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<zid> May I have permission not to?
<zid> GeDaMo: Oh, news says andy murray is scottish again now, rip
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<GeDaMo> What did he win?
<GeDaMo> Oh right, what did he lose? :P
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<zid> olympic tennis
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<Ermine> github sometimes figures out that if I have workflows file in forked repo then I want CI
<nikolar> lol
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<heat> mjg, remember that mysterious rename_lock thing in d_lookup i asked you about? yeah i finally understand it
<heat> rename can remove from hash chain + insert into hash chain which may fuck up your traversal if you're doing it lockless
<heat> so you need to retry
<heat> it would not fuck up your traversal if you just remove, because removing a list node in RCU tends to leave the ->next pointer intact
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<heat> omg samesies
<nikolar> wat
<heat> the juciest refactor ever
<nikolar> what are you refactoring
<mjg> heat: that's lame as fuck
<heat> dcache and namei
<mjg> in a normal system, like freebsd, the sequence counter on the inode remains in the "changes pending" state until after rename is finalized
<mjg> for all affected inodes
<heat> yeah but __d_lookup does ref walk, doesn't look at sequence counters
<heat> apart from rename_lock
<mjg> so you maintain the end-to-end atomicity without global synchronisation
<mjg> that's the next thing: you would have a fucken' lock on the inode in the slowpath
<mjg> which is again held for the duration
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<bslsk05> ​www.theregister.com: 50 years ago, CP/M started the microcomputer revolution • The Register
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<mcrod> i hate this
<GeDaMo> CP/M or 50 years? :P
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<Ermine> some people say that CP/M > DOS
<mcrod> no
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<mcrod> not having a logic analyzer.
<gorgonical> what's up fried chicken connoisseurs
<zid> I am a dr pepper connoisseur
<gorgonical> I learned only recently that you guys have a different logo for it there
<zid> It just doesn't have the swirl
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<zid> the brands change their branding semi frequently, dr pepper has been surprisingly consistent
<gorgonical> objectively the best soda, for what it's worth
<mcrod> dr pepper is fantastic
<mcrod> but i must abstain from soda
<GeDaMo> I've never tried Dr Pepper, what's it like? :|
<zid> wtf
<zid> smooth, low carbonation
<gorgonical> it tastes like a lot of things, and everyone seems to taste different stuff
<zid> less tart than something like coke
<gorgonical> a lot of people say it tastes like cherry, but I think it's kinda medicinal/herbal
<zid> It's a vague almond cherry flavour, but it's really just a mix of a bunch of stuff that just kind of makes it taste like dr pepper
<zid> If you've never had it the main difference will be the mouthfeel
<zid> It's more like guinness, lots of tiny boobles, instead of being 'fizzy'
<gorgonical> it's a pretty good mixer with red wine
<zid> rum*
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* Ermine considers getting an energy drink
<gorgonical> Coffee's a great energy drink
<zid> I'd do anything for a red bull
<zid> except exchange money for it ofc, shit's expensive
<gorgonical> zid what do you think of the new colored ones? New to me anyway
<GeDaMo> I like Lidl's own brand Colossus
<gorgonical> I think the classic flavor is vile swill
<zid> never heard of them
<Ermine> sometimes coffee doesn't take effect on me, and sometimes it works as hypnotic
<GeDaMo> Which I'm assuming is similar to Monster
<zid> GeDaMo: You should go buy a can of dr pepper
<bslsk05> ​www.redbull.com: Red Bull Energy Drink Editions & Flavors for Every Taste | Red Bull
<gorgonical> Guess it's a US thing
<Ermine> s a n c t i o n s
<gorgonical> sounds like only Tarhun for you
<Ermine> (but western drinks do appear on shelves occassionally)
<zid> idk why you'd wreck red bull like that
<gorgonical> > wreck
<zid> The point of red bull is surely that it tastes like red bull
<zid> else you'd drink something gross like monster
<Ermine> gorgonical: there are some tasty drinks which are not coke/fanta ripoffs actually. I don't like Tarhun though
<gorgonical> I don't like tarragon the herb and can't imagine wanting a soda to taste like that
<gorgonical> The mere idea is nonsense
<zid> time to send gorg some D&B
<GeDaMo> wassat?
<zid> dandelion and burdock ofc
<GeDaMo> Ah
<kof673> red bull and gorilla glue...the sign language lives on lol
<Ermine> Baikal is great. It's a mix of herbs
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<gorgonical> zid: do you eat the pickled eggs at the chippy? I understand this is somewhat a controversial offering
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<zid> ofc not
<zid> It'snot controversial, it's just weird
<zid> It's like people who order the fillet of fish at mcdonalds
<nikolar> what do you order at macdonald's
<zid> big mac meal with a leaded coke
<nikolar> oh, nice, lead
<zid> fuck knows why anybody buys unleaded
<nikolar> truly a mystery
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<sham1> Leaded coke was banned by EU regulation. I
<sham1> It's all unleaded now
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<Griwes> look at what they took from us
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<heat> i'm implementing lockref in a hope my dcache becomes finally somewhat satisfactory
<mjg> lol
<mjg> lockref is a cop out for soft dicks
<heat> lmfao what
<mjg> just protect liveness with rcu (which you are already supposedly doing) and protect killing stuff with a flag cmpxchg'ed into the counter
<heat> i need a satisfactory solution to whack dentries both for the inode shitshow survival megatest 2024 and e.g revalidate/umount
<heat> how would that work? every dget is now a cmpxchg?
<mjg> what the fuck do you think lockref fast path looks like
<heat> i'm aware, just askin
<mjg> if you hold d_lock and the counter is not marked as dead, you can xadd into it
<heat> how is that scheme substantially different from lockref? considering you probably want a lock fallback for guaranteed forward progress
<mjg> otherwise you have to cmpxchg to add, lockref or no lockref
<mjg> it is different in that it does not serialize because someone happens to hold d_lock
<mjg> for reasons completely unrelated to refcount manipulation
<mjg> and it can lock xadd to unref
<heat> maybe d_lock is just too big?
<mjg> or maybe lockref is a cop out idea
<heat> hmm i'll play around with it
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<Ermine> I wonder how should processen handle netns change
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<heat> properly, hth
<Ermine> Ah, I've misread ip-netns docs
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