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<immibis> is that well known knowledge among people who actually write kernels or is there some specific rationale? seems like you could lock (that part of) the process's address space, prepare a page table equivalent to the (let's assume) 2MB huge page you're replacing, update the page directory, then flush TLB on all processors i.e. (I presume) "make before break". But that seems obvious and I don't write kernels so I assume there are very good reasons why the
<immibis> obvious thing is actually impossible.
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<geist> it's an arcitectural specific detail. some arches are okay with doing what you ask, some are not
<geist> ARM in particular is very picky about BBM to avoid having multiple TLB entries present at the time that cover the same page. to have that situation is a special type of exception that is generally bad
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<immibis> why would it fill the TLB if it finds the virtual address already present in the TLB?
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<zid`> maybe it also applies to different virtual addresses?
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* klys is open to creating accounts at https://words.showing.beauty/s/wiki/ for any devs in this group. wanted an irc-mediated wiki/quote/lists experience, settling for a wiki for now. may add gitweb to my server in the future. specs: 56 threads, 256GB ram, 2TB swap, ~12tb SAS HDD storage and ~800GB/2TB free on ssd.
<bslsk05> ​words.showing.beauty: words.showing.beauty
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<heat> immibis, well for one TLBs are frequently separated by page size
<heat> it's not hard to imagine how you would have two entries for the same range on separate "sub TLBs" (say, 2M and 4K)
<immibis> if 2M lookup succeeds why would it go and load a new 4k entry from memory?
<heat> there are a bunch of funny edge cases
<heat> like "L1 dTLB miss, now you're looking into the L2 TLB, oh you found a 2M TLB entry (which was never invalidated)"
<heat> L2 being shared
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<geist> yah as heat is saying there are tons of edge cases. the ARM ARM talks about a bunch of them and lays it out pretty explicitly
<geist> i forget if on any of the x86 machines there's a need for BBM
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<geist> a lot if it is x86 has a bunch of extra hardware to deal with these edge cases because Backwards Compatibility
<geist> but newer designs (ARM, riscv, etc) make it a software problem so they can just remove the hardware
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<geist> for example it may very well be that x86 hardware detects a multiple TLB entry collision like this and stops, runs some microcode to clear all the affected entries and restart the TLB miss
<geist> and ARM/riscv/etc just doesn't want to add that extra hardware if it doesn't need to. they throw an exception and make it a software problem
<geist> and this is not isolated, thats a general philosophy of most risc designs
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<kof673> doesn't apply here surely, but...mechanism not policy. "here is a mechanism, up to the user/programmer to use it or not"
<kof673> i mean i would put as similar maybe
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<kof673> manual versus anything "automatic"
<kof673> or...similar thing at software levels...
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<mjg> fucking linkedin
<mjg> i made the mistake of reading my feed
<mjg> got a "recommended post" from some webdev twat explaining why node.js is FAST
<mjg> LOL
<mjg> precisley the kind of a fuck which needs to get fired and not find a job in IT afterwards
<mjg> fuck
<rbox> lol
<rbox> "fast" compared to what
<mjg> fuck if i know
<rbox> lol
<geist> to something slower
<mjg> node.js deployed on solaris deployed on sparc is where perf is at
<geist> biiiiiig endian
<geist> the big means better
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<mjg> low endian is for low end
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<sortie> Just one of those days merging 26 commits y'know
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<geist> sounds like someone has a case of the fridays
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<sortie> :D
<sortie> geist: Hehe mostly that I updated my OS to gcc 14.2.0 (midway) so I commited a ton of fixes for bugs, warnings, port issues, etc. and then waited a week to make sure everything was tested in every way, finally passed all the tests, so merged :)
<sortie> It gets a bit tricky because my OS also has to work with gcc 5.2.0 still for bootstrap reasons, so did some testing to make sure the old toolchain still worked, and it didn't. Mostly cus I accidentally used some gcc 14 features and warnings that made the old gcc warn or error
<geist> ah yeah
<sortie> This is the part of osdev that I kinda enjoy, putting it all together. Making my OS work in every mode, for now, temporarily, with quality where possible, hacks where needed, plus workarounds, with a full bootstrap plan. So my old 1.0 release with gcc 5.2.0 and binutils 2.24 is able to bootstap the new version with gcc 14.2.0 and binutils 2.43.1.
<sortie> Lots of testing needed for that. All carefully planned ahead of time, heck even back in 2016 with forward compat. So I can say it's fully supported to upgrade from source.
<geist> yeah that's always nice
<geist> also yay i have a new keyboard out for delivery
<geist> Drunk Deer G75
<sortie> And it's tricky. We literally found a bug in gcc and made a minimal reproduction and managed to even find an existing issue for it
<sortie> Yay keyboards
<sortie> That's what me and my musician friends have in common. I'm pretty awesome on a keyboard. The QWERTY kind lol
<geist> typed on one when i was at akihabra in japan, and it immediately stuck out to me
<sortie> Ooh I heard of akihabra that's cool
<geist> yah it was literally in the Steins;Gate building too
<sortie> I got mildly concerned when gcc started warning me about iteration 2147483648
<sortie> Stuck in a time loop
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<heat> geist, pretty sure you need BBM for huge page <-> page table changes on x86
<heat> zid`, why do british women love dyeing their hair blonde?
<heat> i have to know
<heat> it's insane, they're all fake blondes
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<the_oz> Mae West. Jean Harlow. Marilyn Monroe?
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<Xyon> heat I dyed mine blonde so I could dye it red does that count
<heat> that's a valid badass reason but i dont think posh girls dye their hair red
<the_oz> hollywood blonde bombshells, barbie... decades of entrainment mindwash
<Xyon> i am not a posh girl that's why i'm in #osdev
<heat> you can be posh and in #osdev
<the_oz> we need more posh girls for dancing reasons
<heat> posh girls can write a kernel while eating their pomegranate
<Xyon> i've never seen a posh kernel hacker tho have you
<Xyon> ... that collision of words made me imagine a kernel written in powershell and now i shall pass that nightmare on to you
<heat> i mean... well off bay area people kinda count
<the_oz> I've seen a few girls in comp sci, a couple of them were even fellow autists
<Xyon> i don't think we have the same bay areas here lol
<heat> SF engineers are certainly not poor in any stretch of the imagination
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<heat> i'm sure linus doesn't live paycheck to paycheck :)
<Xyon> linus is not a posh girl afaik
<heat> yet
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<Xyon> bestie wrote the os that turns us all trans in the end, for sure
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<the_oz> maybe it's something deeper one learns about the nature of playing a role of an attractive female, with which it comes with stretching the muscles of body hacking
<heat> i do have to say it's very sad how the kernel world has so few women
<heat> even compared to the rest of compsci
<the_oz> practice makes perfect and all that
<heat> it seems that kernel hacking isn't brat enough
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<the_oz> make kernel hackjing easier? I mean...
<the_oz> failing for that you won't believably delude it
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<sortie> Today in osdev: I figured out why the new binutils on my OS made a program that crashed when the old ld worked.
<sortie> It's a difference in the built-in linker script related to the semantics of the init_array section for constructors where it does something new that my libc does not support
<sortie> Protip: You can use -Wl,--verbose to gcc to make it forward --verbose to ld that makes it spit out its linker script
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<sortie> The solution for me was to set ENABLE_INITFINI_ARRAY=no in my ld emulparams for sortix
<sortie> Curiously, this only happened with a natively built binutils 2.43.1 because the feature is not enabled when binutils itself is cross-compiled
<sortie> It's also not enabled for crosscompiler
<heat> fix your libc?
<heat> instead of hacking around it
<sortie> heat: Arguably the old way is my ABI
<sortie> But honestly I just don't understand the way to do constructors here
<heat> what's the difference?
<sortie> There's a bit of variance in how the crt stuff is done across platforms and I'm a bit confused and need to research
<heat> IIRC most new platforms don't support old style ctors at all, just init_array
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<heat> clang IIRC does not support old style at all either
<sortie> I don't think I support init_array
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<sortie> I do some stuff but it's been ages since I looked into it
<sortie> Nonetheless whatever I happened to do in 1.0 is the ABI for now (since I cannot break the ABI in 1.1 -- due to 1.0 -> 1.1 bootstrap reasons, I will be able to change the ABI for 1.2) unless I learn more and plan out a way to transition
<sortie> I'll need to learn a lot more tho
<sortie> A bit pressing question is e.g. why init_array exists at all and what was wrong with the old approach
<heat> it requires crtinit junk
<heat> the current way to do ctors:
<heat> call _init; call every member of init_array
<heat> you call _init if anything isn't using init_array ctors ofc
<heat> which you can't know ahead of time
<sortie> I mean that's massively simplified. There's all sorts of section stuff going on, plus linker script fun plus sorting, cooperation with crti and crtn and crtbegin and crtend and what not and I need to swap in all of those details :)
<heat> it's not massively simplified. this is how it works
<heat> linker sorts everything into init_array. you call every member (function pointer) of init_array. you're done
<heat> it's not hard
<heat> crti and crtn do not exist in many new platforms, crtbegin and crtend do not exist on e.g clang
<bslsk05> ​maskray.me: .init, .ctors, and .init_array | MaskRay
<sortie> I mean I hear you and it helps but I also need to study the authoritative information, understand the migration path, the implementation concerns, compatibility and bootstrap issues, etc.
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<sortie> Thanks for the link :)
<sortie> Just saying this isn't a 2 AM thing :) For now my concern is just making the new binutils work
<heat> like this is generally transparent to the toolchain apart from calling things properly in the libc, and your linker script if you need to mes with that
<heat> right
<sortie> I knew I needed to deal with this area one day anyway
<sortie> I'm very sure https://gitlab.com/sortix/sortix/-/issues/740 is due to my old school constructor stuff
<bslsk05> ​gitlab.com: Multi-threaded C++ programs crash before main if using libstdc++ (extfs crash) (#740) · Issues · sortix / Sortix · GitLab
<sortie> At least -nostdc++ helps me work around that issue these days
<sortie> * -nostdlib++
<sortie> Fixing my constructor scheme is a job that needs doing, but I'll delay it until after I upgrade my toolchain
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