sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
<drewfustini> I'm using the Qemu riscv acpi virt machine from Sunil's qemu branch but it is pretty limited in that I/O devices can't be used until irq support is worked out
<palmer> makes sense
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<courmisch> conchuod: well yeah, that's why I made my own bootstrap
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<conchuod> courmisch: yah I ended up finding that repo (maybe cos its one of the few pages about that board in english?) and at least got something running with it.
<conchuod> For some definition of running at least..
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<conchuod> courmisch: Does your stuff set opensbi up to output somewhere?
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<conchuod> courmisch: Oh wait, the U-Boot proper is M-Mode isn't it.
<geist> uboot on riscv runs n supervisor mode AFAICT
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<conchuod> I don't think that's true. It can be either.
<conchuod> I tested both recently in QEMU :)
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<Tenkawa> my VF2 is currently dset to
<sorear> normally i don't think of SPL as "U-Boot proper"
<Tenkawa> Run Mode (Supervisor) ---> │ │
<Tenkawa> │ │ SPL Run Mode (Machine) --->
<conchuod> sorear: Yah this has SPL and U-Boot proper in M-Mode AFAICT.
<Tenkawa> I like how its running.. now if I could only get my Mars to cooperate lol
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<jrtc27> m-mode u-boot doesn't make sense
<jrtc27> you can't do efi in m-mode
<jrtc27> that's s-mode
<jrtc27> is this some cursed custom linux-specific boot thing that drops to s-mode when booting the os?
<jrtc27> if so.... why
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<dramforever[m]> you can go to say opensbi and then linux from m-mode u-boot just like spl
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<dramforever[m]> or even opensbi then smode uboot
<dramforever[m]> it's ... "just" a loader
<conchuod> jrtc27: spl -> m-mode -> opensbi -> linux
<conchuod> I personally don't like that flow, I much prefer getting an s-mode bootloader to make running w/e os I want as simple as TFTPing it and a dtb.
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<dramforever[m]> lol i've talked about this last week
<dramforever[m]> basically having mmode uboot in the middle lets you also load mmode software over tftp
<dramforever[m]> so if you're touching mmode software it makes the iteration cycle quite a bit shorter
<conchuod> dramforever[m]: Oh ye, I do not mind have m-mode u-boot, it's the opensbi -> OS jump I don't like.
<conchuod> But courmisch's stuff is easy to hack :)
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<dramforever[m]> yeah and you need an smode bootloader for efi, as mentioned above
<sorear> Alpha would simply allow you to load M-mode code using a SWPPAL SBI call after using a S-mode bootloader ...
<conchuod> sorear: calm down grandpa, lemme get your meds
<sorear> that's rude and offensive
<Armand> It's ok... I have your newspaper.
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<sorear> next person to make ageist or ableist comments gets a free ban
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<geist> geez yeah, not okay
<conchuod> Wait, you were being serious about it being offensive?
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<sorear> yes
<conchuod> sorear: oh, I thought that was clearly a joke. Didn't mean to offend you, sorry.
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<Reinhilde> Why is Nowoan_666 PMing me
<lu_zero> happened to me too
<conchuod> Did he ask you about timetravel too?
<Reinhilde> Nah.
<drewfustini> I saw a ping ('hi') from Nowoan_666 but I didn't respond because I didn't respond because I don't know who that is
<lu_zero> yes
<courmisch> conchuod: SBI and u-boot output to the USB serial, I didn't change that
<courmisch> jrtc27: not sure why, but K230 flow is SPL -> u-boot -> SBI with fw_payload -> Linux
<conchuod> courmisch: ye I just got confused by opensbi's payload being linux.
<courmisch> jrtc27: maybe that made it easier to set up T-Head MAEE, which is used instead of whatever the standard S equivalent is
<courmisch> jrtc27: I don't think anybody cares about EFI on that board, and certainly not the vendor. But it *is* a PITA that Linux ends up as fw_payload
<conchuod> I tried very briefly building s-mode u-boot with the sources you had but I couldn't be bothered figuring out what was missing.
<courmisch> maybe cyyself knows
<courmisch> I think the vendor changes to u-boot pretty much can't work in S-mode. How useful they are is another matter
<conchuod> whoops, didnt mean to link that particular file
<conchuod> Yangyu is using that repo.
<mps> hm, Nowoan_666 also pings me
<conchuod> I don't see any sign of an smode config in there, so prob they're using the same flow.
<jrtc27> fw_payload of an OS is a terrible thing to exist
<jrtc27> it exists for embedding more firmware and nothing else
<courmisch> yes but not terrible enough that I would care to fix it on my free time
<jrtc27> how many years ago at this point was it that I taught spike to support fw_jump? 5?
<jrtc27> specifically because of how unimpressed I was with having to do fw_payload :)
<courmisch> conchuod: I see somebody likes to reinvent the wheel
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<courmisch> I tried to load sbi and kernel separately in u-boot, but I failed miserably
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<courmisch> probably memory layout problem
<Tenkawa> wow they really are spamming the whole network...
<Tenkawa> I just got msged
<courmisch> +1
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<davidlt> I also got time travel message
<DesRoin> Same here
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<h2t> ditto
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<sorear> banned by libera staff twice in an hour
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<Tenkawa> sorear: reminds me of the days when I owned/ran servers on here and other networks and had to play "keep up with the flood/dos"
<DesRoin> THis Nowoan_666 guy was the one who wrote to me
<Tenkawa> Was a royal pain
<Tenkawa> DesRoin: yeah same
<geist> yeah been talking to him for a few hours. i have no idea what his angle was
<geist> presmably trying to get a bitcoin address from me mabye? dunno
<mps> AI and not real person? :D
<geist> i told them i could get it for them, since i'm a time traveller, and future me will get to it eventually, etc
<geist> dunno
<Tenkawa> mps: interesting thought
<Tenkawa> I wouldn't put it past an AI bot
<Tenkawa> I think that's likely to be the future of our phone spam in the near future....
<Tenkawa> (granted its already bad enough)
<mps> Tenkawa: I read that AI is already used somewhere for 'money' taking from naive people
<mps> and I'm not surprised :)
<Tenkawa> Yeah... not surprised indeed.
<sorear> incredibility of spam is a feature because it reduces the time wasted talking to marks that aren't credulous enough to convert
<Tenkawa> sorear: not really... I've had a few of the people I help on computers call me with recent "attempts" by people to get into their computers/etc...
<Tenkawa> Its still fairly rampantly picked up by humans
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<geist> ah they're back now
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