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<zid> My new name is Etaoin Shrdlu
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<nikolapdp> is that supposed to mean something zid
<nikolapdp> sorry Etaoin
<zid> It's a very specific and niche reference
<zid> A machine called a linotype existed, which made letter type for printing via a keyboard input
<zid> if you flubbed your input you would just have to start the line again, but you needed to finish the line you messed up first
<zid> but the flubbed line would still be there, so the editor was responsible for plucking out the bad lines
<zid> so, how do you signal to the editor that you flubbed a line? you'd write ETAOIN SHRDLU.
<zid> to pad the line out
<zid> But of course.. not all of them were caught, so a lot of old newspapers have things like Prsident ETAOIN SHRDLU
<clever> that reminds me of this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPeVsniB7b0
<bslsk05> ​'How the first ever telecoms scam worked' by Tom Scott (00:05:49)
<clever> they where sending messages with flags on levers, across the country
<clever> and there was a backspace symbol, to correct mistakes
<clever> most people working the repeaters, just repeated, and kept the mistakes in
<clever> but at certain nodes, they would write the message down, and correct the mistakes
<zid> Mr. A. M. Holly returned home yes
<zid> terday from a visit etaoin shrdlu mm
<zid> terday from a business trip to the
<zid> ^ actual newspaper
<clever> the scam, involved injecting a second message into the stream (bribing the guy), and then using the backspace symbol to erase it
<clever> and at the end of the line, the injected message would be removed as a typo, and all evidence is gone
<bslsk05> ​img.newspapers.com: Just a moment...
<clever> but anybody with a pair of binoculars, could spy on the network, and see the injected msg
<kof123> multics supposedly the login would move the cursor back and XXXXXXX out your password :D
<clever> kof123: that reminds me of an anti-keylogger thing i saw decades ago, it would generate random characters, and use the send-key api to inject them into the input subsystem on windows
<clever> and then when the garbage made it to the input box, it knew what the random character was, and could ignore it
<kof123> hmm...yeah was going to ask what window received that input :D
<clever> anything sniffing the input subsystem, would have your password inter-mixed in a long stream of random characters
<clever> its basically a login form, typing garbage at itself, to confuse anybody listening in
<clever> ive also got 2 other password stories
<clever> twice now, ive found lastpass has saved a unicode dot as my password
<clever> because the website just filled the box with dots, and not the actual pw
<clever> i also knew a blind lady that worked at a callcenter, the screen reader software didnt care if a text box was a password, and just read the password out loud
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<clever> and they must have been saving passwords in plaintext, to even input it into the password box when you edit a user
<clever> much like that old windows form viewer util, that could demask password boxes
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<PapaFrog> Would it be inappropriate to ask an x86 assembly question here?
<heat_> not necessarily
<heat_> shoot it
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<PapaFrog> I don't understand why "rep movsb" isn't working here: https://gist.github.com/JMarvi3/358f77429a3e61a88ddc48a254ae4d85
<bslsk05> ​gist.github.com: boot.asm · GitHub
<PapaFrog> I can manually write to 0x400000.
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<Mutabah> interesting that ecx hasn't changed
<heat_> what happens if you *dont* single step?
<heat_> i wouldn't be entirely surprised if gdb rep movsb single stepping is borked
<Mutabah> `ni` is `next-instruction` which single-steps until PC reaches PC+InstrLen
<heat_> i know
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<heat_> i really dont get it, that looks okay
<heat_> i think, i dont usually write intel syntax
<PapaFrog> si does the same thing, heat_.
<heat_> can you post the whole disasm in AT&T?
<heat_> and uh, i assume this is running in userspace?
<PapaFrog> Nope.. bare metal.
<PapaFrog> It's running in QEMU.
<PapaFrog> Let me check one thing.
<heat_> oh, that's *important*
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<PapaFrog> heat_: Care to clarify?
<PapaFrog> 0x7c73:ds mov (%esi),%ax
<PapaFrog> 0x7c78:es mov %ax,(%edi)
<PapaFrog> works
<heat_> i was assuming a sane environment but now that's not necessarily true
<heat_> OH, this is 16-bit??
<PapaFrog> Yes.
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<heat_> did you set es properly?
<PapaFrog> es and ds are both 0x0.
<heat_> 0x400000 > 0xffff
<PapaFrog> I'm in unreal mode. I guess I should have mentioned that.
<heat_> is unreal that mode where 32-bit segments are cached but you're still in 16-bit?
<PapaFrog> Yes.
<heat_> right
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<heat_> so rep movsb sees:
<heat_> for (int i = 0; i < cx; i++) { *di++ = *si++;}
<heat_> ecx = 0x10000 -> cx = 0
<heat_> edi = 0x400000 -> di = 0
<zid> did we check the direction flag? :P
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<PapaFrog> The probably does seem to be ecx/cx
<PapaFrog> problem
<zid> ah yea, caught up now
<heat_> see, you should've mentioned all of these details instead of "x86 asm question"
<zid> also there's ##asm
<zid> just, in case you have more
<PapaFrog> Sorry, heat_
<zid> but it's just me and gedamo making out mainly
<heat_> np :)
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<zid> Why can I not find how to make rocket fuel on google
<zid> oh it appears to be exactly 2:1.. I hope
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<adder> Knock knock.
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<gog> who's there?
<mjg> yes
<gog> yes who?
<mjg> dr who
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<kof123> qui? -- french owl
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<bslsk05> ​gwern.net: Cat itecture: Better Cat Window Boxes · Gwern.net
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<kof123> > By looking through a cat’s eyes
<kazinsal> that looks like it could be a very interesting article. shame that the format makes me think that the house of leaves author got into academia
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<kof123> > from a cat’s-eye-view draco has a cat's eye, better than any pole star. there are cat's eyes at scorpio as well. they had magic double vision "the cat is ra himself" -- seer in the dark, nocturnal sun, lunar, etc.
<kof123> i agree, but this CATastrophe gone one for thousands of years :D
<kof123> *has gone on
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<kof123> > legendarily keen eyesight it is what the word "dragon" or similar means
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<heat> use onyx use onyx use onyx linux bad bsd bad windoze bad
<nikolar> S O L A R I S
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<gog> heat
<gog> why can't i program
<nikolapdp> skill issue
<bl4ckb0ne> keyboard issue
<gog> probably skill
<gog> heat's gonna tell me to stop the negative self-talk but he can't stop me from hating myself quietly
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<mjg> internal negative self talk is where it's at
<mjg> innit
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<gog> yes
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<childlikempress> gog it's not that you can't program it's that you choose to not be able to program
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<gog> you're righty
<nikolapdp> you're lefty
<gog> woke mind virus brandon
<nikolapdp> kek
<gog> i got the woke mind virus from the covid vaccine
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<Bitweasil> But your 5G reception is better, right?
<gog> oh it's amazing
<gog> full bars all the time
<heat> horrible morning to everyone else
<heat> gog, stop the negative self-talk even though i can't stop you from hating yourself quietly
<heat> also, you can't program because you're not using the ONYX toolchain with the ONYX utilities enhanced by the GNU project
<gog> hi
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<heat> gog are u using onyx yet
<heat> thanks
<heat> ctcp says no
<heat> smh my head gorgle
<gog> heat
<heat> gog
<gog> i am using onyx i swear
<gog> i spoof my CTCP VERSION to hide from the haters
<gog> i'm a coward and a clown and i'm sorry
<acidx> you hide from the haters but not from the heat(ers) (?)
<gog> it's winter
<gog> the heaters are necessary
<phr3ak> I'm looking for emm386 source
<heat> i dont have water
<acidx> phr3ak: freedos has one
<kof123> > The source code of 386MAX, an alternative to EMM386 and QEMM, has been released under the GPLv3 license
<kof123> i don't know these things, just remember seeing that IIRC
<phr3ak> yes but that is not emm386
<acidx> then you'd need to look at the MS-DOS source code, and there's no open source version of that that's new enough to include emm386
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<phr3ak> emm386 was published in a german magazine in 1990...
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<heat> mjg, fyi willy is going to make the dcache hashtable resizable
<heat> you better keep up
<mjg> freebsd has dcache resizable
<mjg> well the equivalent
<heat> WHAT
<mjg> i employed a bunch of lullery to make it ZERO COST
<nikolapdp> RUST===
<nikolapdp> RUST???
<mjg> or rather, at no expense on lookup side
<mjg> heat: see cache_changesize_set_temp and cache_changesize_set_new
<mjg> i'm lulling with forcing a lookup to fail
<heat> how does that lullery work? i was imagining one could use RCU tricks plus some locks... but modifying the chains is weird
<heat> unless seqcount?
<mjg> there is rcu-equivalent tricks
<mjg> and a bunch of fences
<mjg> again read comments above these funcs
<heat> anyway if you resize the thing, how do you know when to resize?
<mjg> there is no autotuning if that's what you mean
<mjg> theere is resizing on demand
<heat> ah ok
<mjg> /*
<mjg> * result in a cache miss, which all callers are supposed to know how
<mjg> * Change the size. The new size is smaller and can safely be used
<mjg> * against the existing table. All lookups which now hash wrong will
<mjg> * to handle.
<mjg> */
<mjg> then some fuckeyr to drain all existing lookups
<mjg> i mean pending
<heat> i feel like there's a nicer way to handle things, that doesn't require cache misses
<heat> with seq counts
<mjg> i did not look for one since resizing in my case is a once a year event
<mjg> so to speak
<heat> yeah
<mjg> the focus was on making sure there is no overhead added to lookup
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<mjg> i don't know if this can be done nicer though
<mjg> what exactly do you want to seqcount on
<mjg> not on every single dentry is it?
<mjg> anyhow there are 2 vars to update
<mjg> and i managed to do it without adding a seqcount for them
<heat> seq count on hash table restructuring, but i guess if its rare there isn't much of an issue
<mjg> but that would mean you added at least one branch to every lookup
<mjg> to check if the hash table got resized
<mjg> which is precisely the kind of stuff one should strive to avoi
<mjg> d
<mjg> is that willy dude adding one?
<heat> i dont know
<mjg> is that on fsdevel?
<heat> #mm
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<mjg> ? Ld
<heat> what
<mjg> i don't see it
<heat> i said #mm, not linux-mm
<heat> on oftc
<mjg> ooh
<mjg> meh
<heat> anyway i suspect it's a more interesting data structure than the tricks you're pulling there, maybe auto-resizable
<mjg> may be
<heat> cuz apparently there's a resizable RCU hashtable in linux already
<mjg> will wait for PATCHEN
<heat> struct rhashtable
<mjg> dafaq you doing sitting on #mm, YOU NERD
<mjg> on a serious ntoe i'm surprised there are actual developers over there
<heat> there absolutely are
<mjg> cool
<heat> the slab guy, the mmap guys, the vmalloc guys, willy (the folio guy), some x86 guys
<mjg> the bsd folk are pretty standoffish
<mjg> would never join a public channel
<mjg> well there are public channels but they are developer-focused
<heat> everything the BSD people work on is TOP SECRET
<mjg> bet
<mjg> there would be no discussion if they just read a dnlc chapter in solaris internals
<mjg> alas here we are@
<heat> ok are@
<gog> heat i did it
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<heat> did what
<gog> something cursed
<heat> what did you do
<heat> confess
<gog> see discord
<childlikempress> 💔❌❌🤮
<heat> everything gog works on is TOP SECRET intellectual property that cannot be stolen by the opposition (the 'opps')
<gog> yes
<gog> it's also bad
<gog> and everybody iwll hate that i'm doing it
<heat> i need to be careful because gog is in possession of a firearm (a 'blicky') and she's not afraid to assassinate me ('murk' me)
<gog> yes
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<zid> Morning