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<RichNeese> not that I know of
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<kprasadvnsi> What is this Twister OS thing?
<kprasadvnsi> Are they related to Armbian?
<kprasadvnsi> Wow, they look shady as hell. No link to source code anywhere on website
<NeonFetch> Twisteros isnt open source
<NeonFetch> Its just a custom image of armbian
<Tonymac32> If you have to ask...
<NeonFetch> No relation with armbian team whatsoever
<NeonFetch> We just put that name to refer to the real OS behind the fancy themes
that seems.... odd
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<kprasadvnsi> On their website I have seen Armbian in many places. So I thought it's a Armbian clone but then I learn that they really don't give a shit about free open source software.
<NeonFetch> Indeed.
<NeonFetch> He is comfy with others people opeb source work. Not with his work
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<NeonFetch> Is just one guy, we used to make that image together. He kicked me once I demanded to publish everything
<NeonFetch> Bc, at the end. I didnt care that much about the themes.. we were just making box86 friendly for noobs.
<NeonFetch> And the not publishing the source of themes/swticher was on purpose. He basically said he will not promote imitations..
<NeonFetch> That was his argument.
<kprasadvnsi> "He basically said he will not promote imitations.." 🤣🤣🤣
<kprasadvnsi> The guy might not understand the irony in his statement.
<NeonFetch> Probably
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<lanefu> The armbian paste does syntax highlighting
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<RichNeese> lanefu you around
<RichNeese> I take it everyone is gone
<RichNeese> no igor no lanefu
<RichNeese> wow
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You scared everyone off
<RichNeese> lol
<RichNeese> comeover to development
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yeah, there's a bunch of wanna be millionaires, the only way to get there if you don't have money to invest into your idea is to take advantage of others and not give anything in return
in open source is expected if you earn some with the project in some way to donate
but that for some reason doesn't work because that's not how you become a millionaire
but well, i guess that's a flaw of open source
<kprasadvnsi> I believe it's not a flaw of open source that you can't milk monkey from users the way proprietary software do. Open source born because people selling proprietary software got too greedy and ruined everything. Just try to develop and host a website without using any open source tools or technology and you will get an idea.
yeah, the irony is that greedy people use open source software nowadays
they don't even need to pay software for their website
and they of course won't
<kprasadvnsi> Well, there a reason we call open source contributions a public service.
it's foggy
it's core is pure but everything around it is scum
at least some of it is functinal
there's a bunch of linux machines with login passwords and you can do little about it
<kprasadvnsi> As public services goes. You get what you paid for which in most cases nothing.
so much of openness
kprasadvnsi , yeah, if you truly want to contribute
that's open source
invest and expect nothing in return
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of course, you can use it
but you can do that without investing in it too
but nowadays it became greed motherfucker
<kprasadvnsi> Well, however little is the contribution, it's all done so the little guys can afford a software that otherwise he will not be able to use.
maybe little broken, but at least it's something
<kprasadvnsi> A little broken you said. What about the countless proprietary crap that we have to deal with where little broken means suck up and use what's given. Example: Intel Quartus Prime, Microchip Libero SoC tools, Google Docs, etc
maybe i'm just expecting to much of what is advertised
but tbh, linux also likes to brag about achievements that really aren't there yet
<kprasadvnsi> Haha I thought the same when Windows Vista came out. 😅
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i think that about everything
and i always get dissapointed
when using windows for some time linux looks like perfection and all that
<kprasadvnsi> Like what?
braging how they're better
but that is just not true
i would dare to say that linux is even shitier than win
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<kprasadvnsi> Well, they are better in most regards.
<kprasadvnsi> Now you are picking a fight 😂
i'm not
that are facts
<kprasadvnsi> Go on..
nothing to fight about
<kprasadvnsi> State your facts
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my facts are enough for me
<kprasadvnsi> Linux is not absolute perfect thing but at this time it's the best you can get in term of software.
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it needs more devs
at leas driver coders
<kprasadvnsi> Oh, you mean driver coders for ARM architecture?
for everything
there's still bunch of haardware that doesn't work
there's bunch of python coders leaving schools, not so much driver ones
stipa: coders not hackers. they can't do a reverse engineering
yeah, student leaving schools cant do reverse engineering
<kprasadvnsi> Well, it's really not a driver coder fault. We can't magically write a driver without any documentation on underlying hardware.
if there is driver for win or other it could be reverse engineered like many are
professors at unis are to stupid for that
<kprasadvnsi> I dare you to try reverse engineer one. It's a brutal task and we have a life. 😜
so they can't transfer that knowledge to students
is that fact good enough?
lazy driver coders
more like driver coders
hundred crunching a driver
not one
it could be reverse engineered in a month
not like one guy doing it for it's lifetime for free
and everyone verbally molesting him on the way
<kprasadvnsi> What you just said as fact is not really a fact. Reverse engineering is not a knowledge that fits for all types of reverse engineering tasks. There is no formal method of doing it. You go along where the findings lead you. This not something you can teach your students and expect them to reverse engineer anything with ease.
a class about reverse engineering would be enough
and not retarded professors teaching math they know nothing about practically
"i'll teach you something i memorized and have no clue what it's for today"
"so that you could do the same"
stipa you should really try your hand on reverse engineering.
* stipa you should really try your hand in reverse engineering.
maybe i should show you what i'm doing temporary
stipa try reverse engineer a PowerVR GPU binary. You will do everybody a huge favor.
i don't consider it as a challenge
if i'll feel a need for it i'll do it
it's not a competition thing
my plans for the future isn't driver reverse engineering
but i'm there abouts
i have few hobbies
if i were into computers all the way maybe i would do that
jack of many trades master of none
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