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< Mulx10> zoq: thanks for the reviews.
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< favre49> zoq: rcurtin: How long does testing an implementation usually take?
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< zoq> favre49: difficult to put a number on it, sometimes it takes less time as the actual implementation sometimes it takes more time.
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< braceletboy> zoq: In the mlpack's benchmarking frame work, why is the knn benchmark named allknn?
< braceletboy> Does that 'all' have any significance
< zoq> braceletboy: allknn was the old name, mlpack_allknn was renamed to knn in mlpack 3.0. Never thought about renaming the benchmark script as well.
< braceletboy> It
< braceletboy> It's okay if I rename it right
< braceletboy> To avoid confusion
< zoq> sure
< braceletboy> Okay. Thanks
< Hemal> Hi zoq, I was going through the available codes for NEAT. I found one on Kenneth O. Stanley's Website:
< Hemal> I am trying to figure out how to run it
< Hemal> And a number of softwares are available :
< Hemal> From our last chat, you had mentioned "The specification isn't correct", what does that mean ?
< zoq> Hemal: At some point in the learning process the model dosn't evolve anymore, so there is some issue in the Reproduce method, perhaps IsSameSpecies is wrong.
< Hemal> Ok I'll have a look at the code
< Hemal> And should I explore the codes available on the websites that I mentioned?
< zoq> Hemal: That might be a good starting point, also we could use that at some pint for testing as well.
< Hemal> Ok :)
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< Hemal> zoq: I ran the code from the Website that I mentioned. I ran it 6 times(for XOR). The code executed successfully only twice. Other 4 times, the cursor was blinking on the terminal. Do you think that the original NEAT would have some flaws and perhaps the advanced version of NEAT would have solved them?
< braceletboy> @zoq
< zoq> Hemal: Not sure, maybe the defaults aren't the best?
< braceletboy> In one of the benchmarking scripts, I saw that the predictions were made on the training data itself in the absence of test data
< braceletboy> Should I do this or should not do any prediction at all when test data is not available
< braceletboy> in the new benchmarking scripts?
< zoq> braceletboy: Hm, Ideally someone would pass a test file.
< zoq> braceletboy: I don't mind to use the training set if no test set was passed.
< braceletboy> Yeah I thought the same but in the pull request you opened I found such a file. So, wanted to double check.
< braceletboy> zoq: I think I will go with the former. If someone wants to include the predictions also in the timing metric, he/she will have to give a test file
< zoq> agreed
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< favre49> zoq: Alright, thanks
< favre49> Hemal: The python implementation of NEAT works fine
< favre49> I also found it the best starting point for understanding how to code NEAT as compared to SharpNEAT and other libraries
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< Hemal> Thanks ! @favre49
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< Hemal> Thanks! @favre
< favre49> Glad to help :)
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< KimSangYeon-DGU_> rcurtin, zoq, ShikharJ: I submitted my draft for GSoC 2019. It would be really great if I get your opinions about it. Can you please have a look at it, if you have a chance?
< KimSangYeon-DGU_> Thanks
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< rcurtin> KimSangYeon-DGU_: yes, I'd like to take a look tonight. I would have looked yesterday but I didn't see it on the list of draft proposals
< rcurtin> in any case I can't remember who has asked me to review proposals so I am just selecting them semi-randomly and reviewing :)
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< Im> Hello! I want to contribute to the RL project.
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< bhavya01> rcurtin: I have submitted a proposal on the GSOC website for mlpack-translator project. Please let me know your comments when you get some time.
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< Kd_> Hey can anybody tell me where should I draft my proposal for review thank u in advance
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< rcurtin> bhavya01: sure, I'll try and take a look if I have time
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< big_> hey, zoq or whomever let me know if there's a problem with my code or otherwise
< big_> I can't figure out why I'm getting a Mat() out of bounds error
< big_> my data is all there, and I believe the dimensions are correct as well
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< Im> I dont understand. On the github Ideas page, since the ideas are already given, what do we have to state in the proposal, the complete algorithm?
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< rish> i want to know that what do you expect from me ?
< rish> I mean do i need to propose something on machine learning or anything related to C++
< zoq> rish: regarding GSoC?
< zoq> there are some ideas listed on but feel free to propose anything else
< zoq> but yeah this is a C++ machine learning library
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< big> lol i hope a full NEAT implementation gets merged this summer
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< big> has anyone taken it up yet?
< zoq> big: we received some applications for the project
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< saksham189> zoq: I had submitted my proposal last week and was wondering if you could give me some feedback when you get time.
< zoq> saksham189: sure
< zoq> saksham189: hm, what's the title of the application?
< saksham189> Implementing Essential Deep Learning Modules
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< zoq> okay thanks
< akfluffy> notifications
< akfluffy> oops sorry new IRC client
< zoq> no worries
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< akfluffy> I think the (submat) error has something to do with my data, because I've tried every combination of layers, rho, etc that I can and all of them do the same thing
< akfluffy> Just not entirely sure what, because mlpack doesn't catch it
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< Shubhangi> Is it possible to create own custom layer in mlpack?
< akfluffy> It sure is. Although this might not be the best example, there is one demonstrating a custom Sigmoid layer at
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< akfluffy> what should rho be for an RNN? the amount of timesteps (slices) in the dataset?
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< Toshal> zoq rcurtin ShikharJ: I have shared my proposal on GSOC website. It would be really great to have your feedback on it.
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< Toshal> Also I was having one doubt do we have support for python language for ANN's?
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