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* edgar-rft wants a JOIN function that works on IRC
* gilberth passes CL-IRC:JOIN.
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<beach> Does the standard say anything about whether the operator is checked in macro functions, so that a macro function associated with FOO checks that the CAR of the form it is given is FOO, and perhaps signal an error otherwise?
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<beach> In case the question is not clear, here is an example: Say I do (DEFMACRO FOO (...) ...) and then (SETF (MACRO-FUNCTION 'BAR) (MACRO-FUNCTION 'FOO)) and then (BAR ...). Is that allowed?
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<splittist> are macro-function and (setf macro-function) horribly asymmetric, or am I misreading the spec?
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<agm> beach: while it's true that a macro function receives the whole macro form as first argument, including the macro name, I don't think it's reasonable to check it
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<splittist> (Probably me misreading)
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<beach> agm: Thanks.
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<yagkasha> okay so I figured out that having "(load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))" in my init is causing M-. to not work
<yagkasha> but "(autoload 'slime "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el" "Launch SLIME" t nil)" seems to work fine
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<Renfield> Hi, I have a lisp question: https://paste.rs/xlQDy.lisp
<ixelp> Source Code | Rocket Powered Pastebin
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<thuna`> Renfield: macros don't evaluate their arguments, so with (let-list* vals ...) you are calling LIST-PAIRS with PAIR-LIST as the *symbol* VALS, and not its value
<Renfield> Thanks a lot, I see now. I need to do (eval key-vals). That works the way I expect if the macro were pretending to be a function there.
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<bike> it is generally not a good idea to use eval, and especially not for this
<bike> most notably, EVAL doesn't know about your lexical environment, so if key-vals is a lexical variable problems will occur
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<Renfield> What would be the proper way to do this? Or is this entire thing discouraged?
<bike> well, i'm not sure i understand exactly what you want to do. you want to expand into a let*? so you're binding variables. but the variables are only known at runtime? that's a very unusual thing to want to do. what is the context of this operation?
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<Renfield> My intermediate problem is that I want to be able to use &key and &body, but they don't work well together, sometimes giving me errors for odd number of keys. So I'm trying to devise an interface that doesn't have such limitations. I pass int a set of key-value pairs and a body and let* does the assignment and runs the body with them.
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<thuna`> Renfield: Do you want the macro to accept an arbitrary amount of keyword arguments?
<Renfield> Yes, that would be nice.
<Renfield> With the example, I provide two, but I could provide one or none.
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<thuna`> There's &allow-other-keys for that, see ,clhs
<thuna`> clhs
<specbot> Specifiers for keyword parameters: http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/03_dad.htm
<ixelp> CLHS: Section
<bike> (defmacro let-list* ((&rest bindings &key &allow-other-keys) &body body) ...)?
<bike> i don't follow how the (let-list* vals ...) is involved, though
<thuna`> Essentially, you can do `&rest ARGS &key FOO BAR &allow-other-keys' and you will have FOO and BAR bound normally and ARGS will contain a plist of all the arguments passed (including those for FOO and BAR)
<aeth> the fun thing about allow-other-keys is that it works in both directions because you can `:allow-other-keys t` on the caller side, too
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<Renfield> I want to be able to define a macro which uses lets say one key and has a body. I have done that. If I call that macro, provide the key value and one form for the body, I get an error regarding an odd number of key val parameters (I don't remember the exact error message).
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<bike> could you give an example of how you try to use the macro that causes the problem?
<Renfield> Okay, let me reproduce.
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<thuna`> Renfield: You cannot do what you are describing with &key. Your options are to: 1. have the lambda list be as bike suggested, ((&key FOO) &body BODY), or 2. have the lambda list be (&body BODY) and pop the first two elements if the first is a keyword.
<thuna`> In the first case, your macro's signature will be like (mymacro (:foo foo) body...), and in the second case it will be like (mymacro :foo foo body...) but it will be possible for the caller to omit `:foo foo'.
<thuna`> I would suggest that you go for the first option.
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<Renfield> Oh. I did not know you can have nested lists in the parameter section. I will have to investigate this possibility.
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