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<M6piz7wk[m]> Is there some efficient way to do FEM and fluid simulations with OpenSCAD?
<M6piz7wk[m]> preferably i want do do "if this part can hold X amount of newtons then use it"
<M6piz7wk[m]> ... else throw error
<teepee> well, no, mostly because there is no FEM or similar in the first place
<M6piz7wk[m]> so that i can make material-dependent designs
<M6piz7wk[m]> like it can be imported in freeCAD, but i can't really automate that process
<teepee> I have not looked at details, but from the talks I've seen, it might be possible to feed data into http://sparselizard.org/
<teepee> nope, I take that back, seems like the topological optimization is not fully part of the libarary :(
<M6piz7wk[m]> that still requires C++ scripting though ?
<M6piz7wk[m]> assuming the process being: make the design in OpenSCAD -> Do C++ script that generates the mesh from OpenSCAD and runs the FEM?
<JakeSays> M6piz7wk[m]: looks like there's python bindings if you were so inclined
<teepee> no idea, like I said, I just saw a quite interesting talk
<M6piz7wk[m]> JakeSays: not a fan of python.. trying to avoid using python in freecad tbh
<JakeSays> M6piz7wk[m]: i hear ya. not a fan myself
<JakeSays> teepee: very interesting library
<lf94> M6piz7wk[m]: you could code that yourself
<lf94> in scad
<M6piz7wk[m]> lf94: elaborate?
<lf94> you input your material strength and do some basic estimates
<lf94> a cube of pla strength can be calculated
<lf94> sphere
<lf94> etc
<M6piz7wk[m]> how?
<lf94> but that's about it, it'll probably be overall pretty useless vs real life test
<teepee> JakeSays: the talk was in real live, so it must have been 2019, but there's also a 2021 fosdem talk about it
<M6piz7wk[m]> like do the calculations wihtout FEM in openscad ?
<M6piz7wk[m]> ... bcs pretty sure that is impossible with the complexity of my designs
<teepee> oh, actually 2020, time is strange lately ;-) - https://archive.fosdem.org/2020/schedule/event/sparselizard/
<teepee> confusing old times, meeting real people :)
<teepee> like juri_
<teepee> I don't like driving there too much, but *being* there is great
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<lf94> nice scad project
<lf94> I take it back
<lf94> It's ultra hard to understand
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<lf94> I guess to the author it's simple: they've encoded all the parameters of each key into a table
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<JakeSays> lf94: that is pretty slick
<JakeSays> i'd love to make my own keyboard
<JakeSays> printing the ring for super sticky clock
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<Guest24> ERROR: Export to PDF format was not enabled when building the application.  Hello openscad users. I projected my 3d item to create a 2d view in order to export as dxf or pdf to send to my plotter cutter. But the dxf is empty and the pdf gives this error message. Is there anything simple I can do about this?
<peeps[zen]> Guest24: what version of openscad are you using and where did you get the build?
<Guest24>  Flattr this!   Donate
<Guest24> OpenSCAD version 2021.01
<Guest24> Copyright (C) 2009-2021 The OpenSCAD Developers
<Guest24> And what do you mean with Where did you get the build?
<teepee> where did you download?
<peeps[zen]> also what os?
<Guest24> I forgot where I downloaded it from, probably via the openscad website but not 100% sure. I am on Linux fedora 34
<teepee> there's no fedora release on the website, so I assume it's the official fedora version
<teepee> I suppose that means you'll have to file a ticket at fedora and ask if that could be enabled
<teepee> if you just need it once or so, you can try the AppImage, I think it has PDF enabled
* teepee goes checking...
<Guest24> on the fedora software section it states an older version but with an update mentioning my version, so it is possible. Is this not the latest?
<peeps[zen]> that is the latest official release, but there are also newer "development snapshots" which you can get in AppImage form etc.
<Scopeuk> Guest24 for the other issue with dxf export is there anything displayed in the open scad window when you render the design with F6 before exporting it to dxf?
<Guest24> my windows at work is version 2019.05. Do you think its worth trying it there?
<teepee> no, PDF is a recent feature
<teepee> the AppImage has PDF support, and the FlatPak should have too
<Guest24> Scopeuk yes it displays the part exactly as expected.
<Guest24> Flatpak is sandboxed though, which could mean I will not be able to get to my stuff or export out........or?
<teepee> you could use a newer Windows version though (release 2021.01)
<teepee> yes, it's sandboxed, but I think it's connecting the home folder
<Guest24> Teepee I might give that a try since my plotter is on the win computer anyway. Thanks.
<Scopeuk> that's very strange Guest24 are you able to share the design at all?
<Guest24> Scopeuk I have been building this thing for over 2 weeks now, and not had any issues with anything in normal standard 3d format. Only now I have lifted out some elements for projection in 2d for my plotter this cropped up. Must be honest I have never used dxf or pdf export before so I am not sure if it ever worked, I guess not.
<teepee> there's also SVG export
<Scopeuk> dxf does work for 2d shapes so its possible you've hit a bug (or some were file system permissions, we've all been there)
<Scopeuk> maybe try something trivial to see if the dxf write out is working for you. circle(d=5); then f6 and export to dxf, if that comes out blank something very odd is going on
<Guest24> dxf works in my 2d cad so I doubt it is a system permission issue on that, so do pdf's actually, I am going to install the latest openscad on my works windows and see if it will do it then. Thanks for all your time, great fast response.
<teepee> yep, flatpak works with PDF and can see the home directory
<Guest24> teepee I have got the dxf working on my win computer where the plotter lives. Thank you a million for your time. Weird thing is the dxf will only allow an A4 size output, but that problem is not fatal as my 2d cad handles the dxf as it should. Thanks again.
<teepee> yes, right now there's no real way to customize the exports
<teepee> I hope that will come at some point, so the various export formats can have some specific setup
<Guest24> that would be nice indeed. For ow my problem has been solved and I have the latest version in the process.
<teepee> sounds good
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<Virindi> okay, question...
<Virindi> I have about 1000 variables which are optional in this project. Apparently it used to be that putting $ at the front of the variable name made openscad suppress the "variable not defined" warning but that does not appear to be the case with modern versions
<Virindi> how am I supposed to handle this?
<Virindi> right now I have 1000 warnings for variable not defined with statements such as: real_value = ($override_value == undef)? default_value : $override_value;
<buZz> is there a 'reprap logo' primitive? :D
<Virindi> all the forum posts on the subject of undefined variable warning are from like 2012-2013 when $ worked
<ecraven> wow, this seems very cool: https://github.com/bmsleight/lasercut
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<InPhase> Virindi: That has never been what $ meant.
<InPhase> Virindi: $ defines a variable with completely different scoping rules.
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<InPhase> Virindi: If you want to handle undefined variables, use is_undef
<InPhase> Virindi: All undefined variables attempting to be used has been promoted to a warning because this is most commonly an error someone has made, often a typo or a mistake while changing a variable name and missing one.
<InPhase> Simply replace $override_value == undef (a usage) with is_undef($override_value)
<InPhase> There is still a possibility of == undef making sense, but that's only if undef is a default value explicitly set, such as in a function parameter. So it is useful to have distinct methods of checking for the two conditions.
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<Virindi> okay thanks :)
<Virindi> I know $ was a hack but it was a hack that worked in the past
<Virindi> just didn't know what the 'proper' way was now
<Virindi> :)
<teepee> recommendation is also to use $ variables only when needed for their specific behavior :)
<teepee> who knows, maybe at some point we get some optimizations and $ variables are not possible to optimize
<Virindi> is there any documentation on what the difference is between a $ variable and a normal one? "$" is very hard to google
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<Virindi> ah
<Virindi> "special variables"
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<ecraven> are there any laser cutting IRC channels anyone here knows about?
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<teepee> nothing specific I can see, except #linuxcnc
<teepee> well, there's #diycnc but that has just 4 people
<ecraven> ;) thanks!
<ecraven> just started playing around with a laser cutter, trying to use openscad with it.. the poplar plywood gave me a lot of trouble, but I just tried engraving a leftover small piece of maple, *man* does that look different (and nice!)
<buZz> :) good material is half the job
<teepee> what laser cutter is it?
<teepee> I was looking at those kits sold everywhere on Amazon but it seems those are not really able to cut acrylic, at least not the transparent stuff
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<Jack22> there is a difference between IR laser and UV laser .. transparent acrylic (PMMA) is not transparent for IR (>1000nm) but for UV A (400nm)
<Jack22> CO₂ Laser have 10 000 nm (10μm)
<buZz> well, not all ;)
<buZz> oh, yes
<buZz> nevermind
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<InPhase> ecraven: So what are you thinking to do with a laser cutter?
<InPhase> ecraven: I don't own one mostly because I can't think of what I would actually do with one that would be important to me. :) Otherwise they would be fun to play with.
<lf94> Took apart a covid rapid test after using it: why do they even bother with the case?
<lf94> it's just a test strip
<teepee> I'd be much more happy having a laser cut online service, but that seems to be in a bit of an annoying state still
<InPhase> lf94: The case is so people put the input at the right location. Human error is huge with those sorts of things.
<lf94> InPhase: ah.
<lf94> It seems you can't buy the strips separately anywhere
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<InPhase> Right. They wouldn't be approved for consumer sale that way for purpose of testing.
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<InPhase> If the companies sold them, then those FDA databases where approved product failures are tallied up would be full of incidences of misuse of the product making it look like a failure, and regulatory groups would respond accordingly.
<InPhase> I suppose maybe my claim is overzealous, in that companies make regulatory mistakes like that all the time, so maybe someone somewhere will sell them separately. But that is the result I would expect if they try. :)
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<ecraven> InPhase: right now, just cutting pretty ornaments, but I want to go into boxes, and start on some engraving too... but I still need to build a proper enclosure, it's too dangerous cutting without anything around it with the kids and pets around :-/
<ecraven> (due to eyesight, not actual burns ;)
<Scopeuk> and fumes
<InPhase> ecraven: Yeah, enclosures are important for this. :)
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<Guest12> I am trying to install the latest copy on my MacBook Pro with the latest macOS and it won't let me do to it being not able to verify the source. How do I fix this problem?
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<teepee> Guest12: there should be some setting allowing an exception
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