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<heat> >I wonder if we should just go back to that, and turn the resulting "page fault due to non-executable stack" into a "sigreturn system call".
<heat> even the L man can have terrible takes
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<zid> just turned my light on for a sec
<zid> spider the size of a horse on my wall
<Mutabah> It's just a trick of the light - there was just a spider the size of a saucer on the lightbulb above your head :D
<zid> I have a little paper sphere lampshade
<zid> I was hearing patter patter patter one night
<zid> figured there was a couple of moths inside the lampshade bumbling around
<zid> turns out it was a similarly sized spider to this one, lost, doing laps around said lampshade
<zid> it was so big it was making the paper crinkle as it went
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<gorgonical> always fun to see channel nicks in the wild somewhere else
<zid> you been stalking?
<gorgonical> saw immibis on a hn post today
<zid> If you wanna meet someone REALLY famous, fuzxxl is in ##asm
<zid> and he posts 800 times a day on stackoverflow
<kazinsal> saw a coworker from my oldjob on a mailing network operators mailing list today. funny when worlds re-collide like that
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<mjg> i don't know if it's fun too see anyone on hn
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<Mondenkind> i heard if paul graham replies to your comment on hn you're legally obligated to suck his dick
<mjg> :p
<mjg> you ok Mondenkind
<mjg> i thought dunking on the guy or liking him is a milenial thing
<mjg> and even then it's passee
<mjg> is the guy still relevant even for dunking o him?
<Mondenkind> hmmm
<Mondenkind> i mean
<Mondenkind> is hn even still relevant? :p
<mjg> i don't know if relevant is the right word for this one
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<mjg> hn was never taken as anything but a shitpost site by anyone remotely serious
<mjg> on the other hand there were people taking mr graham seriously
<Mondenkind> i consider it zoomer privilege that i didnt' know this
<Mondenkind> i'm just trying to fit in with the fuddy-duddies, i don't know all the lore!
<mjg> the guy is a deepack chopra of IT
<Mondenkind> a who
<mjg> ops deepak
<mjg> don't tell me you don't know who that is
<Mondenkind> never heard of it
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<mjg> 8O
<mjg> the guy is a king of platitudes packaged as great wisdom
<mjg> or even straight up new age no-speak
<mjg> “Sleep is when our soul actually refreshes our body.”
<mjg> “If you restore balance in your own self, you will be contributing immensely to the healing of the world.”
<mjg> etc.
<Mondenkind> woah
<Mondenkind> because i'm actually part of the world
<Mondenkind> and the world is in me
<Mondenkind> so this is like the guy behind new age crap?
<mjg> wdym "the guy"
<Mondenkind> like
<mjg> i don't know the state of "new age" today
<mjg> it was a massive grift with tons of people
<Mondenkind> the originator
<mjg> he was defo one of them and probably most well known
<mjg> i don't know who came up with it
<mjg> anyway there you go mofer
<Mondenkind> i am NOT a mofer
<Mondenkind> you take that back
<mjg> my mistake
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<mcrod> hi
<vdamewood> High
<nikolar> low
<heat> kernal
<Ermine> lower half kernal
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<geist> mofer
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<nikolar> wow
<heat> mjg wanted to know that uname -a so bad he tracked geist down and is now wearing his skin
<heat> crazy dedication
* geist hits you with slowaris
<geist> mofer
<heat> mon
<mjg> can we please stop dunking on "solaris"
<mjg> i get it, it's old tech and some people don't like it, but it's time to move on
<geist> mon
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<geist> it puts the lotion in the basket, mofer
<mjg> i just got fired from google, so here is the kernel version as a middle finger:
<mjg> OpenBSD 1.3-vax GNU/Geezer
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<geist> git rebase 2024 mjg
<nur> wait what got fired from google?
<nur> why? layoffs?
<heat> we're doing roleplay nur
<heat> don't worry
<heat> google hasn't fired anyone yet
<heat> i think
<geist> it's only 10am heat
<mjg> the fainfall from intel broke roof at G heardquarters
<mjg> human rainfall
<mjg> now people are not only fired, but also injured
<heat> ooh lawsuit time!
<geist> thats why the google HQ has the slanted tent roof thing
<geist> the bodies roll off
<gorgonical> and how the free lunch is funded
<geist> indeed, it's made of people!
<heat> hey google stock is only down -15% over the last month
<heat> it sounds a little ironic but this is NOT terrible
<geist> anyway if anyone cares, the reason i was quiet for a few weeks was i was on vacation in japan. very nice, very hot
<heat> ooh nice
<geist> and got back a few days ago, been jet lagged, and have had a pinch in my neck that has caused me to not type that much
<geist> but it's a lot better the last few days
<geist> yah i dont like to broadcast going on trips before i do it
<heat> :( best wishes
<geist> but omg japan was hot. broke 40C on one of the days in Kyoto
<nikolar> well welcome back geist :)
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<gorgonical> kyoto this time of year is infernal indeed
<gorgonical> I drank liters of bottled tea when I was there
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<gorgonical> japan's an excellent vacation. very cool that you went
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<zid> oh yea I bet it was hot
<zid> japanese summer is no joke
<zid> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq9WJM-LiWo The soundtrack to japan
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com <no title>
<GeDaMo> I can't remember who's in charge of bslsk05 but the ##programming linkbot is working on YT links again by using the embed API, something like https://youtube.com/oembed?url=<url here>
<heat> cc puck
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<puck> we feed it thru yt-dlp, so i need to see if that needs rebumping
<netbsduser> i have started a riscv port of my kernel
<netbsduser> it's like planting a tree
<netbsduser> it's useless now but in a few decades maybe there will be some real risc-v hardware available
<heat> careful with the weird semantics
<heat> sfence.vma is turrible :(
<netbsduser> i've just dealt with bloody aarch64 so i am feeling more optimistic
<netbsduser> what's wrong with sfence.vma?
<heat> you need to flush the tlb when mapping pages
<heat> you also need a global tlb flush if you ever touch non-leaf paging structures
<heat> note that the riscv manual is very amateurish and indirect, so "flush the TLB" is something that's mentioned maybe twice in the whole manual
<heat> they go about with "fences" and all that shit because you can totes have a riscv core with no tlb
<netbsduser> oh yeah, i saw some mention about that, i think in an extension
<netbsduser> i forgot the extension, it had words to the effect of, implentors can abide by these rules by [...blah blah blah...] 6. not implementing any cache of translations
<netbsduser> the former i can deal with easily, the latter is annoying
<heat> what former?
<netbsduser> flush on mapping
<heat> dude it's annoying and non-trivial to deal with if you have generic code
<netbsduser> i already detect spurious page faults and flush the needful tlb in that case
<heat> ... why?
<geist> heat: your fault for having generic code!
<heat> haha
<geist> i warned you
<heat> seriously it's not that hard to deal with, but annoying
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<netbsduser> i think the tlb flush was something i threw in a few days ago for aarch64 for whatever reason
<heat> i'll need one or two extra arch hooks
<geist> but yeah that's really the worst of it
<netbsduser> but detecting spurious page faults i have always supported
<geist> in C++ you could have some helper class that encapsulates the arch specific flush stuff
<geist> and template the whole thing or take the runtime hit of virtualizing it
<heat> macros!
<geist> or that
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<heat> i wrote all of that code in C
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<heat> i've become more C pilled recently because the C ABI is king. and it's also the kernal
<heat> even if just to gradually introduce rust over the years if i feel like it
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<netbsduser> heat: do you think you ever will feel like rusticating?
<heat> i think rust is somewhat inevitable and we'll all be speaking it in 10 years
<heat> whether we like it or not
<heat> sooo might as well pick up that language
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<netbsduser> let's wait and see what happens
<netbsduser> it's definitely captured people's imagination
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<gorgonical> My dissertation defense talk is this Thursday at 11am eastern time and there's a zoom link on the off chance that anyone here is interested. I'll msg it to you if you want to see the talk
<sham1> C!
<heat> what's it about?
<gorgonical> secure lightweight kernels to enable trusted/confidential i/o application workloads
<gorgonical> Basically getting a rich OS/application environment inside a confidential computing environment
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<nikolar> i highly doubt rust is inevitable
<nikolar> but time will tell i guess
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<Ermine> we'll see
<Ermine> gorgonical: may I have the link?
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<gorgonical> Ermine: did you get it? Not sure if erc is behaving correctly
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<Ermine> gorgonical: yes, thank you!
<mcrod> gorgonical i'll take it
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