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<Matt|home> <3
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<mjg> check out the secure system
<bslsk05> ​marc.info: 'Re: fstat sysctl crashes kernel' - MARC
<mjg> > There is this long lasting problem that fstat(1) in a loop during
<mjg> > heavy network load can crash the kernel. Bug is that while traversing
<mjg> > allprocess in sysctl KERN_FILE_BYPID the list may change if fill_file()
<mjg> > is sleeping. Conclusion at previous hackaton was that the single
<mjg> > sysctl is doing too much.
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<mjg> i may be an asshole, but i'm nice about it
<bslsk05> ​marc.info: 'Re: fstat sysctl crashes kernel' - MARC
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<Ermine> mjg on irc vs mjg on mailing lists
<mjg> bro
<mjg> i may elide some of what you refer to as "mjg speak"
<mjg> but i'm not an entirely different person :d
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<Ermine> well, elision of the mjgspeak is kinda my point
<zid> Just repeat that in your head while you read his ML posts
<mjg> aight, i was afraid you are trying to zid it
<mjg> anyway
<mjg> 1. lol that they had this problem, but i already ranted about it some time ago here
<Ermine> time to think of the definition of zidspeak
<mjg> 2. lol that they struggle to fix it
<mjg> well i have the guy on ignore, i should not be shitting on him then
<mjg> consider the above retracted
<zid> I'm not that easy to caricature I feel
<mjg> now i'm curious how netbsd does here
<gog> hi
<zid> heya goog
<mjg> gogs!
<mjg> where my hugs at
* gog hug
* mjg pats gog
<zid> I checked whitequark and he immediately said "netbsd", I win :p
<gog> i feel like when i choose c++ i'm choosing wrong
<zid> Correct
<zid> Unless you're deciding on a genocide
<mjg> does c in c++ stand for crack
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<gog> i wish'
<gog> i'd rather smoke crack than write like this
<zid> can you just lie
<zid> and write C
<zid> and avoid needing to sizeof any literals
<zid> and whatever else C++ broke
<zid> quien
<zid> C/C++ quine
<mjg> it's better to get laid that it is to get laid off
<zid> wait not quine, that's the autoprinter, I mean.. polywhatever
<gog> polyamory evidently
<zid> polycycstic fibrosis is what I got
<zid> autocorrect not being helpful
<qookie> polyglot?
<zid> qookie: no thanks, I'm full
<nikolar> zid: wait how did they break sizeof
<zid> literals are different sizes
<zid> '' are ints in C but chars in C++
<zid> so no 'snowman emoji' in C++ I guess?
<qookie> U'☃️' :^)
<zid> hmm seems to work
<zid> I don't know enough about C++, just that it gives 1 for sizeof
<zid> oh because it's broken in both :D
<zid> warning: multi-character literal with 6 characters exceeds 'int' size of 4 bytes
<bslsk05> ​<Flaki> :pika: https://s3.flak.is/flaki.social/media_attachments/files/112/925/580/569/272/588/original/9f7e80b3a098d5c6.jpeg [Business Insider article from a year ago titled “Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.” ␤ The promo image under the title shows a guy lying on his back with a remote control in hand, making an astonished expression]
<zid> Yea all this techbro market disruption has been a real fucking coup
<zid> they basically just deregulated a bunch of successful industries
<zid> if a mayor did to various towns what airbnb had done to them, they'd be lynched
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<heat> mjg, openbsd fixen really?
<heat> i've quit openbsd like twice
<heat> you've*
<mjg> well they claim it's a hardp roblem
<mjg> a little nudge wont hurt
<mjg> it's not like i'm writing the entire thing for them
<heat> oh is that what it takes?
<heat> dude how about that vm locking in onyx huh, really hard problem
<mjg> bro
<mjg> you are as easy as your mother
<mjg> wait am i going too far
<heat> :(
<mjg> do you have working inode reclamation yet
<mjg> does it survive at the 8 or whatever scale on your desktop
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<heat> no i've been working on swap lately
<heat> and extra lately just linux innit
<mjg> i think the other l man may like you
<heat> the 3 letter l man?
<heat> or the 5 letter l man?
<mjg> i would not specify 'the other' if it was *the* L man
<heat> there's also 4 letter l man
<mjg> i thought he goes by a j nick
<heat> i'm objectively likeable mon
<heat> until you hear my hot takes
<mjg> that's the thing man
<mjg> i heard them, he did not
<heat> my hot takes are also aggressively pro-linux sooo
<mjg> hm
<mjg> yo mofer
<heat> there was nice quote by someone(tm) yesterday: "but I notice that every time someone brings up BSD anything, it's a no from you"
<mjg> since you are a linux big shot now
<mjg> check out if __split_vma can avoid the lock
<mjg> at least in some cases and *maybe* in exec
<mjg> in general see the shared exec problem
<mjg> i'm confident there is more ez wins on the table
<mjg> than the batching on exit
<heat> oh i've seen that problem before in onyx: the answer is 'no' unless you can take an inconsistent interval tree from the page cache's side
<mjg> you would do shit speculatively
<mjg> maybe aid yourself with seqc
<heat> seqc? how freebsd of you
<mjg> i would talk about this on #mm but the local l man may accuse me of nto ranting about bs
<heat> if you want Huge Wins try and come up with an interval tree that isn't a rb tree :)
<mjg> that's not where wins are waiting
<mjg> in a multicore setup
<heat> sure they are
<mjg> no
<mjg> even if you made them literally 0 cost
<mjg> the real problem is the lock acquires
<heat> maple could do it really well if it supported stacked entries at all
<heat> and with maple, rcu
<mjg> you are not going to get away from taking the lock several times per exec
<mjg> which is the primary problem
<mjg> the thing to do is to distribute the state
<mjg> for example instead of linking in all mappings, you link in mm_structs which use the inode
<mjg> and maintain per-mm trees
<mjg> this means the traversal is more expensive of course, but it also means modifications are *way* cheaper
<mjg> right now for most fucked inodes you get 5 lock/unlock trips for execve + mmaps + 1 on exit
<mjg> with the state distributed you are down to 1 for execve and on 1 exit
<mjg> note that osmething like the dynamic loader has the same pages continuously mapped and umapped
<mjg> i mean, can you agree only taking the lock twice per exec + exit trip is going to scale better than taking it six times
<mjg> even if the latter has shorter holds
<mjg> i'm gonna hack it up when i get to it
<mjg> right now i'm deep into vfs perf breakage :d
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<heat> i'll guess that traversing mm's on reclaim is problematic and not really a good solution
<heat> they whacked that like 18 years ago for swap
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<mjg> it is something to ponder, the key is this is never going to perform unless the state is somehow distributed
<heat> OR rcu
<mjg> does not have to be per mm specifrically. for example you may notice the indoe is contended to fuck, so you alloc an array of 4 tress and you hash cpus into it
<mjg> it does need to store some of the state mon
<mjg> and the point is to not globally bounce lines every time this happens
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* geist yawns
<zid> geist trying to medal in the nap olympics
<geist> nah finally got back onto a new proper sleep schedule post trip, took about a week to reset my brain
<geist> midnight - 8am. it wont stick forever, but it’s a good schedule
<nikolar> nice
<zid> Thrown away his medal hopes, sadge :(
<zid> I believed in you
<geist> well, i also have thispinched nerve in my neck, so that tends to limit sleep
<geist> since at some point i have to give up and top off the NSAIDs
<zid> ah, injury during training, rip
<geist> folks, take care of your posture, it’ll come to rear its head when youget older
<zid> I slept on my ear funny if that helps
<mjg> dude i wake up at 7 am
<mjg> somehow
<mjg> i have no idea how long that's going to last
<mjg> the thing is i did not even try
<geist> yeah i’m not so much a late riser as much as i tend to go to sleep later and later
<geist> all it really takes is one late night hacking session or some late night gaming session
<mjg> that is a rather common nerd problem
<geist> and then the sleep schedule gets pushed out
<geist> indeed.
<mjg> in my youth i would cycle
<mjg> i loved when i slept 9-5
<mjg> :d
<zid> Natural rhymthtn for most people is 25-26 hours
<zid> if you don't make them sleep with an alarm, they settle into that
<zid> unless it's pitch black, then they get all sorts of confused and stay up for like 40 hours just thinking it was super boring and taking forever for each day to pass :D
<heat> sleeping 9 to 5???
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<heat> dude
<heat> i can't tell which 9 and which 5 you're talking about, but it doesn't matter, you're clinically insane for any of the two schedules
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<zid> 9am to 5am is my sleep schedule
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<zid> Gotta really pack in a lot of stuff to those 4 hours I'm awake
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<geist> oh hey didn't know The Smile put out a new album this year
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<mjg> is this channel safe for shitting on openbsd?
<heat> yes
<mjg> i'm mailing theo
<mjg> :d
<heat> consider this: do not
<mjg> i'm going to think about that after i hit 'y' to send
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<heat> i should set up mutt for linox emailing
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<heat> yesterday i wanted to send a fixup but had to spin up a separate patch and git send-email because gmail would totally wrap the diff lines
<mjg> :d
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<sham1> hi
<zid> sham, will you evolve into a sham2 eventually, or maybe finalize into just sham?
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<mcrod> hi
<sham1> zid: it'll most likely stay like this
<sham1> mcrod: hi
<zid> oh, do you need a special stone
<zid> not just a level req
<mcrod> what happens if we do sham1++;
<mcrod> hint: it won't be sham2
<zid> tham1
<zid> or ham1
<heat> ham1
<mcrod> ham1 is correct
<zid> I like how there's a "correct"
<mcrod> sham1: sorry, you are now ham1 in my mind
<sham1> Surely not, it's an identifier not a string value
<zid> It's not how C works, for example
<mcrod> use your imagination
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<nikolar> This isn't c, this is osdev
<mcrod> and then shower me with money because it looks like my primary monitor has failed
<mcrod> i wonder if the new kitten chewed my dp cable
<zid> Mine is in a perpetual state of failing
<zid> I sort of wish it'd just give up
<zid> I get snow if certain patterns are on screen, and it likes to drop bits out of the instruction pointer and jump to random bits of firmware
<zid> or reboot
<zid> I got a 1080p backup monitor sorted now so it's allowed to die at this point
<zid> but I'd rather use this one
<mcrod> real life friend has an astonishingly beautiful HDR monitor
<mcrod> but, that's money.
<mcrod> the HDR on this monitor is absolutely useless, and I refuse to use it
<zid> 6 bit pixel LCD for life?
<mcrod> sure
<mcrod> hdr looks nuts on my mac
<zid> My monitor has really crappy viewing angle so most things don't look as black as they should :/
<mcrod> however, even if I could just up and get a nice HDR monitor right this second
<zid> the edges are visibly slightly 'inverted' compared to the middle
<mcrod> GNOME still doesn't do HDR
<mcrod> i'm now waiting for heat to tell me i'm wrong
<zid> if you've seen an LCD from the side you probably know what I mean about the inversion
<mcrod> yeah I get it
<heat> i dont know i don't do HDR
<heat> nor gnome
<heat> i remember the desktop people had a hackathon like 2 years ago wrt HDR
<heat> i don't know what came of it
<sham1> I think GNOME does do HDR if you have the correct colour profiles
<bslsk05> ​www.phoronix.com: More HDR Preparations Merged In Time For GNOME 47 - Phoronix
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<mjg> heat: you derailed me elsewhere but i mailed theo!
<geist> yah macs tend to suddenly switch into HDR mode when yuo view something werith it
<geist> kinda jarring the first time, but it looks neat
<geist> i forget how HDR is stored in images, but i thin it's basically some additional layer that is applied on top of it
<heat> mjg, it was a good question innit
<heat> do you think storing the file interval tree node partially in the write-mostly cache line is a solid idea?
<GeDaMo> Don't some HDR formats use floating point?
<heat> big problem is that you don't have a lot of room...
<mjg> heat: :p
<mjg> did i mention something about moving it out
<mjg> lemme think
<zid> floating point hdr seems like it'd be good
<heat> lol
<zid> uncrush the blacks
<heat> i'm thinking of pragmatic solutions, dunno about you
<zid> I don't care if clouds have banding if the 100x more common dark scenes look better
<mjg> mofo my TODO list keeps growing
<mjg> stop adding to it
<heat> your TODO list keeps growing yet you reply to random threads on openbsd tech-kern?
<heat> checkmate
<mjg> it was part of my todo
<mjg> also you must not confuse todo in the sense of writing a patch
<mjg> and todo in the sense of ranting
<mjg> i'm happy to rant mot of the time
<GeDaMo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenEXR "It is notable for supporting multiple channels of potentially different pixel sizes, including 32-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit and 16-bit floating point values"
<heat> i don't think anyone's askign you to write a patch here
<heat> send your ranty email and wait
<mjg> i am considering doing it concerning the file shit
<heat> ah ok
<mjg> hahaha oh man
<mjg> theo responded
<mjg> "I don't think you are helping with these vague set of proposals."
<zid> You don't really *need* floating point colour to fix the blacks being crushed though I guess
<bslsk05> ​marc.info: 'Re: fstat sysctl crashes kernel' - MARC
<zid> just a transfer function and better colourspace
<zid> GeDaMo: You looked at a 0-256 greyscale gradiant lately?
<zid> 255*
<heat> mon wants a patch for sure
<zid> https://i.sstatic.net/Ugiqf.jpg Like, surely it's not just me who sees black, almost immediate dark grey 10% in, then a shit load of shades of light grey
<mjg> well fuck you too mon!
<zid> default colourspace is really shitty
<heat> forget the linux capitalist machine, embrace your local grassroots unix
<GeDaMo> zid: just stick to blank and white and all these problems go away :P
<zid> good idea
<zid> Dither looks good anyway
<zid> Just use a 4k monitor the size of a postcard, then dither everything
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<gorgonical> hello everyone
<zid> Your membership has expired gorg
<gorgonical> oh no
<zid> You need to re-up with a 6 month payment to my paypal
<gorgonical> I don't remember this as a term and condition
<zid> well it was 6 months ago, so it's understandable, plus the T&Cs are liable to update
<zid> new and improved(tm)
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<gog> payable directly to me
<gog> i accept headpats and cheese
<zid> gog: money can be exchanged for cheese
<zid> and armadillos
<gorgonical> the conversion rate for cheese is probably higher if you accept money instead of pats, too
<gog> i have an infinite cheese glitch'
<gog> i swipe this plastic card and i get as much cheese as i can eat
<gorgonical> do you have access to the not-actually-cheese brunost
<zid> what's a brun and why are we asking about its OST
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<gog> i have never had this brunost stuff but i'm going to look for it
<gorgonical> I understand that it's more popular in norway but I thought maybe you guys would have it too
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<zid> Brunost is a common Norwegian name for mysost, a family of soft cheese-related foods made with whey, milk, and/or cream.
<zid> wikipedia has to point out that it's the norwegian name for it. That's how you know how specialized it is :P
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<gog> i have some of this aged swedish hard cheese
<gog> it's v good
<heat> old and hard? crazy rare combination
<gog> wow rude
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<Ermine> gorgonical: how did your defense go?
<Ermine> I was in another zoom call, so I couldn't attend
<heat> oh i forgor skull emoji to even ask you for that
<nikolar> lol
<mcrod> gog may I hug you
<zid> nikolar poopemoji heya
<heat> i suspect the answer is no
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<gog> mcrod: yes
* mcrod hug gog
* gog hug mcrd
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