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<JakeSays> Scopeuk: added a fading effect https://imgur.com/a/pqAv3Jl
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<lf94> sick
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<Jack22> JakeSays look nice .. i made some light thingy and added a very short burst of  brighter light when lighting up - then fade down .. this gives the illusion of motion
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<Scopeuk> JakeSays very nice
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<Scopeuk> I had been meaning to play with lower powers in the hope of potentially being able to create a "shadow" of the main element which is visually shorter but I've not had the follow through to finish clock mechanically, its a bit of a faff wit ha smaller printer
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<teepee> Jack22: the led clips do look nice though https://imgur.com/a/ZE6k4TR :)
<Jack22> sure .. but you could print them separately  and on kapton/glas also get that flat surface ring
<teepee> I might try that, but it's good to have that option too
<teepee> I did order some of the clips via reichelt
<teepee> who still show one of the mosfets as shipping in 1 day which they don't want to sell to me :(
<Jack22> mouser might
<teepee> but at least they allowed switching the order to a different one that does have shipping this year
<teepee> well, it's earning them like 1,40€ extra
<teepee> not very confidence inspiring they claim to have only 50 on storage
<teepee> I still don't like to order from mouser as I'm always not sure if that goes to customs
<Jack22> had that with AMZ   same part  3 different deliveries with different dates - all diffrent to the website .. and  they arrived on 2 or 3 different dates as they told ..  (and  the notice also changed)
<teepee> reichelt ships to Packstation which is very useful
<Jack22> mouser.de is shipped from ..  oh yes you are not in DE
<teepee> I am
<teepee> but I heard they still ship sometimes from outside EU, but that could be rumors or old info
<Jack22> hmm ok wasn't aware of that
<Jack22> with the new laws  that can happen with every package
<Jack22> (that customs pull them)
<teepee> that's the point, impossible with reichelt
<teepee> but: 7.468 sofort lieferbar / and 24.000 verfügbar ab 22.06.2022
<teepee> ouch, the other one is at 0 stock and 138.933 verfügbar ab 11.05.2022
<teepee> that is quite annoying, even for those little mosfets
<teepee> how many of those fit on a 300mm wafer? a million?
<Jack22> for huge numbers printing is not really an option (FDM) ..  but at a fair  they showed be some printer with over 30000 simultaneous laser that is faster then injection molding
<Jack22> but semiconductor are not that easy to make .. in theory they could be made at home too
<teepee> yeah, there's yt videos showing that
<teepee> for mosfet level stuff
<teepee> lol, what? Gewicht pro Stück: 8 mg
<teepee> that can't be right
<Jack22> there is not really a market  but if they want you sure could build an semiconductor layering and  doping system
<teepee> oof, that not shipping mosfet at reichet is also at 0 stock at mouser with: Lieferzeit ab Hersteller: 52 Wochen
<teepee> I might like a laser cutter, but home made transistors is not happening for me anytime soon :)
<Jack22> just tested 3 smd resistor (big) 0.02g
<Jack22> so 8mg seems reasonable
<Jack22> if they are like the A09
<Jack22> SOT-23
<Jack22> if you have a box that is spitting out  smd parts ..   but probably the quality wouldn't be that good
<teepee> really? 0,008g for a sot-23?
<teepee> so you need more than 100 to get to 1g?
<Jack22> the resistor of the same size weight
<Jack22> 6mg
<teepee> crazy, I totally misjudged that then :)
<Jack22> still would think more  like 0.015  for a sot-23-3
<Jack22> cuz higher and more metal an more silicone
<teepee> the pins are really tiny
<Jack22> over half of them is internal
<Jack22> oh silicone is only ρ2.3g/cm³
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<Guest18> i just received a 3d printer and im wondering how to create my own files instead of using ones that already exist.
<Guest18> can anyone point me in the direction of how to create my own files. ie software
<teepee> well, it's the OpenSCAD channel, so we would point you there :)
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<teepee> hum
<InPhase> Classic Guest##.
<teepee> the real classic is just "Hi!" :)
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<Jack22> maybe we can have an elevator pitch bot for SCAD here - Ü
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<teepee> heh, yes, the bot is already setup to react to "hi!"
<Jack22> oh and it gets triggered by  "Hi"
<Jack22> haha
<Jack22> hi!
<teepee> othx: hi! is <reply>Welcome!
<othx> teepee: Okay.
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<teepee> hi!
<teepee> :(
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<Jack22> hmm
<teepee> othx: hello is <reply>Hello, !who!
<othx> teepee: Okay.
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<teepee> hello!
<othx> Hello, teepee!
<teepee> othx: hi is <reply>Welcome !who!
<othx> teepee: Okay.
<teepee> hi!
<Scopeuk> hi!
<othx> Welcome teepee!
<othx> Welcome Scopeuk!
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<Scopeuk> I guess that the ! got taken as an escape
<teepee> oh, I had an extra ! ops
<teepee> hi!!
<othx> Welcome!
<teepee> forget hi!
<teepee> othx: forget hi!
<othx> teepee: I've forgotten about hi!
<teepee> othx: forget hello
<othx> teepee: I've forgotten about hello
<Scopeuk> part of me now wants to add "your programming" and then tell it to forget it
<Scopeuk> well I guess "my programming" to get the joke
<Jack22> hmm scad is still not on https://ninite.com/   .. damn
<teepee> what's that?
<Jack22> install and update software easy
<teepee> so a package manager for windows?
<teepee> there's a feedback link, just post you would like to have it added? :)
<Jack22> you think i haven't done that already?
<Jack22> (a little while ago)
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<teepee> did they just ignore, or say they want to keep the list small?
<Jack22> and it is more like a customized software package then a package manager
<Scopeuk> teepee I don't think its quite a package manager
<Scopeuk> more like an installer automation tool
<Jack22> that time i remember they had something like "we can not have every software"  .. but never got a reply
<teepee> winget seems to have it - https://repology.org/project/openscad/versions
<teepee> and Chocolatey too
<teepee> right, so OpenSCAD is waaaay too special then
<Jack22> it was then .. maybe   I think this will change   and they have blender  so
<Jack22> probably not just enough requests ..  lets buy some  china bot networks to add requests
<Jack22> as i heard you can create and modify geometry with prusa slicer ..    i think oSCAD your create Geometry best for the current printer profile (layer/nozzle)
<teepee> add a translated version of https://twitter.com/daskritzelt/status/1485607921979473925 as suggestion
<Scopeuk> the last time I saw the "engineering flow chart" the should move and doesn't match had a "does it move yet?" after the wd 40 where the no branch had a hammer
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<Marta-vaz-izq> hola
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<teepee> argh, that's supposed to be "Hi!" ;-)
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<Jack22> some fuzzy logic needed
<Jack22> ola aloha ciao
<Jack22> sup
<Jack22> and german:  einen schönen guten Tag wünsche ich Ihnen und Ihninnen
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<Guest75>  jsdnbkbnkj
<Guest75> dwbnhkbdbjd
<Guest75> jcsnckjnckn
<Guest75> jc hcbhjc nç
<Guest75> ,slcmlkñefcqmuvh 92n4cu90itic59ut05vt94tj0f95tup5v5otopkt
<Guest75> cube
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<InPhase> Not classic Guest##.
<InPhase> Probably a cat trying to learn OpenSCAD.
<peepsalot> they nearly got it on the 6th try, not bad!
<InPhase> Yep! Those paws can be tricky to work with.
<teepee> yay! cats!
<peepsalot> teepee: i looks like the release-common.sh used for windows builds doesn't use make install? i'm trying to figure out the best way to get the mimalloc dlls into the appropriate path
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<peepsalot> also, what *would* be the appropriate (relative) path? should we just put it in the same path as the exe?
<peepsalot> or in a subdir like "lib", or "shared" or something
<peepsalot> i feel like on windows, dlls that are packaged with an app typically just go in the same path as the exe, but I'm not sure.
<peepsalot> I'm also wondering if we should make windows snapshots RelWithDebInfo like the Linux ones. It looks like they are "Release" currently.
<teepee> yeah, it's annoyingly all in the release-common script
<teepee> would be much nicer using make install
<teepee> I suppose same folder as the EXE is working without any extra tricks
<InPhase> For linux is it statically compiled in?
<peepsalot> yep
<InPhase> Ok.
<InPhase> My build routine copies openscad out of build and into the top of the repository for convenience.
<InPhase> Wouldn't want to break that. :)
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<gbruno> [github] t-paul pushed 1 modifications (Relax config selection criteria.). https://github.com/openscad/openscad/commit/76c335662d515665e0d483ffce2cd40dc097ee74
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