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<immibis> hotplugging SATA drives on my desktop feels wrong, but now I have drive B on sdb, drive C on sdc and drive D on sdd :P
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<immibis> on the other upside i managed to find all of my hard drives in my room (don't put your extra hard drives in one big stack for obvious reasons)
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<heat> As shown in the patchseries that introduced the zswap same-filled
<heat> optimization [1], 10-20% of the pages stored in zswap are same-filled.
<heat> this is nuts lol
<zid> omg, shark filled pages
<immibis> how many of them are zero-filled?
<immibis> and who is same-filling pages with values other than zero? maybe 0xCD on microsoft systems...
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<heat> presumably the vast majority of them are zero-filled since this is linux and as far as I'm aware no popular allocator fills memory up with such a canary
<nikolar> not even as a debug feature?
<heat> maybe but this is a prod workload in meta
<heat> meta's servers that is
<zid> The allocator in tgm3 fills everything with DEADBEEF
<zid> you're welcome
<heat> "as only 1% of the same-filled pages are non-zero" there you have it
<nikolar> interesting
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<pounce> heat: you work at meta??
<nikolar> lol
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<nikolar> he's most definitely not working at meta
<heat> this is an lkml patch
<heat> nikolar, yeah i've only had 2 meta job offers
<heat> i'll take the third i swear
<pounce> noooo don't do it
<pounce> not worth
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<heat> it's actually somewhat attractive
<pounce> yes!
<heat> they have linux kernel shit in switzerland
<pounce> that's the danger D:
<pounce> hrm
<pounce> ok well when i worked there
<pounce> in IT
<heat> what's dangerous?
<pounce> that it's comfortable
<pounce> the kernel folks were special snowflakes and got some devices without our spyware so that they could debug the kernel easier
<pounce> so that sounds nice
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<heat> is meta objectively bad these days?
<heat> it was no amazon a few years ago
<nikolar> yeah i'd say they are bad
<pounce> my partner is thinking about applying at google ch so i can't throw stones
<heat> why is meta bad?
<pounce> working there or for society at large
<heat> good pay and benefits, cool work
<heat> working there ofc
<pounce> oh
<pounce> having to listen to zucc
<pounce> also they killed internal IRC :(
<nikolar> oh i didn't say it was a bad workplace
<heat> THE ZUCK
<pounce> so you have to really like fb marketplace
<nikolar> just that the company sucks
<pounce> err
<pounce> fb messenger
<pounce> fb whatever the hell
<heat> oh eww
<pounce> heat: yeah i was part of the last irc resistence
<heat> is it the actual fb messenger?
<pounce> "facebook workplace messenger"
<heat> sounds better? i hope?
<pounce> workplace is facebook but for companies to use internally
<zid> What was that headline
<pounce> WAIT they're killing it???
<nikolar> kek
<zid> "Zuckerburg, whose Facebook platform was recently criticized for aiding the genocide in Myanmar, said his greatest regret is not getting better at squash"
<pounce> lmao. anyway i left a year ago
<the_oz> bookface intrabodily messenger
<pounce> but i can guarantee that irc is still dead
<pounce> ops had to switch to mattermost
<pounce> in case of emergencies
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<the_oz> you use it to comm with your bodyparts
<pounce> which, get this
<heat> good, burry irc
<heat> bury
<pounce> has to go down once a quarter to do a db vacuum!
<pounce> love when ops software has to do that
<the_oz> IRC is still alive due to justin.tv
<immibis> IRC was still mainstream when there was justin.tv
<the_oz> >twitch kiddos
<zid> justin.tv died a long ass time ago
<pounce> twitch still uses ircv3
<zid> and twitch no longer uses irc, it has an oath frontend and shit
<pounce> it does! the internal service is an ircd
<zid> I'm sure, but you could say the same about a lot of things tbh
<pounce> lol
<pounce> oath and irc aren't compatible unless you're a boomer
<the_oz> terminator will have an ircd
<pounce> who needs their grandchild to oath their connection for them
<zid> irc is either the rfc or it ain't, otherwise basically anything I cobble together to let me message people is irc
<zid> and imo twitch is now definitely the later rather than the former, after their changes
<pounce> Jeremy!! why does it say my irc needs a token??
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<pounce> zid: the token is a PASS which is in the spec
<zid> last I tried, they'd removed channels and modes and all sorts
<zid> and all that's handled elsewhere now
<zid> (80MB of javascript, presumably)
<the_oz> zid, what is it called when you evolve distinctly from a thing? Do you not still assume ship of theseus is what it is and was?
<pounce> anyway 2812 isn't really normative anymore
<zid> the_oz: only if you replace like for like
<pounce> https://modern.ircdocs.horse/ is where it's at
<bslsk05> ​modern.ircdocs.horse: IRC Client Protocol Specification
<zid> otherwise it's called "turning it into something else"
<the_oz> >you cleazrly missed the entire point
<Ermine> tbh idk what to deploy for company chat though
<the_oz> every mod, NEW MODEL NAME
<pounce> we need backwards compatibility for the ship of theseus xD
<Ermine> options i know: mattermost, rocketchat
<zid> If it were a car or something, you'd say it was a "mercedes chassis with an engine swap and custom bodywork" or whatever
<zid> but we don't have that, so we just have to argue
<the_oz> I added an ice breaker and my new ship
<the_oz> totally new
<zid> the equivalent analogy would be adding an ice breaker to *every* sea vessel
<zid> and saying everything is now an ice-breaker
<zid> even if it used to be a tug
<pounce> zid: ircv3 is backwards compatible and opt in, though
<the_oz> twitch touches twitch's things
<the_oz> rfc because flux
<heat> Ermine, hehehehehe
<the_oz> treat it like a monolith and suffer, wasn't meant to be one
<pounce> heat: oh, also the Hack
<heat> what
<pounce> if you don't like PHP then a lot of fb's codebase is written in it
<pounce> a lot of kernel devtools are python too, but they're switching to rust
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<zid> I'm sure suffering over here, using the same irc client for the past 25 years to connect to hundreds of servers, damn those monolithic standards
<zid> wish libera had its own software stack
<Ermine> heat: I love the fact they collaborated on that paper just to enable the joke
<zid> would be so much better
<the_oz> because change only happens via rfc
<the_oz> the definer of thangs
<zid> yes, we typically do decide on standards via communication with others
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<zid> the fact twitch didn't is what makes it so incompatible
<zid> and not a real irc network
<heat> pounce, i dont particularly care about the company as long as i work on the kernel without much issues and the benefits are nice
<heat> couldn't care less that fb is PHP hell :P
<pounce> i mean, you'd still have to use their dumb communication tools
<pounce> but yeah makes sense
<heat> as long as they don't write modules in it i'm fine
<the_oz> ircd doesn't care about interoperability with other daemons, which may or may not be other ircd
<the_oz> it's completely a false tenet that it's required to do to be a thing in its own right
<pounce> heat: eh i'd say go for it then. they pay a lot and aren't that strict i think
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<pounce> im glad to be out and back in school
<heat> we'll see. not sure if i'm going for a masters anyway
<heat> and i like living here :(
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<pounce> fb gave me a NUMA machine :D
<heat> ooooh
<pounce> so that's fun
<heat> weren't they giving out macbooks before?
<pounce> well yeah but they have custom hardware
<pounce> for VR and such
<pounce> they ordered this one bc it could technically fit 3 RTX 3080s or something
<heat> you worked on VR?
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<nikolar> what rock have you lived under for the past 5 years heat
<nikolar> oh i completely misread that
<nikolar> disregard
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<kof673> > we need ship of theseus backwards compatibility "and a crow, floating in a black sea"...you must putrify. "black sail" -- nicholas flamel, others surely
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<heat> please pay 50 quadrillion united states dollars
<heat> for this beautiful product
<nikolar> absolutely
<nikolar> have my money
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<the_oz> omg I want to pay for fake real estate
<the_oz> web 4.0
<the_oz> blockchain
<heat> thats web3 i don't think facebook was into that
<nikolar> nope
<the_oz> to the moo-
<nikolar> just the MeTaVeRsE
<heat> to the mooooooooooo
<heat> cow moment
<nikolar> oooooooooooooooooo
<cow> mooooo
<nikolar> ooon
<the_oz> facebook was really big on open scene graph
<the_oz> which sees a thing and goes OMG MUST CATALOGUE
<the_oz> because if you catalogue -everything-, then you can feed AI manually (at first)
<the_oz> so that was their goal, catalogueing everything
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<the_oz> what am I thinking of? not the 3d tool
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<the_oz> graph something or other
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