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<SiFuh> What do you think? The mini Tsunami is the result of those Earthquakes near Phillipines on the 2nd of December?
<SiFuh> According to it would take 15 days approximately to reach California
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That's a nice mini flood.
<remiliascarlet> I've seen way bigger.
<SiFuh> Same
<remiliascarlet> But I like how spacious the streets are.
<SiFuh> I like how spacious the Chinese streets are
<remiliascarlet> And really nice camera work too.
<SiFuh> He's probably hoping to catch a UFO from the base in the ocean
<remiliascarlet> You should check out the lack of space in Japanese streets (with the exception of Hokkaido).
<remiliascarlet> Especially once you know how Tokyo streets look like, any city's streets is spacious in comparison.
<remiliascarlet> Perhaps only Hong Kong is narrower.
<SiFuh> Haven't you been to Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur?
<remiliascarlet> No and no.
<SiFuh> Most streets don't have footpaths. Only the large streets have them
<SiFuh> Tokyo looks nicer though and has taller buildings
<remiliascarlet> I generally travel to colder climates.
<remiliascarlet> Because I always feel like in warmer climates you're much more forced to spend your days outdoors.
<SiFuh> Kuala Lumpur has bother areas with wide streets and small streets but the footpaths are horrible.
<SiFuh> Most big businesses don't start work until 10 am and close around 10 pm
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I've expected Bankok to look much poorer, but this actually looka pretty similar to Japan, except there's open air vendors everywhere in Bankok.
<SiFuh> Mira flew from Kyrgyzstan and landed in Kuala Lumpur International airport. I met her their and we hopped on the train from the terminal and went to Bandar Tasik Seletan. So she was already in 30 minutes journey into Malaysia when she stepped out of the train station and suddenly realised how freaking hot it is here. Her words "I am going to die!"
<remiliascarlet> And there's 4 lanes, which is unheard of over here.
<remiliascarlet> "Her words "I am going to die!"" Exactly what I say for 6 months every day during summer each year.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: You picked a much more luxerious part of Tokyo here.
<remiliascarlet> I don't think anyone actually lives there, as it's more a commercial district.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh:,139.7677941,3a,75y,198.17h,83.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s1wBEhp8GijR6NMNvDBtS9Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m6!3m5!1s0x60188c03ff9aae81:0x85fe4ffc1948ada0!8m2!3d35.6913744!4d139.767805!16s%2Fg%2F11f3p1jcg6?entry=ttu
<remiliascarlet> This might look like a pedestrian road, but it's actually a dual purpose pedestrian and car road.
<SiFuh> So no skateboards or bicycles?
<remiliascarlet> Those are OK too, except you'll kinda stand out with a skateboard just about anywhere.
<SiFuh> If you look directly behind the rubbish bins and and the Armek store, there are trees, behind those trees is where i use to live
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I always thought this was well done.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I can't trust Fakebook enough to even bother clicking Instagram links.
<SiFuh> Barack Obama has B.O.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Then yt-dl it
<SiFuh> There is a thing called logic when it comes to trust, privacy and security and then there is paranoid which is just illogical..
<SiFuh> Right, back later. I have over a 100 bottles of beer to bottle and make the next batch.
<remiliascarlet> In the case of Fakebook in particular, privacy and security = being paranoid.
<remiliascarlet> To be more seriously, it's not paranoia, it's reality.
<SiFuh> There are ways around it, yet either you don't know, or you are too lazy to go around it.
<SiFuh> Anyway, just finished bottling. Now preparing the new batch to ferment
<SiFuh> My friend sent me a video of a restaurant near a park in Udon Thani, Thailand. Everyone except one little girl that is eating are just glued to their phones. What is the point of going to a restaurant to use your phone or even going to a park?
<SiFuh> Time to go shopping for a 3 tonne jack
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I know, it's so sad, the zoomers even managed to re-invent something every generation before them considered normal, and stamped a fancy name to it:
<remiliascarlet> Zoomers figured out the complex art of going out for a walk.
<SiFuh> They should change the name to Gen Retard
<SiFuh> I wonder why wget didn't call itself 'download'
<SiFuh> I bought a 10 Tonne hydraulic jack. However, I was seriously considering the 30 tonne :-P But that is a bit of an overkill
<SiFuh> I also bought a pair of 6 tonne jack stands
<SiFuh> Now when I change the front panhard rod I can do it with the wheels off the ground and be able to align the axel placement easier
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<zorz> bonjour
<ppetrov^> hi
<ppetrov^> does opt have any graphical file managers?
<zorz> ppetrov^: bonjour...thx for vscodium :)
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Not that I am aware of. If you are looking for something lightweight then pcmanfm or xfe (and for image viewer xfi)
<SiFuh> I use xfe+xfi and feh another image viewer which I use with Midnight Commander (Console based filemanager)
<zorz> thunar too in xfce
<SiFuh> Yeah but that is qite large
<zorz> yes dependancies of xfce
<zorz> spacefm is good too, if you can build it.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, yes, i was thinking of pcmanfm, spacefm or xfe
<ppetrov^> for images i use viewnior
<ppetrov^> i am thinking to move away from xfce for next crux release and probably assemble a simple desktop from openbox, tint and a file manager
<zorz> ppetrov^: good idea... use fluxbox...
<SiFuh> I've been using fluxbox since 2002 I think, before that I was using blackbox.
<zorz> my opinion if u dont use tiling windows go with fluxbox.
<SiFuh> My fluxbox is setup for virtual tiling
<zorz> SiFuh: amazing
<SiFuh> This is my ~/.fluxbox/keys file
<SiFuh> Just search for Tiling and everything underneath is what I use for a ultra wide screen monitor
<SiFuh> a/an
<SiFuh> As I said to remiliascarlet the other day, I use keycode numbers because I use multiple languages.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: GenZ is actually a pretty interesting generation. A half of them are enlightented based gigachads, and the other half are completely retarded. There seems to be no middle ground.
<SiFuh> Well Gen Alpha is already here and they are fucking dumb
<remiliascarlet> So no alpha males?
<SiFuh> None yet
<remiliascarlet> Also, when did Gen Alpha start?
<SiFuh> When I lived in China, I did notice that they gave the kids alot of soy. Like 60% of their meal was tofu. Now I know why they are all piss weak betas
<remiliascarlet> I still had the idea that GenZ is the latest.
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<remiliascarlet> Same is true throughout East Asia.
<SiFuh> Everytime we go out to dinner and I see them eating soy, I insult the males eating it to the point where my wife tells me I am very annoying.
<remiliascarlet> I went into an international supermarket, and oh boy, what a difference between Asian and European imports!
<SiFuh> Her brother-in-law wants me to bring his fat retarded phone addicted beta son jungle with me. I said "I wouldn't mind tiger bait. By the way, NO SOY!" haha
<SiFuh> I love Asian food. I just hate sissy shit like soy
<remiliascarlet> European meat and cheese are all up to 3 ingredients and no more, meat is almost 0 carbs, and cheese is completely 0 carbs.
<SiFuh> My refrigerator is stocked with Australian cheese. But I don't eat it much
<remiliascarlet> Asian meat and cheese are fucking ingredient bombs, and every single item I picked up was full of sugar.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yes, this is the thing I hate here. EVERYTHING is just sugar with flavour.
<remiliascarlet> So if you wonder why Asians are typically weak soylent sissies, this is why!
<SiFuh> Wan't yogurt? Go buy yogurt flavoured sugar.
<SiFuh> Aspartame pisses me off. China is full of that shit.
<SiFuh> Vietnamese are tough little fuckers. They are awesome
<remiliascarlet> Because the Vietnamese actually kept their French colonial herritages intact.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And they eat everything.
<SiFuh> Plus I love their egg coffee
<SiFuh> And I am a huge fan of Vietnamese food.
<remiliascarlet> Look at current year Indonesia, it's nothing like Netherlands. Or current year India, it's nothing like the UK. Current year Phillipines, nothing like Spain or the US, and so on.
<SiFuh> Just don't ask what is in it. There is a purple dip that they make using fermented shrimp and liquified sandworms ;-)
<remiliascarlet> I've ate at Vietnamese restaurants a couple times before, but not sure how many of the foods are actually authentic Vietnamese, and which ones are Japanese fusions.
<SiFuh> Easier to read
<zorz> sorry to interrupt... remiliascarlet what is your opinion about fastapi vs django?
<SiFuh> I have yet to find authentic Vietnamese food outside of Vietnam. That is why I learned to make it myself
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Fastapi: never heard of it. Django: heard of it, but never used it.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: thank you man.
<SiFuh> Django is unchained
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So according to the image, Commies are tiny, but in good shape.
<SiFuh> Myanmar and Cambodia aren't communist that I am aware of
<remiliascarlet> Although a bit surprised with the Phillipines and Vietnam ones, because every time I meet a Filipino, they're very lean, but Vietnamese tend to be more solid.
<remiliascarlet> Cambodia is an exception that is squeezed between 2 communist states.
<remiliascarlet> As for Myanmar, they look rather fat to me.
<SiFuh> Vietnamese men are quite muscular under that skin
<remiliascarlet> I only wonder about Afghanistan, because as far as I know, only 2 people actually visited Afghanistan after the war ended there:
<SiFuh> I know a lot of people whom went to Afghanistan without any issues after the great failed evac
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<remiliascarlet> Well, the day has coomed, I no longer have Artix for real now. So now every computer is either CRUX or OpenBSD, plus that one PostmarketOS phone.
<remiliascarlet> It would be very cool to run OpenBSD on a PinePhone, but it's something that needs to be ported to it, because ARM.
<remiliascarlet> ARM has so many different (proprietary) SoC's that Gentoo is unwilling to have an ARM version of their handbook.
<remiliascarlet> Let's make MIPS great again.
<zorz> Some Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, have opted not to include Rust in their kernel.
<zorz> hmmmm
<SiFuh> Probably because the losers keep spilling their drinks on the keyboard ;-)
<zorz> There are several kernel variants available
<zorz> that do not include Rust, such as the "vanilla" kernel and the "stable" kernel
<zorz> SiFuh: loooooooolllllllllllll
<zorz> SiFuh: i told you when i am done with my project... first thig is to get read of rust.
<zorz> read=rid
<SiFuh> I don't have rust installed on any of my machines
<zorz> I am jealousQ
<zorz> right now the only rust apps i am running is run-mailcap-rs and bat, replace them bat with clp and mailcap with the original perl script.
<zorz> ok and firefox-bin.
<SiFuh> I was just checking if OpenBSD firefox-esr uses rust.
<zorz> i linked in /usr/bin run-mailcap with open and xdg-open... so smooth.
<SiFuh> Seems it does
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you SiFuh :-)
<zorz> going to get a nap now, later guys.
<SiFuh> Siesta
<zorz> Siesta..... after lunch :-) amigo!
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<farkuhar> Re: graphical file managers ... I searched the portdb for spacefm, and found version 1.0.6 in victorpr's repo (last updated 3 years ago). At the time of the last update, it looks like httpup-repgen failed to include Pkgfile for any of the ports!
<farkuhar> Yes, SiFuh, I know the file is hosted at github. But the inventory generated by httpup-repgen for some reason doesn't list any Pkgfile under the individual port dirs!
<farkuhar> It's as if victorpr accidentally added Pkgfile to .httpup-repgen-ignore
<SiFuh> d:spacefm
<farkuhar> Weird that the unofficial portdb only complains about a missing .signature. You would think that the absence of a Pkgfile is a more serious problem.
<farkuhar> One possibility: the unofficial portdb is synchronizing the victorpr repo using git, and an incomplete httpup manifest is not being detected? I find that explanation rather implausible, given all the other git-hosted repos for which an httpup syncfile is the only option listed in the portdb.
<farkuhar> Considering that the unofficial portdb is simply reporting the output of prtverify, I tried to reproduce its results as follows: httpup sync spacefm; cd spacefm; prtverify
<farkuhar> The prtverify output has two FATAL lines and seven ERROR lines, unlike the unofficial portdb which only complains about the missing .signature. It makes me suspect that httpup is keeping the Pkgfile from a previous sync, which is different from how the git and rsync drivers behave.
<remiliascarlet> I used to use Alacritty, then I figured out that it's made in Rust, so now I'm using Suckless st.
<remiliascarlet> Plus Alacritty won't run on OpenBSD, st does.
<SiFuh> I didn't like Alacritty anyway
<remiliascarlet> It's actually pretty tempting to take any program written in a soydev language, and rewrite it in C.
<remiliascarlet> A very easy way to master the language.
<remiliascarlet> Since the 1980's we've seen language after language claiming that it replaces C and C++, and yet C and C++ both remain in widespread use, and those other languages intended to replace them end up being just temporary fads.
<remiliascarlet> Literally happens every single time.
<remiliascarlet> The only exception is Javascript, that one doesn't intend at replacing C and C++, it only intends at replacing its previous hottest framework with whatever is currently the hottest framework.
<SiFuh> I have hated Javascript since 1999
<SiFuh> Can't beleive it is still here
<remiliascarlet> I think plain vanilla JS is OK, but it got so abused the crap out of it, even vanilla JS is now bad.
<SiFuh> Going to install CRUX on my crypto miner
<remiliascarlet> What we need on the internet is just a menu with links to other pages, and articles written in plain text that might or might not have clickable words that point you to other parts of the internet, and CSS should only be used to have a dark background and white text to make it easier to read. Only if somebody could turn this seemingly difficult concept to reality...
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: sounds a lot like the gemini protocol and the gemtext spec
<remiliascarlet> No really, the fact it's easier to make 400 MB heavy webpages with all the bells and whistles you can think up than just a plain .txt file is sad.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: Not entirely, because you can't have clickable words on Gemini, only clickable sentences.
<remiliascarlet> Which in turn makes creating proper menu's very ass.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: just make your sentence one word long, and the link is a good size.
<remiliascarlet> The 「=> 」 MUST go at the beginning of the sentence.
<SiFuh> I had a web... A blog? Maybe that thing where it was PHP and it scanned a directory for *.tpl files or something. Then it would produce it as a webpage. It was very simple.
<SiFuh> When you wanted a new entry. You just created a <date>.tpl file and voila. It would appear.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Tell that to Elixir devs who can't even seem to figure out how to detect MIME types.
<SiFuh> This didn't need anything except <p> </p> and <br>
<SiFuh> My PHP script would do the rest of the work on the fly
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: belated thanks for dropping a Dragonball Z reference in yesterday's discussion. It brought back some fond memories of decades past.
<remiliascarlet> And yes, your way of handling *.tpl files is the way I used to do it, but then you get 7 different servers with each a completely different server configuration, so nowadays I just write shit in GMI, convert that to HTML using a simple bash script, and push it out to as many servers as I want.
<remiliascarlet> Using the rsync tool.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: That reference was actually Dragon Ball Super, and more specifically from the manga chapters.
<remiliascarlet> Because Beast Gohan only appeared in the latest movie outside of the manga, and Ultra Ego Vegeta is currently manga exclusive.
<remiliascarlet> Until they finally start airing the anime version on TV again.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Here it is, in case you are curious
<remiliascarlet> Very classic.
<SiFuh> Webpages in a text editor (VIM) are much cleaner as well ;-)
<SiFuh> And the CSS file
<remiliascarlet> Especially in the webdev world these days, clean and simple code is what gets you ridiculed.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, gamedevs are more about keeping things simple than ever.
<SiFuh> I am already pissed off seeing an empty line under /* Div Containers */
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Real simple like the Alex Jones game ;-)
<remiliascarlet> "Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue"
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> The video is linked to rumble
<remiliascarlet> And if I enable JS (which is discouraged for security reasons), they will still not let me in anyway, because I'm using Tor.
<remiliascarlet> Tor is surprisingly fast today, it's hard to even realize I'm browsing over Tor.
<remiliascarlet> Luckily, you can open Rumble links in MPV.
<SiFuh> But I am looking at the url with tor now
<SiFuh> And youtube, and Odysee, and TikTok, and Istagram
<SiFuh> Instagram
<SiFuh> And facebook
<remiliascarlet> Out of the Video as a Service platforms, I think Rumble is the most sane.
<SiFuh> Now banned in Brazil
<remiliascarlet> While you still need JS to view videos and comments, it doesn't outright prevent you from browsing. And it's the only alt tech platform that's not using Clownflare.
<SiFuh> To be honest, I really don't give a shit what people say, however, I have laughed at a couple of comments
<remiliascarlet> Bitchute comments be like, "The Jews!" "Name the Jew!" "This shit is Jewish as fuck!" "You're a kike, I'm a goyim!".
<SiFuh> I was reading this news article on infowars 'Socialist Protests Erupt In Argentina as Milei Implements “Austerity” Cuts' and the first comment was "Cool, this pissed off hobbit is doing some shit," and I chuckled at it
<remiliascarlet> I know, it's the Jews. But do we have to be reminded to it even in videos that have nothing to do with politics?
<SiFuh> Tell that to my Christian friend who says he is a Jew and wants all of Palestine dead because they are on his land.
<SiFuh> What a twat
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: How much are you willing to bet that these "protests" are all Soros funded?
<SiFuh> I will not bet because I already know theya re
<SiFuh> I also know Soros was responsbile for Colorado and Maine trying to get trump off the ballot
<remiliascarlet> Remember when El Salvador made Bitcoin legal tender? Only days before the big day, there was a "protest" consisting of just 5 dudes.
<SiFuh> I myself have never liked Trump but when it was him and Hilliary I was hoping and praying "NOT HILLIARY!"
<remiliascarlet> And the fake news just spun it as "massive protests".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yep and many people in South America still think it's an idiot move. Yet El Salvador loves it and is prosperous
<remiliascarlet> To me it doesn't really matter who's in the HUWHITE house, policies are the same regardless.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That reminds me of the Palestine supports protesting and then this itty-bitty bunch of people were Jew supporters then later it was discovered they were paid to protest in support of Israel
<remiliascarlet> Although, Trump presidency was the only time since WWII where no new wars were started, and he's the first president in decades that has the ability to talk without a teleprompter.
<SiFuh> One of the first places I was taken to in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan was "The White House". Haha I said "It's not so white". From that day on I always called it the "Not so white house" and the Kyrgyz didn't understand the joke until I explained it to them and then they started referring to it as that.
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<SiFuh> It was a gray colour. The sun shining on it makes it look white
<SiFuh> From the rear
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have seen him with a teleprompter but they were just notes.
<SiFuh> Also even though he was blamed for killing the Iranian general. I think he didn't even know. I think it was done behind his back but he took credit for it
<remiliascarlet> The first one shows some great driving skills of you drag to the left.
<SiFuh> And I didn't like how he referred to Syrian oil as "Our oil"
<SiFuh> Yeah that is normal. The road is there to be driven on. The markings are just a hint of where you should be
<SiFuh> They don't have a law against steering wheel positions as far as I know so many cars have steering on the right and others have steering on the left
<SiFuh> When I was in the Fergana Valley. The driver was always on the wrong side of the road heading straight for someone or someone was on the wrong side of the road heading straight for us. Then at the last second 'Literally' they'd swerver out of the way. Too many potholes so that is why they were driving like that
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have been watching that TV series "The Apprentice" just so I can get an idea of how Trump actually s suppose to run things.
<SiFuh> Anyone using a separate home from root? If so, how large is your root?
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, can you confirm?
<SiFuh> 200%
<remiliascarlet> I'm single, so no idea.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: root here is 211GiB (on a 480GiB SSD)
<SiFuh> Damn, mine is only 2.8 GB
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<SiFuh> I set the partition for / as 10GB
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Now I think of it, it does actually make sense. Japanese women often think that western men are all about sex, and will most likely prefer a western style wedding as the woman decides. But Japanese men are more likely to choose Japanese women over western women, in that case the man decides, and will most likely prefer a Japanese style wedding.
<remiliascarlet> And Japanese men expect Japanese women to be all about sex.
<SiFuh> Compiling kernel now
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That was from lavaball not me ;-)
<lavaball> i was more asking about the conclusion.
<lavaball> does working hard mean you'll end up with a whore.
<lavaball> not that i'm that invested in this, since i don't have yellow fever.
<SiFuh> Heh
<lavaball> if anything the thought of half breeds disgust me. they'll be forced to wear a head that says "i don't have trisomy 21, my mom is asian".
<lavaball> i don't think so.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Well yes.
<lavaball> so blacks either. i even dislike blonde kids with brown eyes.
<lavaball> you of course are free to have your own preferences.
<lavaball> oh, blond. not blonde.
<SiFuh> I think all humans are imbred
<remiliascarlet> A wise old man once told me: men exist for sex, women exist for money. Woman gets money from the man, man gets sex from the woman.
<lavaball> that is of no concern to me.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not en you get married
<SiFuh> en/when
<remiliascarlet> No experience with that, neither do I have any desire for it.
<lavaball> haha, that was always my goal.
<lavaball> marry. breed.
<lavaball> but only sub par incubators out there.
<lavaball> the only one i would have settled for was my last female companion person. she had brown eyes unfortunately.
<lavaball> oh, sifuh you sah. she's at the end of the animation.
<lavaball> saw
<remiliascarlet> I wake up in the morning thinking "ahh, yet another day with nobody making my life miserable by talking about their problems!"
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, you wanna hear about mine?
<ppetrov^> rofl
<SiFuh> There is a guy here that's mother and father kept asking him to find a girl and get married. He said to his mother and father, that it would be better if they find him one. So they did. When I heard this I replied "So no girl wants him and he can't get a girl?". Everyone looked at me and then one of them said "Yeah, I didn't think of it that way" then everyone started laughing.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: The only way to get any color other than brown or black here is by importing a guy or gal from the west.
<lavaball> for you it's different.
<lavaball> you are asian.
<lavaball> you are allowed to have asian offspring.
<lavaball> but like the kids of that sebastian linus guy on youtube.
<lavaball> they literally make me uncomfortable.
<remiliascarlet> And even if you get with someone with green or blue eyes, your offspring will get brown eyes anyway.
<lavaball> i'm glad he likes them. i wish them all the happiness and the other bullshit.
<lavaball> but not for me.
<lavaball> yeah, it's highly likely.
<lavaball> BUT!
<lavaball> i've met a muslim daywalker.
<lavaball> so it's not all set in stone.
<lavaball> i don't like to play the odds though.
<remiliascarlet> From all the ha-fu I've seen, I've never seen one with blue or green eyes.
<lavaball> ha-fu? is that the term for half breeds?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<lavaball> i really miss my naruto days.
<remiliascarlet> ハーフ simply means "half".
<lavaball> ran around hai this, hai that.
<SiFuh> half(u)
<lavaball> even played the hokage death them on jew day in school.
<remiliascarlet> In that we mean "half Japanese, and half whatever else".
<SiFuh> Beer(u)
<lavaball> what's with the -o at the end?
<lavaball> like metroido?
<lavaball> and yes, i copied that too. so did my sister.
<SiFuh> I think it is a filler word
<remiliascarlet> Because there's no "du" or "tu" sound.
<lavaball> you guys got grammar?!
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<lavaball> i thought you did a mandarine.
<SiFuh> Sugoi oshiri!
<remiliascarlet> Very difficult grammar even for us native speakers.
<lavaball> so i'm basically an idiot if i keep calling it metroido, right?
<lavaball> without any japanese around it, i mean.
<remiliascarlet> More strict would be "metoroido" (メトロイド).
<lavaball> WOW!
<lavaball> that sounds even more harakiri!
<remiliascarlet> Like with Zelda = ゼルダ = Zeruda.
<lavaball> what?!
<lavaball> yeah, we are not doing that.
<lavaball> but metoroido is definitely in the vocabulary now.
<lavaball> tamagami no triforce i got in original jap.
<lavaball> also seiken setsu 2.
<lavaball> and streeto fightero 2o!
<lavaball> turo bo!
<lavaball> picked them up for cheap on eaby years ago before everything got expensive.
<lavaball> though your boxes are gay. why are they 9:16?
<lavaball> looks like a small book.
<remiliascarlet> Kamigami no Triforce.
<lavaball> yeah, powah of the gods or something.
<remiliascarlet> Abbreviated to "Kamidora".
<remiliascarlet> *kamitora
<remiliascarlet> 神トラ
<remiliascarlet> Triforce of the gods.
<lavaball> sometimes i wish i could unerstand it all. the german is really nice, but it has run its course it feels.
<lavaball> or that.
<lavaball> i mean how many nazi movies are they gonna make?
<lavaball> yet the jap shit ... there is so much!
<lavaball> cartoons, video games.
<lavaball> sword duels!
<remiliascarlet> The boy band that got heavily criticized over a "nazi" song last week.
<lavaball> hit me.
<lavaball> need to see and hear.
<remiliascarlet> Full release was supposed to be next month.
<remiliascarlet> Got cancelled because Twitter outrage mob was unhappy.
<lavaball> i wrote my own catchy i'm a nazi song. dont' know when to deploy yet.
<lavaball> don't bow to the woke!
<lavaball> look what they d id to resi 4!
<lavaball> or bio 4 as it's called in the homeland.
<lavaball> i can't play it, even it's just the ballistics line that's missing.
<remiliascarlet> There is a shorter version available on YouTube, but it's age gated, so you need an account in order to see it. But SiFuh managed to download it and put it in his Gitlab repo.
<lavaball> i'm fully plugged into the youtube matrix.
<lavaball> 3 channels and counting.
<lavaball> so give me a name, a link, anything!
<remiliascarlet> You should be able to find it in the IRC logs, or otherwise nag SiFuh.
<lavaball> ...
<lavaball> you disappoint me, master kenobi.
<lavaball> how do you type the japanese anyway?
<lavaball> is that some ai shit?
<remiliascarlet> I had to re-install my PC yesterday, so I don't have the link anymore.
<remiliascarlet> I use Fcitx5.
<lavaball> oh, i heard that before in here.
<lavaball> sifu, the youtube link.
<SiFuh> It's in there
<SiFuh> The video
<SiFuh> It's just in Japanese and there is no real video of any sort
<lavaball> i want support the uploader.
<lavaball> the rapmage soldier love art thing?
<remiliascarlet> Just about every Asian that uses anything other than latin, cyrillic, arabic/persian, or hebrew characters uses Fcitx5 or some other IME.
<SiFuh> It doesn't work here anymore
<SiFuh> Better you forget about this and go watch a Thai video instead
<remiliascarlet> YouTube has been extemely desperate at banning Invidious instances as of late.
<remiliascarlet> They auto-ban them all once or twice a day or so.
<SiFuh> How insidious
<lavaball> the song is shit.
<lavaball> all that hype for some kpop.
<SiFuh> kpop or jpop?
<lavaball> quality is better than my shit of course, but the song itself is nothing.
<lavaball> i don't care about any kind of pop. there rarely is anything good.
<lavaball> it's all made for cell phone using smiley communicators.
<remiliascarlet> The only time YouTube made a profit was in 2020, and the reason why they didn't care as much was because up until mid-2023, the activist investers were very willing to burn their money away at companies as long as they were spreading the woke ideology. Now that the investor money has run out, all these corporations are suddenly desperate for money again.
<SiFuh> I don't like any pop
<lavaball> i'm sure there is some good stuff.
<lavaball> youtube isn't about profit, it's about sending a message.
<SiFuh> Most pop songs just follow the same chords
<remiliascarlet> And YouTube tries to dig up every tiniest coin now, which is why they suddenly got so desperate at banning adblockers, Invidious instances, and all the other means of being able to watch videos ad-free other than YouTube Red.
<lavaball> yeah.
<lavaball> they even lifted my black lives matter video ban.
<lavaball> 3 years after i uploaded they told me it's back now.
<lavaball> SiFuh, known. there are some good songs in there though.
<SiFuh> Country and Pink Floyd is pretty much all I listen to these days.
<lavaball> i'll allow it.
<zorz> SiFuh: ukranians today just bomb russian civilians.
<zorz> nothing from un
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: Corporations try to appeal to the customers they've told to fuck off for all these years, so no matter what they do, every single one of those who were speading "the message" are just finished. It's only a matter of when before they collapse.
<zorz> israel bombs civilians nothing from UN
<SiFuh> zorz: Yeah I saw the news with banned weapons
<zorz> SiFuh: iam listening now... but they want to trial putin... no word for netanayhu or zelensky.
<zorz> it bullshit man.
<SiFuh> Yep
<zorz> fuck them, world is governed by gays.!!!
<zorz> welcome to the Epstein club... enjoy your stay... we fuck your world!
<SiFuh> It's governed by Paedophile baby sacrificing Satan whorshippers.
<remiliascarlet> The good news is that so far Milei seems to do as he promised in terms of cutting the bloat.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Still dislike the idea of cancelling the national currency to remove the central banks but revert to using USD.... Like WTF? That a central bank currency...
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, it would have made more sense to just go crypto like El Salvador did.
<SiFuh> Yes, or maybe join the BRICS which he rejected two days ago.
<zorz> Milei is planted... you do not see it?
<SiFuh> And also running around saying after his presidency he may convert to Jewiishism
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, the axiom is get woke, go broke.
<remiliascarlet> I don't think BRICS is the solution here. It's like dumping 1 central bank currency to 5 other central bank currencies.
<lavaball> you think there is a solution here besides civil war ... hooo. yeahhh! what is it good for?!
<remiliascarlet> Not even that. The way BRICS works is that everyone trades in their own currency. How do you trade in your own currency if you just dumped it?
<remiliascarlet> War is probably inevidable if we're looking at the historical patterns alone.
<lavaball> there you go, my dude.
<remiliascarlet> The exact same pattern tends to repeat over and over again.
<lavaball> that's how it works yeah.
<lavaball> ijust hope i get the berggruen before it's too late.
<lavaball> anyway, the currency is deeply tied to the economy, so you should never enter any kind of currency union between countries with unequal strong economies.
<lavaball> that was the downfall of the euro.
<lavaball> for us it was good though. we were heavy exporters.
<remiliascarlet> The Euro has been a flawed experiment from the start.
<lavaball> basically 4th reiched europe without them noticing. unfortuantely it backfired and now we have important calcutta.
<SiFuh> The problem I see with Crypto is you can break a country in seconds
<lavaball> imported.
<remiliascarlet> It's for a reason so much of Northern Europe and Eastern Europe didn't adopt it.
<lavaball> also most of them are transpartent, if you dont use monero
<lavaball> or the other one.
<lavaball> forgot the name.
<lavaball> bitcoin has no privacy.
<SiFuh> Monero is going down big time this week
<lavaball> it is?
<lavaball> i'm not invested. i'm broke as fuck.
<lavaball> spent my last 60 bucks on chocolate today.
<SiFuh> I'm not trading. I mining.
<SiFuh> I'd rather mine it that buy it with cash and lose it and my cash
<lavaball> that's no possiblity for me either, with the electricity rates here.
<remiliascarlet> Monero is the privacy currency, yes. Wownero if you're into memes, but other than that they're just not good.
<SiFuh> lavaball: monero is mined by CPU
<lavaball> oh, i didn't know they dont comuse electricity.
<lavaball> my bad.
<remiliascarlet> They do.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, really?
<remiliascarlet> Run a crypto miner for a month, and expect to pay 3 times more than usual.
<SiFuh> GPU miners pull it shitloads of power
<SiFuh> CPU miners use almost normal
<remiliascarlet> I know that, because I did that a few times before.
<SiFuh> I have been running for I think two months for CPU mining and my electric bill is the same
<SiFuh> When I GPU mine my poor computers get freaking hot and the power bill goes up as well.
<lavaball> yeah, too much to read. and i don't have any moneys anyway.
<lavaball> also the linux people are actually watchin the luke smith?
<remiliascarlet> Mostly just the Arch and Artix users.
<SiFuh> I don't know what a Luke Smith is.
<lavaball> i don't know who uses what there.
<remiliascarlet> The guy who meme-ified fighting against software bloat.
<lavaball> don't bite!
<SiFuh> Was an Ubuntu user?
<lavaball> too late.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I don't know, he only ever did videos on Arch, then Void, then Artix.
<SiFuh> Must be a liberal cuck soy-boy
<remiliascarlet> He appeared at Monerotopia a few times. On his first speech he absolutely put so many Monerobro's to shame when he asked "how many of you are using Windows?".
<SiFuh> Still pissed off the entire jungle trip was cancelled because the flood waters were 4 metres
<remiliascarlet> They were so asshamed, from a year later they started using an Ubuntu laptop for the speakers.
<SiFuh> I even made a montage from images of the internet this morning to try convince them to go
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<zorz> Israel has killed over 21,500 Palestinians more than 400,000
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<zorz> SiFuh: the problem was forefox with rt... i did strict dns in the settings.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Speaking of which, did Alex Jones ever name the Jew?
<SiFuh> Which Jew?
<SiFuh> zorz: this is the one I was talking about the otherday
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: It just means whether he admits to the fact that the Jews are in charge of everything or not.
<SiFuh> zorz: Looks like you may need a good proxy, tunnel, VPN or tor
<zorz> iam telling you mozilla is fucked up... once i finish... firefox, rust, out of the box. btw today updating crux.. i see rut compiler working.... newsboat has rust now... rust is like a cancern.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: He thinks the Holocaust was real because his grand-daddy told him stories of the wars so he will never admit it.
<remiliascarlet> "iam telling you mozilla is fucked up..." Exactly what I've been saying for years already.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So yeah, a controlled opposition.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: RT is allowed back with firefox already. That was a while ago
<zorz> SiFuh: no with the settings in firefox... choose dns provider NexDNS i solved it.
<SiFuh> He is not controlled opposition. He just has his own opinions.
<remiliascarlet> I was talking about much more than just the RT plugin I didn't even know existed until now.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: you are years ahead my friend! :)
<SiFuh> I use the privacy badger, ublock origins and the rt plugin. That's it.
<SiFuh> When firefox demoted the rt plugin I had to change some shit settings to reallow it
<zorz> at the same time firefox, when starts uses the tcp from x to get info.
<SiFuh> Firefox has no fucking right to have a political opinion that should be shoved down the users throats.
<lavaball> haha
<lavaball> please.
<remiliascarlet> It's long, but it's an entire article about Mozilla's shady practises:
<lavaball> do you want me to paste the linus quote about being woke?
<SiFuh> I like the word 'Shady'
<lavaball> firefox is still the only browser i know where you can disable all th telemetry.
<lavaball> takes a bit, but it's doable.
<SiFuh> Tell that to jaeger. He changed master to main :-P
<lavaball> they did someting like that python too, i think.
<lavaball> fucking faggots
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: qutebrowser, ungoogled-chromium, Pale Moon (Male Poon), Basilisk, Nyxt, Lynx, Netsurf, Dillo.........
<lavaball> and the troons.
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, okay, i ment something actually compatibile with today's internet.
<lavaball> sorry for the confusion.
<SiFuh> Telemetry should be disabled by default. I mean isn't it basically the same shit Euro hit the fan about with cookies?
<SiFuh> Pale Moon and OpenBSD hahah that was funny shit
<lavaball> europe does pick you adventure politics.
<lavaball> if they were against surveillance, they would have stopped cell phone sales.
<remiliascarlet> qutebrowser, ungoogled-chromium are completely compatible, Pale Moon and Basilisk might have broken JS, but that's by design.
<remiliascarlet> But if anything, fuck the modern web!
<lavaball> which i'm not complaining about. but i need something that works on the youtubes.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: mpv, yt-dlp, vlc
<lavaball> i rather turn of the spyware and use noscript in firefox.
<lavaball> hahaha
<remiliascarlet> pipe-viewer
<lavaball> do you think i'm watchign videos on 2.0x?
<lavaball> what am i? 180 years old?
<remiliascarlet> Still younger than Biden, who got to the senate 180 years ago.
<lavaball> my whole setup is build for yt-dlp, sshfs, mpv.
<lavaball> built
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I know.
<SiFuh> minitube exists
<remiliascarlet> Wasn't able to compile that bitch.
<SiFuh> lavaball: posted a picture on how to get that bitch
<zorz> guys i think the solution is to compile your own webkit.
<SiFuh> Or get a library card and go to the library
<zorz> SiFuh: hahaa
<zorz> SiFuh: if you have a library next to you :)
<remiliascarlet> I have a dream, that one day every person in this nation will control their own web engine!
<remiliascarlet> Actually, it's perfectly possible to develop a modern web browser engine in just 1 day if you exclude Javascript. Include Javascript, and it'll never be completed.
<lavaball> i just want things compartmentalized.
<remiliascarlet> Which is exactly why so many "alternatives" to Chrome and Firefox are just skins.
<SiFuh> Iridium?
<remiliascarlet> What's the point of Iridium if we already have ungoogled-chromium?
<SiFuh> Chromium (which Iridium is based on) is a very secure browser, yes. But it does call home to Google and we did even more to enhance security to the maximum extent possible.
<remiliascarlet> Which is exactly the point I'm making.
<SiFuh> It is a more degoogled Chromium
<remiliascarlet> Ungoogled Chromium has the same level of security, and disables all Google connections and integrations altogether.
<remiliascarlet> Iridium doesn't.
<SiFuh> But Chromium does call home to Google
<remiliascarlet> I said Ungoogled Chromium, not the regular Chromium.
<SiFuh> Iridium removes that
<SiFuh> Iridium is also on OpenBSD
<remiliascarlet> The naming might be confusing, but they're 2 different Chromium browsers.
<SiFuh> Chromium is a name that pisses me off big time
<SiFuh> Because I like to play chromium-bsu
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "Iridium removes that" Wrong. It'll still make a connection to Google every 30 minutes because "Safe Browsing database".
<SiFuh> Prove it
<remiliascarlet> Install mitmproxy, and check.
<SiFuh> I asked you not me
<SiFuh> I won't install Chromium or Iridium
<remiliascarlet> And some sneaky additions:
<SiFuh> 2018
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<SiFuh> That's like as old as the Resident Bidette
<remiliascarlet> I should add that OpenBSD's time synchronization defaults to Google and Cloudflare, which is very at odds with the whole point of having a security focused OS.
<SiFuh> servers
<remiliascarlet> They changed that?
<SiFuh> The second line is server
<SiFuh> But you comment that out
<SiFuh> Or use constraints
<SiFuh> constraints from "" # intentionally not
<remiliascarlet> It doesn't change the fact that it's the default setting.
<SiFuh> Google isn't
<SiFuh> Only cloudfare is.
<remiliascarlet> But Cloudflare is.
<SiFuh> They use it for the repo as well
<SiFuh> So what?
<remiliascarlet> Trusting CF not but Google is like shooting down armed robbers, but letting terrorists have their way.
<SiFuh> I like terrorists because their intentions are clear
<remiliascarlet> When you say "Secure by default" I actually expect secure by default, and not secure by default unless it's Cloudflare.
<SiFuh> ntpd isn't default
<remiliascarlet> It's enabled by default. Even on my most recent install where all I did was configuring pf and relayd when I do `doas rcctl check ntpd` it returns `ntpd(ok)`.
<SiFuh> I manually enabled it
<remiliascarlet> I didn't.
<SiFuh> Did you fresh install 7.4?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<remiliascarlet> From install.img flashed to a USB.
<remiliascarlet> install74.img
<SiFuh> I installed back in 6.x and upgraded each time.
<lavaball> 6? i thought you'd been longer on the openbsd bode.
<lavaball> bote
<lavaball> boat!
<lavaball> there wego.
<lavaball> spelling engine is off today.
<SiFuh> New machine
<SiFuh> I have been using OpenBSD since 3.x
<SiFuh> 3.3
<lavaball> that's more like it.
<SiFuh> Hmm, Ubuntu keeps popping up on my UEFI even after rmeoving
<SiFuh> Hope it didn't fuck with my OpenBSD drive
<SiFuh> Worse still it keeps replacing CRUX with ubuntu
<SiFuh> Heh
<lavaball> do you know about ccc?
<lavaball> chaos computer club. german thing.
<SiFuh> tripple crap
<lavaball> it was not bad once. now it's a troon fest.
<lavaball> like every single video has a troon in it.
<lavaball> don't tell remiliascarlet, he'll unleash kage bunshin no jutsu and go bring kamigami no ...wrath in japanese on them.
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