sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> smaeul: reviewed it again, grouped by the actual behavior ... user_mode(task_pt_regs(a_kernel_thread)) is generically 1 on openrisc and sparc64, [kernel NULL pointer dereference] on powerpc, and depends on uninitialized memory on xtensa
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<smaeul> Thanks for investigating this! It looks like my concern was unfounded. I suppose the intention is that user_mode() is for exception/IRQ context, and PF_KTHREAD is for process context, so user_mode(task_pt_regs()) should never happen and the behavior doesn't matter
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<OwlWizard> do any of you know what coolers fit the milk-v pioneer board?
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<another|> ice-cold milk bottles? /s
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<conchuod> sorear: I think those RISCV_ISA kconfig options could do with a spring cleaning. s/enable its usage/enable its use in the kernel/ would be a start and the vector/fpu ones shold probably mention they're required for userspace?
<conchuod> userspace to use the extension*
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<conchuod> Depending on mmu for zbb doesn't really make sense to me either
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<conchuod> I thought someone had sent patches for that before, but maybe we had that problem in multiple places
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<sorear> theoretically it should probably be !XIP_KERNEL || MMU, or rather, it should depend on alternatives which depend on that
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<conchuod> Yah, should be depends on alternatives
<conchuod> Some of them do depend on MMU, but Zbb doesn't.
<sorear> last person to touch that seems to have been you
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<conchuod> sorear: Yeah, I touched most of them while removing all the "depends on !XIP_KERNEL" stuff when we realised fpu detection was broken on XIP.
<sorear> public review for Zicfiss/Zicfilp started, last chance
<conchuod> I could have sworn someone recent dropped some "depends on MMU" stuff - might have been smaeul doing it for alternatives.
<conchuod> s/alternatives/errata/
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<conchuod> smaeul: oh sweet, I was not dreaming
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