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<ox1eef__> IIRC pry-rescue can be used to drop into a repl session on a rspec failure.
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<ox1eef__> henk: I use redcarpet.
<henk> ox1eef__: ah, yeah, I missed that one. that seems to have had no activity since january and 84 open issues on github …
<cornfeedhobo> ox1eef__: i found a nice package that does just that. now my issue that one of the places I dropped into doesn't seem to have a `next` or `step` option... I keep getting "Can't escape from eval with next"... I think this is due to the way vagrant works, but I'm not trying to escape the eval, I just want to see the next line executed
<ox1eef__> It sounds like you want the features of a debugger and not just a repl. For that you might have success with pry-stack_explorer. I think Ruby's official debugger has come a long way in recent times too.
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<cornfeedhobo> i'll check that out. thanks
<cornfeedhobo> yeah, i'm looking for debugging
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<cornfeedhobo> looks like i'm currently using pry, pry-byebug, pry-rescue, pry-stack_explorer
<cornfeedhobo> even more strange, ctrl-d allowed me to break out of the eval trap
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<ox1eef__> Oh if you have both pry-byebug + pry-stack_explorer you should have debugger functionality already, although you likely want one or the other, not both. 'next' is a keyword in Ruby, maybe try 'continue' instead.
<cornfeedhobo> okay, thanks for the tip
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<ox1eef__> https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explorer - up/down is how you navigate the stack, and with pry-byebug, it looks like 'next' is supported. Given that you reach eval, it appears you are not invoking the Pry command 'next' though.
<cornfeedhobo> oh interesting. okay let me try using each one at a time and see which i like
<cornfeedhobo> err, i'm going to try* :p
<ox1eef__> Pry will parse its input, and then decide to route the input through its command system or though eval. It appears pry-byebug is not active or something else is going wrong for Pry to pass 'next' into eval.
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<ox1eef__> https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug#readme is worth a look. 'up' / 'down' is also supported by pry-byebug.
<ox1eef__> https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/pry-byebug#alternatives is especially relevent to your scenario.
<cornfeedhobo> I think your interpretation is correct - something is not being activated properly. last time i was working on vagrant i didn't run into this
<ox1eef__> Try to remove pry-stack_explorer from your Gemfile. pry-byebug suggests having both will cause problems.
<cornfeedhobo> haha I figured it out. I was missing the correct require statement
<cornfeedhobo> your comment made me realize it had to be something simple
<cornfeedhobo> thanks so much for the help!
<ox1eef__> No worries. FWIW pry will load plugins automatically, and anything prefixed with pry- qualifies as a plugin. There's a good chance pry-stack_explorer and pry-byebug will step on each other, especially for up / down commands.
<cornfeedhobo> i removed pry-stack_explorer from the gemfile and used `bundle clean` to be sure
<ox1eef__> +1
<cornfeedhobo> but yeah, it's curious that -byebug was not loaded automatically. hmm.
<ox1eef__> Maybe that changed. It was discussed once to change that behavior but I'm not sure anything came of it. I haven't followed Pry closely for quite a while.
<cornfeedhobo> well, up/down/next/... all work correctly now at least
<ox1eef__> Nice.
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<havenwood> Anyone played with MaNy Ractors since they've been merged into nightly?
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<adam12> havenwood: Haven't had a chance :( You?
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<havenwood> adam12: Installed it and set the env vars but never actually tested anything.
<havenwood> Ran a few scripts but no benchmarks.
<havenwood> Reminds me, I should probably release the `ruby-install-nightly` script.
<havenwood> I haven't even updated the gist. A repo makes it real.
<havenwood> Should it be a `ruby-install` extension? Currently I have it as a zsh complete alternative.
<havenwood> I'll update the source later, since they changed from bz2 to gz.
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<havenwood> I don't mind shipping for macOS and Debian + downstream but seems an extension might be better.
<havenwood> Postmodern has been clear he'd like to target well-tagged early releases up to GA.
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