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<coolcoder613> I'm having trouble showing the cursor on my OS
<coolcoder613> Can anyone help?
<Mutabah> Which method of showing which cursor?
<bslsk05> ​wiki.osdev.org: Just a moment...
<Mutabah> Ah, so the VGA text cursor
<coolcoder613> My OS is written in Rust, so I had to translate it a bit
<Mutabah> First check: Are you actually in VGA text mode?
<coolcoder613> Yes
<coolcoder613> But whenever I call get_cursor_position, it returns 2000
<coolcoder613> Oh, wait
<coolcoder613> It just appeared
<coolcoder613> lemme do a bit more testing...
<Matt|home> is there standard software for doing something like high level OS development, e.g. UEFI boot etc
<Matt|home> or do prof os devs still use like qemu and stuff
<Matt|home> im sure they have dedicated testing hardware at least
<coolcoder613> ohhh... I was was counting from 1 instead of from 0 for the cursor y
<coolcoder613> So I had update_cursor(2, 25);
<zid> yea that's why I'd have gone for the middle when I was writing the first test draft :p
<zid> don't need to accurately judge where the border is, col 0 or col 1 etc
<Mutabah> Matt|home: I'd assume a mix of tools for "professionals" - real hardware of various types, hypervisor VMs (KVM/VirtualBox/...), and low-level VMs (qemu, or even bochs)
<Mutabah> It all depends on what you're working on, and what level of realisim it needs
<heat> they use qemu + kvm
<heat> on the linux/bsd side at least
* coolcoder613 is trying to work out for to avoid backspacing of the prompt...
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* coolcoder613 did it!
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<coolcoder613> The cursor disappears after pressing keys a few times, and reappears on backspace?
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<coolcoder613> hmm... could it be that the cursor is not shown on cells that do not have a space character, or the color default is black on black?
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<coolcoder613> Becuase the cursor only appears in cells that have had text in them before...
<Mutabah> Probably colour
<Mutabah> as the cursor (afaik) is just a rendered `_` character by default
<coolcoder613> Not exactly...
<coolcoder613> But yeah, I think it's the colour
<coolcoder613> So now i have to fill the buffer...
<Mutabah> It's pretty small, so that shouldn't be too hard
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<vai> hey all!
<vai> have you guys tried to hire someone to pay to someone on osdev projects?
<vai> is it good?
<sham1> what
<SupUser> idk either
<vai> any pros, doing commercial/propertiary code?
<SupUser> oh
<SupUser> A networking engineer
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<zid> Networking engineers like pain, beacuse they use a software tcp/ip stack with virtual bridges and stuff, instead of pin routing.
<SupUser> pin routing?
<zid> yea, like how you do audio
<zid> you just pretend there are virtual *wires*, rather than a virtual set of rules that you then apply to simulate there being wires
<SupUser> I haven't heard that term before hm...
<SupUser> oh
<zid> bad pic but I found it quickly
<SupUser> I get what you're saying
<zid> That's on the diagonal so it's all identity mapped
<zid> you could have device 2's output going to device 7's input instead
<sham1> What benefit would there be on pin routing
<zid> It's like 400x easier to conceptualize
<zid> and is way less erm.. leaky? In the 'tcp/ip software stack' setup, all the packets enter one big messy pool, and can end up going anywhere depending on the rules you set
<zid> like, if someone forges a packet from one device as having come from the 'wrong' subnet, your stack will probably just deliver it out the wrong interface, happily spoofed
<zid> unless you've set up vlans
<zid> I get 'vlans' just by not having wires between them in the first place
<SupUser> What are u trying to explain zid
<SupUser> lollll
<zid> Sham asked me a question
<vai> QtWebEngine-based Framebuffer Browser: This browser draws directly on the framebuffer and does not require an X server. It has a low memory footprint and supports modern HTML5 features1. You can find it on GitHub here.
<vai> anyone tried this?
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<sham1> Might be easier if there was a link
<GeDaMo> here!
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<gog> heat
<gog> help me with c++
<zid> rm -rf?
<heat> what do you need
<GeDaMo> I was just trying to help someone with C++ before I remembered I don't know anything about C++ :|
<zid> GeDaMo: That never stopped anybody else
<gog> i'm a baby and a clown and i don't know why make_signed_t<size_t> is giving me long (*)() noexcept
<heat> huh weird
<heat> i've never used that ever, but let me take a look
<gog> i feel like this is ssomething ssilly i missed
<gog> also my keyboard is doing that thing again and it's very hard to program like this
<zid> sssize_t
<zid> super secure signed size_t
<gog> yess
<gog> yasss
<bslsk05> ​en.cppreference.com: std::make_signed - cppreference.com
<heat> https://godbolt.org/z/7o8ssjWGP looks okay? how are you holding it?
<bslsk05> ​godbolt.org: Compiler Explorer
<zid> sideways while going "get some, bitches, blat blat"
<zid> (Love that assembly listing)
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<gog> using thing =
<GeDaMo> This is a template thing, right? :P
<gog> yes
<heat> link the coden?
<heat> using type = std::make_signed_t<size_t>;
<heat> static_assert(std::is_same_v<type, long>);
<heat> this works a-ok
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<gog> heat: auto errorBit = static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::min);
<gog> i am doing something wrong or evil here
<gog> using ssize_t = std::make_signed_t<size_t>;
<gog> error: static_cast from 'long (*)() noexcept' to 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') is not allowed is the diag
<gog> i don't follow where the function pointer comes from
<GeDaMo> Are you sure it shouldn't just be std::make_signed<size_t>; ?
<gog> make_signed_t just wraps make_signed<T>::type
<GeDaMo> Is min a function rather than a numeric limit?
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<gog> oh my god
<gog> yes it is
<bslsk05> ​en.cppreference.com: std::numeric_limits - cppreference.com
<gog> in my defense i just figured it out moments ago myself
<GeDaMo> Me too! :P
<gog> i told you, baby && clown
<GeDaMo> Maybe LLONG_MIN ?
<gog> no this actually works fine now lol
<gog> thanks for rubber duckying
<GeDaMo> Quack
* gog patpat GeDaMo
<GeDaMo> Ah, I understand, it's std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::min()
<GeDaMo> I was thinking of min as returning the minimum of two values
<GeDaMo> But it returns the lowest value for the type
<gog> yes
<gog> i'm obsessed with primitive obsession lately
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<heat> ooga booga obsession
<Ermine> network interfaces can't be shared between namespaces, which makes 'vpn but for certain apps' impossible to do that way. stack overflow suggests cgoups though
<Ermine> Or I just need to deploy xray which works as proxy server and configure firefox to use it
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<Ermine> Sometimes pipewire needs to be restarted twice
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<heat> maybe the real audio server is the friends we make along the way
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<nikolar> :)
<Mondenkind> see, i knew i was right to refuse to touch redhatware
<Mondenkind> 'noooooo see pulseaudio was the broken thing but they got it RIGHT this time with pipewire just use pipewire' idiots.
<heat> what do you use?
<Ermine> silence
<heat> i know what the answer is, i'm just waiting for it so i can LOL the fuck out
<zid> dmix for life
<heat> Ermine, oh silence is the new audio server? that's pretty good
<Ermine> Yeah. Tried it, and I hear nothing. Perfect!
<heat> yeah it's a new pipewire feature
<heat> you get a funny SEGV message in your logs and boom, silence
<Ermine> It doesn't crash for me anymore. Now it just shits itself and waits to be restarted
<Ermine> then it gets xruns and waits to be restarted once again
<Ermine> or do minimalists use OSS and cat music.mp3 > /dev/dsp
<Mondenkind> heat: alsa
<Ermine> which is... redhatware
<heat> weren't you a freebsd user too?
<Mondenkind> Ermine: sure everything linux is redhat to some extent but there are degrees
<Mondenkind> heat: i stopped
<Ermine> anyway, you've touched redhatware
<heat> glibc and gcc are intense redhatware, better switch to musl and clang
<heat> hmm, red hat also contributes to llvm, maybe tcc
<Mondenkind> 😱😱❌❌🤮😿
<Ermine> heat: to be redhatware-free one needs to switch to netbsd
<Ermine> hmm, still llvm and xorg
<heat> fwiw, pipewire works better than pulseaudio, for me
<Ermine> same
<nikolar> I've had exactly 0 issues with pulse, but also my audio setup isn't exactly complex
<Ermine> my headset mic doesn't work with pulse
<Ermine> that said, pw code is way too clever for me
<heat> musl code?
<Ermine> not as much, there are okay pieces of code in musl as well as clever ones
<Ermine> pw and musl invoked different emotions in me I guess
<Ermine> musl is like 'this is a bunch of shitty incantantions' and pw is like "wow, that doesn't make any sense to it and idk how it helps with pw's end goal"
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<Ermine> The problem is that sound stuff requires expertise in this area
<heat> well that's how it goes isn't it?
<heat> "wow, that doesn't make any sense to it and idk how it helps with the linux kernel's end goal"
<heat> complex pieces of software with lots of domain specific knowledge do be like that
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<Ermine> Idk. I'd like to compare with mesa, but 1) I didn't even scratch the surface at this point, 2) I have a bit of knowledge here
<Ermine> But, anyway, in pw case: while I was investigating that issue, I've failed to find what field in pw's data structures corresponds to specific line of pw-dump's output and what logic sets that field. It was wtay who pointed me the right place in the code
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<mcrod> hi
<Ermine> henlo
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