ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
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< akfluffy> hey, is anyone available to take a look at a few lines of code? I keep getting the same Mat::SubMat() error with my RNN. I feel like it's a simple fix but I can't figure it out:
< akfluffy> I'm thinking it has something to do with my rho or the size of the input cube
< akfluffy> so far I've tried changing basically all of the network and input parameters to no avail
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< rajiv_> zoq: Thank you for reviewing the proposal! I have made the changes you suggested and also replied to the queries. Please let me know if anymore changes have to be made :)
< rajiv_> rcurtin: It would be great if you could also give your feedback about the proposal :)
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< Sergobot> zoq: hi ;) just updated my proposal, hope you take a look soon. thanks in advance :)
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< trinity> ss
< trinity> anyone get me with the github link of the mlpack
< trinity> thanks
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< ShikharJ> Toshal: We'll be taking a look soon
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< sreenik> Hi! Are we having the video meet today?
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< rcurtin> sreenik: yes, just sent an email to the list about it
< sreenik> Oh, great!
< perfectfit> help, I am new.
< rcurtin> sreenik: yes, just sent an email to the list about it
< rcurtin> oops, sorry about that
< rcurtin> perfectfit: take a look at for information about how to get started
< perfectfit> Thank you
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< Masstran> Hello! May I ask question about GSoC here or is it better to do it by email?
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< chandramouli_r> Hi guys
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< chandramouli_r> I wanted to participate in GSoC 2019 this year
< chandramouli_r> I would like to submit a proposal
< chandramouli_r> should i first contribute and then write a proposal or should i write a proposal now ? and then start contributig ?
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< chandramouli_r> I would like to work on Reinforcement learning
< chandramouli_r> what could be the first contribution for this project
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< favre49> Is it fine if i just listen in on the video call? I can't talk or anything but I just want to know what's going on :)
< rcurtin> favre49: of course, feel free
< favre49> okay thanks :)
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< zoq> chandramouli_r: Welcome, feel free to submit an application and start contributing, there is no requirement to contribute something before, but it is helpful for sure.
< zoq> Masstran: You can ask here.
< chandramouli_r> @zoq: i have built an AI that plays the game 2048 using python which calculates the moves using heuristic score
< chandramouli_r> and by using alpha beta pruning method to increase the efficiency
< zoq> chandramouli_r: Wow, nice.
< chandramouli_r> is this similar or kind of different ?
< chandramouli_r> Will you be mentoring the project
< chandramouli_r> ?
< zoq> The project would be more on the method side, 2048 would be a nice example to show what can be done with it. Ideally we are looking for soemthing that is novel or provides something that isn't available in another toolkit.
< chandramouli_r> 2048 written in python is good enough for an example ?
< chandramouli_r> or in C++ ?
< chandramouli_r> Okay what is the first step towards this project ?
< zoq> hm, that could work, but this is a C++ library, we used open ai gym for some examples, which we wrapped so that it can be used in C++
< chandramouli_r> like what should be done to show I am qualified and interested ?
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< zoq> I can see that you are interested :), you can write a nice application, perhaps include a link to the python project you already did
< chandramouli_r> okay yeah i will
< zoq> also maybe you find find an interessting issue on github
< KimSangYeon-DGU> ow can i enter the meeting??
< KimSangYeon-DGU> How can i enter the meeting??
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Thanks!!
< chandramouli_r> thanks but the project says there is no relevant tickets.
< zoq> maybe you an find something that isn't project related
< zoq> a big part is to get familair with the codebase
< zoq> in which case any issue will help here
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< ShikharJ> zoq: I'll be joining in a bit late.
< zoq> okay, see you there
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: no worries
< chandramouli_r> okay in that case can you help me out with application
< chandramouli_r> is anyone else contributing for the project just in case to discuss ?
< zoq> I'll see if I have a chance to provide feedback, ther is an application guide in the github wiki
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< robertohueso> My internet connection is not working very well today :(
< akhandait> Has the meeting started, I can connect but can’t see or hear anybody?
< robertohueso> i'm listening for like 20% of the conversation
< zoq> no problem, we will send notes afterwards, I guess you can see if you can join
< rcurtin> somebody let me know if I stop coming through :)
< zoq> will do
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< ShikharJ> I guess there's way too much traffic. My firefox tab crashed.
< Toshal> Hi sir, which is better mobile app or website?
< zoq> I can see that you connect and disconnect.
< ShikharJ> Yeah :(
< zoq> Toshal: Not sure we use this one for the first time.
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Might be helpful to ask individual speakers to enable video and audio?
< zoq> ShikharJ: hm, perhaps you can test chrome, that's what I did
< zoq> firefox, is somewhat slow for me as well
< chandramouli_r> can i submit my proposal before tomorrow ?
< zoq> sure any time
< chandramouli_r> and then shall i contribute will that work ?
< favre49> has the meeting started? chrome is showing icons, but i can't hear anything
< zoq> that works
< chandramouli_r> thanks
< zoq> favre49: yes
< favre49> do you think something is wrong on my side or is it just the traffic?
< ShikharJ> zoq: Ack, chuck it. Even chrome is not responding very well. I guess it's the traffic.
< zoq> favre49: maybe a little bit of both, did you test another browser?
< ShikharJ> zoq: I'll join in on another meeting then.
< favre49> zoq: Firefox wouldn't do anything, chrome is giving no audio
< favre49> I think i will just attend the next meeting too then
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< chandramouli_r> I have my exams in a couple of weeks.
< chandramouli_r> from mid April to starting of May. I will contribute as much as possible.
< chandramouli_r> I will now make my proposal and submit my idea and then make small steps towards the project
< zoq> rcurtin: Can you mute the mic in between?
< rcurtin> of course, sorry :)
< zoq> thanks
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< zoq> rcurtin; you disconnected
< zoq> or maybe it's me?
< KimSangYeon-DGU> oh
< rcurtin> uh-oh
< rcurtin> hang on let me reconnect
< KimSangYeon-DGU> I disconnected
< ayesdie_> I disconnected too
< rcurtin> ha
< rcurtin> okay
< rcurtin> let me see if I can restart Jitsi...
< zoq> okay
< akhandait> Yeah
< rcurtin> ok, I restarted the whole thing and was able to rejoin
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Rejoined
< zoq> turn everything off and on again, always a good idea
< saksham189> akhandait: which VPN are you using?
< KimSangYeon-DGU> :)
< akhandait> TouchVPN, it’s just a chrome extension
< ShikharJ> Which server?
< ShikharJ> akhandait:
< akhandait> UK server
< zoq> rcurtin: Looks like you are disconnected?
< rcurtin> again?
< rcurtin> ok, let me reconnect
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< akhandait> Yeah
< zoq> I can see you are typing but can see or hear anything
< ShikharJ> akhandait: Yeah, UK server works.
< rcurtin> I'm still seeing Suryo's messages though
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< zoq> we can see you
< zoq> but audio is buggy
< rcurtin> I'm not saying anything
< rcurtin> I can hear fine though
< saksham189> I can hear now with the vpn
< ShikharJ> Hmm, looks like Chrome is crashing too.
< ShikharJ> Is there a way I can join in via Phone app? Room name?
< zoq> ShikharJ: Not sure this runs on a private EC2 instance
< ShikharJ> zoq: I see.
< Toshal> Mobile app is not that good as well
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< rcurtin> a meeting plagued with technical difficulties :)
< rcurtin> we can do better next time; I will look into alternatives :)
< KimSangYeon-DGU> :)
< Toshal> Is it over?
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< KimSangYeon-DGU> Toshal: Yeah
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< zoq> Will send a summary later today
< akhandait> rcurtin: I couldn’t hear anything you said at the end, I guess I will have to check the notes
< zoq> Same for me, not really good at lip reading
< rcurtin> akhandait: sorry about that---basically I just said I benchmarked mlpack against Tensorflow on the CPU
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< rcurtin> and for prediction, mlpack was roughly 2x faster than TensorFlow for simple FFNs
< rcurtin> so I was just saying that is promising for when we can move to the GPUs :)
< akhandait> That’s great!
< Toshal> rcurtin: That's great.
< rcurtin> thanks everyone for joining the meeting by the way. maybe we can try another one in a month :)
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< rcurtin> well, also those benchmarks were ~2016 so things may have changed too...
< akhandait> Yeah, not a very smooth meeting experience :p, but I guess we will try another software next time
< ShikharJ> rcurtin: What did I miss?
< rcurtin> Marcus said he took notes and would send them out; sorry that there were audio problems
< Toshal> rcurtin: Have you tested on pytorch? it's somewhat faster than tensorflow.
< rcurtin> I haven't, it wasn't a very good benchmarking test :)
< rcurtin> I'd call it an "observation" more so than a "benchmark"
< Toshal> rcurtin: Okay but, that's great.
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< rcurtin> by the way here are the slides I used to mention big changes and improvements, etc., at the beginning:
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Thanks for sharing it.
< chandramouli_r> Can I know the possible mentors of reinforcement learning
< chandramouli_r> Their nicknames in this channel ?
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: I had no idea we already had some 65 PRs in the past 3 months. Thats considerable progress.
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Interesting.
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< Toshal> chandramouli_r: This might be helpful
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: agreed, it kind of blew my mind a bit :)
< chandramouli_r> Toshal: Thanks I have gone through that page but I need the nicknames of the mentors in this channel. I am yet to know them in this channel.
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< favre49> Just read the slides, thats some pretty cool stuff. I just wanted to point out a tiny mistake, I didn't add the CNE optimizer, merely optimized it. Kartik Nighania was the one to write the code, I believe.
< favre49> Also, I will start working on that CMA-ES inconsistency fix after I give in my gsoc proposal. I think I've misunderstood some things, so I'll hopefully have something by mid-April
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< rcurtin> favre49: ah, thanks, I figured that there was at least one error I made :)
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< akfluffy> For an RNN: I should have 1 row for each feature, 1 column for each
< akfluffy> datapoint in a timestep, and one slice for each timestep right?
< rcurtin> akfluffy: I believe that is right but I am not 100% sure
< rcurtin> I've seen your posts over the past few days but I'm not entirely sure of the solution
< rcurtin> I hink you said you used gdb but have you tried 'catch throw' to catch the armadillo ezception and do a backtrace?
< rcurtin> sorry for bad spelling... phone typing :(
< akfluffy> no, I will try that. thanks
< rcurtin> it's not a pretty solution but it should at least get you closer to what's wrong
< rcurtin> make sure to post the result if you find out what is wrong... ideally we would want to give better output so people don't have to dig so deep to figure out what is wrong
< akfluffy> alright, will do
< akfluffy> someone had a similar error a while back but it turned out it was because they had a LogSoftLayer but gave labels not in that range
< akfluffy> LogSoftMax layer**
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< rcurtin> yeah, I think that may be true for NegativeLogLikelihood too; the labels need to be [1, num_classes] not [0, num_classes - 1]
< akfluffy> Unfortunately I'm not even training the set, it does this when I evaluate it or use Predict()
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< akfluffy> I think I've found the problem
< akfluffy> submat (...in_row2=18446744073709551615)
< akfluffy> For some reason the input row is being set to that
< rcurtin> that looks like the equivalent of size_t(-1)
< rcurtin> so if you have some unsigned type and then 1 is being subtracted from it, that would be the issue
< akfluffy> ahh.
< akfluffy> I was using unsigned long longs because that's what arma::uword is, no?
< akfluffy> well, I've printed out all of my uwords and they aren't that... It's time to check if armadillo somehow subtracts 1 for some reason
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< Masstran> Well, I tried sending an email and clearly did something wrong as it doesn't look anything like correct
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< Masstran> So I was meaning to ask basically two things. The first one is probably the one everybody asks at this time of the year, can pls somebody (preferably mentor, but any feedback appreciated) check my proposal and give feedback on it?
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< akfluffy> rcurtin: I think I've found the problem, it has to do with the results cube.
< akfluffy> results.slice(seqNum).submat(0, begin, results.n_rows - 1, ...) For some reason, results.n_rows here is 0 so it substracts 1 from 0 and errors
< Masstran> The second is about the thing I'd want to do, NEAT algorithm. I'm actually not that sure it's gonna fly at all with given API. I was looking through the optimization API and it doesn't really add up with how I understand that NEAT works. As I understand, NEAT only optimizes object functions which take Neural Networks as inputs (and finds the Network, which gives best result on that function). This doesn't correspond with
< Masstran> optimization API, as it doesn't seem to make any limitations on function input. Wouldn't this issue make it impossible to implement NEAT with those requirements?
< Masstran> We could probably solve this problem by creating new FunctionType, but I'm not sure it's the best solution
< akfluffy> outputSize gets set to 0 and never set to anything else in rnn_impl.hpp
< akfluffy> so since outputSize is always 0, the results cube will have 0 rows, and then later down the line it will subtract 1 from the result cube rows
< rcurtin> akfluffy: makes sense, maybe the responses cube you are passing in has 0 for n_rows? just an idea, I am not sure
< akfluffy> I just used arma::cube predictions;
< rcurtin> Masstran: sorry I can't help with the NEAT project, but maybe the architecture of the network can be understood as a matrix itself, which may make optimization in ensmallen's framework more easily possible. I'm not sure, I'm not the mentor for the project; maybe there has been other discussion already
< rcurtin> I'll try and take a look at the proposal but can't promise anything---my night is already booked and I'm out of town over the weekend
< Masstran> Thanks, sure, no problem
< Masstran> I'll think a bit more about how it might be possible
< akfluffy> I tried specifying the dimensions for the outputCube myself, but outputSize still ends up as 0. The RNN constructor sets it to 0 and doesn't change it AFAIK
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< akfluffy> imo it looks like a problem with mlpack but I doubt it
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< zoq> one of my hdds failed ... good to have redundancy
< rcurtin> definitely
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< rcurtin> did you buy each HDD in the RAID from different suppliers? :)
< rcurtin> I always do that but it's probably too paranoid
< rcurtin> the observation is that if you get, e.g., 5 drives off amazon, they're likely to be from the same batch, and this increases the likelihood that they will fail with the same number of hours on them
< rcurtin> I don't know if that's just paranoia or it's actually well-supported
< zoq> not at all paranoid, I do the same, and yes they are different
< zoq> unfortunately I did something wrong with boot partition, so it took me way more time to get this back
< zoq> hopefully the resilver process will finish before the other HDD fails
< akfluffy> lol raid 0 here
< akfluffy> anyways, I will keep tracing with gdb but it gets harder because I did not write rnn_impl.hpp lol
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< akfluffy> ls
< akfluffy> sorry again. this client has no differentiation from a normal shell
< akfluffy> is there a way to compile my program single thread without having to rebuild mlpack? I want to reverse-step in gdb
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< rcurtin> akfluffy: you could run with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
< rcurtin> otherwise you'd have to reconfigure CMake with -DUSE_OPENMP=OFF and then rebuild