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<heat> mjg, have you thought about wrapping the whole dcache in some big lock?
<heat> it's a good idea
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<zid> Okay hear me out
<nikolar> some might call it a BIG KERNAL LOCK
<zid> Olympic event
<zid> Dressage (the fancy horse dancing)
<zid> But with a le mans start for the best horse
<zid> also the le mans start is a marathon
<heat> that would be extra safe but lets not go that far yet, it's a risky change
<zid> So now there's a tiny kenyan bloke on the best horse, and some 60 year old dressage dude on a donkey
<Ermine> lul zypper segfaulted
<heat> wouldn't happen if they just used a BIG FUCKING LOCK
<nikolar> it's KERNAL
<kof673> there was that doom version where enemies were processes...so just shoot them with the BFL gun to pause them...
<heat> there was actually a bug a few releases ago when they were breaking up the big mmap lock and accidentally made some go builds segfault consistently
<heat> big fucking lock is always the solution
<Ermine> heat: openbsd devs totally agree
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<zid> nikolar is it monday yet
<GeDaMo> Pfft! Get a calendar :P
<nikolar> No
<zid> GeDaMo: You won't have to deal with me not having one much longer, monday is the final chapter of my book series, walking out to sea after
<GeDaMo> Concrete overshoes? :P
<zid> No need, seas suck
<zid> they just drown you for sport
<bslsk05> ​'Aberdeen beach 'tonne of water' safety warning installed' - 'A distinctive new water safety warning - consisting of a tonne of water - is installed at Aberdeen beach.'
<nikolar> wait last part already
<zid> no, we don't have any scottish coasts
<zid> (we put a wall up so that we didn't have to have any, even)
<nikolar> what wall did you put
<nikolar> you didn't build that
<nikolar> romans built that before you even existed
<zid> serbia has never had a king
<nikolar> that's just blatantly false
<zid> They all died before nikolar was born, ergo it never happened
<nikolar> the english didn't exist at the time the hadrian wall was built
<nikolar> what are you talking about
<zid> who the fuck were the soldiers defending then
<nikolar> not englsh
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* geist yawns
<geist> good morning folks
* geist is back
<nikolar> ello geist
<zid> where's your bin
<geist> hmm?
<Ermine> hi
<Ermine> I've written utterly deranged piece of code to be just crappy
<mjg> sounds like everyday webdev experience
<nikolar> nice
<nikolar> measurable improvement
<heat> hello geist
<geist> hola
<nikolar> oi
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<Ermine> mjg: yeah, writing go code feels like webdev
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<nikolar> shocker
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<heat> go is nice
<Ermine> I still didn't grok its memory model
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<heat> no one can grok any memory model
<heat> it's impossible, the ones who do are lying
<Ermine> which in my case means I'm doing excessive stuct copying. That's PESSIMAL
<node1> hi
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<bslsk05> ​github-roast.pages.dev: GitHub Profile Roast 🔥🔥🔥
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<mjg> lol
<mjg> try out "torvalds"
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<heat> i tried it
<heat> the bastards :(
<Ermine> timeout
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<heat> mjg, what do you recommend for dcache stressing?
<mjg> stress2 :-d
<mjg> idk what makes sense on linux
<heat> i think xfstests has some degree of stressing but i dont have umount yet
<heat> and parts of umount functionality is part of what i want to test :v although stress-ng does have some fun stress tests i could try out
<Ermine> that gh page roaster is goddamn right
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<heat> >nobody asked for an OS enthusiast in 2023
<heat> i wholeheartedly agree
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<mjg> os dead idea
<heat> who the fuck writes an OS these days lol
<heat> use linux dumbasses
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<mjg> it's literally what /me is doing
<heat> i said use it not write it
<heat> operating systems are solved problems
<mjg> 8(
<heat> dude have you looked at d_walk? it's d_scary
<heat> rename_lock is really useful there
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<mjg> i'm too busy using linux
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<heat> oh i didn't know you had my advice in such high regard
<heat> but hey my question stands: have you considered a dcache_lock?
<heat> it results in way cleaner and simpler code
<heat> the openbsd people would agree
<mjg> ???
<mjg> i don't know if i took too much or too little acid
<mjg> anyway i'm afkin'
<heat> you took a pessimal amount of acid
<heat> you're having a terrible dream where everyone is a webdev
<nikolar> lol the roast thing refuses to roast me
<heat> who would ever roast a serb?
<Ermine> > Minix and Blasteroids? More like your coding skills are stuck in 1999.
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<sham1> Operating systems are a solved problem. Ever HURD of it
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