jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy yes, sec
<Bubblegumdrop> have to grep for it
<Kingsy> oh awesome thanks
<Bubblegumdrop> np
<Kingsy> right so quri. thanks! this will work
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<Bubblegumdrop> oh yeah my bad
<Bubblegumdrop> it comes from quri
<Kingsy> no its all good. I found it quick from that.
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy is your app free software? I'm very interested to see what you're building
<Bubblegumdrop> https://github.com/phoe/trivial-package-local-nicknames someone was asking about aliasing functions?
<ixelp> GitHub - phoe/trivial-package-local-nicknames: Common Lisp PLN compatibility library.
<Kingsy> Bubblegumdrop: yeah its free. I can share it when I am done. its nothing special. just another web framework really with hunchentoot. hehe there are so so many. but I wanted to write my own so I could learn cl better and also get the features I want
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy You've asked a lot of great questions here and I'm excited to see what you build
<Bubblegumdrop> lisp 4 life :')
<Kingsy> haha more nagging than great questions. but yeah hopefully it will work well when its done
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<elderK> Bubblegumdrop: Is trivial-package-local-nicknames still needed today?
<elderK> I was curious as to how "standard" PLNs are now.
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<ixelp> Common Lisp Portability Library Status
<paulapatience> It's useful to manually fiddle with PLNs rather than via uiop:define-package
<elderK> aeth: That's a shame. PLNs are really, really useful.
<aeth> CLISP hasn't gotten (officially) updated in forever, JSCL is apparently still very incomplete (at the very least, with all of the de facto standards) and probably isn't the way forward (wasm probably is)
<elderK> paulapatience: Why is that?
<elderK> Couldn't you emulate PLNs with some clever symbol tricks?
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<aeth> so Mezzano seems to be the only interesting one missing PLN
<Bubblegumdrop> elderK presumbly unportable
<Bubblegumdrop> "less portable" perhaps is a better term
<elderK> Not to sound like, frank but is the major CLs support it, that would be good enough.
<elderK> Then again, in the open source space, what else is there than ECL and SBCL?
<Bubblegumdrop> I try to use trivial-* when possible
<elderK> Sure, there's CCL but isn't that basically dead now?
<aeth> ,(lisp-implementation-type)
<ixelp> (lisp-implementation-type) => "Clozure Common Lisp"
<Bubblegumdrop> Latin is "dead" but still taught in schools :)
<paulapatience> If you want to introduce PLNs outside of a uiop:define-package form, you need to use either trivial-package-local-nicknames, or resort to implementation-specific functions
<elderK> paulapatience: Ah, thank you. I wasn't aware of that.
<paulapatience> t-p-l-n just wraps those implementation-specific functions into a common interface
<Bubblegumdrop> Does everyone use uiop:define-package? I really like :use-reexport
<aeth> Latin's only dead because it split into many languages (5 or so major ones)... e.g. you don't say Greek's dead because there's only one (standard) Modern Greek
<aeth> dead/not-dead in that sense isn't too useful
<paulapatience> That's what many of the trivial-* libraries do
<aeth> by the standards of Latin being dead, Lisp is dead, too, because the original LISP split into a bunch of languages
<aeth> none using the name "Lisp" without some non-version qualifier (unlike Fortran)
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<aeth> Lisp is Latin, Common Lisp is French (?), Scheme is Spanish, Racket is Portuguese, Clojure is Romanian...
<paulapatience> Romanian is the closest language to Latin that is still spoken
<elderK> Bubblegumdrop: I use defpackage mostly because I like it more.
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<elderK> define-package is more powerful but, I like sticking to ANSI as much as possible for now.
<paulapatience> Rather of still spoken languages, it is the closest to Latin
<elderK> Granted, I'm only really just starting out :)
<paulapatience> UIOP is effectively always available, so if it's a dependency issue, fear not
<elderK> I'd rather learn how to reproduce some of define-package's functionality like re-export.
<paulapatience> You could macroexpand uiop:define-package to see what it does
<elderK> Indeed :)
<paulapatience> And then realize that you could just use it directly ;)
<elderK> It's probably a bit backwards but I'm trying to learn to do things, from scratch, as much as possible (and within reason.) Not so much because there aren't libraries or things around, but because I want to force myself to learn as much of CL as necessary.
<elderK> Once I am more familiar, I'll be more lazy.
<aeth> paulapatience: so what you're saying is that Emacs Lisp is Romanian? The problem with analogies is that they break down
<elderK> For now, it's great fun experimenting :)
<Bubblegumdrop> Oh that's pretty nifty, thanks paulapatience
<paulapatience> aeth: :)
<aeth> there are alternatives to uiop:define-package
<aeth> use-reexport can be useful, but not too often unless you use package-inferred-system and there are other libraries that can give you that iirc
<elderK> aeth: Like what? :D
<elderK> I've been trying to decide between package-inferred and "traditional."
<elderK> I like package-inferred but it is a lot more effort.
<aeth> iirc, defpackage-plus is an alternative to uiop:define-package
<Bubblegumdrop> elderK what I find myself doing is writing lots of small packages with regular defpackage then a larger "use all these smaller packages" with uiop:define-package
<ixelp> Conduit packages | conduit-packages
<elderK> Thanks paulapatience
<paulapatience> I believe plain defpackage does not support the :local-nicknames clause
<paulapatience> UIOP's does, that's why I use it
<paulapatience> I think uiop:define-package also makes modifying the package definition more robust when you reload it or something
<paulapatience> (I can't remember exactly)
<elderK> Worth studying then :)
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<Bubblegumdrop> I M-. on uiop:define-package and it's a doozy
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<Bubblegumdrop> That's what came out from the macroexpansion
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<Bubblegumdrop> anyone done the 1brc in CL? I'm just looking at it https://github.com/gunnarmorling/1brc/
<ixelp> GitHub - gunnarmorling/1brc: 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a tex [...]
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<skin> that does sound pretty fun
<skin> has there been any changes in esrap ( the parser Library) lately?
<skin> I call `parse` and in the latest version It's just returning nil when the parsing was done successfully instead of the parsing result
<skin> it was the wildest thing I have no idea why it broke in this later version I'm going to confirm that the older version worked tomorrow though just to double check
<Bubblegumdrop> github claims 5 years ago https://github.com/nikodemus/esrap
<ixelp> GitHub - nikodemus/esrap: OLD REPOSITORY: Please go to:
<Bubblegumdrop> Oh
<Bubblegumdrop> Which one are you using?
<Bubblegumdrop> https://github.com/scymtym/esrap last month
<ixelp> GitHub - scymtym/esrap: Common Lisp packrat parser
<Bubblegumdrop> scymtym may know more
<skin> that's the old repo https://github.com/scymtym/esrap
<ixelp> GitHub - scymtym/esrap: Common Lisp packrat parser
<Bubblegumdrop> indeed
<Bubblegumdrop> skin are you able to run the tests?
<Bubblegumdrop> When I have trouble with a system or I want to learn more I usually look to the tests
<Bubblegumdrop> it should be something like (asdf:test-system :esrap/tests) ?
<skin> oh I see
<skin> I'll try that tomorrow. that's a good idea.
<Bubblegumdrop> Did 6089 checks.
<Bubblegumdrop> Pass: 6089 (100%)
<Bubblegumdrop> Fail: 0 ( 0%)
<Bubblegumdrop> Skip: 0 ( 0%)
<Bubblegumdrop> Works here.
<skin> I wonder what's going wrong
<Bubblegumdrop> are you able to share a minimal example?
<skin> I thought I was taking crazy pills when clime returned to no result
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<skin> yes
<skin> (defrule pess-greater "><"
<skin> (:constant :pess-greater))
<ixelp> ~skin/zippm (44a170603675ecdf36b9fcfbe617520727d9f330): src/resolve.lisp - sourcehut git
<skin> then just (parse 'pess-greater "><")
<Bubblegumdrop> Oh man, are you working on some kind of versioning thing?
<Bubblegumdrop> is this for semver?
<skin> yeah I'm rewriting degasolv the package dependency resolver I wrote in clojure
<skin> I'm writing our
<Bubblegumdrop> CL-USER> (esrap:parse 'pess-greater "><")
<Bubblegumdrop> :PESS-GREATER
<Bubblegumdrop> NIL
<Bubblegumdrop> T
<Bubblegumdrop> Here's what I got.
<Bubblegumdrop> What CL impl are you using? I'm using sbcl 2.3.7 on debian.
<skin> hmm mm. maybe it's something to do with my environment. that's helpful though
<skin> I was able to get that results in m62 but right now I'm just running in vanilla windows latest version of sbcl
<Bubblegumdrop> skin just from looking at your file, perhaps your (declaim (debug 3)) might be interfering? I can't imagine that would be it but ...
<skin> maybe some windowsism causing it to be screwy. today was the first day I tried to run it outside of msys2. whacky
<skin> I really appreciate your help tracking it down
<skin> that's good Intel
<Bubblegumdrop> Oh I see. So you normally dev with MSYS2 SBCL? and are running it on native win32 sbcl now?
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<skin> I think so I think that's how it works.
<Bubblegumdrop> I have been through these steps myself. I found that compiling sbcl from source using the bootstrap compiler to produce better results.
<Bubblegumdrop> sec
<skin> huh. I installed Roswell into msys2, commented out the "install msys2" line it has, then installed sbcl from there
<ixelp> Building SBCL - Steel Bank Common Lisp on Windows | Solarian Programmer
<skin> more and more though I've been feeling like maybe Roswell just gets in the way
<Bubblegumdrop> I've never used roswell.
<skin> awesome link.
<skin> are you interested in working on versioning stuff?
<Bubblegumdrop> I actually have some versioning code of my own. It's horrible and I'm ashamed of it. I will paste if you're interested.
<ixelp> Debian Pastezone
<Bubblegumdrop> Think "expandable semver" where you could have V1 or V1.1 or V1.1.1 Or V1. ... as many depths as you want.
<skin> cool
<Bubblegumdrop> I wrote it because at $JOB we were labeling test data and they were labeling it by hand.
<Bubblegumdrop> They lost track of which label corresponded to which sample.
<Bubblegumdrop> This will automatically spit out all combinations of all labels in the order they were defined, ascending, I believe.
<skin> my favorite kind of expandable semver is the Debian version comparison algorithm using dashes instead of tildes as the trump character
<skin> that algorithm will correctly compare to correct semvers but also still be really flexible
<Bubblegumdrop> I will look over your code tomorrow. I have to rest now, I don't want to. ttyl
<skin> u2. when you look it over have a look at this implementation https://git.sr.ht/~skin/cl-vercmp/tree/main/item/src/version.lisp#L167
<ixelp> ~skin/cl-vercmp (main): src/version.lisp - sourcehut git
<Bubblegumdrop> Please feel free to hilight me and send links. My bouncer is 24/7
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<Josh_2> Hi hi
<Josh_2> beach: you here?
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<beach> Yes.
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<Josh_2> beach: What is the origin of 'protocol oriented programming'
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<Josh_2> the term
<beach> Where did you see the term used?
<Josh_2> hmm
<beach> I don't think I have used it.
<Josh_2> hmmmm
<Josh_2> one minuteeee
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<Josh_2> Hmm
<Josh_2> perhaps I just came up with it :thinking:
<Josh_2> I dont know why I thought you wrote it in the SICL Specification
<Josh_2> 32.14 Extensible Libraries
<Josh_2> Using *client* as an extension of a library written in a 'protocol oriented' way is very cool
<beach> I don't see it.
<Josh_2> You didn't write it
<Josh_2> I was mistaken but its okay :thumbsup:
<beach> Oh, I see.
<Josh_2> I wrote an OpenTelemetry library 6 months ago that uses a similar technique to the one described in 32.14
<aeth> is CLIM protocol-oriented programming?
<Josh_2> I would say so
<beach> There is nothing new or particularly special about protocols. They are just generalizations of interfaces that Common Lisp allows, like multiple dispatch and such.
<beach> And interfaces have been around for half a century or more.
<Josh_2> Yes
<Josh_2> :thinking:
<beach> So just like an interface, a protocol is merely a way to specify what part of a module is visible externally.
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<Josh_2> Was it a 'thing' before AMOP?
<Josh_2> or MOP at least
<beach> As such, it contains types (usually classes) and operations (usually generic functions).
<beach> I don't know. The concept of a protocol doesn't require CLOS. It could have ordinary functions and types, but it would be a bit limited then.
<Josh_2> The term 'protocol oriented programming' seems fitting to me
<Josh_2> I dont know what I'm thinking but I'm thinking something :thinking:
<beach> As I recall, one of the examples in my chapter on protocols is a protocol with the operations CONS, CAR, CDR, and the type CONS. Nothing CLOS-y here.
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<beach> In fact, since an interface is a restricted version of a protocol, every interface is a protocol, so protocols have been around for as long as interfaces, but perhaps not with that name
<Josh_2> Perpaps but much of the examples of 'Protocol' in the SICL spec do in fact use GF's
<beach> Sure.
<Josh_2> hmmmm
<beach> But I think the dependency is the other way around. Since it used generic functions, classes, and multiple dispatch, it can't be an interface, so we have to call it a protocol.
<Josh_2> Perhaps I mistakenly assumed the terminology was taken from Meta Object Protocol rather than something else
<beach> Oh, I don't think so. Meta Object Protocol is just a protocol that works on metaobjects.
<Josh_2> Right
<beach> So the "types" are classes of metaobjects.
<Josh_2> The essence being a set of GF's that a client can specialize in order to customize the behaviour. If a designer of a different system sat down and wrote their system in a way that utilizes GF's so that a user of their system can customize the behaviour through specialization of GF's, I would call this 'protocol oriented programming'
<Josh_2> although they may be the client of their own system :thinking:
<beach> Customization is not a required part of a protocol though.
<Josh_2> Okay perhaps I should rephrase
<beach> It just so happens that CLOS allows for such customization by subclassing and auxiliary methods.
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<Josh_2> Okay :thinking:
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<beach> Maybe you need a new term for a protocol that allows customization.
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<ebrasca> Good morning!
<Josh_2> As far as I can tell if you are writing a protocol using GF's then customization is implied
<beach> Hello ebrasca.
<Josh_2> it might not be desired but it is implied.
<ebrasca> beach: Hi
<Josh_2> I think that is besides the point though.
<beach> Josh_2: Not quite. If the protocol uses only "primitive" types like INTEGER, CONS, HASH-TABLE, you can't create a subclass. And you can't create auxiliary methods either, because they would be applicable when given only specified types, and that is not allowed.
<Josh_2> True :thinking:
<Josh_2> Perhaps the tipping point would be introducing an auxiliary variable like your *client* idea
<Josh_2> which I have done unintentionally
<beach> But, of course, if it uses only primitive types, there is no particular reason to use generic functions.
<Josh_2> But there are times when you want a generic interface even if it accepts primitive types, like #'describe
<Josh_2> idk
<Josh_2> :thinking:
<Josh_2> maybe 'generic protocol programming' :thinking:
<beach> Yes, but I said "only primitive types".
<Josh_2> I know i know
<pve> beach: Hi, could you expand on "an interface is a restricted version of a protocol"? When is a protocol not an interface?
<beach> pve: When it uses multiple dispatch. The usual definition of an interface defines a single type and operations on it. But I am sure there are other definitions of "interface".
<pve> beach: oh ok, thanks
<beach> I tried to formalize the concept a bit here: http://metamodular.com/protocol.pdf
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<beach> I am not sure it is complete or entirely correct, but I haven't heard any objections so far.
<Josh_2> :O
<Josh_2> Where is that from?
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<Josh_2> its 'chapter 5'
<beach> From an incomplete book that I wrote.
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<Josh_2> What was it about?
<Josh_2> 'generic protocol' is a more specific term that implies the use of generic functions :thinking:
<Josh_2> what you describe is more general and not what I was thinking
<Josh_2> 'Maybe you need a new term for a protocol that allows customization' Yes I do
<beach> I think the title is "Programming with Generic Functions"
<Josh_2> :O
<Josh_2> How complete is it??
<beach> It has 116 pages apparently.
<Josh_2> Can I see it?
<beach> Nah, not worthwhile. It is quite incomplete.
<beach> And it very likely will remain incomplete.
<Josh_2> :(
<Josh_2> What are the chapter titles?
<beach> All my book projects are abandoned, or at least suspended. I can't write books by myself, and my favorite coauthor quit being interested in writing books.
<splittist> give it a few months and you'll be able to generate the whole book with a fully animated video presentation from a set of notes via your favourite LLM (:
<beach> That might work.
<beach> Josh_2: I haven't even decided on all the chapter titles. I don't work like that.
<Josh_2> :(
<Josh_2> I really want to see it now :(
<splittist> Josh_2: create the future you want to see!
<Josh_2> I'm trying!!
<Josh_2> Maybe beach and I write book on 'Programming with Generic Functions' :)
<Josh_2> Seems fitting
<Josh_2> Im already good at LaTeX and I recently formatted a 200+ page book full of speeches :sunglasses: Thats being published now
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<Josh_2> beach: can I see :)
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<Josh_2> beach: is your idea of a *client* necessary when using a protocol-class?
<splittist> Josh_2: a modest proposal: study the subject, write up a treatment, ask for comments; incorporate feedback, write a draft, ask for comments; repeat
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<Josh_2> if you combine a *client* and a protocol-class you can change the standard behaviour
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<beach> Josh_2: Sort of. It is what allows the client to specialize when it is not practical or allowed to specialize the other classes involved.
<Josh_2> can you think of an example where it would not be practical or allowed?
<beach> The example above where only primitive classes are used otherwise, like INTEGER, FLOAT, HASH-TABLE.
<Josh_2> I see
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<Josh_2> have you thought about a standard way to trampoline to a client oriented gf?
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<beach> I can't say I have.
<Josh_2> obviously if you are implementing a standard function like #'read then its easy, but if you are writing your own generic-protocol which exposes a function like #'reorient or something, then what would you name the underlying gf?
<Josh_2> I know in the past I have created gfs with a % as the prefix
<Josh_2> but I dont like this
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<beach> I don't know. We have used <mumble>-with-client occasionally.
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<Josh_2> hmm
<beach> ... or maybe it was -using-client.
<Josh_2> so reorient-with/using-client which would be the actual gf that is specialized
<beach> Right.
<beach> And you would pass it something like *CLIENT*.
<beach> Maybe you should study Eclector. It implements the standard reader, and it can be configured in many ways by the client.
<Josh_2> I've looked at Eclector many times
<beach> OK.
<Josh_2> I understand the idea intuitively, I am trying to formalize it. If that makes sense
<Josh_2> in a few of my libraries I have used this 'client-oriented' pattern, but it was a coincidence. This idea is a natural follow on from writing libraries using generic functions
<Josh_2> 'generic protocol' and 'client-oriented generic protocol
<beach> It does make sense, yes.
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<Josh_2> Why does eclector specialize to T rather than nothing?
<Josh_2> :method ((client t) ... :thinking:
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<beach> One reason could be to avoid warnings about unused parameters. Not all implementations consider all method parameters as "used".
<beach> SBCL does, though, but that's not required by the standard.
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<beach> In fact, it might not be a good idea to do what SBCL does, because it then hides a potential problem when an unspecialized parameter is in fact, not used.
<beach> childlikempress: Thanks for the link to the paper about RVSDG. It would be great to create something that uses this intermediate representation, rather than using a traditional control-flow graph. That way, we would have an advantage over LLVM.
<beach> childlikempress: It will take me a while to read and digest it, of course.
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<Josh_2> Thanks for your help beach :thumbsup:
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<beach> Sure.
<Josh_2> Hmm
<Josh_2> in protocol.pdf you say provide a restriction on the definition of a protocol by stating that X doesn't constitute a protocol simply because it can be divided up. Would it be fair to call the divisions as 'component protocols' because you use the cons and the + protocols as examples?
<Josh_2> idk if that makes sense, for some reason I cant copy and paste from the pdf
<beach> My preferred terminology as implied by the text is that the combination is not a protocol, so then the components are just protocols.
<Josh_2> Gotcha :thumbsup:
<Josh_2> Thanks
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<beach> childlikempress: Hmm, I don't (yet) see how some arbitrary control flow can be turned into an RVSDG graph.
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<hayley> Why RVSDG instead of sea-of-nodes? I haven't found any comparisons of the two.
<beach> I haven't seen any comparison either. And I am still reading about RVSDG.
<hayley> I am going to use sea-of-nodes regardless, as I am trying to imitate HotSpot and V8 with my compiler, but I'm sure there's a good reason for RVSDG.
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<beach> I see. But I was not thinking about your compiler (which I assume is the one for a language other than Common Lisp, right), but about some backend library for Common Lisp.
<hayley> Sure (and right). I am thinking to generalise the compiler a bit, as I think a frontend for a lower level language would help me demonstrate how buggy machine code/IR is handled.
<beach> I see.
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<hayley> The working title for the project is "Reinvestigating typed assembly language and the garbage collection interface". I'd like to be able to show that I can detect code which does allocation and write barriers incorrectly. But my compiler shouldn't generate buggy code, so I need a workaround.
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<hayley> Maybe the title should have "for" instead of "and", I was in a hurry while filling out the form.
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<beach> childlikempress: Do you have evidence that any initial control structure can be turned into an RVSDG graph?
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<hayley> One paper I read on RVSDG specifically mentioned structured control flow, but I've heard elsewhere that one wants structured control flow for other reasons.
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<beach> If by structured control flow, you mean what Muchnick calls "reducible" control flow, then that is certainly desirable. But that's not the question here, since TAGBODY can create arbitrary control flow, and the intermediate representation must obviously be able to handle that.
<beach> Oh, but maybe you are again talking about your own language?
<hayley> Ben Titzer said structured control flow implies that all loops are reducible (which sounds right, I haven't thought about it), which is useful for other optimisations. But he then said that something cannot handle JVM bytecodes with irreducible loops, which I talked to Cliff Click about...
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<hayley> and Cliff said that C2 does lots of restructuring and duplication of loops to make them reducible. (Java itself cannot express irreducible loops, but the compiler can produce irreducible loops by inlining exception handlers.)
<hayley> I'm not talking about any language in particular. But it sounds like one wants structured (or at least reducible?) control flow, so if RVSDG didn't support unstructured control flow, it mightn't be a big loss. But then what is your IR before you restructure and produce RVSDG?
<hayley> I am probably talking crap; I don't know what optimisations really need reducible control flow.
<beach> I guess you are right in that irreducible control flow can be turned into reducible control flow with code duplication.
<beach> I don't know what the IR before RVSDG would look like. Maybe something like SSA is needed.
<beach> I found something called "Controlled Node Splitting" that does that.
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<beach> Oh, dear. That paper uses the passive form a lot.
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<beach> Anyway, since irreducible control flow can be turned into reducible control flow, I am not going to read this particular paper any further, and I will continue reading about RVSDG, and then about sea-of-nodes to compare.
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<younder> Beach: Still working my way through 'A Simple Graph-Based Intermediate Representation' I have also started a draft for how I envision the compiler design.
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<younder> That said I need to finish my 'table-grinder' app, before I can really sink my teeth info it. Should be finished this week. SITREP ends..
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<younder> Mind you a SSA form (single static assignment) mentioned in the above paper should be replaced for a CPS form (continuation passing style) for CL
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<younder> The petri net model for the control flow subgraph sound good.
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<younder> For the record there are 3 actual compilers in common lisp. The REPL compiler. The one most like the JIT. The FILE compiler allows for more features for optimization that a function by function compiler. Finally a program compiler, optional, with tree walker and link optimizer.
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<younder> As for the above mentioned irreducible loops - don't avoid loops at all cost - the branch predictor is pretty good at avoiding misses for those. Instead avoid the non-locality that comes from over aggressive in-lining and unrolling. The limit is architecture and model dependent, but get it wrong and the performance goes off the deep end and it is very difficult to see why.
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<beach> There are occasional claims that CPS is equivalent to SSA. That is not true.
<beach> What is true, though, is that if you start your CPS conversion by doing assignment conversion, then your result is automatically SSA. But then you have lost all the advantages of SSA conversion, because all your assignments are then memory operations.
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<younder> What does seem clear to me is that if the representation differs significantly from Click's and I think it will.. Then the choice of algorithms is likely to be different too.
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<younder> I did notice that Click mentions in his work on Scala that the level of indirection in the data make it impossible to get below factor of 2 in performance from Java. That is likely true from Lisp as well.
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<younder> Flat math is relatively easy to optimize it is the data-structures like trees and graphs the modern processors don't like much. They prefer arrays. Arrays with values not pointers.
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<scymtym> skin: do you have a self-contained test case for the esrap problem
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<younder> beach: there is a implementation of arena's in SBCL sbcl/doc/internals-notes/arena-allocation.txt
<beach> I don't think that would be of any use to me.
<younder> In the virtual register allocation algorithm it can speed things up.
<beach> I don't think it is high priority to speed up compilation time.
<skin> scymtym: I can get you that information tonight after work.
<skin> thanks for your help
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<younder> beach . register allocation is one of the areas most likely to slow the compiler down. Unlike peephole optimizations that are local graph substitutions this involves graph walking which is expensive. Finding the right algorithm here is key. Graph coloring might be a option.
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<scymtym> skin: thanks
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<beach> younder: I don't think it is worth complicating the memory manager in order to speed up the compiler.
<beach> Besides, it probably depends on the technique for register allocation.
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<Bubblegumdrop> http://paste.debian.net/1308791/ is my understanding of let incorrect?
<ixelp> debian Pastezone
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<beach> Bubblegumdrop: Binding a dynamic variable in the LET makes it bound dynamically until the LET exits.
<Bubblegumdrop> Okay so I am incorrect. Thanks.
<beach> Bubblegumdrop: But it is not bound only in the body of the LET. It is bound for the duration of the LET including in functions called from inside the LET.
<Bubblegumdrop> For some reason I was under the impression it worked like setf if I used it like that.
<Bubblegumdrop> Yes, thank you!
<beach> Sure.
<Bubblegumdrop> Yes, I've seen it used that way in trivia: https://github.com/guicho271828/trivia/blob/master/level0/impl.lisp
<Bubblegumdrop> I'll just use setf then.
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<beach> "that way"?
<Bubblegumdrop> make-pattern-predicate would have the value bound like you describe
<beach> Correct.
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<pfdietz> A fast compiler is important to me when I do testing.
<pfdietz> I saw a paper that did random generation of Haskell programs, doing about 250 tests per hour.   When I test COMPILE in sbcl I can do 250 tests per second.
<pfdietz> (depending on the size of the generated programs)
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<Bubblegumdrop> Generated programs? Where can I read more about this.
<Kingsy> can someone tell me, what is the easiest way of debugging the contens of variables? I have this line (cdr (assoc 'EMAIL '((name . chris) (email . hello@hello.com)))) which works perfect. but as soon as i try to use it in my code with symbols and variables it returns NIL. so something is going wrong. I have tried to just format t the vars out, but that prints as if it should work. I need a better way of
<Kingsy> viewing variable content.
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy (with-output-to-string (s) (describe some-obj s)) <- I use this a lot.
<Bubblegumdrop> If you're in the repl just DESCRIBE is fine.
<Bubblegumdrop> You could do PRINT style debugging.
<Bubblegumdrop> I would like to know if there's a way to step into code.
<Bubblegumdrop> mmm I just recently came across GCL, Thanks pfdietz
<pfdietz> I mean, that was associated with GCL at the time, but really is implementation agnostic.  Most of the testing I do is on sbcl these days.
<Bubblegumdrop> I appreciate the "history."
<Bubblegumdrop> Each CL implementation has its own reasons and history.
<_death> Kingsy: if you're using format, probably you want to use ~S (and not, say, ~A).. you can also use INSPECT or SWANK:INSPECT-IN-EMACS.. or you can BREAK and view the binding in the debugger (good idea to use (debug 3) optimization policy then)
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<NotThatRPG> I'm also fond of TRACE
<NotThatRPG> Although I have never quite grokked the trace thing in SLY. It looks awesome, but I have to wrap my head around it
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<_death> a slimey "trace inspector" would be cool.. I know slime has slime-trace-dialog, and maybe sly has something based on that (it was written by sly author, I believe), but it did catch on for me
<_death> *didn't
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<_death> I think such an inspector would require deeper trace information support from the implementation, not parse TRACE output or something like that
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<Kingsy> right I really don't understand this... what is wrong with this code https://bpa.st/JF34G <- I am totaly lost.
<ixelp> View paste JF34G
<Kingsy> why am I getting nil? I should be getting an email address, so wierd. I mean its not complex
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<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy :test
<Bubblegumdrop> :test #'equal
<Bubblegumdrop> I believe the default is 'eq
<younder> Beach perhaps start with a linear scan algorithm for register allocation. I'm concerned about the NP completeness of the graph coloring. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/register-allocation-algorithms-in-compiler-design/
<Kingsy> ohhh hang on
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy everything from hunchentoot is a STRING
<Kingsy> hmm no I don't understand it
<Kingsy> Bubblegumdrop: this is unrelated to hunchentoot. just a isolated problem
<Bubblegumdrop> Oh
<_death> you've not applied my advice enough times.. but from that output I wouldn't be surprised if param is a symbol and the alist key is a string
<Bubblegumdrop> ^
<Bubblegumdrop> I have gone through this myself.
<Bubblegumdrop> (cdr assoc param request-params :test 'equal)
<Bubblegumdrop> (cdr (assoc param request-params :test 'equal))
<Bubblegumdrop> Give it a try :)
<Bubblegumdrop> You could probably even use EQUALP.
<Bubblegumdrop> Actually, for request parameters, it's probably best to use EQUALP?
<_death> Bubblegumdrop: that wouldn't work in such a case.. better let Kingsy continue debugging
<Kingsy> _death: it doesnt matter, I have tried it with :test #'equal)
<Kingsy> yeah I have
<Bubblegumdrop> Kingsy oh, could it be :key #'car ?
<Bubblegumdrop> In your example you use mapcar #'car
<Kingsy> yeah just to get the cars of the alists
<Kingsy> to show they match
<Kingsy> _death: what do you mean by apply your advice? Its quite strange this. I am a bit confused.
<_death> Kingsy: my advice was to use ~S rather than ~A, but your paste contains two uses of the latter
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<Kingsy> ahh apologies, they were from earlier, these are the variables using describe https://bpa.st/4JPBW
<ixelp> View paste 4JPBW
<_death> well, assoc uses EQL by default, and (EQL "EMAIL" "email") will always return false
<Kingsy> yes, but I have a :test #'equal) in there now, still NIL
<_death> now, (equal "email" "email") would return true, and (equalp "EMAIL" "email") would also return true
<_death> (equal "EMAIL" "email") would return false
<_death> clhs equal
<ixelp> CLHS: Function EQUAL
<Kingsy> (format t "~%~S~%" (cdr (assoc param request-params :test #'equal))) <- output NIL
<Kingsy> _death: makes sense. I am guessing this is under the hood of assoc, but I still don't understand my results given the :test
<_death> read description there for Arrays
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<Kingsy> right ok!
<_death> now do the same for equalp's entry
<Kingsy> well!!! I have just learned something
<Kingsy> I am so so stupid
<Kingsy> _death: I apprecaite your patience
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<_death> np
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<childlikempress> beach, hayley: doesn't rvsdg have functions and tail calls
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<Kingsy> right so I have a head scratcher, I have a macro and I want to pass some parameters into the macro and use it as the lambda parameter list within the macro, however if I do something like this (defroute some-name '(email) .. when I use this as the lambda params the output is (LAMBDA QUOTE (EMAIL) <- which obviously wont work. is there a trick to this?
<Bubblegumdrop> Yah...
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<Bubblegumdrop> Oh, you can look at it with (macroexpand-1 '(defroute ...)) too
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<Kingsy> sorry I am asking how to remove the quote that is added because its the only way I can pass the list of symbols into the macro. unless there is a different way of doing that.
<gilberth> This sounds odd. Why is the QUOTE there in the first place?
<bike> just write (defroute some-name (email) ...)
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<Kingsy> oh you know what. I thought it was going to try and run (email) in that case, as if a function, I was thinking I needed to supply as data
<Kingsy> apologies all for the dumb question.
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<Kingsy> oh I know why I did it, its because I wanted to add the params to a class slot. and if I don't quote them I get an error undefined variable
<Kingsy> I'll quote it at that point perhaps
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