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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #281: FIXED in 3 hr 37 min:
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< rajiv_> zoq: I had submitted my proposal through the official site last week, it would be great if you could review and give some feedback :)
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< Soonmok> Is there a way to get feedback on my proposals from MLpack contributors?. I've shared my GSOC proposals, and I wonder if I have to just wait or email to someone.
< zoq> Soonmok: Hello, you have to wait, we will give feedback once we have a chance.
< Soonmok> Thank you! I will wait.
< zoq> rajiv_: Already glanced over the proposal, but haven't left any comments yet.
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< gauravcr7rm> zoq: Hey Marcus, I have already uploaded proposal on my dashboard and I also have given access to you to comment on it as asked by you. It would be great if you can give some feedback it. Thanks in advance : )
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< robb9> how do i specify my own error function for a NN? Like my own MSE?
< zoq> robb9: as long as it follows the interface, see for examples; you can pass it at instantiation time e.g. FFN<CustomLossFunction> model(..)
< robb9> where are those implemented: the cpp files?
< robb9> by that I mean where are they located
< zoq> mlpack/src/mlpack/methods/ann/loss_functions/
< zoq> mean_squared_error.hpp and mean_squared_error_impl.hpp are the files for the MSE loss function
< robb9> oh. They were both .hpp so I thought they were just header files
< robb9> thanks
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< robb9> What is the Backward() function for?
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< robb9> what if I just want to define a "fitness" function for how far it got on a certain task ? What would I make Backward() do?
< zoq> you have to return an error, one idea might be to take the maximum goal minus the achivement.
< robb9> I thought Forward() determined the error
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< zoq> true, in your setting this would be the same
< robb9> ah, so I can just return the same output for both
< robb9> I'm probably going to do (1/"fitness")
< robb9> so higher fitness means lower error
< robb9> because technically there's no maximum fitness value
< robb9> zoq: thanks
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< robb9> sorry, I have another question. I'm assuming Backward() helps the network learn, so how would backprop work if the output (error) is the same for Forward() and Backward?
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< robb9> do the ensmallen optimizers use the error function I provided automatically or do I have to explicitly state it
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< krgopal> HELP
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< robb9> What if I want to evaluate the overall network, and I can't do it incrementally like Evaluate() does?
< robb9> because using my fitness function I cannot return the "error" of a specified single datapoint
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< ReemGody> hello every one . I just want to apologize because I wa having problems with my mailing application as it required activation, so when I activated it, it sent all the mails I have written, so you may find the same mail sent from me multiple times on the mailing list
< ReemGody> Really sorry
< ReemGody> I have a question. I was exploring the tutorials on the library's repo and I found out that there were no tutorials for using reinforcement learning api, so I thought may be I could add a tutorial for this as I learn about the functionality.
< ReemGody> I could submit a pull request with that if you like the idea
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< zoq> ReemGody: Hello, if you like to write something up, please feel free.
< zoq> robb9: ensmallen will only see the funcition you pass, and depending on the optimizer it calls Evaluate(...) which returns the loss and Gradient(...)
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< zoq> robb9: If you batchSize = Number of samples, it coudl work
< zoq> robb9: The backward should return the error w.r.t the current input: I think if you take a look at the MSE layer it might be comes clear.
< zoq> Really like the new stackoverflow design :)
< rcurtin> the sparkles help me concentrate on the answer :)
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