sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<dramforever[m]> i have a confession, i have committed some crimes on opensbi and now i'm debating with myself whether it's too cursed or it's actually really useful and should in fact be upstreamed
<dramforever[m]> basically cyyself told me that m-mode u-boot is really useful for testing m-mode software like opensbi, because you can easily load it through tftp
<bjdooks> we got some usd card switches to do stuff with uboot/lowlevel stuff with the unmatched
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<dramforever[m]> that sounds pretty nice, but i'd think running a tftp server on the dev machine would be a shorter cycle than copying to the sd card?
<bjdooks> if you can tftp boot then yes
<bjdooks> otherwise it beats switching sd cards in and out
<dramforever[m]> yeah that's what he's been preaching
<dramforever[m]> the way he does it is to just load the image and use "go" to jump to it, but it doesn't work with smp, so he added a horrible hack:
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<dramforever[m]> it replaces the entire trap handler to jump to start of RAM... not goo
<dramforever[m]> *not good
<dramforever[m]> unconvinced that this is the best method, i looked around and saw that "booti" is the closest to what we want, but it checks for the linux riscv Image magic
<dramforever[m]> and uses the header to find the preferred offset (from start of RAM, it's 0 for mmode, 2M for rv64, 4M for rv32) and image size
<dramforever[m]> so uh... here's the opensbi atrocity, i added a riscv linux image header to opensbi
<dramforever[m]> aand ... yes i just double checked, it works! works with both fw_payload and fw_jump
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<dramforever[m]> and i don't know whether the next thing to do is to bury it or to submit it to upstream, i'll probably think about it
<dramforever[m]> that's it
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<Tenkawa> Anyone have the mainline u-boot source handy? I need to try to update a VisionFive2 to do some experimenting
<Tenkawa> er source git address
<Tenkawa> I don't have it bookmarked/organized correctly
<Tenkawa> Thank you.
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