhunter...
<SiFuh> I don't like The Godfather
<SiFuh> I don't know Deerhunter
<zorz> i really enjoyed as goog as it gets with jack
<SiFuh> I might download it
<SiFuh> Is he the Joker?
<SiFuh> Nevermind he is
<zorz> download this
<zorz> napoleon
<zorz> no subtittles
<SiFuh> 2023?
<zorz> i hope is not in french
<SiFuh> Yeah that was shit
<zorz> yes
<zorz> u saw it?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Can't remember it either
<SiFuh> Oh wait.............
<zorz> joackin phoenix
<SiFuh> Maybe it was a TDS
<SiFuh> Yeah it was HDTS
<zorz> fuck it is camrip
<SiFuh> So no I never watched it
<SiFuh> Heh, good catch there
<SiFuh> I give you an idea of what I watch usually
<SiFuh> M*A*S*H, Andy Griffith Show, Greatest American Hero, anything Batman or Ninja Turtle
<SiFuh> Right now is M*A*S*H S07E21
<zorz> u forgot Jerry Springer
<SiFuh> Happy Days was fabulous
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I don't like him
<zorz> u didnt
<zorz> he past
<SiFuh> I think he is a fucking idiot with no sense of humour
<zorz> idiots are the americans that used to watch him
<SiFuh> Hmm didn't miss him
<zorz> and then u have oprah... so fake
<SiFuh> Jerry Springer is that idiot that told Elvis Presely to reduce hip movements right?
<SiFuh> Oprah is a rich whore that screams she is from a poor family with pet cockroaches
<SiFuh> I don't really keep up to date with US TV
<SiFuh> Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Ed Sulivan. Not Jerry Springer when it was about Elvis Presely
<zorz> all this american movies that always win,,, and always they are politically correct.... i hate hollywood... only oliver stone stands for the human rights.
<SiFuh> Oliver Stone?
<zorz> the director producer
<zorz> have u seen the 4 episodes interview with putin ?
<SiFuh> Ohhh, ewww that is a slime ball lying weasel ferret
<zorz> seriously?
<SiFuh> He's filthy
<zorz> and with snowden too?
<SiFuh> Never saw those two interviews but he was in the news recently
<zorz> snowden the movie
<zorz> platoon
<zorz> savages
<zorz> this are movies from oliver stone
<SiFuh> No, no and no
<SiFuh> Are they important?
<zorz> no
<zorz> i just like him
<SiFuh> Okay, I will listen to him tomorrow when I paint some more walls and if I have had the time, I will comment on him for you
<SiFuh> I have been painting the houe because my callous wife puta has had the entire place painted orchard white (Non glossy) and a fart can scuff the walls and it looks like a US prison.
<SiFuh> houe/house
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> how do u know how a US prison looks? have you been ?
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> She said there is nothing wrong with paint so I picked up a bottle and started writing ASS but got as far as A on her wall and she screamed and took the bottle and wrote on my wall nothing..
<SiFuh> zorz: Guam
<zorz> what Guam?
<SiFuh> The prison
<SiFuh> Many prisons are on TV silly
<SiFuh> Actually the Thai prison I was locked in was white. Same colours I guess as this orchard white
<SiFuh> Maybe that is why
<zorz> have u seen this?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> I know this place
<SiFuh> It was near my home
<SiFuh> Many are there for nothing at all
<SiFuh> I remember scabies was common here
<SiFuh> Oh I want to see this movie
<zorz> men at the end of the movie the original british talks
<zorz> he has a club in britain now to help drug addicts
<zorz> it is truth story.
<SiFuh> I lived there
<zorz> and they let you go ?
<SiFuh> For a few months and heard of this story. Didn't know it was a real movie
<zorz> lol
<zorz> no it is a real story that became movie
<SiFuh> I said that
<zorz> first book and after movie.
<SiFuh> I know others in prison in other parts of Thailand and they never did anything wrong
<zorz> i want to visit pukkeh
<SiFuh> It is very sad what happened to them. When I was in prison, I didn't cry or pray to any God, yet I saved a Thai national from a foreigner in the prison and the liason officer (discussing with other officers) allowed me out on bail
<zorz> and the other place, from the movie of di caprio
<SiFuh> Tell me when and I will try to arrange some time to meet you
<SiFuh> I hate Caprio but I know where MOST of the movie was filmed
<zorz> i am still young.... later on in my life :)
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> I was 21 when I left
<SiFuh> Wish I had left at 18
<zorz> SiFuh: where the movie was filmed?
<SiFuh> Most of that movie was filmed no where near the beach
<SiFuh> Yeah it was filmed in the BIG FORREST (Khao Yai) in Nakhon Ratchasima province
<SiFuh> I think not even 5% was filmed on an island
<SiFuh> Even that famous waterfall was filmed in Khao Yai
<SiFuh> In Early 2K it costs a Thai natioanl 20 THB and a foreigner 200 THB just to drive through the park
<SiFuh> Funny that. Western countries are making it equal for nonwhites but in non-western countries the price is 10X or more
<zorz> i see
<SiFuh> It is worse I just said the simple form
<SiFuh> zorz: You coming or not?
<zorz> man this msi delta 15 i enjoy the 240hz monitor, but my next laptop will be xps, if its on amd
<SiFuh> You fly to KL, and I will drive you to Fuck It. I mean Phuket.
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> I'll even take you back
<zorz> wait i will come
<SiFuh> Actually it is a nice drive and I'd like the company
<SiFuh> Next year I am driving to the North. So about 3000 KM one way.
<zorz> let me concetrate now on python i need to finish this kaka with the database today
<SiFuh> Average speed 80KPH because my truck is a jungle truck
<SiFuh> We stop at many locations on the way. So you get all the Thai culture
<zorz> when i was 12 i learned to drive with a VW van 1970
<SiFuh> Actually, I am open to any CRUX'er to come. Will be nice to have someone to travel with
<lavaball> SiFuh, checked the video. the mortality rose in 2020. way before the vaccine.
<SiFuh> Width or length?
<zorz> lavaball: dont worry Bill Gates will save us :)
<SiFuh> Width was density
<zorz> Bill Gates the Saviour
<SiFuh> lavaball: You drink beer?
<SiFuh> You can joing me on my trip
<lavaball> well, he has the acres to feed us.
<lavaball> though i think he buys into the too many people narrative.
<lavaball> so getting rid of a billion or 5 wouldn't hurt.
<SiFuh> Really?
<SiFuh> That's a lot of maids to vaccum and clean the left over houoes
<zorz> SiFuh: did you know that Johnsons & Johnsons used to sell bandages at the american civil war ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> it is so ironic
<SiFuh> Did you know super glue was designed to seal wounds?
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> We use to use sugar and super glue and even till this day I still do
<SiFuh> zorz: It is so amazing what knowledge we had that was erased for some other shit
<zorz> Did u know that during the US - USSR competition for the space Americans spent 1 million in research to make a pen writing in gravity and Russians went with just a pencil ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> But that story was better
<SiFuh> US spent 12 million on a pen that can wright underwater and in zero gravity
<zorz> SiFuh: tobacco nicotin slows down the blood
<SiFuh> Russians used a pencil
<zorz> and for antiseptic the best is ash
<SiFuh> In Jungle I use both
<SiFuh> We use squeezed tobacco leaves to slow the blood pressure, Caustis soda to steralize and ash to seal
<zorz> this Anggun is a woman to be
<SiFuh> Caustic weed grows everywhere
<zorz> baking soda whitens teeth
<SiFuh> You can google it
<zorz> fuck google
<SiFuh> Baking Soda is terrible on teeth
<SiFuh> It strips the enamel
<zorz> dont know
<SiFuh> So now you have clean unprotected teeth. What to do?
<zorz> OMG!!!
<SiFuh> Simple, find a stick from a lemon tree to chew. Your saliva will relayer your teeth with enamel like an oysterm with sand making a perl
<SiFuh> Pearl
<SiFuh> Oh by the way
<SiFuh> Islamic Mishwak is crap
<SiFuh> I use here and it is fucking so crap you'd think it was made in China.
<SiFuh> I buy at the mosque
<SiFuh> So fuck the mishwak, go find a lemon tree and chew on a stick/branch
<SiFuh> I can't look at that
<zorz> i used to work in fuckin Riayd - Saudi.... when imam used to go to the speaker at the mosqoue... everything stps
<zorz> stops
<zorz> bloody hell man
<SiFuh> I have friends that are Imans
<SiFuh> Actually I mentioned before Islam isn't a religion for me
<zorz> u dont understand.... i go to supermarket 3 noon and they kicked me out because it is pray time
<SiFuh> But my closests buddies and friends are Muslim
<SiFuh> I understand very welll
<zorz> come back in 15 min they told e
<zorz> anyway iam goin to enjoy python....
<zorz> c ya
<SiFuh> You know in Thailand all business and driving most stop two times per day for the kinds music?
<SiFuh> All movies most have you stand to recognize their king
<zorz> Kenny Rodgers :-)
<SiFuh> You stuck in a bank, an airport, a train station when it plays you will be looked at with disgust if you don't stand
<SiFuh> I lived in Asia, Oceania, American and Central Asia
<SiFuh> 'We have that shit
<zorz> -- Packages installed python3-mysqlclient and ofcourse again Jue
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