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<geist> excite!
<heat_> hi geist
<geist> hai
<heat_> btw did you mean a NUC back there? or is that too !embedded?
<geist> heat i hear you are a os coder
<heat_> i know intel also had some SBCs way back when
<geist> oh no... galileo board i think
<heat_> you hear correctly
<geist> they had one or two embedded boards before they dropped it. i have one somewhere
<geist> but it also has uefi
<heat_> ah yes it's one of those SBC boards
<geist> i just couldn't think of the name at the time
<heat_> yeah IIRC in 2013 they were already pushing for UEFI hard. windows 8 came out in ~2012 and they were already demanding UEFI and secure boot
<geist> yah
<geist> intel quark. hadn't though about that in a while
<geist> was their attempt to break into the microcontroller market
<geist> which of course was doomed to fail
<geist> iirc they had some higher end atom dev board too, but also probably make 0 billion dollars so they dropped it
<heat_> i don't have any concrete numbers but i assume those smaller x86's were just way more power hungry
<heat_> SoCs or tablets or phones or whatever
<heat_> s/SoCs/SBCs/
<geist> the quarks were more or less p45/p55 class cores, but yeah seemms like they'd really be hard to compete at the very bottom end
<geist> sort of like the Y intercept of the power curve is substantually higher than 0
<geist> ah yeah Intel Edison was another one they did a few years later
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<kazinsal> geist: will definitely be down in seattle in the spring, gotta drive down at some indeterminate point (thanks CBP for the vague timeline) for an interview to renew my nexus card
<kazinsal> they used to do the interviews at YVR before covid but even if they're doing those again I think I'd rather drive to seattle than friggin richmond
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<zid> well I haven't gotten an MCE from two animal crossing sessions yet, that's positive
<zid> but not definitive
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<nikolapdp> what's an mce
<gog> machine check
<zid> Machinec check exception
<nikolapdp> ah right yeah
<heat> machine check exrepsionsfifn
<zid> usually, hardware fault nmi
<gog> no middle initial
<zid> 'pci-e bus did a whoopsie' or whatever
<zid> "hope ur ram is okay"
<heat> machine
<zid> macheem
<gog> oopsie woopsie we made a fucky wucky youwr pci bus is a wittle fucko boingo
<nikolapdp> lol
<heat> my OS just dumps some MCE banked registers and panics on MCE
<heat> arrest me motherfuckers
<zid> so does windows
<zid> but it also saves a coredump
<zid> rather than writing it to the screen
<zid> it says WINDOWS DID A FUCKY WUCKY :(*
<nikolapdp> y :(
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<heat> i have no idea how one is supposed to handle an MCE safely, or if its even easily testable (maybe only with faulty hardware)
<zid> does you generate a QR code yet heat
<zid> There isn't a safe way to handle an MCE really
<heat> no :(
<zid> windows is VERY pushing it by trying to save a crashdump
<zid> it's why windows machines like to eat themselves so much, cus they do stuff like this
<heat> yeeah but if there isn't a safe way aren't you risking an MCE handling an MCE? an MCE loop?
<heat> there are weird edge cases there
<zid> (except because I am on hyper-v because windows is silly, all I get is HYPERVISOR_EXCEPTION)
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<heat> ah yeah because of WSL2?
<zid> yep
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<zid> the crashdump says it's an 0x18 mce though
<zid> which is 'tlb/cache/memory idk error'
<nikolapdp> 'i have no clue what happened error'
<zid> I increased my SoC voltage from 0.99V to 1.05V and so far it's more stable
<zid> amd's complicated memory architecture is to blame for sure
<zid> cache running at the dram frequency using a different voltage to the memory controller to the memory
<heat> doesn't linux just let you run on MCEs? or at least some MCEs?
<zid> on a different die
<zid> yea you can probably classify them
<zid> like, 'ecc failure should just be logged'
<heat> linux has the non-women-kissing nerds that know all that stuff
<zid> afaik ecc is not fatal
<heat> windows has dumb enterprise chad programmers
<zid> but delivered as MCE
<zid> cus there's just no other way to deliver that
<zid> you get ecc counters in proc
<zid> oh it's probably
<zid> / /sys/devices/system/edac/
<zid> edac-utils is the frontend
<bslsk05> ​andikleen/mcelog - Linux kernel machine check handling middleware (62 forks/130 stargazers/GPL-2.0)
<zid> that's cool, can set it up to offline that dram bank, etc
<nikolapdp> fancy
<nikolapdp> does it just abandon data that was already there
<zid> I'm not sure if it migrates anything
<zid> I think it just kills the bad mapping directly
<zid> i.e the row that was selected during the ecc event
<zid> then everything else gets software migrated
<nikolapdp> interesting
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<geist> zid: what cpu is this?
<zid> mine? 5800x
<zid> It survive two sessions of animal crossing with vsoc bumped frm 0.99V to 1.05V
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<heat_> bust out furmark and try to kill it
<zid> I can't
<zid> the only thing that kills it is animal crossing and I don't know why
<zid> I left it *paused* and it mce'd yesterday
<geist> huh! interesting
<geist> and this is running windows i assume
<heat_> sounds like a conspiracy
<zid> nintendo is hacking me
<zid> for using illegal switch emulators
<heat_> were you uploading lets plays of nintendo games to youtube
<nikolapdp> sounds like nintendo
<heat_> cuz that'll do it
<zid> nikolapdp I tried to call you earlier
<zid> you didn't pick up so I told the police you were dead and took half your stuff
<nikolapdp> you must've taken my brother's stuff
<nikolapdp> mine's all here
<zid> no I took all the atoms that you can't see from the outside
<nikolapdp> dang
<zid> everything's been banach tarski'd
<nikolapdp> except we aren't dealing with infinitesimals here
<heat_> we're dealing with kernel and kernel accessories
<nikolapdp> what counts as kernal accessory
<zid> regulator valve
<zid> clacky tongs
<nikolapdp> VALVE
<nikolapdp> GAMEZ
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<zid> nikolar you forgor to call me back
<nikolapdp> i forgor (skull emoji)
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<kof673> > kernel and kernel accessories "that ___ [bsd? fill in the blank] ain't right"
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<adder> Lace up your boots cause I'm about to shoot! https://arcticadder.net/smallz.jpg
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<heat_> my team is losing fuck this shit
<gorgonical> I just had the strange thought that sports team preference is the same thing as nationalism. We just transferred those feelings onto sports teams
<heat_> yes its tribe good tribe strong us good other tribe bad
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<heat_> the most human of feelings
<childlikempress> fuck the sorts of people who engage in tribalism tbh
<childlikempress> all my homies hate the sorts of people who engage in tribalism
<heat_> let out your caveman childlikempress
<heat_> he's oooga booga yearning for some action
<zid> heat your team sucks, my team best
<heat_> fuck you
<gorgonical> zid tell me do you ever go down to the local spoons. Is this a normal british thing to do
<gorgonical> I dream I've had as an adult is to go to Britain to a smaller town and get absolutely sloshed with the locals who hang out at the wetherspoons
<gorgonical> Get the real experience
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<kof673> gorgonical, Maya Hero Twins The sons—or 'Twins'—grow up to avenge their father, and after many trials, finally defeated the lords of the Underworld in a ballgame
<gorgonical> very ancient mythology inspired recently huh kof673
<zid> I have been to the local spoons a few times yes
<bslsk05> ​finalfantasy.fandom.com: Scarmiglione (Final Fantasy IV 3D) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
<zid> gorgonical: if you're really lucky if you hang outside the spoons you can watch someone take the cash point away with a digger
<zid> The spoons is behind the digger.
<bslsk05> ​www.itv.com: Whittlesey ram-raiders who tore out cashpoint with digger caught on phone footage | ITV News Anglia
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<heat_> we fucking lost fuck this fuck fuck shit
<heat_> 2-1
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<gorgonical> rip team
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