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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #308: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 56 min:
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< mulx10> jeffin143: Exactly :p
< mulx10> exams are a bit tiring
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< jeffin143> rcurtin , zoq : I went through the layers folder in ann dir and couldn't find a suppprt for ' flatten layer ' and also a ' reshape layer'
< jeffin143> Is it there ?, and if not I would like to implement these two layers* since i find it would be good to add a support to flatten a layer and also reshape it . Though i would like to hear from both of you too.
< zoq> jeffin143: Right, I guess reshape could do the same as flatten?
< jeffin143> Oh wow , did think that way. Umm there is one more query , is there any support in armadillo to reshape from 2 d to a 3d , basically from mat to cube
< jeffin143> What i mean to say is there is an array of size 100*100 what i want to do is reshape it to 10*10*100 ..??
< jeffin143> Can i achieve it..?? Couldn't find going through documentation . May be i would have over looked
< jeffin143> Thanks, would go through it :)
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< hsankesara> Hey community, I am working on a PR and I need to run tests on my local PC to make sure they are working. Since CMake file of test is big and I only need to test few method, I deleted unwanted tests from CMake. Then when run make mlpack_test, I am getting that error:- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/gcrt1.o: In function `_start': (.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main' collect2: error: ld returned 1
< hsankesara> I am trying to debug it from hours now but couldn't. Any help will be appreciated.
< zoq> hsankesara: Did you comment mlpack_test.cpp?
< hsankesara> Yeah, I did that.
< zoq> The file is the entry point for the test cases (main(..))
< zoq> So this is one file that you shouldn't remove the the CMake file.
< hsankesara> Oh my bad, I commented everything except the desired ones. Thanks for helping.
< zoq> you might also need test_function_tools.hpp, test_tools.hpp, serialization.cpp and serialization.hpp
< hsankesara> I deleted the lines. Let me make those other changes and see if it's working. Thank you for the instant reply and help.
< zoq> Happy to help.
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