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<vai> hey
<heat> hi
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<kof673> > omg I want to pay for fake real estate just to demonstrate conway's law...meta all the way down.......territory, 1856: in the sense it is used in the constitution of the United States, it signifies a portion of the country subject to and belonging to the United States, which is not within the boundary of any of them
<kof673> then you will have to cross-reference american jurisprudence, black's law dictionary "federal citizen" to see what the 14th claims lol
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<the_oz> control the namespaces
<the_oz> I'll just "travel" to that "territories of the"
<the_oz> Free man on the land, SHIP my shi- ACK Y U TAZE ME BRO
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<kof673> the_oz, "the body of a free man does not admit of valuation" first you need some non-federal citizen ID which does not exist at present lol
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<kof673> this is not the place, the point is you cannot obtain real estate in an actual state, federal territory all, officially
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<kof673> other way around, if you wanted the old 1850-ish system, you would want to avoid the federal territory lol
<orayn> is zig a good choice to make an operating system or better stick with C ?
<kof673> not sure i seen anyone say they are using it for that, but IIRC the author used to appear here a long time ago
<kof673> i recall when they did that, i don't know what the final requirements are, but i personally would prefer something easy to bootstrap https://ziglang.org/news/goodbye-cpp/ > Thus, instead of 80,000 lines of C++, there are now 4,000 of portable C. This code only uses standard libc functions, and does not depend on any POSIX headers or windows.h
<bslsk05> ​ziglang.org: Goodbye to the C++ Implementation of Zig ⚡ Zig Programming Language
<orayn> ooo that's interesting tbh, I hate cpp anyways hahaha
<orayn> thanks for sharing bslsk05
* Ermine trains memory
<kof673> bslsk05 is just the url bot. well there are other wasm to c89, that one is slimmed down, is how i found it :D
<bslsk05> ​turbolent/w2c2 - Translates WebAssembly modules to portable C (37 forks/705 stargazers/MIT)
<kof673> so other projects could do this too, make a wasm "binary blob" and leave it to whatever platform how to run it
<kof673> the zig version i believe is just bare minimum so it can bootstrap
<kof673> and not related to w2c2
<orayn> hhhh didn't know was a bot
<orayn> I see I look more into it thank you
<kof673> i'm not saying do that, just i look at what dependencies are needed for anything i want to require to build
<kof673> that is separate from the language itself, maybe ask a zig channel, have not seen anyone here :D
<kof673> probably does not matter for most people, unless they aim to be self-hosting
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<orayn> sorry disconnected, I'll check the zig channel thanks
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<the_oz> kof673, yeah it used to take an act of congress. Good luck with that nowadays.
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<kof673> bingo. when did any state ever cede <everything> lol
<kof673> i am done with offtopic, just a fake real estate joke lol
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<immibis> one of those knowledge graphs powers YouTube recommendations
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<levitating> poggers
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<immibis> the poggles do nothing
<heat> pog
<heat> if anyone ever wondered how networking people test their changes: they don't
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<jimbzy> Testing is for the weak. Just send it.
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<pog> i test in production on unwitting subjects
<pog> in all seriousness the amount of testing i have to do in exchange for how little it actually affects the number of defects produced is a waste
<pog> and i'm having a hard time being motivated to actually add features
<pog> and idk what to do about it. i don't want to continue like this
<Ermine> heat: not surprised
* Ermine gives pog a piece of cheese
* pog fascinated
<jimbzy> pog, I was thinking about you at work on Friday. We're upgrading Coca-Cola FreeStyle machines with a new main board that uses a Raspberry Pi, and I was wondering if I could replace the splash screen with a certain chef eating a sausage. XD
<pog> do it do it
<pog> sosig
<jimbzy> I'll try it if I can get my hands on a complete, working "blister" as we call it.
<heat> Ermine, mildly concerning given the linux network stack is around 170KLOC just in the tcpip bits
<heat> but alas almost no tests to speak of
<heat> there's this google thing called packetdrill which looks cool but is definitely super incomplete
<heat> i guess this is helped by RFCs not really being a spec so lol just implement it dumbass
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<Ermine> horrid
<Ermine> But I now know whom to blame the next time my wifi fails
<heat> half the kernel selftests in linux master atm do not even compile
<heat> no one takes testing seriously :(
<Ermine> O_o
<heat> ok maybe half was an overstatement but there's a solid number that do not build
<Ermine> one of the reasons why linux desktop is linux desktop
<nikolar> i don't think linux desktop is affected by those tests much
<nikolar> considering that 90% of servers run linux
<heat> actually linux desktop changes are pretty well tested i think?
<heat> mesa at least seems to have good testing
<nikolar> no clue
<heat> testing audio is probably tough, compositors too
<Ermine> luckily mesa has a large test suite
<nikolar> indeed
<zid> My compiler comes with a huge test suite
<zid> called types
<zid> webdevs should try it
<zid> nikolar: Screenshot when?
<Ermine> c varargs join the chat
<zid> Ermine: __attribute__((printf))
<zid> there, now it's type checked
<nikolar> zid: screenshot of what
<zid> nikolar: PLC WC
<nikolar> oh lol i forgor it says the country you're playing
<Ermine> ah yeah, I definitely want to write yet another string formatter
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<Ermine> musl printf was not enough
<zid> why are you using so much varargs that it's a significant problem that it isn't type checked then
<zid> enough to say C's no good
<nikolar> honestly i've never felt the need for varargs other than printf
<zid> yea same
<Ermine> Luckily I don't have a use case for them. But they single-handledly break the type system
<zid> That attribute covers 99.99% of my uses of varargs
<nikolar> so don't use them
<zid> They don't break it, there just isn't absolutely full coverage
<nikolar> it's not exactly a killer feature
<Ermine> also
<zid> unlike a web language, that has 0 coverage
<nikolar> kek
<kof673> i could be wrong, but the amazing new c89 gives stdarg.h instead of vararg
<Ermine> that attribute basically enables static analysis, and this is not a type system
<kof673> and k&r just_do_that()
<zid> gotta love it when you can log in with any blank password because php thought the SHA1 hash of the password starting "0E3.." meant '0 thousands' and compared equal to null
<heat> ioctl and fcntl are both varargs functions
<heat> and open!
<zid> I was about to say "and yet, I've never seen that bug in C", but I totally have
<zid> nintendo did it on the wii
<nikolar> heat: i was referring to the kinds of functions i'd write
<zid> they strcmp'd a hash instead of memcmp'd it, so you had a 1/256 chance of having the hash start 0x00 and always compare equal
<heat> i think using is the hard part
<heat> i've gotten open(O_CREAT) without a mode wrong a non-zero amount of times
<heat> doesn't even crash, just gives you junk :/
<zid> nikolar: where pic
<zid> bad syscalls should 100% cause an abort
<Ermine> skarnet hates that so much so he made wrappers, open2 and open3
<heat> how about openat and openat2 :v
<zid> See, people love their type checking enough to have done that
<Ermine> idr
<nikolar> yeah i have no clue why open is a vararg function
<zid> cus some people are silly
<zid> not everybody, but some
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<nikolar> that's not wrong
<rbox> because mode isn't always needed
<heat_> linux mremap has a fun gotcha where there's a variadic argument that's not used unless a flag is set, but they silently switched the behavior so it's also consumed if another flag is set
<heat_> ... but they didnt document this in the man page
<heat_> it's very possible it gets garbage that's just rejected by the kernel :v
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<nikolar> rbox: then have open and open3
<rbox> mremap shows the variadic here
<heat> please just open and open2, or openex, or whatever
<heat> number meaning nr of args is silly
<Ermine> OpenEx
<rbox> EXTREME open?
<nikolar> heat: sure, someone just mentioned open3 earlier
<heat> between wait, wait3, wait4, waitpid, waitid i would rather fucking die
<heat> nikolar, yo show me dat PLC too
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<Ermine> read, write, readv, writev, recv, send, recvfrom, sendto, recvmsg, sendmsg
<nortti> pread, pwrite
<heat> preadv, pwritev, preadv2, pwritev2
<Ermine> I was sure I forgot something
<heat> you also forgot sendmmsg and recvmmsg
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<Ermine> forgor
<heat> 💀
<heat> OH: io_submit
<Ermine> oh, it's posix aio?
<heat> io_submit is linux aio (but actually asynchronous only sometimes)
<heat> aio_read and aio_write are POSIX's fake AIO using pthreads
<Ermine> oh holy crap
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<Ermine> I was adviced against using posix aio. It's a wise advice
<heat> and then you have io uring and mmap and splice and vmsplice and sendfile
<heat> TL;DR io is pain
<heat> and i'm sure i'll remember something else in 15 minutes
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<immibis> there's really no good way to keep abi stability when you add more arguments. windows probably has the best way, with all its structs with cbSize, but it's incredibly verbose.
<nikolar> immibis: there is
<nikolar> it's called new functions
<immibis> also not good because now you have duplicate functions
<zid> they're not duplicate
<immibis> i think linux names the extended functions after the number of arguments, not the number of times the function has evolved. It's better than windows's Ex, Ex2 convention.
<zid> they're just very similar
<zid> and tbh take up what, 20 bytes
<heat> no, linux names them after the times, except when it doesn't
<nikolar> how are they duplicate if they have more arguments
<heat> but it generally does
<zid> (granted it's 20 bytes in like, 20000 places on your drive)
<immibis> open is a subset of openat; openat is a subset of openat2, which I note, uses a cbSize.
<zid> that that's what, one fried egg jpeg
<immibis> redundant stuff is a maintenance burden
<nikolar> os use open when you don't need the openat functionality
<immibis> even though glibc forwards open to openat, the kernel still supports both open and openat
<zid> the extreme maint of #define open3(a, b, c) syscall(3, a, b, c)
<immibis> if there are subtle differences between the kernel's open function and glibc's open function, expect hours of debugging
<heat> nope, SYS_open is no longer present in new architectures
<immibis> how quickly would you identify why this "identical system call" open(blah, blah) works on glibc but not on musl
<immibis> oh well that's a slight improvement - of course, now the kernel has to deal with some system calls existing or not existing depending on the architecture
<heat> the libc, not the kernel
<nikolar> SYS_open does exist on x86_64 doesn't
<heat> the kernel just, uh, redirects one to the other anyway. should be no difference in codepaths
<nikolar> that's the one
<heat> yes, it stopped existing after IIRC around 2014
<heat> so arm64 does not have it
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<immibis> "should be" is often where bugs come from
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<pog> factorio is just like enterprise software development. you're always making a factory factory
<nikolar> kek
<heat> facade
<Ermine> impl
<the_oz> factorissimo
<the_oz> making a factory in a factory with factories... space exploration, in SPACE!
<the_oz> pyanodonangelbobs
<Ermine> Also you make a class which serves as a superclass for all other classes
<Ermine> then you make a primordial factory to produce all objects
<Ermine> that's the amazing world of SOLID
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<immibis> that sounds like the factorio with one assembling machine challenge
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com <no title>
<the_oz> doshdoshington
<the_oz> lets see who else is there... galdoc
<the_oz> martincitopants
<the_oz> abigiousamphibian
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<immibis> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD_xUxlw4yg <- I beat factorio with only a mouse
<bslsk05> ​www.youtube.com <no title>
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