jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<skin> scymtym: I have pasted my output here for that error https://paste.sr.ht/~skin/37f9b0f6d7b464ecb23058af1853f923563ed468
<ixelp> esrap-parse-error.txt — paste.sr.ht
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<skin> I can reproduce on the roswell instance of sbcl at 2.4.1 . I cannot reproduce on sbcl 2.3.2 with no roswell.
<skin> I will now attempt to reproduce on linux. The above errors were on win32 (win 10).
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<skin> I just tried it on linux. Could not reproduce on sbcl 2.4.1 on Fedora Linux 39/40. Guess it's only on windows
<skin> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Bubblegumdrop> the esrap thing?
<Bubblegumdrop> skin I sent you the link to compiling sbcl from source right?
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<skin> Yeah. I suppose I could do that, but I'm pretty sure the compilation is good
<Bubblegumdrop> https://hub.docker.com/r/fukamachi/roswell/tags updated 10 hours ago
<ixelp> Docker
<Bubblegumdrop> I think the roswell package is built in a docker container
<Bubblegumdrop> Hm, maybe not?
<Bubblegumdrop> It's hard to tell
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<_death> skin: it looks like a bug I reported about a month ago that was fixed after 2.4.1
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<skin> link?
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<ebrasca> Good morning!
<beach> Hello ebrasca.
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<beach> childlikempress: I spoke too soon. The RVSDG paper has sections both on construction and "destruction", where the construction section takes into account arbitrary control flow. However, the paper is very tiring to read; they should have let me proofread it first:
<beach> 1. The overuse the passive form without an agent, making it ambiguous as to who the agent is.
<beach> 2. The almost exclusive use of the genitive 's even when the main word is far down the line makes it necessary to re-read the phrases many times.
<beach> 3. The use of "this" without a following noun makes it unclear what the "this" is referring to.
<beach> 4. The ambiguous use of "only" by placing it too soon in a phrase.
<beach> 5. The use of "allows to" and "permits to" without an agent which is considered ungrammatical in English.
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<beach> childlikempress: And, yes, it has function nodes, and the possibility for function to be mutually recursive. So it seems like (aside from arbitrary control flow) RVSDG would be a good fit for Common Lisp.
<beach> It was a bit weird to see a picture containing a string that was terminated by \0 :)
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<beach> I suspect the only way to check whether it is a good fit for Common Lisp would be to try it out on some examples. The control-flow graph used as input could very likely be a fairly simple one generated from the Common Lisp source.
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<scymtym> skin: probably this https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23sbcl?around=1706628715#1706628715 . i can't tell whether your problem is the same or not. note that esrap also received a change for this issue which is probably not yet in the quicklisp version
<skin> ok
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<beach> scymtym: Congratulations to the new release of Eclector!
<scymtym> beach: thanks
<scymtym> https://github.com/s-expressionists/Eclector/releases/tag/0.10.0 in case anyone wants to have a look
<ixelp> Release Release 0.10 · s-expressionists/Eclector · GitHub
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<bike> oh, it implements the sbcl package prefix thing. nice nice
<scymtym> as an extension, not by default
<bike> Yes
<scymtym> extensions must be loaded as a separate asdf system
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<beach> Eclector is a great library. There is essentially no longer any reason for an implementation to have its on reader, at least not for reading code. I imagine if a reader with extreme performance is needed for some particular application, then the author of that application would probably write a custom reader anyway.
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<beach> Of course, some (most? all?) existing Common Lisp implementations must be able to read the code of Eclector before Eclector is loaded, so they either need a special case reader that is capable of reading Eclector, or it must change the way it is bootstrapped.
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<Kingsy> does anyone know a way of running (ql:add-to-init-file) in a non interactive way? so I don't need to press enter.
<lispmacs[work]> Hi, is there some kind of class for ordering comparison that is easy to implement for another class? E.g., just define >= and it gives you, <, =, >, etc.
<lispmacs[work]> I remember something like that from my Haskell days
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<foretspaisibles> @Kingsy See this code for an example https://github.com/melusina-org/setup-quicklisp/blob/main/setup-quicklisp.lisp#L98
<Kingsy> ah ok. so you just do the insert yourself. o it isnt possible
<foretspaisibles> The ql-util package has a without-prompting macro
<pfdietz> lispmacs[work]: You could define them as generic functions, and have a default method that would implement one in terms of the others. I think you'd need more than one non-default method defined though.
<Kingsy> oh hang on
<pfdietz> Or maybe <= would be enough.
<lispmacs[work]> pfdietz: anybody already do something like that? Some kind of sortable class? Seems like the sort of thing CLers would have thought of already
<foretspaisibles> please look at the general case, not at the windows case (git maybe remember what the problem is)
<pfdietz> Not sure why you're going on about a class.   Generic functions don't require definition of a new class.  CL is not a language where methods are tied to a single class.
<zyd> Kingsy: (let ((ql-util::*do-not-prompt* t)) (ql:add-to-init-file))
<lispmacs[work]> pfdietz: I'm thinking kind of like in Haskell days were an class would get an interface you attached to another class, with certain implementations required. But I see what you are saying, maybe not necessary here
<josrr> better be (ql-util:without-prompting (ql:add-to-init-file))
<Kingsy> zyd: thanks!
<zyd> oh, they export the macro to properly do it as well.
<zyd> Kingsy: go with josrr's version
<zyd> i wonder why provide that macro. its just a let form of what i did, hm.
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<Kingsy> alright cool!! thanks
<paulapatience> lispmacs[work]: You could define a macro that defines these methods based on whatever base method you need
<Shinmera> maybe at some point the idea was to switch the way the prompting is prevented, so hiding the mechanism behind a macro is future-proofing
<paulapatience> Specialized to whatever class you need
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<paulapatience> Then again, you don't even need to specialize the ones that are implemented in terms of the base operation
<zyd> Shinmera: that would make sense
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<paulapatience> So you would need to define the base method specialized to each sortable class you want
<lispmacs[work]> paulapatience: okay, might do that someday. I only needed it for one quick use case. Thought somebody else would have likely implemented something like this already, or that it might be built into the spec in some interface
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<paulapatience> Well, the comparison functions are not generic, so you can't do that in the spec
<ixelp> The generic-comparability Reference Manual
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<lispmacs[work]> hmm, I see that common lisp has a sort function for sequences
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<ixelp> The equals Reference Manual
<paulapatience> Those are two packages which seem like what you're lookinf for
<lispmacs[work]> generic-comparability sounds right, I'll bookmark that
<lispmacs[work]> equals looks similar
<lispmacs[work]> at a quick glance
<lispmacs[work]> thx
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<NotThatRPG> Am I right in thinking I cannot write an FTYPE declaration for a generic function that constrains parameter types?
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<paulapatience> The spec entry on ftypes doesn't mention generic functions. You might be able to write the ftype declaration but I don't think it would do anything. I seem to recall having tried, and concluding that it was fruitless.
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<NotThatRPG> paulapatience: That's a nuisance, because I would love it if the compiler would tell me that I am invoking a generic function with an illegitimate set of argument types.
<paulapatience> In general it might be tricky because arbitrary libraries could define methods which you have no control over
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<ldb> What are the good binary format parsers there, I checked lisp-binary but it seems has a bug with ccl (which I already made a patch), I'm afriad it becomes inactive
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<paulapatience> There aren't any others afaik
<paulapatience> I just hand-roll them
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<paulapatience> Use nibbles for ieee float parsing
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<josrr> I have used binary-types, but it seems to be already inactive.
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<ldb> welp, I already start cooking with hot patched lisp-binary
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<ldb> Yes this thing is not byte aligned
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<ldb> How do I trim only the first 3 bit for a binary payload?
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* ldb guess I'll need APL
<ldb> oh I can use bit vector
<gilberth> ldb: Or use integers and ldb.
<josrr> ,(ldb (byte 3 5) #b11101111)
<ixelp> (ldb (byte 3 5) #b11101111) => 7
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<Bubblegumdrop> Is there somewhere I can learn more about bit twiddling with lisp?
<ldb> Bubblegumdrop: if you know what is big-endian what is small, I guess you are good to go
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<Bubblegumdrop> yeah I'm looking at clhs for byte it just references ldb and dpb
<Bubblegumdrop> That's it?
<Bubblegumdrop> Cool.
<gilberth> All you really need is LOG..., LDB, DPB, and ASH.
<aeth> it's a bit complicated because there's a redundancy in ways to do it and some of the names are quite bad
<Bubblegumdrop> the names are quite bad.
<aeth> I guess they assumed that it was familiar to assembly programmers (of long-dead assembly languages)
<Bubblegumdrop> In all my lisp books they never talk about these functions though
<aeth> they're actually surprisingly necessary
<ldb> it is PDP-10 asm btw
<Bubblegumdrop> That explains it. Serious history right here. Maybe I'll write a blog post about it.
<aeth> oh cool ldb is here, but where is dpb and ash?
<gilberth> That and the notion that a byte names any number of consecutive bits.