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<geist> best way to test is to repeatedly connect to sortix irc
<heat> that's not even onyx! lol
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<heat> i'm fucking up the sequence nr midway through my send
<heat> :/
<geist> re: testing the first thign i did is implement the usual echo/chargen/discord stuff
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<geist> then i could fairly easily write some test code on the host side with netcat or whatnot. run a bunch of things simultaneously, etc
<heat> my tcp stack has several problems and one of them is that IIRC my OS can't TCP with itself :p
<heat> and that is somewhat tricky to track down without tcpdump
<geist> but you have at least one ethernet working?
<geist> so you can talk to it with another coputer?
<heat> wdym
<geist> well, i mea you can test fro another machine
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<heat> i'm not exposing this VM to my local lan (just doing -net user) because that has Yet Another Set Of Issues
<heat> namely with my ARP and packet queuing
<geist> ah
<geist> yah this is where i set up a test vlan so it wouldn't really interfere
<heat> https://imgur.com/a/f3W8PoV here's a random screenshot i just found of onyx running binutils (for i assume was the first time) ~6 years ago
<bslsk05> ​'' - ''
<heat> module loading, some primitive networking, binutils, that OS was great
<geist> now it's too complicated
<heat> amen
<geist> too many features
<heat> BLOATED
<heat> i'm finally cleaning up my google drive as i'm getting close to my free 15GB storage
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<innegatives> hey
<innegatives> wiki down?
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<avery2004> Hello :) I'm really sorry if this is a stupid question but the forums and website are down rn. I am in the process of moving my OS from 32 bit using Multiboot to 64 bit using Limine (Using the 64 bit Limine bare bones template as a start). Except I am not sure how to print text to the screen in Long mode. Since limine gives a full framebuffer by default, is the next step to write a new set of TTY functions utilizing something like SSFN2 or is there a
<avery2004> trick to using TTY the same way you can in protected mode?
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<nikolar> what's ssfn2
<avery2004> 'Scalable screen font' on the wiki. Basically drawing characters to the framebuffer instead of sending characters directly to video memory
<heat> >is the next step to write a new set of TTY functions utilizing something like SSFN2
<heat> yes
<heat> no idea what ssfn2 is but it sounds like osdev wiki garbageware
<avery2004> heat: Thank you :) I was a little lost
<heat> take a bitmap font, it's pretty simple (bit set = draw with foreground color, bit unset = draw with background color)
<nikolar> psf fonts are bitmap fonts and the format is very simple
<mjg> 8/
<mjg> i bought some cheap fragrance out of curiosity
<mjg> it came with a free sample of anotehr fragrance
<mjg> and i like it, except it's for women
<mjg> life is though man
<the_oz> oh nooooo my nose smells the vagina in that scent
<mjg> so at first i thought they made a mistake
<mjg> normally free samples match the product they are attached to
<mjg> but then i remembered that most fragrances, including for men, are bought by women
<heat> lol
<nikolar> lol
<heat> i was shopping for fragances yesterday too
<mjg> i'm dead serous
<heat> everything smells like different shades of wood
<nikolar> kek
<mjg> you either have lol nose
<mjg> or are in the portugesee taste alley
<mjg> by any chance are browsing the lol cheap ass section or something resembling a real frag
<heat> nope
<mjg> cause anything < 10EUR is basically webdev of fragrance
<mjg> erm, anything < 40 EUR or so
<heat> these were all loewe
<heat> soo ~100 EUR
<mjg> ok that's the real deal
<heat> mon i use linux i need to compensate not taking baths with expensive perfumes
<mjg> dior sauvage > bath
<mjg> it is known
<mjg> even so paint me surprised, i thought that at best you wear Axe
<mjg> (or whatever other brand which is considered cringe today, back when i was in hs it was axe)
<heat> they make deodorants
<heat> crappy ones at that
<mjg> i know
<mjg> that's what i mean
<mjg> no edt/edp, just a deodorant
<mjg> and crappy one at that
<mjg> a genuinely cheap borderline webdev frag you may try out is versace blue jeans
<mjg> i mean idk your budget, presumably your allowance is not adjusted for inflation
<mjg> assuming some low end is needed ^^^^
<mjg> smells nice, but has short longevity
<mjg> it is about 30 EUR for 75 ml
<bslsk05> ​arstechnica.com: “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update | Ars Technica
<innegatives> is there any interesting projects that i can generate enough motivation to keep at? i really want to leave the webdev hell
<heat> i dont need low end perfumes but thanks for the suggestion anyway
<mjg> heat: well if you can afford something more expensive, i can only suggest you *avoid* dior sauvage :D
<mjg> heat: it's the most cliche non-cheap frag you can pick
<heat> yeah i dont like that one
<heat> i already have 2 perfumes anyway
<heat> i was _maybe_ searching for a 3rd, but if i can't find one then no problem
<mjg> there are companies which sell samples
<mjg> you can get a collection to slowly work through
<mjg> heat: do you post on r/arch btw
<mjg> (or whatever the fucking sub it is)
<heat> no
<mjg> would be funny to ask arch users specifically what perfume, if any, they wear
<heat> go to arch's offtopic irc channel lol
<mjg> i fully expect the most upvoted answer to be "my sweat", and for it to be serious
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<kof673> in reply to both innegatives and the perfume stuff, i am with the microsoft web dev on these issues "a systems programmer will know what to do when society breaks down, because the systems programmer already lives in a world without law" -- the night watch, james mickens
<kof673> "systems people discover bugs by waking up and discovering that their first-born children are missing and "ETIMEDOUT" has been written in blood on the wall"
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<kof673> "when you asked a girl to the prom, you discovered that her father was a cop. when i asked a girl to the prom, i discovered that her father was stalin"
<_rink> Pfft, I hate insanely complicated class hierarchies wit ha passion.
<_rink> *especially* when they have protected data members and friend-s all over.
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<sortie> kof673: Did you mean ECHILD?
<kof673> i am just a messenger relaying through the war zone... someone posted it here year or so ago, november 2013, ;login: logout usenix magazine of some kind
<_rink> sortie, maybe it's my dark humour, but I'd suggest EAGAIN :-)
<heat> sortie, quick trivia question: what errno is used in linux path walking when RCU walking fails?
<sortie> heat: RCU walking?
<heat> yes
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<sortie> _rink: EAGAIN is definitely one of the scarier errnos to see written in blood. It's up there with EINTR, EEXIST, EINPROGRESS, EPERM, EDEADLK, and ENOMEDIUM.
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<nikolar> heat could it be eintr
<heat> no, it's ECHILD
<sortie> heat: What is RCU walking?
<heat> precisely because ECHILD means nothing in path walking/fs-land :P
<nikolar> Why
<nikolar> Oh lol
<nikolar> That's silly
<heat> EINTR could legitimately be returned by e.g nfs
<bslsk05> ​lwn.net: RCU-walk: faster pathname lookup in Linux [LWN.net]
<sortie> Thanks for the homework heat
<nikolar> Kek
<heat> you're welcome
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<kof673> also i mentioned this before, that is a basilisk surely lol > Greenlion is a green and musky fragrance that plays on the contrast between strength and sensuality
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<min0911> What's wrong with the wiki?
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<min0911> it doesn't return any css when I visit the wiki, and it is too slow
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<min0911> it seems to me my cache?
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<kof673> other people have said it is having issues
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<the_oz> 522 cloudflare. You are indeed viewing your local cache
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<kof673> mjg: > Sea Salt Cologne & Fragrance you need some hippocampus salt of ammon before you work your way up to green lion cologne perhaps lol
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<netbsduser> exciting new developments in my kernel
<netbsduser> virtually contiguous page structs
<netbsduser> now i can free up 52 bits worth of data to do what i want with
<zid> ascii art sunglasses
<heat> ooh congrats
<heat> mine are all virtually contiguous because they're also physically contiguous :)) i haven't bothered to play fun games with the mmu there
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<sortie> Citizen reminder: Turning on -Werror for all errors by default is malcompliance and will be punished accordingly. It shall be opt-in or people will have a bad time when they use a different compiler version than you.
<nikolar> good point
<heat> why is werror on for release builds?
<sortie> Bonus punishment for GRUB that has --disable-werror but then has a few hard-coded -Werror arguments in the makefile here and there.
<sortie> heat, idk man, some people do this shit.
<nikolar> sortie: send patchen upstream with the fix
<nikolar> sounds like they added --disable-werror after someone complained and didn't check everywhere
<sortie> nikolar: If I did that, I would never get any osdev done. Do you know how many many many patches I have?
<nikolar> heh this is a very simple patch though, isn't it
<nikolar> just shoot an email and forget
<sortie> Honestly, no
<sortie> Every upstream has different ways to contact them
<sortie> Half the work is even figuring out how to file an issue or how to mail them
<kazinsal> and some of them will expect you to become a package maintainer
<sortie> Then convince them that they are wrong and I am right
<heat> wasn't patching upstream your thing?
<nikolar> kazinsal: how so
<nikolar> sortie: it seems like it's pretty clear who's wrong
<sortie> Then my patch isn't the correct autoconf magic cus who is able to understand Makefile.am and configure.ac that stuff is so opaque. I literally just patch configure and Makefile.in directly
<nikolar> ah lol
<sortie> nikolar: Then multiply that for 836K of patches (22113 lines) across 90 ports
<sortie> I wanna do it? And I _have_ done it. It's just so much work.
<sortie> So much back and forth
<nikolar> eh fair
<nikolar> that is a lot of patches
<sortie> Most of my patches solve the problem de-facto but not well enough that the upstream would be able to commit it since they want to polish it an and integrate with the build system
<nikolar> which is really the correct approach
<sortie> If anyone wants to help software portability and cross-compilation of common software a great deal, talk to me, you can help upstream my patches for me
<sortie> Half of my patches are Sortix specific of course, but the other half would really help most people also doing osdev and the community beyond
<heat> if anyone wants to help the onyx project talk to me and S E N D P A T C H E N
<heat> contribute to Big Onyx
<sortie> Paid for by heat for climate change
<heat> heat for penguins covered in oil
<sortie> penguins and polarbears in the same rising ocean for equality
<sortie> heat: Some of these new gcc warnings are wild. -Wformat-truncate and -Wformat-overflow are giving me pain to no end because I inject -Werror=format and that also affects those though they come in through -Wall
<sortie> Even though my ports tree is largely up to date at this point
<sortie> But updating the compiler doesn't make the ports any less worse (more or less) so they should still work but new warnings and -Werror causes mayhem
<heat> :) don't inject anything!
<heat> maybe google was right all along
<sortie> I *need* to inject -Wformat :|
<sortie> -Werror=format
<sortie> It's varargs.
<heat> reject CFLAGS, reject CC, embrace bespoke build system with prebuilt clang straight off of master
<sortie> Sortix has a slightly different ABI so things like pid_t, ino_t, uid_t, gid_t, etc. are different than Linux and poorly written software uses printf specifiers like %i and such assuming stuff that POSIX doesn't require
<sortie> Since we're free to pick the ABI for stuff in <sys/types.h> subject to mild requirements
<heat> don't tell me your uids are 64-bit?
<nortti> I think they're size_t sized
<heat> ugh
<nortti> or wait, no, that was pids
<sortie> Many such things are
<sortie> pid_t is also intptr_t sized, like ino_t and dev_t too
<sortie> Perfectly allowed by the standard and good software can handle it
<sortie> But a lot of stuff doesn't.
<sortie> Some militantly doesn't even use pid_t. Fuck you libglib.
<heat> my pid_t is int, uid_t is unsigned int, gid_t is unsigned int, dev_t is 64-bit, mode_t is unsigned int, uid_t is 64-bit
<childlikempress> heat: prebuilt clang from a 6-year-old master*
<sortie> heat: The point is that all of these printf calls will just emit a -Wformat warning and explode at runtime. I need to make those compile errors
<heat> where did you see that? shit like chrome and v8 use like a 2-week old master
<heat> >and good software can handle it
<heat> my software sucks then
<nikolar> heat: what is this prebuilt clang thing about
<sortie> heat: I mean software specific to Onyx doesn't need to handle other operating systems
<heat> my software is mostly portable to everything
<nikolar> keyword mostly
<sortie> It's still good to write it properly portable
<heat> i try to at least
<sortie> If that is the goal of course
<heat> but i'm not invoking the devil just to print a horrible intmax_t when %d will do
<heat> pid_t is not explicitly an int but in practice it is one
<sortie> %jd done boom
<heat> how about: no
<sortie> Your no has been rejected by -Werror=format.
<heat> i also assume LP64
<sortie> LP64 is more reasonable tho
<heat> is it?
<immibis> the words "short" and "long" are not reasonable
<sortie> More or less everywhere. I mean I personally don't assume much but it's well defacto
<heat> pid_t is historically an int and why do you have more than 2^31 processes live?
<sortie> Well why have arbitrary limits
<sortie> Sir this is a 64-bit processor
<heat> nikolar, the big google projects (mostly related to chrome) all ship their own prebuilt clang you need to download. some support using the system compiler but are somewhat unstable when doing so
<heat> sortie, security
<sortie> Part of it is also that I don't recycle pid_t numbers
<zid> how will I make a bitmap of pids now
<nikolar> heat: ah right
<heat> arbitrary limits are usually okay. like NFILE being 1024
<sortie> That is not the GNU way
<sortie> No limits
<sortie> I have a GNU/Hurd CD in the next room
<nikolar> a cd?
<nikolar> how ancient is it
<sortie> I'm guessing 2010
<heat> good, i'm not a GNU person
<immibis> hey i got a brand new music CD last weekend. May have to dig up a CD drive to find out what's on it...
<nikolar> heh
<sortie> I did find a music CD here too, an old burned one, it seemed very very damaged, I was only able to get like 5 seconds of music off it from track 16. I did not recognize the song. idk whose it is and what these songs are
<zid> just look at it REAL closely and transcribe it
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<kazinsal> five seconds is probably enough for shazam
<sortie> kazinsal: It would certainly help if I was able to get it to play those seconds again lol
<kazinsal> I've gotten shazam to recognize weird remixes playing on the stereo in a crowded noisy bar
<kazinsal> just mail the disc to lostmediawiki and tell them it's a challenge. someone will figure it out
<sortie> A reminder, if you have old backups on CDs around, now is the best time ever to recover those to a more persistent media
<sortie> They don't last forever
<sortie> I forgot, did -Werror=implicit-function-declaration become default, and under what circumstances?
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<immibis> so did you try putting it in a PC and running cdparanoia?
<immibis> fun fact: it's called cdparanoia because CD drives used to not reliably give you the audio data stream, so it tries reading it a bunch of times, reading it backwards, etc, until it's consistent. I assume it helps with damaged disks too, like ddrescue.
<heat> sortie, gcc13
<immibis> heh, old software FAQs. "Oh, and virtually no PC on earth has [6.2MB/s] that kind of I/O throughput; a Sun Enterprise server might, but a PC does not. Most don't come within a factor of five, assuming perfect realtime behavior."
<zid> cd-burning was AWFUL on w98 I can tell you that, holy shit
<nikolar> lol
<kazinsal> cd burning on anything in that era was just "oops killed a disc due to buffer underrun, there goes a few dollars"
<sortie> heat: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91092 according to this it's gcc 14
<bslsk05> ​gcc.gnu.org: 91092 – Error on implicit function declarations by default
<heat> oh i standard corrected then
<heat> stand
<heat> dont standard. never standard.
<immibis> don't stand open ard
<immibis> (when will i contribute positively to an IRC conversation?)
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<gog> if you're anything like me, never
<gog> there's no sincerity or willingness to help left
<heat> shitposting is life
<sortie> extern int fork (void);
<sortie> int vfork (void) { return (fork ()); }
<sortie> heat: Junk found in my binutils that breaks on modern gcc due to the prototype being all wrong
<heat> BASED
<heat> have you considered just having vfork? it'd fix your little problem
<nikolar> also why the parens around fork
<heat> why the space after the function names? lots of questions
<nikolar> that too
<nikolar> and double spaces before the return
<heat> oh i'd probably do that I think
<sortie> nikolar: It's GNU style
<sortie> They invoke return like a function, like if
<heat> int vfork(void){return fork();} looks too cluttered
<nikolar> so give it one space
<sortie> And they pretend C is functional programming and add a space before the parens
<nikolar> int vfork(void) { return fork(); }
<nikolar> sortie: that's silly
<heat> didn't you also do that?
<sortie> The double space there is just me putting it on one line
<nikolar> heat: do what
<heat> iirc sortie calls functions like that
<sortie> heat: I don't
<heat> OH, it's worse
<heat> if ( !alloc->from )
<heat> ugh
<sortie> I descended from MSVC
<heat> you also invert conditions, it trips me up
<sortie> Invert?
<sortie> Ah you mean < vs >?
<heat> yes
<heat> if ( 0 > fork() )
<sortie> I tend to prefer < where values go upwards from left to right
<sortie> I got into a whole argument with my coworker about this lol
<sortie> 'if ( 0 > fork() )' while valid makes my eyes bleed
<nikolar> i agree with sortie here
<sortie> if ( fork() < 0 ) ftw
<nikolar> also spaces around the expression are just weird
<nikolar> if (fork() < 0)
<sortie> nikolar: Well syntactically it is a different kind of statement than a function invocation expression
<nikolar> what is
<sortie> GNU (and actually even kinda BSD) like to use syntax to pretend they're the safe
<sortie> foo (bar);
<sortie> return (bar);
<sortie> if (bar)
<nikolar> yeah that's weird
<nikolar> so do foo(bar) and if (expr)
<heat> nikolar, you like this? if ( SSIZE_MAX < size )
<sortie> Whereas my style: foo(bar); return bar; if ( bar ). The style makes it clear they are different kind of statements.
<nikolar> heat: for me, the variable goes on the left
<heat> well thats my point
<nikolar> so if (size > SSIZE_MAX)
<nikolar> sortie: the space between the if and the paren is already enough imo
<sortie> Why should the order matter based on which thing is a variable or a constant?
<nikolar> adding more spaces within the parens is just gross :P
<sortie> nikolar: I mean I hear you. It's just a MSVC-ism I carried on from old days.
<heat> it's just consistent with all the other code i've read
<sortie> Now I just got a ton of code using that style and little desire to reformat
<nikolar> not sure about that
<heat> i have troubles parsing SSIZE_MAX < size
<nikolar> i just know i've always preferred the var on the left
<heat> if you said if (size > SSIZE_MAX) it's obvious, you're trying to clamp size or something
<heat> anything else does not compute
<sortie> /home/sortie/sortix/sysroot/lib/libtermcap.a(tputs.o):(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `PC'
<sortie> /home/sortie/sortix/sysroot/lib/libreadline.a(terminal.o):(.bss+0xb8): first defined here
<sortie> I don't even know how a new gcc caused this. That'll be fun.
<nikolar> heh nice
<nikolar> what is PC even supposed to be
<sortie> curses symbols are weird
<sortie> niht
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<heat> personal computer
<heat> no need to thank me
<nikolar> of course
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<zid> sortie: gcc 10 ish switched from -fcommon to -fno-common also
<zid> which tends to give you.. multiple definition errors
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