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<Matt|home> well i guess i'll ask here even if it's off-topic since nobody in ##programming seems to care, but here goes:
<Matt|home> i was talking with chatgpt earlier and it brought up an interesting term i don't really hear very often. it said that humans display emotional intelligence which is baaaaaaaaasically right now fairly impossible for a computer to have, because of basically how subjective emotions are. there were some other technical terms and parts of the discussion
<Matt|home> im leaving out, but that was the general gist of it that human intelligence is just too complex right now for hardware to handle
<Matt|home> so here's my question for you guys. say you didn't want to try using AI learning models, you were inventing your  shit. do any of you think it's possible to come close to approximating something like emotional intelligence, to a point where the computer can get mad at you or whatever and refuse to do tasks, or does it just not work that way
<Matt|home> because of the fundamental difference in electronics components and brain matter?
<Matt|home> i've been doing some ""studying"" (i use the term loosely) here and there about things like self awareness, intellect, things like that, and it's truly quite fascinating to me
<Matt|home> i guess it'd fall under the umbrella term of cognitive science
<heat_> #osdev isn't ##programming's wastebin, i'm afraid
<Matt|home> hmmmmmm it could be os related i think
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<Matt|home> heat_ , im sorry for such an utterly generic/difficult to answer question, but what do you think a true AI operating system would look like?
<Matt|home> like, best guess?
<Matt|home> or is this too off-topic?
<heat_> fuck do i know
<heat_> i write kernal
<Matt|home> idk. forget it, it's fine
<heat_> fortunately we live in a world where the linux kernel is already AI-ready as there's a bot that auto picks-up fixes into stable, and does a miserable job at it
<heat_> truly the AI LLM experience
<kof673> programming is very businessy IME at least years ago...here might be more hobbyist but yeah there is probably not a good channel
<kof673> unix was suppopsedly "do what i say, don't ask questions!"
<kof673> so i guess it would be the opposite of unix, trying to outguess you :D
<kof673> big long command names and long options j/k
<kof673> if "AI" can "write code" then i'd see about making it JIT and what "optimizations" it suggest, but that is internal, not user facing perhaps
<kof673> or that is for the sysadmin perhaps to take these "recommendations" or not
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<zid> You mean the PISS experience, plagarized information synthesis system
<kof673> another way to say that is most modern oses are probably not built around the idea the user can just go change any thing easily
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<vai> hi all!!
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<geist> hola
<heat> olá
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<heat> wooooooooOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOoooooooooooo swapping's working
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<geist> oh that sounds rewarding
<geist> doubleplus so if you have a disk drive that makes sound
<geist> then you can hear it work
<heat> sadly i do not :(
<heat> also happily, because it somewhat simplifies block allocation here
<heat> swap really is just a really shitty filesystem
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<nikolar> Indeed it is heat
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<mjg> where heat at when i have fresh shitting on sun engineering ethos to do
<mjg> 8(
<nikolar> ):
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<mjg> heat: there you are
<mjg> heat: concerning parallel reads of *different* files, i found that the Joyent folk cranked up sun engineering ethos a little bit
<mjg> every single read in a given zone serializes twice on a mutex to bump stats
<mjg> how to make sure shit is slow, joyent edition
<heat> good morning to you too
<heat> what's a zone? zfs zone? page zone?
<heat> solaris container?
<heat> i dunno
<mjg> solaris container
<mjg> so in particular if you don't use the tech you only have zone0
<mjg> aka literally all reads you do globally serialize
<heat> haha lovly
<mjg> fucking GENIUS
<mjg> mutex_enter(&zonep->zone_vfs_lock);
<mjg> zonep->zone_vfs_rwstats.reads++;
<mjg> zonep->zone_vfs_rwstats.nread += len;
<mjg> mutex_exit(&zonep->zone_vfs_lock);
<mjg> kstat_runq_exit(&zonep->zone_vfs_rwstats);
<mjg> :d
<heat> here's something funnier i found out a few days ago: https://github.com/heatd/Onyx/blob/master/kernel/kernel/mm/pagealloc.cpp#L888
<bslsk05> ​github.com: Onyx/kernel/kernel/mm/pagealloc.cpp at master · heatd/Onyx · GitHub
<heat> this lock does nothing, literally protects nothing
<heat> just adds some good old contention on every free :P
<nikolar> :P
<mjg> :D
<nikolar> is that onyx engineering ethos?
<mjg> well i doubted you kiss girls
<mjg> but now i believe you do
<heat> french kiss them even
<mjg> to be fair, you being on arch was not helping
<heat> you'll be an arch user soon
<nikolar> indeed
<mjg> like that t-rex-armed person?
<mjg> no kthx
<mjg> anyway
<mjg> i think i should redo the linux kernel build on illumos
<mjg> :d
<heat> isn't vlasta on arch too
<mjg> is he?
<heat> you might just need to ask the oracle folks if they're on oracle linux :v
<mjg> that would be funny
<mjg> anyhow i expect the dude to be on suse
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<mjg> so you mofers liked github roaster?
<bslsk05> ​liroast.web.app: LinkedIn Profile Roaster - Because your manager doesn't have GitHub
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<bslsk05> ​www.lexaloffle.com: Sokoblox
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<zid> oh I know that game
<zid> it was popular on kongregate
<zid> there's also a modern steam version I forget the name of
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<zid> With just over 70 ns of memory latency, the Ryzen 9 9950X with DDR5-6000 is just about able to match a Core i7-4770 with DDR3-1333
<zid> :D
<nikolar> what about literally everything else
<zid> You can do worse, like.. dual channel ddr4 on a bad chipset
<zid> but 70ns is *not* good
<zid> but yea zen5 just seems to be zen4 but with some improvements that won't matter for most people
<raggi> well and basically incapable of supporting 4 dimms
<zid> Fun fact, installed windows and stuff on a laptop yesterday
<zid> checked the ram to make sure it was properly in dual channel and stuff
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<zid> RAM was 800MHz, but it was running at 667MHz so I was confused for a moment
<zid> because I hadn't seen a way to enable XMP in bios ofc, because it was a laptop
<zid> realized a few moments later.. it was a shitty celeron that capped out at 667MHz
<zid> they couldn't find ram bad enough and just put 800MHz ram in :P
<zid> from factory
<nikolar> lol
<nikolar> how old was that laptop
<zid> sandy bridge
<zid> It's basically just a glorified ipad or whatever, it browses amazon
<zid> and browses amazon
<zid> sometimes it also browses youtube
<nikolar> lol
<zid> like, it has 6GB of mismatched ram in it and I was like "I should fix that and change it to 2x4" then realized it literally doesn't fucking matter, it's not even worth the 20 seconds it would take
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<nikolar> lol
<raggi> who needs latency anyway, just add moar threads, use moar cache, use moar bandwidth
<raggi> given how unstable ram is these days, i'm actually looking forward to more socs in my life, as much as i'll hate that eventually too, but stability trumps most other concerns, and if i get a huge perf boost, win win
<zid> single core go brr is my sole wish
<raggi> you might want a time machine then
<zid> single core is still going up, but it definitely isn't the focus
<zid> MICROSERVICES and WEBSCALE means every datacenter is just trying to cram as many cores into 1U as possible, so that's what amd and intel design for
<zid> anything desktop gets is just a side-project
<GeDaMo> And now AI :|
<zid> For 1 more year, at least
<zid> can't wait to see what the next tech grift is
<raggi> the ai thing is long term, the shape and hype will change, but it's not an ephemeral venture
<zid> nah, openai is about to go bust
<zid> if nobody's buying tens of millions of dollars of cpus/gpus to grind it, people will stop designing for it
<zid> and everybody will be distracted by web 4.0 soon, whatever that is, pet rocks that solve sudokus to generate fake money that you trade via the blockchain was a good 3.0, but we can do better
<raggi> going bust with 3B ARR woud be quite the feat, even for a valley company
<nikolar> zid: don't forget that openai isn't the only ai company around
<nikolar> basically everyone else is training models
<zid> nikolar: dw, openai is just the one that did the financial report most recently
<zid> everybody in tech's stock dropped 20% that day, temporarily
<nikolar> and the hype isn't dying down nearly quickly enough
<zid> it mostly recovered by closing
<nikolar> lel
<zid> but they posted a pretty damning financials report
<zid> They're a billion in the hole and need to either cut costs by half, or double their investment, this year
<zid> (and most of their actual profit is other, smaller people, also trying to get in on the grift)
<nikolar> apparently intel is in pretty big trouble while amd is doing fine
<zid> the pyramid scheme they're running will pop soon
<zid> How much are your jpegs of apes worth nik?
<nikolar> 0
<zid> rip
<nikolar> i have none
<raggi> zid: what report did you read?
<zid> it was all over the news
<GeDaMo> I saw some things a couple of weeks back
<bslsk05> ​www.windowscentral.com: OpenAI faces bankruptcy within a year, projecting $5B losses | Windows Central
<bslsk05> ​www.techspot.com: OpenAI's massive operating costs could push it close to bankruptcy within 12 months | TechSpot
<zid> and the founders of these projects are all jumping ship :P
<zid> turns out it's hard to make billions in profit from a useless tech, where your only customers are other tech companies buying into the grift
<zid> a useless tech that costs a fuck load of money to run, too
<zid> to quote a friend, "I wish someone would give me hundreds of millions of dollars with no real consequences to me personally when I inevitably can't pay back billions" :P
<nikolar> el
<nikolar> lel
<zid> Imagine if they had to pay for the externalities too, like the impact on climate
<zid> crazy concept
<raggi> a year of runway for a hypergrowth startup isn't all that unusual, this is pretty sensationalized reporting
<raggi> they doubled their ARR in 6 months, you could make a valid case they're actually underspending
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<kof673> don't want to discuss, but > the pyramid scheme they're running will pop soon that's the whole u.s. system at present and forever. 14th can't question the debt, they are the collateral :D there is no other official form of ID except federal citizenship at present :D
<kof673> this is not some tech thing, that's everything
<kof673> "the body of a free man does not admit of valuation" maxim of law. that is long gone :D
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<kof673> that applies to every u.s. corporation which are all essentially federal for all intents and purposes
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<gorgonical> hello linear algebrologists
<Ermine> hello there
<gorgonical> thought long and hard how to make the agent word out of algebra
<gorgonical> algebrist? algebraer?
<Ermine> algebraist I think
<gorgonical> algebarista
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<gorgonical> In order to receive your coffee you need to find the eigenvalues of a matrix presented at checkout
<Ermine> ^ this is what happens when you graduate from math faculty and get employed by the barista
<mjg> is not eigenvalues 1st semester of algebra
<Ermine> by the time I find those values I won't need coffee
<gorgonical> in america we don't learn it until college typically
<gorgonical> Some schools now teach linear algebra in the last year of highschool
<Ermine> 1st semester of college/university
<gorgonical> yes
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<gorgonical> well no actually still not
<Ermine> for me it was the 2nd semester
<gorgonical> I didn't take linear algebra until the second year of my math courses. Calculus 1 and 2 take the first year up
<Ermine> on my faculty timetable is fixed
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<mjg> true math graduate who did not make it would be an ass about something more serious than 1st semester
<zid> I only do 4x4 affine linear algebra
<zid> everything else is the devil's work
<gorgonical> I studied quantum computing theory for a summer and quickly realized it was just imaginary linear algebra
<gorgonical> That was pretty fun
<zid> Oh no
<Ermine> What surprises me the most is that we have super-generic tensor algebra and we don't go with more than 6-dimensional tensors
<zid> gorgonical's brain has rotted
<zid> "Actually, imaginary linear algreba is fun"
<mjg> i remember an article claiming some finance math was using stuff from QUANTUM MECHANICS
<mjg> and by that they meant eigenvalues
<mjg> :d
<gorgonical> ooh spooky eigenvalues
<gorgonical> We didn't have any quantum classes in my college so I never learned what the fuck it was about. Learning the hard part was the engineering and that the math was comparatively quite simple was pretty funny
<Ermine> quantum physics is about hilbert spaces
<gorgonical> Sorry I should clarify I mean quantum computing
<gorgonical> I don't know diddly about quantum physics
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