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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #295: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 34 min:
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< mulx10> zoq: I guess I am stuck for a long time on PR #1847. If I edit the to compute outShape. Serialization test fails.
< zoq> mulx10: Okay, I'll take a look later today.
< mulx10> I guess there may be some problem in SerializeObjectAll(), I am unable to figure out now.
< mulx10> zoq: thanks.
< rcurtin> mulx10: I always hate debugging those, what I end up doing is adding printf()s all over Serialize() to figure out the exact line where it's failing, and what it's writing to disk
< rcurtin> I'll also reorder so it serializes to xml first in SerializeObjectAll(), which is a little easier to inspect
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< favre49> This maybe off-topic for this channel, but i have seen some people ask this question on here before
< favre49> I have been in a bit of a rut music-listening wise, could anyone give me any recommendations? I normally listen to hip-hop and instrumentals, but i'm open to something new
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< favre49> Also, I'm sorry i haven't made any progress on the CMA-ES PR, I've been really busy with tests and club work. I hope to get back to it soon
< rcurtin> favre49: no worries. I think it is not what you are looking for but I'm currently listening to Kraftwerk's Autobahn :)
< rcurtin> pretty far away from hip-hop though... :)
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< favre49> that's alright, I'll give it a listen. Thanks for the response!
< johnsoncarl> haha.. its really interesting to work on PRs , like i've been working on PR #1744. Indian classical sounds good most of the time.. Though I'm not sure that the TripletLoss function in the PR #1744 is working fine.
< rcurtin> johnsoncarl: do you have an example of Indian classical on youtube or something? I'd be interested in checking it out
< johnsoncarl> this is the outcome I see to a build after adding the loss test function to the triplet loss
< johnsoncarl> This playlist from oscar winner A R Rehman may interest you
< johnsoncarl> i would love to share more
< rcurtin> johnsoncarl: thanks, I'll check it out :)
< johnsoncarl> :)
< rcurtin> once this album is over at least :)
< johnsoncarl> haha... Would love to share more
< johnsoncarl> btw, please have a look at , the output for the make after adding loss function to the PR #1744.
< johnsoncarl> @rcurtin @zoq
< rcurtin> I'd like to help but unfortunately I have to do some other things now; I may be able to get to it tonight (it's still before lunch here)
< johnsoncarl> rcurtin:
< johnsoncarl> okay cool. i'll try to look at some other things
< johnsoncarl> would you suggest any other , cool light to begin with thing right now
< rcurtin> maybe some other Github issue that is open? I don't have anything handy that's not already written up there
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< johnsoncarl> okay, i'll have a look over it . thanks :)
< johnsoncarl> I personally love this one. , In case you are interested. @rcurtin
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< jeffin143> rcurtin : travis cl build is failling , becse python binding test for ada boost is failing
< jeffin143> I guess something to do with merging of your travis fixes*
< jeffin143> Could you suggest what should i do to make it pass*
< rcurtin> don't worry about those, it's first on my list for tonight
< rcurtin> not sure how it didn't fail in the PR before we merged it :(
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< zoq> johnsoncarl: See my comment on the PR.
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