sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> does anyone offer remotely accessible V0.7 or V1.0 hardware
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<palmer> sorear: IIRC there's a handful of places you can get remote access, but most of the boards are cheap enough I haven't looked into it
<sevan> anyone working on riscv support for openocd, who can land a trivial 1 line patch?
<palmer> sevan: last I checked our openocd upstream was kind of a mess, there's a ton of vendors with forks. I've never tried sending anything to the lists, but if it's really 1-line that's probably the way to go?
<sevan> palmer: thanks for the heads up. I pushed it to their gerrit, but no reviewers. Thought I'd ask here.
<palmer> can you give me a link? I'll see if anyone can poke it
<Tenkawa> sevan: if it was on arm64 I could easily do it (been patching it the last few days for PI5 testing)
<Tenkawa> but haven't tried it on any of my RISC-V boxes
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<sevan> Tenkawa: no worries :)
<Tenkawa> gcc 4? what still uses that?
<sevan> Tenkawa: old computers you've fished out from the bin. (this is not business town) :)
<Tenkawa> That hasn't beehaahaa
<Tenkawa> er haahaa'
<Tenkawa> Yeah sounds like my old NCR MCA testing I did in the late 90's
<sevan> PowerPC lyfe here!
<Tenkawa> I was going to
<Tenkawa> er
<Tenkawa> "try" to recruit people to port linux to microchannel
<Tenkawa> There was nowhere near enough interest
<sevan> interesting, what was the sales pitch for microchannel? :D
* sevan wonders about funding for EISA support
<Tenkawa> sevan: in the 90's what was the sales pitch at all for Linux? there was none... it was still hobbyist to most
<Tenkawa> especially in the mid 90's
<sevan> you're still trying to sell the idea though :)
<Tenkawa> no o
<Tenkawa> er no no
<sevan> (I'm fooling around)
<Tenkawa> that was back then
<Tenkawa> I was also doing assembly and cobol at that time...
<Tenkawa> (cobol at least is still common in business systems where I worked)
<Tenkawa> cobol programmers .. not so much
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<sevan> there was a thing a few years ago, where you could write javascript & it would spit out COBOL to help with recruting new programmers
<sevan> on node.js to really get the crowds attention
<sevan> "how do you do fellow youngsters, have you considered writing JS for an insurance company?"
<Tenkawa> now thats nice
<Tenkawa> (as long as they go back and understand "how" it works)
<Tenkawa> They should still understand the code
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<sevan> Tenkawa: I'm not so optimistic (but let's not continue down that avenue here)
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<somlo> does anyone have a good link to the canonical "how to organize a patch set" reference for the linux kernel? i.e., the thing that teaches how *NOT* to mix 10 different topics plus a bunch of cosmetic/stylistic "fixes" and shove all of that into a single commit, then open up a PR and expect a "positive" reaction? :D
<somlo> :)
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<sevan> how come the risc-v packages for libevent-2.1-7 libevent-core-2.1-7 libncurses-dev libncurses6 libncursesw6 libtinfo6 ncurses-bin tmux on Ubuntu 23.10 have been held back for months?
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<sorear> palmer: more about time and certainty than monetary cost, I'm still waiting for the lp4a I purchased in June
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<drmpeg> sevan: Try sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade
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<xypron> sevan: your question might be better served on the #ubuntu channel. libenvent was not updated in Ubuntu Mantic after the 23.10 release date. Same is true for ncurses.
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<sorear> Do NFIELDS=2 unit stride loads and stores on C908 run at the same throughput, in bytes/cycle, as unit stride element loads and stores?
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<sevan> drmpeg: thank, passing the package names to that resolved it.
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<sevan> xypron: ack, I think it was held back on the previous OS version, and I did a distro upgrade & it remained held back
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